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    Dark Souls 2 Weekly General Discussion Thread (January 01, 2021)

    Dark Souls 2 Weekly General Discussion Thread (January 01, 2021)

    Weekly General Discussion Thread (January 01, 2021)

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 09:00 AM PST

    Welcome to the weekly general discussion thread! This thread is for the community to discuss whatever is on their mind (whether it is Dark Souls 2 related or not).

    Have a question that you've been meaning to ask but haven't gotten around to making a post yet? Something on your mind you want to discuss? Playing a game that you think others would like? Comment away! All we ask is that you are respectful of each other, and have fun!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    100%ed every dark souls game (and sekiro)

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 02:16 AM PST

    Sorry for the bad image quality https://imgur.com/gallery/Ej9Wmcp

    submitted by /u/MankDemes9
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    fuck armorer dennis

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 05:17 PM PST

    all my homies hate armorer dennis

    submitted by /u/phattyweng
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    SotFS Greatsword

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 08:48 AM PST

    Im playing DS2 SotFS again and want to try a Greatsword Build, should I go pure strength glasscanon or also skill into other stats (which and how many points)

    submitted by /u/Professional_Regret5
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    Why does walking around feel so weird in this game?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 01:31 PM PST

    For context, I played DS1 back in 2012. Just finished 2 playthroughs each on DS3 and BB. I'm trying to play DS2 Sotfs on ps4 now but something doesnt feel right, feels like I'm playing a playstation 2 game or something. The character makes erratic sharp turns and doesn't feel smooth or responsive at all. I've tried 3 controllers so that's not the issue. Really a lot of the movement and combat doesn't feel "natural" and is making me not want to play.

    Edit: I just beat dragonrider and rested at the bonfire above the arena. I stepped off the edge to go down the stairs, like a foot drop IRL, and it catapulted me over the stairs to my death?

    submitted by /u/Fart_Breather_Elite
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    How would I start an faith swordman build?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 12:17 PM PST

    I'm thinking of doing a build revolved around sunlight blade and scared oath,but I'm having trouble with picking a weapon which is buffable ,and what lv I should stop levelling my faith statThe higher the faith the longer the oath buff lasts so what's your ideas?

    submitted by /u/Whyusertakenlied
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    I desperately need help in Brightcove

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 12:14 PM PST

    I'm in a section riddled with spider enemies but my arachnophobia makes it very challenging to even enter a room without feeling like I might pass out. I could use some help in clearing this particular area and boss which I can only assume is an even bigger spider :/ I'm currently on ps4

    submitted by /u/V3rdantGuardian
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    Elana Origins Hinted at by Flower Skirt?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 03:02 PM PST

    So we know how Nashandra met Vendrick. She said she came from across the sea to warn Vendrick of the Giants. Then he fell in love with her.

    We know Alsanna clung to the Ivory King because she was seeking a man of such great strength to smother her fears. He showed her such kindness that her fears melted away and she took up his mantle when he fell to Chaos fire.

    Nadalia came to Brume Tower in search of the Old Iron King, but she arrived too late and he was already dead. In despair she bound herself to the heirlooms of the Old Iron King and renounced her flesh.

    But what of Elana? We know the end of her story, the Sunken King was defeated by Sir Yorgh and the city destroyed by the poison spewed by Sinh when Yorgh stabbed the dragon, but what of the beginning?

    I believe the key to understanding how Elana was originally noticed by the Sunken King is the Flower Skirt found in the Cave of the Dead. It says "Skirt of a nameless troubadour. While troubadours can get by on their own through wily use of their arts for the most part, they might still require a generous patron. The stunning arrangement of layered flowers on this skirt is designed to capture the attention of a candidate for the position."

