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    Sunday, December 27, 2020

    Dark Souls 2 /r/DarkSouls2 - Salty Sunday.

    Dark Souls 2 /r/DarkSouls2 - Salty Sunday.

    /r/DarkSouls2 - Salty Sunday.

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 10:08 PM PST

    Today's Salty Sunday is brought to you by the Frigid Outskirts.

    Summoned into a gank squad on the Iron Keep Bridge? Died to Fume Knight for the 100th time? Think you're getting boned by SOTFS?

    Grab a spoon and watch your blood pressure soar! All complaints are welcome here. Just keep things civil and follow the Posting Guidelines in the sidebar.

    Helpful Information for New Users

    Be sure to check the /r/DarkSouls2/wiki page, where you can find community-created tips and research threads.

    Please help build the wiki! You only need 10 karma within /r/DarkSouls2 to contribute.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    What to do with boss souls I don't use(SOTFS)

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 04:02 AM PST

    Hey I'm 25hours into game. I had like 12-13 boss souls and traded two of them for weapons with straid npc. I'm not interested in other boss soul weapons he sells. So can I use those boss souls or will I need them later in the game. Please tell me without spoilers

    submitted by /u/DerthertDeyMeroc
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    Just beat the game what a journey

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 12:33 PM PST

    After finishing dsr couple weeks ago I've just beat ds2 today. What a ride that was. I was 98% blind and that make me miss some boss in dlc :( Will need to do a new play through I think ut I'm so excited to restart with all the knowledge I have on this game now.

    Yes I didn't have the same wowww moment like I did in dsr but I think I like this one a bit more. The story is really good and the king :( I really like all the color and Dragon shrine.

    submitted by /u/EQuimper
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    Going in Blind: Before I Start...

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 09:11 PM PST

    Hi y'all,

    I'm playing all of FromSoft's games in reverse order. I've finished Sekiro, dark souls 3 + DLC, platinum Bloodborne, and now on to DS2.

    I hear this is the black sheep of the catalogue. I don't know what works and what doesn't work in this game, and I don't know why it's the black sheep.

    What should I know going in? Are any builds entirely not viable? Is DS2 the point in the FromSoft catalogue where dodging is less effective than blocking?

    submitted by /u/AlternativeSherbet
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    Today I was exposed to the wonderful world of grinding Loyce Souls.

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 02:31 AM PST

    And uh, this sucks. I've never been so unhappy to get consistent drops for weapons and armor. But no Soul. Plus, I'm always paranoid that I'll run out of co-op partners because SM is weird.

    Give me strength bros.

    submitted by /u/Mzuark
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    New to dark souls 2.

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 07:24 AM PST

    So it came to my attention very resently that enemies will stop spawning after you have killed them 15 times unless you have the champions covenant (I think?). So my question is, do the enemies that i have already killed 15 times also come back when i get that covenant or only enemies still present in the world?

    P.s. grammar is not my strong suit so I hope this makes sense

    submitted by /u/FriendlyMrTouchy
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    Question about new games

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 11:08 AM PST

    Do you lose all you boss souls? I do t want to spend time but I also don't want to lose them? Do I get to keep them?

    submitted by /u/shadows67-
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    Will you get banned from Souls 3 and Dark Souls Remastered if you get banned from Souls 2?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 11:26 AM PST

    I have heard that you get banned from Souls 3 if you're banned from Souls Remastered. Does this kind of thing also apply to Souls 2?

    submitted by /u/Lucky-District
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    Pretty hyped about this battle with the looking glass knight!

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 10:03 AM PST


    Somehow managed to defeat him second try

    submitted by /u/Shekelstealer4lyfe
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    Need help please

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 01:39 PM PST

    Anyone willing to help me through ds2 on ps4 thanks

    Ps. My soul memory is 12000

    submitted by /u/ZeroPointXellarate
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    My so-far thoughts about DS2, as someone who abandoned this game months ago (and some build questions). (A long post, so you can skip it if you like to)

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 01:35 PM PST

    I bought SotFS in a Steam sales months ago (nearly a year, I think, the same time I joined this sub), having finished both DS1 and 3. I watched a bunch of criticisms, as well as gameplay and walkthroughs, and think: "Maybe this game ain't so bad!" Long story short, I got frustrated quite soon, barely reaching Pursuer. I quitted right after that, uninstalled the game, and forgot about it. Now, with some abundant free time, as well as being in this community for quite a while, I think that maybe I should give it another chance. SO I downloaded it again, and now, having played through quite a bit of the game's beginning (up to The Gutter now), I would like to give some of my thoughts about the game so far.


