• Breaking News

    Thursday, December 17, 2020

    Dark Souls I died 383 times in total (I counted) and 263 of them were from smough :(

    Dark Souls I died 383 times in total (I counted) and 263 of them were from smough :(

    I died 383 times in total (I counted) and 263 of them were from smough :(

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 10:52 PM PST

    I also beat a ds game for the first time.

    submitted by /u/im_vanilla
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    I beat Ornstein and Smough in new game plus! And I did by myself this time, no Solaire of Astora summon and no internet summon! It took me about 5 attempts. Feels good man.

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 06:22 AM PST

    I used Havel's shield and a +5 black knight's halberd. I defeated Ornstein first because I already got his armour in my first play-through.

    submitted by /u/isaacpisaac
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    *insert wholesome meme*

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 08:58 PM PST

    I just recently joined Reddit not too long ago so I haven't really joined a lot of pages but after looking up one of my favorite games and seeing how amazingly nice our community is it amazed me how we can all come together like this, especially on a place like Reddit lmao. Bravo guys, bravo!

    submitted by /u/t00_high23
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    Does anybody else think the crow demons at the Painted World of Ariamis are kinda thicc ��

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 10:16 PM PST

    I wouldn't be surprised to find loads of rule 34 stuff out there for it.

    submitted by /u/Sub_Omen
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    I painted siegmeyer in 2 hours, hope you like!

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 12:26 PM PST


    My kids were asleep, and I've wanted to do this for some time. I'm left handed, and worked right to left. The right is intricate. The left? Not so...Try and find the moment my kids woke up and i had to rush.

    I call it "Absorbed In Thought." Have a good solstice!

    submitted by /u/cretten
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    Thank you guys

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 11:59 PM PST

    I just want to thank you all for helping me each time i get stuck and ask for guidance, without the whole git gud stuff that i bet you find cringe too. So thanks again guys

    submitted by /u/Mephiston_the_psyker
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    An experience I did not know I wanted!

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 06:36 PM PST

    Beat Dark Souls for the first time and all I want to do is play more. I started the game as a str/dex build with a shield and gargoyle halberd, by the end I had switched to a 2 handed str man-serpent sword build. My friend taught me how to parry right before the last boss and now that is all I do. I already started a new game as a dex build with the BSS as my weapon. I am looking forward to playing this game over and over again with different builds. Praise the Sun!

    submitted by /u/Darlito
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    I can't kill Gwyn

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 04:33 AM PST

    After 20 tries, I keep dying against Gwyn. I almost hit it for a try and am wondering if it's normal. I'm not sure I can kill him myself. my question now is if everyone spent hours fighting him or am I the only one?

    Edit:thanks for all the support I'm gonna try again wish me luck

    Edit 2: thanks for all of your advice and support i did It. I BEAT GWYN!!! I Love u guys

    submitted by /u/illoSiur
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    I finally did it! I completed Dark Souls remastered.

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 03:07 PM PST

    Over the years I've attempted to play these games numerous times and failed miserably. I failed the original Dark Souls, Bloodborne and DS3. A lot of this was due to a poor attitude and even poorer mental health.

    Long story short: I've recently discovered that I've had ADHD after 35 years and this played a huge role in my lack of self control and struggles with depression and anxiety. Needless to say: these issues and explosive outbursts of anger made these sort of games particularly difficult for me to play. I've always been fascinated by the design and the aesthetics and have been desperate to be able to play them properly.

    Anyway, as of today I completed my first Souls game: Dark Souls remastered. I didn't throw a single controller, plus everything else in my house, along with my relationship, remains intact. Completing this game marks a huge step in my personal growth and development and I even had fun along the way. I've never felt such a sense of achievement upon completing a game.

    Thanks for letting me share: I thought some of you here may enjoy this tale. Now, on with Dark Souls 3!

    submitted by /u/thefauxbot
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    My favorite game of all time

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 07:55 AM PST

    I finished Dark Souls 1 and i gotta say,its my favorite game of all time,I had started it in the summer, August i think and i just couldn't get past undead burg after that taurus demon, everything was so overwhelming for me. I left the game for two three months and came back really random. I saw the game on my desktop and decided to give it a try again. Good to know that i just had to GIT GUD. I killed the gargoyles,capra,moonlight butterfly and i didn't even know about summoning yet. I was just getting better and better. From that point i was loving every minute of the game.The only spot i felt like quitting the game again was the anor londo archer thingy. God it was so satisfying to drop that guy off and talk to my buddy solaire. Im late on writing because i have finished the game 3 times now and Im playing it again so i can go to the artorias dlc,i didn't know i had the dlc version and i was so shocked to find out i did. I finished dark souls 3 yesterday,its Literally my second favorite game, killing the nameless king in one day made me feel like a god,i loved that game,i prefer ds3 compat but i overall prefer ds1. Anyway,i dont think i can express with words how much i appreciate this game for giving me such an experience but im sure many others feel the way i do and that is enough to make me happy,i really love this community too,its one of the best. PRAISE THE SUN

    And have a nice day

    submitted by /u/Vekashi
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    Dark Souls or Remastered?