    A troubadour sings lyrical poetry set to music, traditionally about courtly love. We also know Elana can carry a tune as she sings the song of the priestesses as we climb down to her boss chamber. So perhaps she seduced the Sunken King with her flowery skirt and the power of songs about love. I could certainly understand him being enraptured by her after hearing her sing something like this:


    submitted by /u/guardian_owl
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    Velstadt fists only, about 1 hour

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 01:47 PM PST

    I dont know if anything like this is welcome here on the ds2 sub. I'll remove it if its against the rules here.

    Theres stuff out there probably at least 1000 times more impressive then this. However this was a good practice round and was actually quite fun to do.

    I havent played dark souls 2 for months. I am mainly a ds3 player. I am that dude who sat there and fought midir for 13 hours straight through with the lowest possible damage output you can achieve. After that one i decided i would want to move onto another game.

    Which i somehow felt i wanted to play ds2 and also wanted to do some endurance runs with it. At first i thought i would want to do vendrick, just seems logical, has the highest resistance in the game i guess if you dont have any giant souls.

    Then i met velstadt and thought to myself, why do vendrick? Vendrick isnt as fun as velstadt.

    For ds2 i found it really hard to enjoy playing the game again. Untill i met velstadt, i was able to pretty much instantly get into the groove of things and got the kill on my 2nd attempt despite not remembering anything from the fight. This could be a second midir for me and midir is probably my favourite fight in all of video gaming.

    Im gonna do a couple more kills over this weekend to practice a bit more, beacause i've taken way too many hits. Im gonna do my first ds2 endurance bossfight on this guy, probably wont be as long as midir but i want to aim for 10 hours.


    submitted by /u/jowit2
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    People who immediately leave after being summoned for co-op: why?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 01:46 PM PST

    I never understood this logic. You're here to co-op, why do you immediately leave? Do you not like my character's looks or something?

    submitted by /u/ghettobodybuddy
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    See you next year all skeletons!

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 06:06 PM PST

    for you who already in 2021, Happy new year and may you find peace on your New journey…

    submitted by /u/ExoticEase
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    If I kill Vendrick after I’ve already entered Nishandra’s boss room but haven’t killed her do I still the extra boss at the end?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 02:09 AM PST

    What to do if u attack licia and die.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 05:34 AM PST

    I attacked her at the beginning of the game and she fucked me up and now she is just completely gone I've checked where she would be if I didn't attack her which is right before huntsmans copse but shes not there and now I'm kinda stuck on where to go. Is there anything I can do or do I just have to make a new save.

    submitted by /u/Warydolphin61
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    Counter-Refutals to some oftenly heard Criticisms regarding DS2.

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 03:03 PM PST

    Inspired by a comment i saw in a similar answer, i'd normally post it there but it exceeded the maximum limit a comment could reach. So i'll just leave it here.

    Disclaimer: This is not meant as an attack towards the original commentator, rather my opinion on his views.


    the movement, which has been set to 8 lock-on points, is clearly inferior

    While i would agree if that was in comparison to DS3, who has the best movement out of the trilogy, i much prefer DS2 movement over DS1. Having played both of them the difference is almost infinitesmal, to the point where i barely notice it. What i mean, is that it is almost incosequential to the gameplay.

    On the contrary, the lack of omni-directional rolling while being locked-on in DS1 was one of the worst parts of the game for me. I ended up going the whole game without locking on because of the abysmall rolling system it would entail.

    Personally, this complaint is asinine considering DS1 lack of omni-directional rolling (This isn't adressed to you directly, rather the number of people who make this claim)

    combat often dissolves into gank-squads and ambushes

    This is true, however the same thing applies for DS1 and in a much more aggravating way. In DS2, while there are gank-squads, the areas are (In general) much more open and spacious , enabling you to maneuver and move around the "Arena" while dealing with a crowd of enemies. (Examples being Shrine of Amana, Lost Bastille, Forest of the Fallen Giants, Heides Tower of Flame, etc)

