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    Thursday, February 25, 2021

    Dark Souls We all complain about the Anor Londo Archery Club, but no one ever talks about traversing those damn church rafters!

    Dark Souls We all complain about the Anor Londo Archery Club, but no one ever talks about traversing those damn church rafters!

    We all complain about the Anor Londo Archery Club, but no one ever talks about traversing those damn church rafters!

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 08:10 AM PST

    One wrong swing of the sword and you're off. I just successfully killed one of those fucking white-robed assassins and, in attempting to get around his crumpling body, fell right off. Such a needlessly obnoxious part of the game, and such a lengthy trip back from the bonfire, right before the damn archers.

    submitted by /u/larebareblog
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    anyone else always return to using the claymore?

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 07:48 PM PST

    every time i play i always end up using the baemore claymore, no matter what build it is i always reject whatever other weapon i initially wanted to use for the claymore, for example i wanted to do a runthrough with halberds (specifically the great scythe) and using dmb to buff, but i went back to the claymore because it has the best moveset, decent range, swing speed, and is buffable, so anyway how can i get over my addiction?

    submitted by /u/sleepyppl
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    The way out of Blighttown changed me as a person.

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 12:29 AM PST

    Upper Blighttown was awesome. Super creepy, enemies were fun to fight (except the dogs, but that goes without saying).

    But dear god, lower Blighttown was a nightmare. The mosquitoes always seemed to be in a spot where they could hit me but I couldn't hit them and I kept dying after falling off of something that looked like it should have been fine to walk on.

    After a few deaths, I made it to Quelaag. Beat her relatively easily, within five or six tries. Then I went to the waterwheel to leave and I swear, that structure is the actual area boss.

    First I kept making the mistake of stepping off the waterwheel when the platforms were level with each other, causing me to fall and die. Then I discovered the tree branch of death, which I'm sure you all know about. Because I kept dying on the way back across, I had to keep crossing to pick my 25k souls back up, and then I would slip off and die on the way back.

    Eventually I made it across, but I was getting shot by blowgunners. I already knew they didn't respawn when they died and I was doing good on Estus, so I decided to go ahead and clear them out. Went well until I tried to go after the blowgunners surrounded by fire dogs.

    After a death or two, all the blowgunners were gone, but my souls were down there, surrounded by fire dogs. That's 25,000 souls, I wasn't about to leave it. So I hatched a cunning plan: I would lure the dogs to one area and use a plunging attack to take all or most of them out nice and quickly.

    The plunging attack killed maybe two of them, but the rest made short work of me, and that was the end of all my souls. I did get three armor sets and a shield out of Blighttown, but at what cost? My character looks fantastic in the Wanderer set, but was it worth it?

    submitted by /u/windermere_peaks
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    Does anyone else find that watching the enemies' shoulders is the key to parrying them effectively?

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 11:12 PM PST

    Both a question, and somewhat of a "Try this" piece of advice to some people here. I'm playing around in Anor Londo and using the Silver Knights for parry practice. Granted, their attacks are a lot more obvious and winded up than most typical enemies, but they seem to have taught me some fundamental rule to help with parrying.

    Most of us know that you're supposed to parry when the active phase of the attack starts, and not during the windup. To the defense of many people, trying to watch out for individual movement frames is a lot easier said than done. But after doing it on countless hollows, a bunch of Man-Serpents and the Silver Knights in Anor Londo, I've found one thing that helps a whole lot : Watch their shoulders (at least, for normal swinging attacks and not jumping attacks).

    Shoulders are where the movement will originate, and correspondingly, becomes the best place to wait for the movement frames. Since the forearm/hands have to follow the shoulders, this becomes the ideal spot to watch. This is largely thanks to the fact that when the shoulder joint begins the movement of the swing, the rest of the arm will still take some time (albeit a very short time, but there's still a delay) to travel the distance of the swing. But shoulder movement will give away the active phase, and therefore the active movement frames as well.