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 10:49 PM PST

    tl;dr: I'm planning to start playing the Dark Souls trilogy but I'm not sure which of the two games should I start with.

    I know they're basically the same game but I read that "Dark Souls: Remastered " is for the new players, meaning players that have already played Bloodborne or DS3 (I think, at least). I just don't want to be disappointed with the graphics or gameplay mechanics of Dark Souls 2 if I started with DS:R as I read that some mechanics of DS:R are like in the DS3 (the bonfire thingy, I think). This doesn't mean that I will not try DS:R, I'm sure I'll play that if Dark Souls really is as good as they say.

    [Story] I actually restrained myself for almost a month before playing The Witcher 3 because of the first two games, as I read that the first game is so different from the third and I didn't want to disappoint myself (though I still got disappointed with The Witcher 2 as the first game had richer lore and better story), and it was worth it, you can definitely see the huge improvements with each game but I don't think I can go back to the first game after playing the third.

    And I was hoping to have the same feelings with this trilogy, but if the difference between the original and remastered is not really noticeable and if I'll still be able to enjoy the next two games even when starting with the latest release, then I'll just go for it.

    EDIT: I have not yet played Bloodborne or Sekiro. My friend gave me his copy of Bloodborne TOHE and I thought, why not start at the beginning? Hence, this post.

    Thank you for reading.

    submitted by /u/danielkunxiv
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    What is your biggest regret in Dark Souls?

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 01:33 PM PST

    What is your biggest regret in Dark Souls?

    It could be something in-game or out of game. A bad character build decision that made your progress much more difficult, a story choice that wasn't so good in hindsight, a character you have saved and later you think you shouldn't have, or the other way around. A zone (or the whole DLC) you have skipped before finishing your playthrough, a delicious snack made of flame keeper souls, a controller broken out of frustration, etc.

    If you haven't played yet, stay out of the thread if you don't want story spoilers!

    submitted by /u/DavePeak
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    Why Do People Carry Sunlight Blade and Darkmoon Blade at the Same Time?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 02:53 AM PST

    Why not just one of them?

    submitted by /u/fantastrike
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    Hmm ...? Starter Class Help

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 05:22 PM PST

    I'm gonna play some dark souls for like the first time yes I have played Darksouls3 but never the original and idk what class to pick.

    Rn all I could think of picking is: Warrior, Knight, Pyro, or Cleric.

    submitted by /u/JaceTheKiller22
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    Weapon choice?

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 07:22 PM PST

    What weapon should I use on my next run? I'm going to be using a pyromancer, but I don't necessarily care about a weapon that "goes" with a pyromancer. I'm open to basically any weapon / boss weapon so long as it's a least somewhat viable and fun to use. Thanks for the suggestions!

    submitted by /u/nickaltaccount
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    An Appreciation Thread - I finally beat the game!

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 04:19 PM PST

    It's been a fun couple of weeks getting into Dark Souls learning the combat system, the NPC structure, how to navigate the worlds and after an extremely easy final battle against Gwyn, Lord of Cinder (I think I may have went a bit overkill bringing Solaire into the fight) the journey of my own first playthrough has ended and I've noticed a lot of players have started diving in with Dark Souls and are likely finishing their playthrough's so I welcome anyone to share their own memories in this thread.

    Favourite Weapon: Black Knight's Sword - Ended up being my primary weapon throughout the play through. Fantastic damage output throughout, staggers enemies and while a little sluggish if you have decent enough poise nothing is gonna stop you.

    Favourite Shield: The Crest Shield - Honestly the main reason I choose the Crest Shield is because it was my primary throughout the DLC, even though you get the necklace to deflect Dark Magic there were moments I opted for the shield and it came in clutch especially in the Kalameet fight since he's mean MOFO.

    Toughest Bosses in the Game: For me the undisputed first place for this award goes to Kalameet. On top of having the highest damage output of any boss in the game, the agility specifically on his physical attacks I found to be pretty absurd. I really feel to beat Kalameet you have to play in a way you wouldn't any other boss in the game. Second goes to Artorias purely thanks to his buff state where he could very easily 1 or 2 shot you, I think what made it so challenging for me was the narrow window in which you can stun him before he enters that state indeed it was only by disrupting that charge I finally beat him. Third I'd like to call a tie between Manus and the Centipede Demon mostly because they felt very similar in the sense they were extremely aggressive compared to most other bosses in the game and while I only lost once to each of these guys the only reason I beat them was honestly by exhausting nearly all my estus between non-stop attack barrages.

    Most frustrating boss fights: I wish by some miracle I could say the Witch of Izalith wasn't on here but unfortunately she is and really it comes down to 2 things. 1. The stupid idea of introducing trial and error platforming into a boss fight and 2. Not putting a bonfire anywhere near the boss chamber to make it a less colossal waste of time going back for another attempt. Honorable Mention does go to the Capra Demon for putting a 3 on 1 gank into a tiny arena where new players are likely to be stunlocked to death... as an early game boss this one felt overly punishing.

