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    Thursday, February 11, 2021

    Dark Souls 2 I think I know why Ds2 got so Bashed in the Souls Community

    Dark Souls 2 I think I know why Ds2 got so Bashed in the Souls Community

    I think I know why Ds2 got so Bashed in the Souls Community

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 01:29 AM PST

    So it's been little under 1 years since I got into the souls community....I've played Ds1 , Ds2 Sotfs and playing Bloodborne right now and it seems like Ds2 always gets bashed as the black sheep of the series ....here are my thoughts after about 100+ hours and multiple playthroughs of the first 2 dark souls as Ds2 gets compared to Ds1 the most

    Now imo , Ds1 felt more fun but not by a significant marginb .....but that could be because that was my first souls game....I can totally see the case being made for ds2 , as your first souls game always holds a special place in your heart....but if I had to compare the quality of both games I would say they are pretty neck on neck ...

    But the thing that made Ds2 'bad' for many players and , I was in the same boat for sometime, is the mentality of expecting more of the same ...stay with me here

    I immediately started dark souls 2 after I beat the first game and about 4 hours into the game I was pretty un happy with the healing system and the lack of cohesive - ness in the world design , the ability to fast travel right away and the overall feeling of more ganky boss and enemy design ...I was subconsciously thinking negatively because of how I had expected the game to turn out in regards to Ds1 .....I was judging Dark Souls 2 as an extension of Ds1 first , than as a game of its own .

    So I stopped playing and took a break from Dark Souls in general for 2 months .....Than one day I was scrolling through my steam library deciding what to play next and Ds2 caught my eye , and I decided to go for it again...to my pleasant surprise I was actually really really enjoying the game ....sure there were some stinkers like the earthen keep (I hate those headless bastards) , Fire keep almost made me break my screen but...90% of the time the fault was mine ...just to put it in perspective I was still using the Fire sword you get in the forest of fallen giants ....after Fire Keep tho I made massive changes ...I Invested in my Ultra Greatsword added Lightning to it , pumped up strength and unlocked the dragon rider bow....the game was possibly starting to become more Fun than Ds1 ....which just for the record is pretty small in scale in contrast to Ds2...Ds2 has many many more locations to play in but at the cost of a cohesive world design and the overall catlouge of weapons armors is just insanely bigger than Ds1 , even more so with the crowns expansions.

    This is when I realized that the Ganky Design , the Linear progression were not lazy attempts to bloat difficulty but conscious decisions made in keep with the massive arenas we fight in ....think about it, Ds2 despite being linear has way, way more open arenas to fight in and tackle large groups of enemies in...but people just can't see that because they look it through the Dark Souls 1 goggle of small spaces with mostly one on one encounters ....the game is not appreciated for innovating but rather bashed for derailing too much from the standard formula which is just sad imo.

    After all this I've come to greatly appreciate Dark Souls 2 and I love it just as much as Ds1....sure there are some bullshit areas to play through but every From Soft games has those....I just think Ds2 got the sharper end because of its bigger scale and overall impressive content length when compared to Ds1 and sadly from the what I have seen so far ...DS3 looks like a better looking and highly polished expansion for Ds1...but I'll give my thoughts on that after I finish it ...

    submitted by /u/Skullknight933
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    Dark Souls 2 in Minecraft - Looking for builders to help me recreate this masterpiece!

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 04:12 AM PST

    Hey ds2 reddit community, as the title states I'm making a full on playable recreation of Dark Souls 2 in Minecraft. My main problem is the lack of builders to keep the project going, since I was the only one to make progress on it at all.

    Therefor I was wondering if anyone here would be interested in building the world of Drangleic! Here's a PMC post with progress thus far (there is more than in the screenshots there tho):


    If you have any questions about the project feel free to ask me here or on discord! (Nem#1095)

    submitted by /u/CryPrestigious8139
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    That mace knight in Dragon Shrine seriously needs to chill out....

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 01:40 PM PST

    Does he ever take a breather after swinging that mace 200 times?

    submitted by /u/Josh1685
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    Question about Wisdom Staff

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 01:04 PM PST

    I have heard that Wisdom staff is the strongest/best staff in the game, but I jave noticed that a Witch Branch staff at +10 infused with faintstone does more than 100 extra damage than a +5 Wisdom staff with the same infusion. Why is there such a huge difference when the wisdom staff is supposed to be the best?

    submitted by /u/TheFnafManiac
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    See that statue...gives me the willies.