    When I started watching the shoulders (or even the humerus, just everything at the base of the arm instead of the end) of the enemies, my parrying success rate went up from like 50-60% to what feels like 70-90% now. There are still times when I get reckless and whiff the parry (and then die because of it), but nonetheless it does help quite a bit if you're calm.

    submitted by /u/Filegfaron
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    Praise the Sun! I finally got the plat on this masterpiece

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 09:14 PM PST

    I think I've seen enough Chaos Eaters in the last 3 hours to last a lifetime but man I'm glad I did it. Make sure to get all your required slabs on every playthrough

    submitted by /u/HeyyyCousinNiko
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    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 04:53 PM PST

    Didnt know after winning your immediately tossed into ng+ looks like artorias and manus first attempts will be a harder fight

    submitted by /u/BTTTN_masher
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    My version of the legendary Abysswalker

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 12:46 PM PST

    I love the boss & scenery design in the Souls series so Here is my take on Artorias in Diablo/PoE style.

    submitted by /u/martension
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    Portcullis at the undead parish just killed the Boar

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 05:24 AM PST

    First time it happened in countless runs, and it dealt tons of damage, more than half health in NG++

    small coincidence: with a character called exactly like the one i used when this happened, which i also use to 100% the game, in Dark Souls 3, in NG+4, the undead settlement portcullis dealt 203 damage to a dog and killed it

    Also i saw a Vagrant, from what i know they're really rare nowadays, a red hostile one, near the anor londo archers.

    submitted by /u/fizio900
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    You weren’t lying about the O/S fight

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 08:16 PM PST

    I've seen a bunch of people bitching about this fight. It's my first play through and I feel like I've done relatively well, until now. These guys are just shredding my asshole to pieces. I've tried different weapons and armor, I've lost lots of humanity trying to summon Soliare to help me. I keep getting utterly destroyed. I might just be getting tired and impatient since I've been fighting them nonstop for about 3 hours now. Any tips for a noob?

    submitted by /u/delicious_boner
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    Weird math

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 07:55 PM PST

    So I've settled on Dark Souls Remastered being in my top 10 games of all time, and maybe even top 3. But I think Dark Souls 2: SoTR is my favorite in the series and I can't quite put my dried finger on why or how this is possible.

    submitted by /u/BarbarianDruid
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    Why is this game so comfortable?

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 12:06 PM PST

    About a year ago I bought DS for 360, and it blew my mind. Hard but fair, massive and intertwined world. I'm not that good at games but by mere obsession I slowly learned to defeat every enemy and boss in the game - DLC included (fuck Tomb of Giants by the way).

    After about 7 playthroughs I stopped playing, due to the fact that I got hired at the job I was applying for.

    A few months later, actually last week, I came back to Lordran for a quick play and well... minutes became hours. Things have been quite stressing these weeks around here, and anxiety was getting the best of me. But as soon as I took over my character in this beautiful game again, I realized how relaxing and just... Comfortable it is.

    It's a hard game, for sure, but diving in its gameplay becomes very familiar, even cozy I should say. I love taking my time with every playthrough, trying a couple different stuff, just walking through the Burg, Parish, Londo, the Fortress, Archives, Izalith and the Painted world. Even FPS Town becomes a nice place after exploring it with enough level. And the DLC. Damn, that DLC is perfect.

    I felt at home.

    PS: Fuck the Tomb of Giants.

    submitted by /u/negri9
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    So I just beat dark souls for the first time and decided to keep a death counter for all bosses.

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 06:00 PM PST

    A little backstory which is not really needed so feel free to skip. I recently got a ps5 and beat demon souls for the first time. It was my first ever souls game and after beating it I thought it was a shame that I didn't keep a death counter and know exactly how many times the flamelurker killed me. Fast forward a few weeks after I beat demon souls and I still had a hankering for this great franchise so decided to play dark souls remastered.

    All of these bosses I done without summoning. I also used my trusty zweihander for most of the killings.

    Asylum Demon - 1 DEATH - yes I was one of those who fell to the mighty asylum demon. Honestly though I thought you had to die like in demon souls and let him kill me.

    Taurus Demon - 2 DEATHS - This boss I kinda cheesed him by using the old run up the ladder and attack from above, rinse and repeat method.

    Bell Gargoyles - 2 DEATHS - This boss I think I may have just got lucky because I didn't find it that difficult. I managed to kill the first one pretty fast and the other one was just blowing fire at me making it really easy to just roll behind him and finish the job.

