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    Thursday, February 11, 2021




    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 09:56 PM PST

    Was doing a no boss death run earlier today, Asylum Demon, Taurus, Gargoyles, Capra, Gaping, Quelaag, Moonlight, Sif, Iron Golem, Ornstein & Smough and the Four Kings beaten without dying. At this point, I thought 'why not get the rite of kindling?' So down into the catacombs I went. Sparing all the details I finally pushed through the fog wall excitedly at the thought of beating the shit out of Pinwheel. Please don't laugh at me too much but I missed my first swing and got assblasted by whatever it is he shoots, I didn't even know he had an attack animation lmao. So yeah, all those bosses beaten in one life just to die to Pinwheel. Time to uninstall.

    submitted by /u/throwawayhahaf5
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    I only just now realized how sad this game is

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 06:57 AM PST

    It's no secret this game is depressing as fuck, but I never realized the sheer scope of it. It hits you right off the bat with the concept of hollowing. What is hollowing? It's something every undead risks, it's madness that manifests when you lose all hope. Almost everyone you meet ends up this way.

    Speaking of which, each characters fates are a depressing one. Practically nobody gets a happy ending.

    The witch of Izalith just wanted to help keep the flame alive and suffered a heavy price that ended in failure anyway. Each of her children suffered similar fates, especially Queelag's sister and the ceaseless discharge.

    Anastacia is murdered because you decided to be nice to someone (though you can bring her back).

    Depending on how you go about Solaire's questline he can end up going mad and you have to mercy kill him.

    Siegemeyer starts losing confidence the more you keep saving him, ending with him either dying in a blaze of glory or hollowing and his own daughter has to mercy kill him.

    Logan doesn't go hollow, rather he goes mad from researching Seathe's notes. You encounter him starked naked save for his hat and he attacks you, forcing you to mercy kill him.

    Crossbreed priscilla just wanted to be left alone, you can still kill her.

    Laurentius goes into blighttown after you tell him about your shiny new flame you got. You discover him hollowed in the poison swamp presumably because he failed to find Quelana.

    Rhea of Thorolund trusted you, was even willing to teach you miracles, and then she's kidnapped by Seathe and hollows out in her jail cell.

    Pinwheel was just trying to get his family back, resulting in the monster he became.

    The crestfallen warrior is depressing on his own, but then once Frampt arrives he's driven over the edge and hollpws oit complety in the New Londo Ruins. Similarly, though he doesn't go hollow (as far as anyone knows), the crestfallen merchant is so downbeat. He doesn't have any optimism to speak of.

    Gwyn, terrible father and ruler that he was, is surprisingly somber. He feared the end of the age of fire, thus he links the fire and hollows out in the kiln. When you finally face him, he's an empty shell of a man.

    Last but not least is the fate of Artorias and Sif. Artorias held back the abyss as best he could but he ultimately failed and went uttey mad. He saved Sif at great cost to mind and body. Sif was his companion, his greatest friend, and he guarded his master's grave for an untold amount of time. When you encounter Sif two things might happen, he'll fight you thinking you're here to desecrate his grave or something far more sad will happen. In the DLC you can save Sif from the abyss which takes place in the past. If you save Sif first before fighting him, he'll recognize you and then mournfully grabs the sword. He now fights you because he wants to protect you from the abyss that corrupted his master.

    submitted by /u/sifsand
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    Ash Lake is the best zone in the series

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 11:40 PM PST

    Title. I grew up looking at my mom's albums of Roger Dean's landscape artwork (the album cover artist for the band Yes), which is uncannily similar to Ash Lake. I was fascinated by his fantasy landscape art and I've always wanted to go to such a place. My mom also had several Heavy Metal magazines with dark and gory fantasy artwork. It's no doubt both of these styles of artwork contributed to my gravitation towards and reverence of these games. Sometimes I go down to Ash Lake just to hang out on the beach and vibe. You can imagine how tickled I was when I first walked into Smouldering Lake....then I got hit by a giant ballista bolt.

    submitted by /u/MisterOffdensen
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    These games are... relaxing?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 02:17 PM PST

    Here's a question: does anyone else view these games as relaxing?

    I'm currently playing through all of the Soulsborne games in release order, from DS1 onwards (first timer), and I'm currently up to Bloodborne.