    • Fashion Souls is tight in this game (although the character model is a bit disappointing to look at).
    • Some maps' designs are very cool. Heide, Majula, lit No man's wharf and Door of Pharros all look cool to me.
    • The lore is better than I have previously thought. This is a bit "cheating" since I watched a bunch of lore videos before quitting, but now, playing the game somehow makes the lore feels better. I can't wait to meet Aldia (I remember his "A LIE REMAINS A LIE" bit by heart)
    • Some weapon designs are interesting. Currently using Santier's spear (along with a craftsman's hammer for turtle bonking) and boi the moveset is good. I shred pretty much anything that isn't a big monster, from normal hollows to Allone's knight. Mace and Craftman's hammer is freaking OP. Shields also look very nice.
    • NPCs. There's something so intriguing about seeing an NPC slowly has their memory faded away as you progress through the game. I've only met Lucatiel like 3 times or so, and she already feels like she was struggling to even know who she was. Similarly, I like how Maughlin forgot why he came to Drangleic, how Cale keep forgetting what the hell he was doing (seriously what the hell was he doing in that tunnel?) and so on. And the voice acting is top-notched, too (Aldia, as mentioned, FEEBLE CURSED ONE Fabulous Straid and Lucatiel are my favourites).
    • The amount of spells you got so far is baffling. So many strong spells, in very early zones, too! I will probably change into an STR/INT build later.
    • The Pursuer is one of the coolest Soulborne bosses, and you cannot change my mind.

    Dislikes (this will probably feel like regurgitated criticisms to you guys)