    Moonlight Butterfly - 0 DEATHS - I think I fought this pretty late in the game so it was very simple. I literally just stood there with my shield up blocked its magic, downed my estus and whacked its head. repeated that maybe 3 times.

    Capra Demon - 7 DEATHS - My first rage inducing boss. I died 7 times in a row instantly just getting pounced on by those demonic dogs stun locking me and then the capra demon came over and killed me. This happened every time until I managed to one time run to the back of the room and kill the dogs. Once the dogs were dead I could face the capra demon head on and introduce him to mr Zweihander.

    Gaping Dragon - 1 DEATH - Once I figured out this boss could one hit me I just took it very slow. The boss moves extremely slow and is really easy to read so it ended up being no real problem.

    Chaos Witch Quelaag - 5 DEATHS - At this point in the game every boss I fought so far I went mainly with the slap butt strat. Get behind your target, stay there and do damage. I of course wanted to do the same this with this beaut but quickly died time after time after time. So I then realised to beat this boss I really had to get all in her face, once I figured that out I just about manged it.

    Great Grey Wolf Sif- 0 DEATHS - pretty weak boss but still a great looking fight with beautiful music. Also when sif was limping at the end it was heartbreaking.

    Iron Golem - 4 DEATHS - I think I fell of the edge 4 times. Whoops.

    Crossbreed Priscilla - 0 DEATHS - Another one of my favourite bosses even though it was so easy. She is a beautiful character accompanied by lovely music. Also fighting her and looking for the feet in the snow made me think of gollum on top of mount doom fighting Frodo which made it even cooler.

    Ornstein and Smough - 11 DEATHS - You know when I said I didn't use any summons? well I lied, I did for this one. I kinda regret it in a way because I felt like I was pretty close to finishing them but after constantly getting my head smash in by smough because ornstein is a little bitch and if smough wasn't there I would kill that little bitch first time. I also thought fuck it there's two of them so there should be two of me. I just didn't know how ridiculously easy summoning makes fights.

    Pinwheel - 0 DEATHS - probably the easiest boss in the game but I'm sure pinwheel tried his best.

    Gravelord Nito - 1 DEATH - I felt like gravelord Nito was my homeboy for most of this fight as he spent most of the time using his big magic attack and killing all the skeletons that spawn. At this point I was kinda op and just had my sheild up and used estus when I needed to. Kinda similar to the moonlight butterfly in a strange way.

    Seath the Scaleless - 2 Deaths - This fight was probably difficult but I kinda cheesed it by constantly spinning around him and attacking the end of his tentacle tail leg thing.

    The Four Kings - 4 DEATHS - This was probably the 2nd hardest fight in the game for me. I again used that magic word, cheese. I equipped the crystal halberd as my zweihander was to slow and before I knew it I was surrounded. I also equipped havals armour and just stood in front of him killing one and taking damage, restoring life, rinse and repeat.

    Centipede Demon - 0 DEATHS - probably one of my least favourite boss in the game because I don't even remember much about him or the fight.

    Bed of Chaos - 4 DEATHS - literally the only good thing about this boss was sliding down the ramp at the beginning which looked like a lot of fun.

    Gwyn, Lord of Cinder - 1 DEATH - This is where I hand in my mlg gamer card I think. Nah but in reality I think this is mainly down to my +15 Zweihander and my high endurance and health. Just kept that shield up and dogged holding down the occasional R2. It is funny how when I fought old king Allant I must have died at least 30 times yet the general feeling I get online is that gwyn is much more difficult.

    So that's it. This post is a rambling mess but that's what happens when you lose your mind beating demon souls and dark souls back to back. I am also now playing through dark souls 3.

    submitted by /u/IronKnuckles64
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    The Journey

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 08:54 PM PST

    Man. Now that I'm on Dark Souls 3 I can actually say, this IS the one. I absolutely love this game. I'm really glad I played the series in order and already having played BB and Sekiro last year. But I literally teared up fighting the Abyss Watchers. When the music hit its crescendo it really had me going. Best fight I've had in ALL of the games I've played by FromSoftware. But I know it'll probably be some better ones down the line. Very glad I stopped being a noob and started playing FromSoftwares' games. Rant over.

    submitted by /u/KanyeMook
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    Dark Souls in Russian...