    Going off of my knowledge from various youtubers and streamers who fling their controllers into walls, I was expecting to get annoyed and frustrated, but I wasn't expecting to see this as a.... relaxing series of games to play?

    I'm thinking this has to do with the mindset I'm jumping into the game with, knowing full well I'm going to fail lots. But I'm viewing each run to be a problem that I need to solve and not something I need to beat or "win"

    As an example, going through Anor Londo for the first time, which was an amazing experience.

    Died on the first big knight. Hmm, what did I do wrong? Ooh, under the legs, like the Iron Giant. Cool! These Bat guys are really difficult. Maybe if I just run past them? Cool, so now I can progress further, what's next? Rooftop run, OK, so going for the archer on the right is the wrong move, left next time, gotcha.

    There's been moments of annoyance throughout the games, sure, but the entire process of learning how best I can push forward is really relaxing and gets me in a very meditative / zen state, despite the games being very much like the strict Japanese dad of gaming, where if you want to progress it's very much up to you.

    "You know the mechanics, you've used them for 10+ hours, I expect no mistakes."

    Anyone else feel this way, or am I just a masochist? I guess it's a case of learning to love the process, not the result.

    submitted by /u/Starvolt_1
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    A Heartfelt Thank You to My Most Recent Invader

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 10:44 PM PST

    Story Time: I had just emerged from the fetid stink of Blighttown intent on storming Sen's Fortress. I stopped by Andre, rested at the Parish bonfire, and went on my merry way to slay any serpent-men who stood in my path.

    The moment I noticed my game auto-save at random, I knew I was in trouble. I have never particularly enjoyed PvP in this game and avoid it when I can. I only remained in human form for co-op and summons. My heart dropped. I knew what was coming.

    You invaded me at the bridge overlooking the sleeping serpent-man. I accepted my fate and offered a wave, expecting you to promptly nail me to the wall. To my surprise, you didn't charge me down and instead waved back. Intrigued, I stepped away from the stairs to let you onto the bridge. Thus, our duel commenced.

    We had nearly the same loadout, with our Elite Knight Armor and Grass Crest shields. But whereas I relied on my pike to keep you at a distance, you fought aggressively with your falchion and Fire-enhanced mail breaker. Our duel was tense as we danced around each other on the narrow bridge, neither of us quite gaining the advantage. Still certain of my inevitable defeat, I fought on, hoping to at least make my last stand entertaining.

    It would seem fate had a different plan; as you prepared a new assault with your blades, you slipped and fell from the bridge to the pits below. Neither of us had even slipped below half our health (though I did sneak a sip of Estus before your plunge). A tragic end to a noble warrior.

    I tell this story because I want you to know you were the first invader, in all my time of playing Dark Souls Remastered, I've managed to defeat, even if it was by technicality. And though your death was unfitting, you can rest assured I promptly died to the serpent guarding the Ring of Steel Protection. In true Dark Souls form.

    Obobobobo, if you're out there, this is Bullard, thanking you for a memorable encounter and a first for my Dark Souls track sheet.

    submitted by /u/Project_Yodel
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    I killed Solaire :(

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 09:16 AM PST

    I got into Lost Izalith and there was Solaire with a bug thing growing out of his head and I thought he was about to attack me so I killed him. I feel terrible. What makes me feel even worse is that I did some research and found out that I could have saved him instead.

    This game is brutal.

    submitted by /u/mattobot
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    How did I teleport into Gaper's hand? Also pretty bad hitbox on the slam before that.

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 02:52 AM PST


    Not exactly a rage topic, Gaper is ridiculously easy on even his best days, but that slam clearly missed and that grab was just... 'What?'. First time I've ever been grabbed by him, actually. No idea what attack the grab is even after being hit by it, since it totally forgot to actually DO the grab before grabbing me. Idiot is so incompetent that he forgot his grab animation.