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 12:43 PM PST

    Death in my no bonfire no death run.

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 08:11 AM PST

    I died to demon of song lmao. This was my furthest run and he one shotted me somehow. Tell your most embarassing dark souls stories.

    submitted by /u/blackside99
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    Why do so many feel that dark souls 2 is the easiest of the series?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 11:15 AM PST

    Let me preface this by saying I've never been particularly good at games, but I'm very persistent, otherwise I never would've gotten through any of these. I started on sekiro, where most bosses and a lot of mini-bosses took 20-40 tries on my first playthrough, then went to bloodborne and on my first playthrough had a comparable experience, but immediately after did a BL4 run and had exponentially less trouble than I did on my first playthrough. Then I decided to pick up the DS trilogy and found dark souls 1 honestly pretty easy except for a few bosses (O+S, bell gargoyles, gwyn with no parries). Even manus only took like 2 tries.

    Then I started ds2 and am now past the Iron Keep, and am finding it tremendously more difficult than 1. I find myself getting constantly overwhelmed by mobs and getting crushed. But the funny thing is pretty much every area in the game, my first time running through, I kill basically every enemy without much trouble, find the boss, go back to bonfire to recharge health and estus, then when I try to run through again I'll die like 10 times to the regular mobs that I just trashed on the first run. It seems like it just isn't possible to pull one or two enemies at a time like in 1, I find myself consistently getting into 1v4-6's over and over again, and I can't just run through them to the boss like in ds1 or I'll get smacked out of the fog gate. Idk if I just get cocky after the first run through or what. It also seems like I just take damage all the time in this game. Shit that wouldn't hit me in 1 does in this game. When I hit an enemy and stun them during their wind-up, it seems like their attack still hits me even though the animation stopped and didn't connect.

    Some of it might be my weapon choice, I've had a hard time finding any weapon I really like that also works so all my upgrade materials have been spread out between like 7 different weapons so my highest few are +5, +6, and +7, and the +7 is a twinblade that kind of sucks. Maybe if I'd just kept upgrading my boring ass mace all the way and had it +8 4 areas ago, this would be different.

    The strange thing is that all the bosses feel so incredibly easy. Like ludicrously so. It's just the runs to them that get me. I've taken out just about every boss in 1 try so far. Smelter demon took three but only because the first two were with a twinblade that did nothing more than tickle him. 1 try with the mace and I think I took damage twice. I think I died to the pursuer two or three times, but I'm having a hard time thinking of anyone else that took more than one try.

    So what am I missing that makes this game so easy to everyone? Are people just judging it by the toothless bosses? And not using fun but shit weapons that can't do anything in a gank, but actually using and upgrading effective weapons that aren't trash?

    submitted by /u/chanandlerbong420
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    A few questions about buying SotFS

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 01:58 PM PST

    So for context:

    I have the original DS2 and all 3 DLCs. I noticed on the Steam store SotFS is ten dollars. But there is also an upgrade version not on sale.

    Question is, if I buy the ten dollar version, will I still have access to all the DLCs I already have? Also, is SotFS a whole new install, or an add on to the base game?

    submitted by /u/Byzantine1350
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    What would be an engaging starting class for me?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 01:51 PM PST

    I recently completed DS:ptde for the first time as your typical knight with a maxed silver knight's straight sword and elite armour, mixed str/dex/end, and felt very satisfied with the 'traditional' experience if you will.

    I'm sure I'll replay Dark 1 in future to try different builds, but going into sotfs for 2, I don't want to just pick knight again. Which class could you recommend to give me something new to enjoy without completely uprooting my experience in the series so far?

    submitted by /u/TheRealBailey_
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    Item Drop in DkS2

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 01:41 PM PST

    Do enemies stop dropping items after a certain number of kills? If so, will Bonfire Ascetics reset this item pool? I ask because I am farming the Shaded Woods Falconers for Sunlight Medals and I am now getting literally no drops at all

    submitted by /u/CruffTheMagicDragon
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    What a ride

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 01:23 PM PST

    I just completed ds2 and beat the final boss and I just want to say it was amazing from start to finish. So many cool things and amazing bosses. I'm gonna be starting the dlc's and then going for all achievements.

    submitted by /u/SomeRandomRedditMan
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    Season pass or scholar of the first sin?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 01:02 PM PST

    I have ds2 but I don't have the dlc and right now the Season pass and scholar of the first sin are on sale. The thing is that sotfs is cheaper than the season pass and I lost my save on ds2 so I have to restart anyway. Should I buy the dlc or scholar? Do you think scholar is better or the ds2 classic?

    submitted by /u/prof436
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    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 12:59 PM PST

    If theres a way could anyone drop some souls for me i just want to level up a but and buy some stuff honestly dont need much if u can even do this

    submitted by /u/Loan-Unusual
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    I killed the fume knight on my own!