    However, this is a luxury that DS1 rarely provides. Most areas in DS1 are narrow , confined spaces, like tight hallways , or bridges , leaving marginal or no room at all to maneuver, or even be able to fight (Examples being the starting areas of the game, where even if the enemies are rather weak, it's still considered a gank, the Tomb of the Giants, Anor and New Londo,Dukes Archives, and don't even make me start on Blighttown, etc) . This is one of the reasons that i resorted to use a spear in some areas in DS1,whereas i had never before used one (Or very rarely) in DS2 or DS3. (I'd also criticise Sen's Fortress for this however i understand that this area operates under this premise, hence why it also hands you a spear beforehand)

    Regarding to ambushes, they happen in both DS1 and DS2 equally, so maybe not a so strong point.

    hitboxes are often incompetently designed

    Very oftenly when i hear this complaint it's mostly the player's fault, for mistiming a dodge, that in conjuction with some clancky animations make it seem like some hitboxes are abhorrent.

    I cite this one as an example:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYP1onQnNmE . You can clearly see that he mistimed the dodge, and then because the animation is rather clanky, he got hit and made it seem like he teleported.

    Or they simply misunderstand how they must dodge, like in this one : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OYwNyjdku20 . Alonne's stomp attack functions similarly to Smough's , yet the player , while showcasing perfect capability to dodge his attacks, instead of rolling away from the boss, rolls under it and ends up getting hit. In one instance, he doesn't even roll, just sprints.

    You can find a lot of similar videos on Youtube, and i assure you that in most instances it can be explained due to the player mis-dodging an attack.

    While i don't deny DS2 has some weird hitboxes, this complaint is most often uttered by people who haven't learned how to dodge properly yet and feel the need to shift the blame somewhere. (I mean no offense personally)

    lock-on is far less reliable

    This is simply fallacious. In DS1 you didn't even get omni-directional rolling while locked on , while in DS2 you can roll pretty freely when locked-on on an enemy.

    Furthermore, in the case that by "less reliable" you might mean that you can't circle strafe and back-stab cheese every enemy now like you could in (almost 90% of enemies) in DS1, this isn't the lock on function being less reliable, rather it's the game adapting to provide a challenge.

    You know that this was broken when you could cheese-kill a Black Knight in DS1 easier than you can kill an Ironclad Soldier from DS2.

    You can still back-stab a vast plethora of enemies in DS2, but it's actually more challenging to do than in DS1 and isn't an easy way to cheese the preponderance of the game.

    and the world design has become very linear and lost most of the predecessors interconnectivity.

    This is simply a design choice and in no way a measurement for quality, as that falls under personal preference.

    I've met people who prefer DS1's world design over DS2's and vice-versa. This doesn't make any game inherently superior or inferior, it just means you might like it less.

    ds2 has the highest amounts of boring, stupid and/or unfair gank bosses of any souls game. prowling magus and congregation, royal rat authority, ruin sentinels, demon of song, throne watcher/defender, nashandra, dragon rider, ancient dragon, old dragon slayer, vendrick and many more come to mind

    There is a lot to unpack here.

    While it is true that DS2 has a lot of bosses that range from forgetable to boring, DS1 has the highest ammount (Proportionally) of gimmick-bosses.

    1. Taurus Demon (Big enemy in a narrow hallway with archers shooting you on your back, you can jump on him to cheese him)
    2. Capra Demon (One big enemy and dogs in the narrowest arena in the entire franchise, you can jump on him to cheese him)
    3. Ceaseless Discharge (Can cheese fairly easily by running back towards the fog-wall)
    4. Centipede Demon ( Similar to the Old Iron King, but can stay constantly away from you and spam attacks from a distance, leaving you unable to attack him**)**
    5. Gwyndollyn (Basically Hallway-SimulatorTM)
    6. Iron Golem (Can cheese with stunlock/throw it off the roof)
    7. Moonlight Butterfly(Dodge her projectiles until she decides to land after a good while, do some damage in, rinse and repeat)
    8. Seath (Destroy his crystal, and basically spank his tails to death)
    9. Bed Of Chaos(Arguably the worst boss of the entire Franchise, basically a platformer with DS1's clunck movement)

