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    Tuesday, October 13, 2020

    Dark Souls /r/DarkSouls - The Trading Post.

    Dark Souls /r/DarkSouls - The Trading Post.

    /r/DarkSouls - The Trading Post.

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 11:07 PM PDT

    Is there a weapon that eludes you? Want to host a fun give-away?

    Use today to schedule some trades!

    Helpful Information for New Users

    Be sure to check the /r/DarkSouls/wiki page, where you can find community-created tips and research threads.

    Please help build the wiki! You only need 10 karma within /r/DarkSouls to contribute.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 11:38 AM PDT

    I have had a bitch and a half of a time trying to finish this fucking fight with Gwyn. I have died more times to this one boss than literally every other boss put together (like for real). It wasn't until literally 5 minutes ago that I accidentally hit the trigger and I parried him. Finished the fight on that life. I am kicking myself because I cannot believe that I beat this fucking game the whole way through and it took me this long to try to parry him. Jesus christ.

    Overall a phenomenal game, a true masterpiece and easily my number one favorite game of all time. I am super excited to play this through over and over again with the different classes (first time through and I chose knight). I appreciate this community so much, I hope everyone stays safe out there. Praise the sun, and I will see you all in NG+.

    submitted by /u/KonnorRoo
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    I drew everyone's favourite bull boi :)

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 09:55 AM PDT

    Is dark souls just the adult version of the lego games?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 06:31 PM PDT

    I mean think about it, there are some similarities like:

    -when you or your enemy dies they turn into currency

    -somewhat awkward platforming

    -you can play as a custom character or a lookalike of a famous character

    -the games emphasize jolly cooperation through a multiplayer component

    -characters die and respawn indefinitely, except for bosses

    -silly sounding death noises when our character dies

    submitted by /u/blootology
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    Finally got Dark souls remastered

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 10:14 PM PDT

    Bought the game years ago on PS3. I was a little kid so I sucked. I'm 17 now, and my PS3 can't run the game without dropping to like 10 FPS now, so I finally caved and bought remastered on steam. Wish me luck.

    submitted by /u/SaturnSama
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    Elden Ring Wishlist

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 12:05 AM PDT

    (Spoilers for Demon's Souls, DS1, DS2, DS3, Bloodborne, Sekiro)

    There are a couple of things I'd like to see in Elden Ring.

    Miyazaki mentioned in an interview that Elden Ring is a spiritual successor to Dark Souls, so here's my wishlist.

    (These are my opinions of course.)

    No fast travel from the start

    A lot of people complain about the Souls games not bringing back the interconnected world from Dark Souls 1, which is kind of true. Dark Souls 3 especially was too linear, combined with fast travel from the start, I think a lot of the tension with exploring was cut out completely.

    Though From Soft has brought interconnected worlds in subsequent games, no one notices because of the ability to warp right from the start. (Sekiro)

    Introducing warp at a later point in the game (DS1 Lordvessel), will benefit the overall experience, and bring back the tension that DS1 and Demon's Souls brought.

    Sparse Checkpoints

    My biggest gripe with DS3 was the sheer amount of bonfires. You can encounter 3 bonfires in the span of a few minutes, which was awful. Sekiro too had this problem, though to a lesser extent.

    Whatever the checkpoints will be called, their use should be minimized, just like DS1. This will bring back those moments of absolute joy when you finally get to a bonfire after a LONG time. (Blighttown)

    Reduce Roll and Hit bosses

    At this point, most of the bosses are just roll and hit. I feel this is a huge departure from Demon's Souls and DS1, where the environment too played a role in the boss fight (Tower Knight, Armoured Spider), or the boss had some quirk you could exploit (Phalanx, Iron Golem). You don't win just because you do so, but still you gain an edge.

    Now, DS3 has a TON of roll and hit bosses, which are fine for the most part. But they are all the same. Learn the moveset, roll, hit, repeat. So, a bit of variety really adds to the experience. Bloodborne had Micolash, who is a mad scholar, it makes sense that he'll run away from you, because he's a coward.

    The "gimmick" boss fights that DS3 has are pretty bad, especially Ancient Wyvern. They did the plunging attack agains bosses thing better in DS1, with Taurus Demon, but you don't win instantly.

    DS3 wants you to use Storm Ruler against Yhorm, which makes less sense than it did in Demon's Souls, where you used it against The Storm King, who was flying in the air, so that weapon was your only choice.

    Sekiro turned that into parry and hit. Any boss, deflect and hit. There are some interesting bosses of course. Juzou, for example, where if you go in directly you'll get killed. So you've to pull out your inner ninja and take out the mob and then go in. Armoured Warrior cannot be damaged, so you stun and kick him off a ledge.

    Sekiro also has puzzle bosses, which I like, like Folding Screen Monkeys and the Great Colored Carp.

    Using i-frames to roll through a large overhead attack takes you out of the game, which is not what these games are good at.

    I'm not saying roll and hit bosses are bad, they're often fantastic. But I feel like they've been overused.

    Weird boss fights really add a lot to these games.