    But yeah, that was weird.

    submitted by /u/andys3rdattempt
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    To mesame

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 11:09 AM PST

    I put my dragon eye sign down after coming out of a few good matches was feeling a bit cocky. You absolutely decimated me. I put my sign back down immediately in the hopes youd summon me again. I saw you and just started laying fire balls on you, but you didnt even try to hit me. I kept attacking, but started feeling apprehensive about doing so. Then i turned my camera and saw that you had actually laid me a gift. I immediately backed off and felt awful for just blindly attacking. Youd left me not only the last 3 scales i needed, but 4 more on top of that. Then before i could properly thank you with a gift you jumped off a cliff, giving me the 8th and final dragon scale. Ive kept my sign down the last few minuets in the hopes of finding you, but alas you are not to be found. If you see this please id love to give you at least something in return.

    submitted by /u/grandmas_lover
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    Thank you all so much

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 02:50 PM PST

    I'm sorry if this seems a bit off topic... I just completed the game, and I just want to thank some of the people who helped me in this community. I couldn't have done it without them. Thank you, u/tl87plaguedoc , u/SundownKid , u/Ok_Equivalent_4296 and u/marvinyo .

    I really love this game, might've let a tear or two run down my cheek at the end.

    I really wish I could play Demons, Bloodborne and DS2 and 3, but I only have a switch...

    Dark Souls 1, definitely my favourite game of all time. Thank you r/darksouls for being such a supportive community.

    submitted by /u/GoodOldMrDong
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    This game is sad and I forgot

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 01:50 PM PST

    I haven't played DS1 since PTD launched on PC, and now I'm going through the remaster. Just got to the point where everything is going to shit (big hat, Laurentius, Onion Bro, Sun Bro all hollow/sad).

    These almost ruthlessly positive dudes who lost all hope.

    10/10 would be sad at a videogame again.

    submitted by /u/miggiwoo
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    New Fire ceremony

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 12:23 AM PST

    Came across this in the last ReligionForBreakfast video, sounds very familiar :


    The New Fire Ceremony was an Aztec ceremony performed once every 52 years—a full cycle of the Aztec "calendar round"—in order to stave off the end of the world.

    The ceremony itself entailed all the fires being put out- then In Uixachtlan they started a fire on the chest of a captive and cut out his heart to place it in to fuel the fire. The fire then was taken all over the city to celebrate because the sun would return. People would cut their ears and put their blood in the fire. Thus the New Fire Ceremony started the new cycle and ensured the sun would return each day for another 18,980 days.

    submitted by /u/User092347
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    The Zweihander

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 12:18 AM PST

    I wonder and need an answer. Can anyone tell me how much strength does it take to wield the Zweihander ultra greatsword in one hand. Cause i need to parry :(

    submitted by /u/LeComtelol
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    Beaten O&S

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 03:37 AM PST

    I know, not a huge thing, neither an original post, but i dunno, felt like sharing an experience. Not my first playtrough (probably a title mislead, but i was short on ideas) in fact it is my third. But my first playthroug those two assholes killed me more than i can count, and it took me a hole afternoon to beat it, and I LOVED IT, loved it so much in fact that in my second playtrough i felt really dissapointed when I killed them second try, so i decided that i would kill them again BUT i would purposely handicap myself so they can beat my ass again, so i took my greatsword aside and went in with a +5 Longsword (wich dealt 54dmg to ornstein and 105 to Smough) and it took me 3 tries, but it was satisfying, i proved myself that i could beat them without a croch and the battle was kinda long, so I could suffer a little, and i'm really happy about it, thanks for reading my story, and I hope you can relate.

    submitted by /u/Uridare
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    Dark Souls Trilogy massively discounted right now

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 12:06 PM PST


    At this very moment (February 10, 2021), greenmangaming dot com has a massive discount on all three Dark Souls games for Steam. Whoever was waiting for it, now is the time!

    Welcome to Dark Souls!


    greenmangaming website

    Edit: Xbox Store has also discounted the games, thanks to @Paper_Cut_On_My_Eye for the update!

    Playstation Store also discounted the games, thanks to @Dubbs09 for the update!

    submitted by /u/Barzobius
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    360 DLC?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 03:10 AM PST

    Hey guys, this is my first playthrough of Dark Souls 1, and I love it. Also this community has been very helpful and patient in giving advice to me and others that I read about, so thanks for that. I'm playing on an Xbox 360 version, and I'm wondering if it's possible for me to get access to the DLC? I saw somebody in a recent post say that the 360 version does not come with it, so I'm wondering if there's a way to get at it. If not, well oh well. I figured I would check. Also, does the painted world count as a DLC?

    submitted by /u/newcornjobhelper
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    First playthrough, Nito died in 1 attempt lol

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 03:08 AM PST

    This is the saddest boss by far(yes sadder than Pinwheel)

    submitted by /u/AlexCuzYNot
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    [Noob] Am I headed the right way by going to the New Londo Ruins after ringing the first bell?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 07:50 PM PST

    Hey guys, I got through Undead Burg, beat Taurus demon and killed the gargoyles, and rang the first bell.