    Now, regarding the "unfair gank" bosses as you put them, let's take a look at the ones you presented:

    1. Prowling Magus/Congregation (Basically you'd be hard-pressed to even call this a boss, and i'd laugh if some one said this miserable lot has any difficulty. Contended for easiest boss in the Franchise, along with Pinwheel)
    2. Royal Rat Authority (Again, really easy boss. Just focus on the mohawk one. Dies in 4-5 hits most of the time, and if you have a Poison Moss doesn't present any threat at all.)
    3. Ruin Sentinels (This actually surprised me to be completely frank. I find the Ruin Sentinels to be a very decent and balanced boss-fight, considering it's one of the first in the game. The opponents are not overwhelming , and you can even kill 1 of them off the bat if you have decent damage output.)
    4. Demon of Song **(**While it's definitely not cream of the crop, it's still neither unfair nor stupid. It has a unique mechanism that, while may make it somewhat annoying to fight depending on your build, feels fresh. Let alone that it has one of the most original designs in the entire Series .Is also fairly easy )
    5. Throne Watcher/Defender ( Basically an easier version of O&S. Definitely not unfair unless you consider Gank bosses inherently unfair**)**
    6. Nashandra ( Is basically a non-ganky Nito. Again, not one of the best bosses, but far from bad**)**
    7. Dragon Rider ( How is the Dragon Rider an unfair/gank boss? All you have to do is dodge his easily teleported attacks and retaliate )
    8. Ancient Dragon ( Optional Boss, and while it has a ton of hp and deals a lot of damage, has perhaps the most predictable attacks in the entire Franchise )
    9. Old Dragon Slayer ( Basically Ornstein with a few new moves. How is that a bad boss aside from it being unoriginal?)
    10. Vendrick ( Another optional boss with heavily telegraphed attacks , who is mostly there for the Lore )

    All the bosses you mentioned are neither hard (At least in the conventional sense) and most of them are fairly easy.

    Let's look at some of the Boring or Gank-Bosses in DS1.

    1. Asylus/Firesage/Stray Demon (The Re-skin trio)
    2. Bell Gargoyle (Fairly easy, yet Gang fight nonetheless. Actually one of my favourite in the Series)
    3. Four Kings (The most egregious DPS test in the franchise, can be cheesed with Havel's Armour and a Black Knight weapon, prefereably the halberd)
    4. Pinwheel ( Easily the easiest boss in DS1, would be totally forgetable if it didn't become a meme. Barely more than a speedbump in most runs )
    5. Nito ( Perhaps the most vexing Gank Boss in DS1. Having to fight a lot of his minions or risking to cheese the fight using his AoE blast to clear the skeletons.Not to mention it's almost obligatory to take fall damage upon entrance in the Arena**)**

    The only bosses in DS1 i actually enjoyed and could characterise as "good" are the following:

    1. Quelaag.
    2. Sif
    3. Gwyn
    4. Artorias
    5. Kalameet.

    The other bosses fall in the "Okay~decent" category.

    The most RPG elements? not quite sure what that is supposed to mean. I'm not quite sure what RPG elements ds1 for example lacks that ds2 serves. character progression, loot systems and build diversity come to mind. there's no definitive saying which game does these objectively better, although I would go as far as to say that levelling in ds2 is far too forgiving. Having all stats at the same time is hardly an RPG thing, where you're not supposed to be great at everything. ds1 did this far better imo, with its more conservative levelling. you had to be more careful with where you spend your souls. being able to combine all kinds of build in one character is hardly an RPG thing.

    Your opinion here is subjective thus i can't say it is right or wrong, however i will say that i much prefer the lenience DS2 provides when it comes to builds, as it heavily increases the accessibility and possible variety in builds.

