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    Wednesday, February 10, 2021

    Dark Souls 2 «Sinh, the Slumbering Dragon» FanArt

    Dark Souls 2 «Sinh, the Slumbering Dragon» FanArt

    «Sinh, the Slumbering Dragon» FanArt

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 04:09 AM PST

    Recently I was replaying Dark Souls 2 once again and as soon as I reached Shulva, I got inspired to make an artwork of Sinh. I'd like to share this and hope you guys will like it~~

    Sinh (fanart)

    submitted by /u/bloodexer
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    DS2 is great and I'm starting to fall in love with it

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 06:14 AM PST

    Almost two weeks ago I finished my first playthrough and I tried to convince myself that I liked the game, that it was 'alright' and even posted that here but the truth is I fucking hated the game like 60% of the time. To put it in context I was coming from DSR and I was badly in love with that game (I still am) so when I bought DS2 SotFS I was expecting just another version of DS1. But the game is different, the movement feels different, the way you have to go through places and fight enemies is different, the leveling is different (ADP is a thing and the levels come faster). I think other thing that affected my experience was that I had started watching a DS1 series in YouTube by certain streamer I won't name, long story short this streamer missed a lot of basic things and blamed the game for it and it was frustrating, tho it was my fault for keep watching but I can't just drop things so easily (which is sometimes a bless and sometimes a curse) and every time I tried to play DSR (yeah DSR) I got frustrated too. But the thing that affected my experience the most I think it was the general opinion about DS2, before I played it I tried to avoid reading or seeing anything about the game but I couldn't avoid all those comments about how the map design was bad, ADP was shit and 'there are so many enemies, artificial difficulty!!' and I tried really hard to go in with an open mind but when you hear that stuff it affects your experience, you want it or not. After I finished DS2 for the first time I stopped playing Dark Souls for a week, I was frustrated and I couldn't enjoy DS1 either but after watching a series by another streamer who didn't blame the game but himself when he made mistakes even when playing DS2 I started to think that it may have been all in my head, I had played too much Souls and heard too much shit about DS2 and made up my mind along the way. I'll make it clear, I don't think the game is as good as DS1 and it has its issues. But DS1 has its problems too and it's not perfect, nothing is. The thing about the map not making sense is a problem, it takes you out of the experience, it can kill the immersion a bit, I don't care about the interconnectedness of the world though, it's not necessary. But now that I'm replaying the game, ADP makes sense and leveling is a lot more interesting, you have to think more about where you will put your souls in relation with your playstyle. Also, Soul Vessel is a thing. And after thinking about this a lot I don't really understand that thing about the game being 'artificially' difficult, it seems a bit subjective, it doesn't make that much difference trying to dodge and hit one big enemy and trying to dodge and hit a bunch of smaller enemies. If someone can explain what is 'artificial difficulty' actually and why is it bad, that would be great but I think MOST people repeat something they heard and sounds like a good argument. Three days ago I booted my PS4 and played DSR, finished the game in 5 hours and 18 minutes, my personal record and a few hours later I started a new game on DS2 (for some reason spend like 2 hours creating my character lol) and now that I know the game and I know it's not Dark Souls 1 version 2 I can actually enjoy it. Today my DS3 copy arrives but I will not jump right into it, I wanna enjoy DS2 a bit more. This game is great, it's not perfect and it's not my favorite but I'm starting to fall in love with it.

    submitted by /u/gabiwave
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    Soulslocke (Dark Souls Nuzlocke)

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 08:12 AM PST

    Had an idea recently for a new challenge run. Unsure if anything like this already exists but I figured I would share it anyways

    GOAL: Defeat final boss and reach an ending.

    RULES: Every time you die, whatever gear you had currently equipped, you discard. All weapons, armor, and rings.

    That's basically it, it mostly serves to test how well you can work with weapons you've never tried before.

    Now for people who have done no death runs before there can be a plethora of extra challenge rules to add to make it more spicy.