    So now I have to ring the second one, and I am assuming its below, since that dude at the Firelink Shrine said that one bell is at the top and one is below.

    Now, I am in these New Londo Depths and these ghosts are having their fucking way with me. Spawning inside walls and fucking chopping my shit up? My ol' reliable heater shield isn't even doing anything to stop their attacks.

    I eventually cut through a bunch of them, but still having a lot of difficulty as there is this kind of house/temple thing filled with like 35 of them apparently? So am I even in the right place? Am I too underleveled?

    I hate ghosts.

    submitted by /u/xxjxxx
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    A Matter of Perspective on the Final Areas of Dark Souls

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 01:41 AM PST

    Lately I've been seeing a lot of people talking about how they loved the first half of Dark Souls, but then the latter half, after Anor Londo, was bad and not as enjoyable. So I've decided to give my piece on it and my opinion on how it's a matter of perspective. But beware for new players; hordes of spoilers await.

    >! First, Lost Izalith. People really seem to hate it, and it is actually the only are I could gripe about a little. Yet, I even still love it. It's massive and sparse, yes, but each Lord area reflects what the boss teaches the player. Bed of Chaos teaches the player patience. And so does the area. Ridiculously large with not much to show for it. and moving through it seems like a slog, and it is. But that's where the patience comes in. Does that change the fact that the boss is sh*t? No. And yes, the area was most likely partially rushed, but that doesn't change the fact that it has its merits. Architectural design, sheer magnitude, and the freaking coolest shortcut if you give the Fair Lady twenty humanities. !<

    Second, Tomb of the Giants. Famously bad because of the light gimmick, but I quite like that. There different light sources to be had. Skull lantern if you explored all of The Catacombs and gained it from the fourth necromancer. Cast Light if you freed Dusk and purchased it from either her or Elizabeth. Or the Sunlight Maggot depending on whether you did Lost Izalith first. The game forces you to explore and savor it. And the area itself reflects once again what the boss teaches (even The Catacombs prior). Crowd control and awareness. Making sure you are constantly keeping an eye out for enemies while simultaneously watching where you step. I honestly think it's brilliant and not very rushed. Not to mention it's actually really fun to explore, depending on how leveled you are.

    >! Third, The Duke's Archives and Crystal Caves. First off, f**k the Armored Tusks in the hallway leading to the first elevator. And then f**k the Channelers. And the archers. And the invisible crystal paths. And... well, you get the point. The lesson here is positioning. Using the pillars in inside to hide from arrows and sorceries. Exploring thoroughly to expand the level using the swivel staircases to reach each floor until you find the secret library. And then in the Crystal Caves, you have to be observant and slow-going, watching for the crystal dust to show you the path. It can be annoying, yes, but so can literally any other area in the game. I personally think it's good design, making the player take their time and rewarding patience on getting down to the Primordial Crystal first off and then to Seath after any given death. The whole area is like a monolithic puzzle and it takes patience and the right positioning to solve.!<

    And finally, New Londo Ruins. The most painful of all in my opinion. The whole area feels like a wild goose chase (not to mention the lead-up by finding and killing Sif for the Covenant of Artorias). Running as fast as you can from the ghosts who threaten to overwhelm you and you just hope you don't get stun-locked to death (although we all know that you did at least once or thirty times). Narrow corridors and not much room for error, this place calls for a DPS check. It wants to make sure that you know your weapon has the right scaling and upgrading. If each ghost takes about five hits, then you probably shouldn't be there, especially considering the sheer amount of numbers they hold (Unless of course you're an absolute madman and take it on early). But when you go back after Anor Londo and each ghost is about two hits or even one, then the experience is more manageable. The boss itself is also a DPS check. The fight becomes a pain orgy if your weapons are under-leveled, but with the right damage, the fight becomes more, and here's the word again, manageable. Besides, the area has blue fire torches, which honestly just looks very nice, so what more could you ask for.