    Best NPC in the game: Dusk, what can I say? Other than she is so polite it's ridiculous she's one of the only characters in the game who thank you for saving them and it made me curious as to her role in unearthing manus if she even knew at all.

    Favourite Area: Sens fortress, by all means I should hate this place but at the same time it felt so satisfying to overcome. Like the Gauntlet has been thrown, you want to make it to Anor Londo you've got to earn it. Each time I died in this place I made it a little further in and beating it made that look of Anor Londo so damn satisfying.

    Worst Area: The Dukes Archives/Crystal Caves, why these and not the Lost Izalith or Demon Ruin's? Well for as frustrating as the Bed of Chaos is, I can't say that I personally had a problem exploring the Lost Izalith in-fact I'd say it's aesthetics and the Demon's you face are actually pretty awesome and allow you to use Dark Souls best asset, the combat. Whereas the 2 area's mentioned above have 2 of the most despicable examples of what this game is not good at precise platforming. I found these to be so infuriatingly frustrating that I couldn't pick just one but those moments were...

    The Avelynn Crossbow: To attain this all you need to do is drop multiple storey's off of a rotating stair case onto a book shelf where if you miss it's an instant death and if you land successfully (not easy to do thanks to some incredibly awkward timing) you will likely get pummelled by archers.

    The Blue Titanite Slab: To attain this, all you need to do is walk an invisible path that is not only extremely narrow but also turns so awkwardly that the most likely going to die 3-4 times before you complete the path. For this you have no depth perception at all, you can use prism stones which really don't do much at all in telling you where the edge of the path is or exactly where the turns are placed.

    Ultimately I loved playing Dark Souls and it's definitely a keeper for me going forward especially after having played and loved Demon's Souls. The next game for me is Dark Souls II and I am looking forward to seeing as to whether or not the game is really as brutal as people make it out to be.

    submitted by /u/Adam_The_Actor
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    The world of Lordran

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 07:46 AM PST

    Is it just me or is it that only Dark Souls 1 feels like an actual world that's lived in? To me DS2 and 3 both feel like there's no actual humans living in it besides the gang you can pick up to put at firelink. And the enemies don't feel like living creatures, but rather just feel like a line of placed set pieces. In DS1 it truly felt like you were fighting humans gone hollow, not just the undead. And when you encountered NPCs it felt like they were real people

    I'm not shitting on DS2 or 3, but both Drangleic and Lothric just feel like zombie filled wastelands, but Lordran feels like a kingdom fallen to the hollow. The bosses don't feel like just a long line of requirements. But with lothric especially I feel like I'm running through a zombie hoard to get to the boss instead of people gone hollow.

    It's just never something I've been able to understand about Dark Souls lore, these gigantic kingdoms, Lothric, and Drangleic, and yet there's like 10 people alive, at best. If the enemies are supposed to be the former inhabitants only DS1 does a good job of making it feel that way. The hollows littered the land, and the former knights still guard the City of the Gods. But Drangleic and Lothric just feel like apocalyptic wastelands like something out of Fallout if it was fantasy, and even then they don't feel "barren and hopeless" but rather just empty. They don't feel lived in, just full of survivors.

    I just really love how DS1 managed to portray Lordran, and make it feel like a once alive kingdom that could actually exist. But the other two souls games don't, and I wanted to see if anyone else felt this way

    submitted by /u/TheTwinHorrorCosmic
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    Achivement Bug?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 12:59 AM PST

    Ring the Bell (Quelaag's Domain) so after I defeated Quelaag I rang the bell and the gate to sen fortress open but the achivement was nnot unlock? Can i ring the bell again or start another playthrough after this one?

    submitted by /u/Jnard_Guillio
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    I filled Manus’s man cavern with my Estus Flask

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 06:47 PM PST

    If you get that reference good on you. If you don't get that reference then, perhaps you should find your own answers.

    submitted by /u/MagicalEbola
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    I Did It!

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 02:38 PM PST

    Just beat Dark Souls for the first time. Solo'd Gwyn, as I did with every other boss. Once I got his parry timing down, it was a piece of cake. Placed the last soul last night, tried Gwyn a few times but then had to hit the sack. Got him on my second attempt today.

    submitted by /u/Czuhc89
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    Wolf Ring or Evil Eye?

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 08:30 PM PST

    pvp and pve

    submitted by /u/ISuckCheese42
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    do you still can play dark souls : prepare to die edition multiplayer in 2020?

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 11:57 PM PST

    i just miss trolling people with move swap in old ds1.

    submitted by /u/ratfries
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    Nearing the end of my adventure.

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 04:22 PM PST

    Picked up dark souls remastered a year ago, and beat it this year. I also beat ds2 this year, and now I'm finally at Soul of Cinder in ds3. Gonna be sad once I finally beat him.

    submitted by /u/grinnen_barrett
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