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 06:18 PM PST

    It took me about ten, maybe fifteen tries, but I did it. I finally got gud.

    submitted by /u/Spleengrinder
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    How to get correct display in SotFS

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 12:28 PM PST

    Hi guys, I've been trying to play Scholar of the First Sin, and I'm having that really annoying issue of not being able to get the game into full screen. I've tried many options, like the one that worked for ds2, where I put -fullscreen into the launch settings and it worked. I have also tried editing the graphics config, and user config, but neither worked. What has everybody else done?

    *For reference, I am using a 1920x1080 monitor with a 120Hz refresh

    submitted by /u/yamsKindaSuck
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    Where and when do you get Pyro glove and Flamberge?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 12:15 PM PST

    I just did a pyro/swordsman run of both DS1 and DS3 and want to do the same thing again.

    Without much spoilers Im looking for the name of the NPC/location you can get them from the earliest, and how long it generally takes to get there through regular progression.

    Im not looking to utilize tricks/shortcuts, I just want to know how long I have to hit things with my axe before I can upgrade to true pyro/swordsman.

    submitted by /u/oldmanplayingspyro
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    Sinh Hitboxes

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 12:11 PM PST

    I have low level adp and wanted to try sinh on ng+ with my bonfire ascetic and the tracking and hitboxes for the air dive attack always hit I've ran forward and to the sides and dodged in every direction but neither of them seem to consistently work I always get so close to beating the boss but it hits me with a flurry of attacks that are faster than its normal combo I had this same thjng happen to me with blue smelter demon the lower its health was the less recovery time i have and some of the stomp attacks would just seem to account for his whole body despite it never even being like that before it's really offputting and annoying especially with how punishing that dragon's attacks can be i was just wondering if any of you have this problem where Sinh's hitbox seems to have the diameter of a football stadium

    submitted by /u/dreamoose
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    Confession of a DS2 fan

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 07:17 PM PST

    I no longer think drinking estus during a "duel" or invasion is dishonorable. I find it to be a very opportune time to punish your opponent for stopping for a moment and doing nothing but taking a swig. Even if they gain most their health back I'm able to usually do enough damage to make them rethink taking another drink. Admittedly I find this easier with STR-oriented characters.

    Maybe it's because I like to play melee way more than magic, but I think the people who hate on healing during a match are missing an opportunity to turn the battle in their favor instead of just whine about how "dishonorable it is.

    submitted by /u/kpattee1
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    I've wasted a lot of time on the Iron Passage corpse run, maybe this video will save a few people that trouble

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 11:25 AM PST

    It won't let me post as a link, but here you go https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rnYEJ4qMl98

    Maybe everyone already knows how to do this but it really saved me today.

    submitted by /u/ConfidenceKBM
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    Duel wielding?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 11:00 AM PST

    I know there's a duel wielding mechanic in this game. Is there anything special i need to know about that or is it pretty self explanatory.

    submitted by /u/goldphoenix121
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    Big Honking Weapons

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 10:56 AM PST

    I've been digging into the giant weapons, at long last. My previous runs have mostly been sword and shield or spears or magic. It wasn't until I played DS3 that I first tried out a Great weapon, the Great Wooden Hammer. So now I'm running through SotFS, on a quest to find and use the biggest weapons I can find.

    submitted by /u/Matt-Prime
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    Been thinking about skipping this one and going straight to 3 can you convince me not to

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 10:15 AM PST

    I was thinking about skipping it and going straight to 3 but then I thought that maybe I should go ask the fans of the game to tell me why they enjoy this one as I don't want to miss it if it seems like something I'd enjoy

    submitted by /u/Gricey1
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    Does anyone have any spare black dragon weapons I can have

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 09:03 AM PST

    It would mean a lot if do have them I've been grinding for a bit. Message me if you want to help( Update I got them but thanks)

    submitted by /u/Dankykang4
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