    Possibilities include: -Can only level up after killing a boss -No travelling at bonfires -Company of Champions -Limiting yourself to one weapon type (Daggers, great swords, etc.) -Only one copy of each unique weapon (If you die with the bandits knife, you lose all bandits knives) -All bosses -Anything else you might come up with

    I have a feeling Soul Vessels might be useful in this to allow yourself to change from one weapon scaling to another. Either way, had an idea I thought would be fun so I figured I would share it.

    submitted by /u/O-s-l-o
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    Sinh, the slumbering dragon might be my favourite dragon boss of the series

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 06:44 PM PST

    Hit box is probably one of the best, can actually hit the wings and his body doesn't damage you for no reason if you walk up to him.

    His fire isn't 50 metres wide, feels really fair.

    Only has two phases and it doesn't completely change the fight.

    Doesn't fly forever.

    Really clear tells.

    Prob one of my favourite bosses in the game actually. Sick OST and arena.

    submitted by /u/WalkedWithAZombie
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    Alva the Wayfarer, a bittersweet tragedy and my personal favorite side story.

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 11:01 AM PST

    Alva the Wayfarer dedicated himself to curing his ward's sickness, presumably the undead curse. Unable to do so, he renounced his knighthood and condemned himself in personal shame.

    Hounded all along the way by a unanimously hated and thus hateful witch named Zullie, the two came to adore and find purpose in each other. They were finally refreshed and completed beings.

    Fast forward undisclosed time, Alva is now the Seeker of the Spurned, implying somewhere along the way the two were separated either by chance or force (almost certainly spurning force..). His new purpose is to reunite with his sole purpose.

    All the way until we find Alva's fallen remains down in the utterly oppressive dungeons of Irithyll, mere feet outside the cold cell that contains Karla, a very familiar character. It's unclear if Karla is a reincarnation of Zullie, or the child of the two. But, after all their hardships, he perished just barely out of reach, leaving her nothing but her jailors and his bones to comfort her. Until unkindled ash...

    submitted by /u/MassDriverOne
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    Anyone who has played the original DS2 what do you think about Scholar of The First Sin?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 08:18 AM PST

    I like scholar I think it's pretty cool.

    submitted by /u/Tualette
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    Absent Host

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 12:47 AM PST

    I invaded someone in eleyum loyce yesterday and the host was apparently absent, just standing at the bonfire. Naturally, I threw every available rost urn at him, punched him within an inch of his life, placed every prism stone I had around him and some consumables to counteract his broken armor. After that I wrote him a message in the chat to never let his game unattended

    What would you do if you encounter such an host?

    submitted by /u/Fuzzyhead91
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    Dark Souls II on Switch please?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 08:47 AM PST

    I know this Sub has probably talked about this already. I, like many other Souls players am in love with the Series. At the moment the only game console available to me is the Nintendo Switch, on the Switch alone I have put around 200 hours on DSR and I can't stop thinking how easy it would be to run DSII on the Switch if we had it ported over. So I guess what I'm saying is DSII switch port please? I'm going to tweet to bamco everyday and see what happens. End of Rant.

    submitted by /u/LordHidetakaMiyazaki
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    Just bought Dark Souls 2 anything to now?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 06:31 AM PST

    I have beaten Dark Souls 1, Dark Souls 3 and Sekiro so i don't think this game will be challenging, but is there anything specific that is changed in this game?

    BTW i know about human effigy and Soul memory.

    Edit: and sorry if you see these post a lot.

    submitted by /u/hara0329g
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    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 09:12 PM PST

    Anybody else's dark souls 2 online just suddenly stop working and you can't log back in? Me and my buddy were in the middle of a play through and we suddenly got logged out and can't log back into online severs.

    submitted by /u/AlphaBot3-
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    Just spent nearly all of my effigies trying to kill Darklurker

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 03:36 AM PST

    What do? I haven't read of any easy ways to farm them.

    submitted by /u/APhilosophicalCow
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    It seems that servers are currently down on PC SOTFS edition.