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 01:46 AM PST

    So I'm a German Russian. Family came from Kasachstan to Germany. I still have family over there and when I come to Russia the next time I wanna bring presents. You can guess what I'm about to ask right? I know its dubbed in English in (at least) most countries, but I need a version to have Russian subtitles. Has anyone got any ideas where I can get that? Or if it even exists?

    Edit: I'm looking for the PS3 version. Sorry I forgot to say that earlier...

    submitted by /u/DrunkTeenager
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    Anyone wanna PVP im on dark souls remastered switch?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 01:24 AM PST

    Soul level 120 Forest hunter Invading as a forest hunter

    submitted by /u/RIOTI117
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    I am very dumb when it comes to this game

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 12:52 AM PST

    Seriously, what am i doing wrong? Have two bosses left, Gwyn and black dragon, but I cannot for the life of me figure out these weapon upgrades. How do I get my Astora sword passed +5?

    Edit, Yes am very dumb, was on the Ds3 wiki

    submitted by /u/jdyhrberg
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    ds remastered crashing issues.

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 12:48 AM PST

    i recently decided to replay d remastered on steam. all went good but a couple of days ago the game started crashing randomly. some areas like darkroot garden or oolacile became almost unplayable, also sometimes in anor londo the screen would start shaking and would randomly get some damage.

    i am currently running it at minimum settings, i even lowered the resolution to 720p to avoid framerate drops since i am using an old gtx650. these issues are quite strange since last week it all ran ok, even in the location mentioned above i had no issues whatsoever, i managed to beat the hydra without a single crash, while right now as soon as i enter those areas the game crashes. has anyone had theese same issues and managed to solve them?

    submitted by /u/OvcoBoia
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    How do I get the doll to get into the painting.

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 02:14 PM PST

    I know I must return to the starting zone, but how do I get back there?

    Also where is Sif? How do I get to him? I opened the thingy with Crest of Artorius, but all I see are these two cats and a ton of mushrooms.

    submitted by /u/yoloswagtailwag
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    What scared you most about dark souls?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 03:24 AM PST

    I have a few, my first are the slimes in the sewer, they completely unnerved me, the whole lower blighttown with those spider moth hybrids gives me cold sweats every time, lastly the mimics completely terrify me, that long tongue and limbs and those god awful noises they make!!! Jesus! What terrified you the most?

    submitted by /u/Kitchen_Aside_850
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    Does anyone find this game not hard, but complex?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 03:14 AM PST

    There are many different options and many different ways of approaching things.

    submitted by /u/Strongbighoneybadger
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    Dark Souls AOTA DLC

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 02:55 AM PST

    So I've still got the Xbox 360 version of DS1 but I've never bought the DLC, is there a way to buy the DLC from the Xbox marketplace or is it no longer available? I play the game on Xbox series S, thanks for the help!

    submitted by /u/akababykarma
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    I finally did it!

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 05:10 PM PST

    So I bought dark souls for xbox 360 back when it first came out. I got to Sif and then gave up. Picked it back up a few years later, started a new character and made it to Ornstein and Smough. Rage quit and gave it up. I skipped DS2 (still mad about DS1) but then I got a copy of DS3 for Christmas last year. I LOVED DS3 and went on to beat it. I picked up DS1 again on ps4 a few weeks ago and I just beat Gwyn without getting hit after getting rekt by him about 5 times (spent hours learning to parry). I finally linked the fire!

    submitted by /u/WhizzleTeabags
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    Best place to farm souls in lower blighttown?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 01:17 AM PST

    I really fucked up upper blighttown because I missed a lot of consumable soul items and I need to be a higher level for quelaag so I need a way to get souls while at the poison swamp bonfire, what's the best way to do it?

    submitted by /u/MeBlu42
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    Need help beating manus, sl 81 dex Pyro build

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 03:35 PM PST

    First time ever playing through dsr on the switch. I've tried over 20 times and I keep getting caught in his combo attacks and cannot beat him even with sif. Please help!

    submitted by /u/mrdrman300
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