    A system similar to World Tendency or Insight

    One of the best things about Demon's Souls and Bloodborne were the ways the world changes because of your World Tendency or Insight. Bloodborne of course, unveiled the Amygdalas in Yharnam if you had enough insight. In DeS, enemies became tougher the closer you were to Black. Certain NPCs only spawned if you had Pure Black.

    Sekiro sort of has this with Dragonrot, where the more you die, NPCs get sick, but I think it doesn't count.

    Reduced healing charges

    A system similar to DS1 would be nice. You get 5 estus in the beginning, use humanity to kindle so that you get 10.

    Having more than 10 will cause you to play sloppily, which is fine in Bloodborne, which wants you to be aggressive, but unacceptable in DS3.

    Whatever system Elden Ring uses, bring the charges down to 10 max. And no pellets please.

    Health Punishments

    Miyazaki mentioned in an interview that the reason why the player isn't hollowed in DS3 is because of player feedback, I'd think the same thing is true for punishments in the form of reduced HP.

    DeS - Your HP is 50% in Soul form. Use Cling ring to get some of that back.

    DS1 - Getting cursed reduces your HP by 50%.

    DS2 - Health is cut down when hollowed, use ring.

    DS3 - No punishment. Use Ember to boost health. Getting cursed has no punishments.

    For whatever reason, health punishments are going out. Bring those back please.

    Less convenience

    You get to warp from the start, which for me, ruins the tension.

    In DS3, your weapon gets auto repaired just by resting at a bonfire, which for me, ruins the adventurer aspect.

    And more, all of the sake of player convenience.

    A dark world ruined with evil, won't have convenience for anyone, let alone some guy that crept out of a casket somewhere.

    Yurt and Lautrec work because they are the direct opposite of player convenience. (Yurt kills important NPCs like Sage Freke, and Lautrec disables an important bonfire.)

    Better rewards for exploring

    Sekiro's rewards for getting to places where awful. No more of that please.

    Fashion Souls

    Nice looking armour would be nice.

    A system similar to Weapon Arts

    A system like Weapon Arts, or a combination with Sekiro's skill tree would be nice.

    submitted by /u/DashMask
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    Original or remastered?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 03:22 AM PDT

    Decided to play the first one. It's my first time playing ds1 so what version is better for me?

    submitted by /u/DaRQ_SouLs_So_eAsy
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    I just finished a metal version of the Asylum Demon Theme

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 09:45 AM PDT

    Thanks Chad Cleric - Manus has been defeated

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 11:34 AM PDT

    To the Warrior of Sunlight Chad Cleric. Not sure if you are here on Reddit but if you are just wanted to let you know.

    Although your phantom was vanquished, you weakened the Father of the Abyss just enough so that Sif the Grey Wolf and I could live to save Dusk.

    This is my first ever playthrough, and I gotta say - he was a very tough opponent.

    Couldn't have done it without you bro. Thanks

    submitted by /u/the_gregor_samsa
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    Oscar of Astora dying instantly?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 10:18 PM PDT

    Is this something that happens regularly? I've been through a few playthroughs and I've never seen this before. I talked to him, said yes to his question, and then when we finished talking, I headed out of the room. But then I heard this noise like an enemy dying, like souls flowing into my wallet. I headed back inside just in time to see him disappear.

    submitted by /u/Eldritch_Moss
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    Grave lord Nito is going to make me quit this game.

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 03:04 PM PDT

    I am on my first run through of Dark Souls. I finished Bloodborne, love it, now I'm playing all the other souls borne games. I am at Gravelord Nito and between his stupid toxic shoot out the ground and all the ads I am about to rage quit. Not to mention his boss run with all the pinwheels and the giant skeleton (and archer) are so annoying. I have been fighting him for two days and I hate him. The only thing keeping me going is that I have to be like over halfway done and it would suck to quit now.

    submitted by /u/anonymousafterall
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    I painted Solaire enjoying a bit of bonfire :)

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 03:26 PM PDT

    Undead Parish noob question

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 07:42 PM PDT

    First timer here. Upon arriving at undead parish I picked off the hollows with arrows and then ran right past the armored boar. Managed to pick up a key on the stairs. Then I bolted straight into a room full of scary knights before zagging out of there and, incredibly, stumbling my way to the bonfire above the blacksmith.

    Did I mess something up? I found how to return to courtyard with the boar... but I gather there's a gate that was supposed to close? Will it close on me if I go down into the courtyard and fight the boar? Should I even fight the boar? Am I good? Thanks

    submitted by /u/dreamshoes
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    Is there any way to increase your HP when summoned as Warrior of Sunlight?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 07:38 PM PDT

    I have a LOT of HP in Dark Souls Remastered. My bar almost stretches across the whole screen. But it makes me mad that every time I'm summoned as a Warrior or Sunlight, my health gets chopped into 2/10's of what it used to be. Is there any way to reverse or fix this? Because in my past Summoner experiences, the Warriors of Sunlight seemed to have a regular amount of HP, considering they were taking multiple blows but just didn't receive much backlash from it. If there is a way, please let me know. I need to use it.

    submitted by /u/HolyMungus
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    Not doing much damage

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 05:49 PM PDT

    I was using a plus 4 halberd against qualeag and only doing about 60 or 80 damage and don't know why it's so low. Upgraded it to plus 5 but my damage still feels low for sens fortress

    So apprenatly I need a near plus 10 weapon so yeah imma go do that.

    submitted by /u/YouKnowItsO
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    DLC boss souls what do I use them for?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 08:29 PM PDT

    Alright I beat the dlc have the boss souls. Do these souls create any special weapon or can I consume them for souls?

    submitted by /u/Justagamer91
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    What would you say is the most iconic weapon in the series?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 05:36 PM PDT

    pc DsR sl60 Artorias

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 02:03 AM PDT

    pleas put your sign down, need backup for the ng+ fight praise the sun

    submitted by /u/Willing-Invite
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    Dark Souls Bosses SURVIVOR: FINAL ROUND!