    • Ganks. GANKS. I SUCK at dealing with ganks, and this game is basically my Soulborne nightmare. Outside of probably Thing's Betwixt, Shaded Woods and Door of Pharros, every map has at least one gank. Prime examples: Heide (I had to summon Ray, and even with that both of us barely survive Heide's knight gank), the dogs (and fucking Pursuer) in Lost Bastille, Undead Purgatory's Tormenters (they murdered poor Ray like he was nothing), Harvest Valley's Executioner fiesta, Earthen Peak's mannequin-things (there's a part where like 4 or 5 of them jumped up at the same time and I hated them so much). There are more, of course, but I find them not difficult, just really annoying and tedious (looking at you, Iron Keep).
    • In addition to the above: agro range. Everything has infinite agro range. They chased you from the start to the boss area, and will probably continue to chase me until either they are dead or you reached a bonfire miles away from their original position. They stop at nothing, and I think this is why ganks in DS2 are much worse than other games'. For example, in Archdragon's Peak, I can use a bow to lure out individual serpent men to avoid being ganked. In Chasm of the Abyss, I can lure the blockheads one by one before dealing with the caster. In Mensis's spider church, I can pebble the spiders to make dealing with the Mama spider easier. Here in DS2? I shot an arrow. It missed the enemy and hit the wall instead, and suddenly the entire area's enemy population immediately realised my existence and charged at me at once. It's ridiculous! Some enemies (read: dogs) seems to detect me before I even set foot in the area. Maybe there's some realism put in there, but in this game, that is just horrible to deal with. I made the mistake of ascetic-ed the Undead Purgatory bonfire, in hope of getting the +2 Cloranthy ring, only to be outnumbered and 2-shotted by everything, even with the help of Ray.
    • A lot of map designs feels weird and disjointed. Some areas feel really short (Grave of Saints, Shaded Woods and Huntsman's Copse). Some places have very questionable design choices. For example, I know the Old Iron King is a sadistic bastard, but why would he turn his keep, a place that by definition provides shelters and safety, into a death trap, even for his troops. Why is there a random room filled with fire vents (and nothing else) in the middle of the lava lake? What purposes can that room possibly serve, besides being a random room with loots? The whole place doesn't feel like a keep where a king and his people would live, but a platformer-esque deathtrap for every resident inside? (Maybe I am just dumb, and that was really the intention). And of course, we have to bring the infamous elevator in. A lot of places have these random empty rooms that are literally just a textured box devoid of contents, for example, the Primal Bonfire rooms. For a bunch of rooms of a very significant object, they look remarkably boring. Similarly, the room with Vengarl's body is also just a textured box with nothing inside beside, well, Vengarl's body.
    • This game is slow in the beginning. Very very slow. Even more so than DS1 (and I played DS:R at locked 15fps with my old laptop. I fought Nito at 5fps). Some weapons have this weird delay before swinging. And all weapons feel very floaty as if they are made of foam and plastic rather than metals and rocks. I know the combat of Soulsborne isn't exactly the most realistic (DS3's DLCs' stuff are basically anime weapons and spells), but at least you can feel the weight and the power of the swings with each move you make. Here, there's something very offputting seeing every weapon move like a piece of slightly heavy plastic toy.
    • Bosses. I played this game in a very traditional way. By that I mean I summon NPCs whenever I can, just because it fits the lore and concept of the series (and to deal with ganks in this game). But every time I enter a boss fog with NPCs, I only feel regrets, because moss bosses so far are laughably easy, and NPCs only make the fight longer than necessary. Dragonrider is far from being "Vendrick's Elites" as his lore suggested. Fake Ornstein is Ornstein but bad. Gargoyles are a lazy rehash with extra gank. Skeleton dudes are boring. Covetous Demon is, well, Covetous Demon. Mytha died before Thomas could even hit her with his fireballs. The magus and his pals is a group of basic mobs lumped together. Old Iron King is a senile balrog that seems to forget why he was punching me (still managed to kill me once with his gigantic explosion). The rat bosses are freaking disgraces. I died to the little rat 4 times and only once to drug-addicted Sif, and that is because the little rats toxic-ed me before I can heal, and he wiped me with his ugly paw. Once the tiny rats are gone, he became such a joke. And I hate the rat vanguard with all of my beings. The fight is also another mob group disguised as a boss fight. And the mohawk rat's Petrification build-up is bullshit. In all of my fail attempts, I died from just 2 bites, each filled half of my Petrification gauge and Poison gauge at the same time. I know he's the "boss", so he should have something to stand out besides his mohawk, but giving him instakill with only 2 hits is terrible. The stand-outs so far for me are Sinner, Charriott (the concept is cool, although ascetic-ed skellies gank is a nightmare), Freja, Smelter and Pursuer.
    • Small nitpicks: the weird annoying noise whenever you move around in the menu or choose anything in the UI (sounds like hitting a steel pan/cooking pot with a big wooden spoon), no I-frames with opening doors, your character having to put away their weapon and rolls up their sleeves (sometimes despite not having sleeves) in a very exaggerated way just to interact with things.

    Final thoughts (for now): This game is by no mean bad. It is much better than a lot of games I have played before. But so far, I still feel very conflicted about it. There are a lot of unique things, but they are outshined by numerous flaws. For now, it is still behind DS1,3 and BB for me, about 6.5/10. Maybe my opinion will change, for better or worse, as I make further progress in the game. This ridiculously long post is my own opinion, but if you have any suggestions to make the games more enjoyable, please share. And if I make any mistakes, please correct me in the comments. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Drakulion
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    How much am I spoiled

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 01:27 PM PST

    Hey I just entered drangleic castle and talked to the chancellor he told me about king vendrick and his huge accomplishments etc. But unfortunately I know he is a boss ,I've seen it somewhere on the internet when looking for guide. My question is, is it a huge spoiler that I know we fight him at some point or not a big deal? Please answer without any spoilers

    submitted by /u/DerthertDeyMeroc
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    What is a good light armor set with high poise?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 01:09 PM PST

    I'm trying to make a dual greatsword build but I dont have enough carrying capacity for heavy armor. Is the giants ring enough, and is it worth using a ring slot on Royal Soldier's ring? thanks.

    submitted by /u/Brickybob
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    Dialogue audio zip?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 01:07 PM PST

    I've been scouring the internet for the past week looking for a zip of the audio files. I can find several tutorials for extracting the audio and reformatting it, but I can't actually do it because a.) I'm playing the PS4 digital edition and b.) even if I had a game disc, I still don't have a cd drive in my laptop. Womp womp.