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 09:24 PM PST

    I saw a few posts and just wanted to say that multiple people are experiencing it.

    submitted by /u/Deth_By_sn00sn00
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    Wiki isn't completely accurate when it comes to sins

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 02:02 PM PST

    There's bits of info missing. I want to experience the sinner greatsword to its full potential so i managed to get my sin level below lvl 10 with a friend (getting killed by blue sentinels) but below lvl 10 it doesn't work and i want to have 0 sins i have already used the chance from that npc long ago. How do i get my sin lvl back to 0? Will jt count if a blue sentinels kills me in someone else's word? That's the only way i could think of

    submitted by /u/NotAnEducatedPerson
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    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 04:13 AM PST

    So I just finished DS2 and completed all the DLCs and... What to say? The DLC bosses were challenging and had interesting mechanics (ehem ehem Fume Knight) but the final boss of the game was... Meh, at best, more so if you compare it to the final moments of DS1.

    Am I the only one feeling like this? What do you guys think about it?

    submitted by /u/Zokhart
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    Ds2 ENB

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 01:22 PM PST

    Many streamers have a bright effect whenever they use any resin. I'm not familiar with ds2, so is this ENB or base game?

    submitted by /u/MPL4YZ
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    Insolent set farming

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 12:58 PM PST

    Item discovery or no item discovery?

    submitted by /u/big-egg-man
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    Server issue

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 09:09 PM PST

    Did the servers just go out or crash, cannot connect at all and internet is fine. Anyone else having same issue?

    submitted by /u/Zangetsu_WHITE
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    Co-op activity early game on PC?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 11:18 AM PST

    I'm considering getting DS2 on PC but don't want to play alone this time around. What kind of activity is there for lower level co-op these days?

    submitted by /u/g3rrity
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    Thinking about buying ds2

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 02:32 AM PST

    Ive played all of ds3 and a little of ds1 is there anything i should know before i get into the game?

    submitted by /u/goldphoenix121
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    Help with crypt blacksword hex build

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 02:29 AM PST

    Does anyone know a crypt blacksword hex build for pve? I've tried a hex/dex build before and ended up going sunset staff with santier spear and uchi, ended up getting bored of it really fast but now I want to try a str hex build. Should I use sunset staff and a chime? Or just a chime? Maybe that catalyst that does everything? And how should the stats look like around 150-200? Thanks for your help! :)

    submitted by /u/BuyaKazZa1
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    Forest of fallen giants

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 10:36 AM PST

    Windering how long it takes to get to forest of the fallen giants and how many bosses till i get there?

    submitted by /u/Loan-Unusual
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    Highest possible sorcery AR?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 01:21 AM PST

    I'm trying to make the highest possible viable Sorcery AR, for a glass canon build. I have 99 INT and 75 ATN for that last slot. The typical cast rings (clear bluestone +2, southern ritual band +2). Full Hexer's set and the Sorcery Clutch Ring as well. My staff is the +5 Magic Staff of Wisdom. I have already tried Azal's Staff and it was horrible, the damage was better but I'm not going to use that except just to find what the max possible Sorcery damage is.

    The thing is, I heard items with S scaling, when infused with their element, can reach 150% bonus with what they scale with. My Magic damage is 200, and the Staff of Wisdom +5 infused with Magic seems to only give ~125% bonus. Will other types of magic give me higher AR? Or is there another staff with lower base damage but better scaling that'll win over? (I can handle poor cast speed, 99 int and 75 atn and the staff of wisdom feels like the starting staff in speed). Any other items to increase AR?

    submitted by /u/SmuJamesB
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    Best katanas

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 10:01 AM PST

    Wondering what some of the beat katanas are for pve. I live using katanas even if theres much better weapons lmao. Ik theres like 8 and just wanna know what are good pros and cons and how soon i can get them?

    submitted by /u/Whatdoinow
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    Tree guys in the ice

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 07:37 PM PST

    So there were we: Neto with his Crypt sword (a pyrolunatic sunbro), me with the chime hammer (and maybe another two Crypt swords) and our lovely host Ramona Flowers (wearing the Tseldora official farming uniform). Tree invencible soldiers that beated the egg of every golem and piece of ice in Eleum Loyce. We were having fun, intimidating invaders and avoiding traps and ganks in the zone for half an hour but we FINALLY arrived at the boss gate. We were fully cured, motivated and buffed to do this and the tree of us were prepared to fight Aava, the royal kitty or something.

    Oneshot the host.

    Best experience ever, also my hammer is broken. Never taunt a boss again.

    submitted by /u/PescadoChanante
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