    All in all, that's it. I've just heard a lot of discussion lately on how the final parts of the game feel rushed (excluding New Londo Ruins), and are therefore bad. And I'm here to say "Are they rushed?" and the answer would be "Yes". "But does that make them bad?" and the answer would most definitely be "No..... not necessarily". Thanks for listening my TedTalk. Or rather, reading it. Hope you enjoyed.

    submitted by /u/ahyesiamme
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    I just had one of my best Dark Souls experiences.

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 03:24 PM PST

    I've played this game for over 150 hours, and I can proudly say it's one of my favourite games ever.

    Despite that, I was having an awful experience in Oolacile PvP with my SL120 main character. You know, perma backstabs when the enemy never gets to be behind me in my screen, magical teleportation to my back, yadda yadda, nothing new. (Is it just me or it works worse in Oolacile town?) But that's now the point today.

    I got sorta roasted of that, so I said: "Yo I'm gonna begin a new run with a new character, there are some builds a want to try".

    So there I was with my brand new Bandit "Gian't Dadn't", coming out of Andre's tower from Dragonland to the Gargoyles, when I saw this white sign from "SL1Bro"

    So I said, hey why not, let's get ourselves some low level PvE fun. Instantly later I saw another sign from "Achiever". I ended up clearing all the zone chilling with this guys and destroying good ole Gargoyles. I had a freaking lot of fun.

    It wasn't anything too crazy, or outstanding, but coming up with two guys like this so early in the game and laughing so much made me feel so good in a moment on which I was a bit annoyed with my experience.

    This game is great, and I love this community.

    Steam ID if one of these guys finds this or anyone else wants to: Pablomi47

    Edit: pic links Bros4Life Not a giant dad

    submitted by /u/Pablomi47
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    Any tips or general advice for first time player?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 04:07 PM PST

    It's my first time properly playing a Souls game, and when it comes to these kinds of games I very easily panic (I don't know why) and end up just button mashing, so I thought I would try and do a magic build for my first try... Again I don't really know why, I just like magic in video games... If anyone has any tips for first time players or sorcery builds then please let me know ☺️ I started off as a pyromancer with the master key

    submitted by /u/the_best_bean
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    DS1 VS DS2

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 08:58 PM PST

    As someone who's 1st game was Dark Souls 2, and with multiple runs in both 2 and 3, I finally decided to "git gud" and grow the proverbial pair and play the original dark souls, I dont see why DS2 caught so much flak, the interface alone is Miles better than dark souls, let alone the whole fast travel thing. And the game requires to back track a lot having to trace back almost in every area to move on. While yes DS2 does have some flaws, and no Hummanoid enemies doesn't count because its a different world and lore, you're not in Lordran anymore, the setting is Drangleic a human Kingdom and how humans dealt with the fading of the fire and the curse. And yes hitboxes but that doesn't pertain to DS2 alone that problem is persistent in DS1 and DS3 e.i. Ceaseless Discharge can still hit you with its AOE attack even if youre standing behind the wall in the L shaped corridor. I digress I just feel like DS2 gets Hate just because its cool to hate on and because it wasn't what people were expecting it did not bring a whole lot of bad things as most of the things it screwed up were already screwed up in DS1 but it did bring a lot of good changes, Better PvP, Better interface, Multiple sloths for belt and rings, the ability to properly dual wield weapons or switch L and R around for players who were left handed and many more.

    submitted by /u/Dankmemes141
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    So i’ve played all souls games except for ds2 and was wondering if i should get it

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 12:27 AM PST

    I've played ds3, ds1, bloodborne, sekiro, demons souls, and nioh. I've heard ds2 was bad and other stuff but it looks pretty cool.

    submitted by /u/marocoxksns
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    Why are DS1 characters in DS3?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 07:42 PM PST

    So I was playing ds3 again and then it hit me. "Why is havel here if i killed him back in dark souls 1? And why is Ornsteins armor next to the nameless king if he died too? Finally why is anor londo in a completely different area from dark souls 1?" Are there lore reasons for this or did from software just think it would be cool to bring them back?

    submitted by /u/Bulbaking2000
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    Moonlight Butterfly Boss

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 11:27 PM PST

    Hello I cant seem to beat the moonlight butterfly boss and I don't have any humanity to make it so i can get the AI, any tips?

    submitted by /u/CheeseNow57yt
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