    Does some kind soul happen to have a zip of the audio files? I'm only looking for dialogue, but if it's packaged with SFX automatically, that's fine, too.

    submitted by /u/Helenkellersbutthole
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    Is online play good in ds2?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 12:56 AM PST

    I don't mind a small community but imo having a good laugh or two is pretty crucial for making online play good.

    submitted by /u/Justvibinonthebench
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    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 12:13 PM PST

    I'm in iron keep doing that, but i haven't been able to do much multiplayer yet if anyone wants to duel or wanna do iron keep my soul level is 1306042

    submitted by /u/Young_A
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    Why does the ancient dragon have a soul?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 11:58 AM PST


    Some thing that confuses me is that why does the ancient dragon have a soul. Now I'm not talking about The giant soul he has but when we go in the memory of the ancient dragon. When we go into its memory we get one of our few glimpses at the age of ancient or at least the beginning of the age of fire. This is because we see giant trees and everything kind a looks gray and foggy. But we see that the sun is there is The first flame has already been links and this probably is during the time of the dragon genocide. But what does make sense is the fact that we get the ancient dragon soul from its corpse when dragon can't have Souls. That's because they existed before the concept of souls originated . Like whenever you kill a dragon they don't drop a soul. Like the ancient wyvern, that red dragon we fight earlier in ds2, that other dragon we fight in Arch dragon peak and The king of storms. The only other one that had one was midir but he was born during the age of fire and could've gotten a soul from absorbing all the darkness that he did or from the gods . So with all that being said why do you think this ancient dragon had a soul ?

    submitted by /u/Machaira1664
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    I Need Help with Alonne (PS4) NG+3

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 11:50 AM PST

    Soul Memory: 23,113,328

    submitted by /u/somborne
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    Is there a way to reduce the amount of bloodstains and weapons in an area or just remove them entirely?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 11:23 AM PST

    Just fucks the atmosphere tbh

    submitted by /u/Blubbipub
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    Is there a way to view your record in the brotherhood of blood covenant?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 11:13 AM PST

    Title. Want to know what my record is in the arena

    submitted by /u/ditkaisgod27
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    Best soul memory / location for PvP?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 11:04 AM PST

    What's up everyone, recently got back into DS2 again but the PvP scene seems pretty dead. Is this actually the case? Or is there a new hot SM or location that I'm missing?

    submitted by /u/MemeDreamsSteelBeams
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    I just beat Elana for the first time!!!!! After 3 hours!!!

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 07:02 AM PST

    Ahhh this is the hardest battle I've ever had. I'm a hex with only 30-30 ft/int so far, and a sunset staff, my melee stats are trash. It was so hard ahhhgggg my hands are dead. I don't remember even O&S from DS1 being this fff difficult, and the DS1 dlc bosses were relatively easy ... the whole fight my breath was racing I am typing this still haven't calmed down haha So much relief... It's over.. it's finally over. .. haha I can breathe now Kalm .. for now....

    submitted by /u/breadknifed
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    Anyone have a Lingering Dragon Crest +2?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 10:21 AM PST

    If you want anything in return I'll try give, this is on SotFS. Around 4mil SM on PC.

    submitted by /u/TylerIrith
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    Heide Knights only dropping gauntlets? [PS4]

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 06:22 AM PST

    I made this post before but forgot to mention which platform I was on, and of course I couldn't edit the title. Sorry for the double post.

    Heide knights only dropping gauntlets bug?

    I've been grinding them out for weeks now, using the merchants had, silver coins, gold serpents ring, but none of them have dropped anything other than the gauntlets. Even the one in the gutter that's supposed to be a guaranteed mask drop only gives up the gauntlets. Am I the only one experiencing this? Is this bug exclusive to SotFS edition? Any help at all? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Tanget81
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    Saving Error plz help

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 09:59 AM PST

    I just finished DS1 and bought the second one but when I try to play the game I get the error that says something along the line "Failed to save game, Returning the title screen." I have seen other posts about this bug from a few years ago and most of them suggest to turn off Read-Only in the DarkSoulsll folder in Appdata or even just turning it off in the Appdata folder itself but every time I try to do that it automatically re-applies Read-Only. I have also tried reinstalling and uninstalling multiple times but it never helps. Does anyone have anymore ideas on fixing it or keeping read only off or something like that. I really love this series and I'm the kind of person who can't stand going out of order in games so I really want to play this game.

    submitted by /u/Chalms1800
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