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 11:17 AM PDT

    The boss voted out last round, winning our 3rd place bronze medal, is Manus, Father of the Abyss who received 59.3% of the vote! I imagine this will make some of you happy, as there have been at least a handful of votes for Manus since Round 5 or so, and Manus definitely got the most hate in the comments. In my opinion, he's easily the hardest boss in the game (without feeling unfair) and definitely deserves his third place finish.

    And now it comes down to this. Who will be kicked out in our final round? The Ornstein and Smough fight is easily the most iconic of the entire Soulsborne universe, and Artorias may be the community's favorite character in the game, with a fantastic fight to finish his story. Vote now and see who comes out victorious tomorrow!

    Current tier list:

    • FANTASTIC: Manus Father of the Abyss, Gwyn Lord of Cinder, Great Grey Wolf Sif, Black Dragon Kalameet
    • GREAT: Crossbreed Priscilla, Bell Gargoyles, Chaos Witch Quelaag
    • GOOD: Nito, Four Kings, Gaping Dragon, Sanctuary Guardian, Iron Golem, Seath the Scaleless, Dark Sun Gwyndolin, Asylum Demon
    • OKAY: Ceaseless Discharge, Centipede Demon, Taurus Demon, Demon Firesage
    • BAD: Moonlight Butterfly, Stray Demon, Pinwheel, Capra Demon
    • TERRIBLE: Bed of Chaos

    For anybody joining in, remember to vote for your LEAST FAVORITE boss. You may pick any criteria you want to decide who to vote for. Best story, best fight, most difficult, best looking, etc...it's up to you!

    CLICK HERE to vote for your LEAST FAVORITE boss

    Bosses In:

    • Knight Artorias
    • Ornstein and Smough

    Bosses Out:

    • 26th place: The Bed of Chaos (50%)
    • 25th place: Capra Demon (18.2%)
    • 23rd (Tie): Pinwheel (17.2%)
    • 23rd (Tie): Stray Demon (17.2%)
    • 22nd: Moonlight Butterfly (33.3%)
    • 21st: Demon Firesage (26.9%)
    • 19th (Tie): Centipede Demon (25%)
    • 19th (Tie): Taurus Demon (25%)
    • 18th: Ceaseless Discharge (37.5%)
    • 15th (Tie): Asylum Demon (15.8%)
    • 15th (Tie): Dark Sun Gwyndolin (15.8%)
    • 15th (Tie): Seath the Scaleless (15.8%)
    • 14th: Iron Golem (27.3%)
    • 12th (Tie): Gaping Dragon (17.9%)
    • 12th (Tie): Sanctuary Guardian (17.9%)
    • 11th: Four Kings (24.2%)
    • 10th: Nito (30.8%)
    • 9th: Chaos Witch Quelaag (29.6%)
    • 8th: Bell Gargoyles (47.4%)
    • 7th: Crossbreed Priscilla (60.9%)
    • 6th: Black Dragon Kalameet (40%)
    • 5th: Great Grey Wolf Sif (39.5%)
    • 4th: Gwyn Lord of Cinder (48.5%)
    • 3rd: Manus, Father of the Abyss (59.3%)
    submitted by /u/SaintMadeOfPlaster
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    Capra Demon Moonwalking

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 01:28 PM PDT


    So apparently this happened during some no hit Any% practice and in retrospect I can only say that this is the best game ever

    submitted by /u/hanfhaxe
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    What Does He Do?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 01:20 AM PDT

    At 0:09 he does something with his left hand but watch it from 0:08 as you would miss it. Then some sound is being heard like a spell but he has no spell on his spell slot and a red thing appears. What does he do?


    And what does Burrito Combos fucking mean?

    submitted by /u/letumexordo
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    Nito From Darksouls1

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 06:00 AM PDT

    It is done

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 03:26 PM PDT

    I completed my first achievement in February 2013 on xbox360 prepare to die edition.

    Today I finally acquired"The dark soul" achievement on the remastered edition! It was tough but we got em all!

    submitted by /u/bzrn
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    This message appeared: "Disasters were gone after The Gravelord was defeated". Something like that.

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 04:42 PM PDT

    I was in Oolacile when this happened. What does it mean?

    submitted by /u/rapha_bg
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    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 06:31 PM PDT

    What is everyone's opinion on training resistance? Most guides said to not bother but I'm curious to hear more opinions.

    submitted by /u/AtuinTurtle
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