    In most of my runs in DS2 i start as a Cleric for the Mace and the extra healing spells, and by the end of the game i am mostly a melee combatant with a few sorceries , pyromancies and miracles as supportive supplements.

    In DS1 i start as a Knight and by the end of the game i'm still almost exclusively a Knight. I much rather the liberty DS2 provides.

    all in all, ds2 being referred to as the black sheep of the series becomes understandable once you try to dissect it thoroughly. I personally find it to be an enjoyable game, but it's far more flawed than other games by fromsoft. If you wonder why ds2 gets criticised a lot by the community, that may be why.

    I quite disagree with this opinion here tbh. DS2's reputation came mostly from DS1 purists that were dissapointed with the game being dissimilar to DS1. When the game came out, and even today, most fans and professional critics are very fond of the game, which is apparent if you look at the ratings it got.

    I firmly believe that people were simply too dissapointed in DS2 not being a copy of DS1, and thus found it a bad game, or a bad sequel, which i find kind of unreasonable. A sequel doesn't have to be identical to the original in order to be good. For example Thor Ragnarok was nothing alike the previous 2 movies, and was much more liked by fans and critics alike.

    Hating on DS2 has become a trend for quite some time now due to the aforementioned DS1 purists, and it's quite unfortunate , really.

    And you may find it overly pretentious or pressumptious to say that the hate for the game is mostly because of that reason in specific, however if you look at those who most vocally complain or criticise DS2 , they almost never criticise it for its own flaws, rather, they always criticise it for doing things different than DS1.

    This doesn't mean the game is objectively worse, it simply means you like it less than the first one, and that's totally okay, everyone's entitled to their own opinions.

    However, since this is the case , don't go out and publicly proclaim "DS2 is bad" because you liked DS1 more , simply say "I liked DS1 more" , since this way you won't be passing personal preference as a fact.

    EDIT: The ammount of people who don't bother to refute my points with actual arguments and simply downvote and say "You're wrong DS2 bad" simply help to prove my point about salty DS1 purists.

    If i am so wrong you shouldn't have a problem refuting my "fallacious" points, would you? But sadly , most people simply opt for mob mentality.

    As further proof of how bad this problem has become is the fact that everyone who tries to defend DS2 now is "a fanboy that ignores its flaws" out of spite, or simply stupidity. Aside from this being a terrible Ad Hominem , it doesn't really disprove said points at all, simply shows how incapable the people who throw these insults around actually are at discussing.


    Thanks for reading, and sorry for the incredibly long post. I know "DS2 is good" posts are really common in this Sub-Reddit, so i appreciate your patience. Feel free to downvote and leave your opinion in the Comments if you disagree.

    submitted by /u/Kodak_V
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    Advice needed for Darklurker boss.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 03:34 AM PST

    I need help with the Dark Lurker. I am have more trouble with him than any other boss in the game. His attacks are easy enough to dodge but when he does get me with one of his spells I die in one hit. I also for some reason am only doing very little damage with my fully reinforced 50 Dex 50 Str longsword. Any tips to kill him faster? I know he is weak to lightning so I am considering re-spec and putting all my str into faith and used a gold pine resin. What do you think?

    I've wasted so many effigies to get this guy.

    submitted by /u/redditisfinebyme
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    Need help with making a female character that looks nice, any tips?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 02:35 PM PST

    I want to make a female warrior who wears Pate's set with the Knight helmet. If you've ever used this fashion combo then you'll know that it looks really nice. Issue is, I my character's face to look good, but I have had no luck.

    Any advice for the sliders?

    Edit: Fearless Hylde now has a face that looks good! I'll post her once I get the fashionsouls!

    submitted by /u/Moonborne_Ash
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    Is the dragons real or a statue?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 10:01 PM PST

    So I just killed the big ol' spider and you have this thing hanging in the back with a greater soul on the ground, so that means it's a real dragon that used to be alive?

    Can't find anything about in YT-land

    submitted by /u/-w-o-r-d-s-
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