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    Dark Souls /r/DarkSouls - Gather 'round the bonfire.

    Dark Souls /r/DarkSouls - Gather 'round the bonfire.

    /r/DarkSouls - Gather 'round the bonfire.

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 11:07 PM PDT

    Welcome to the bonfire, our weekly off topic thread.

    This is a place where anyone can talk about anything unrelated to Dark Souls and get to know your fellow undead a bit better.

    Please be respectful and follow reddiquette.

    What's keeping you from going hollow these days?

    Helpful Information for New Users

    Be sure to check the /r/DarkSouls/wiki page, where you can find community-created tips and research threads.

    Please help build the wiki! You only need 10 karma within /r/DarkSouls to contribute.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Skipping character creation

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 11:26 AM PDT

    My brother started a new game this morning. The game somehow skipped character creation and he now has 0 in every stat. He has 100 hp and no stamina. He cant roll, attack, sprint, or climb ladders. It's the strangest thing I've ever seen in Dark Souls.

    submitted by /u/yolonaggins
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    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 06:35 PM PDT

    On to dark souls 2 WHOO HOO!!!

    submitted by /u/Pretend_Violinist_89
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    Dark Souls Remastered was an eye opening experience

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 03:16 PM PDT

    I know I am really late to the party. I am an ardent metal gear fan. Never loved anything else. The first FromSoftware game I played was Sekiro in 2019 and beating Sword Saint was one of my proudest moments. Anyway I did not have anything else to really relish playing so one day I accidentally found an old BloodBorne disc. I had chucked it away 5 years back because it was too difficult, dark and depressing. Never took the time to understand the game or its mechanics, progressed till Old Yarnham and stopped playing. My brother moved back home from working abroad and encouraged me to play it again. We sat together and I played the entire game and the DLC, beating every boss. Only 3 DLC bosses with summons (LTFV, OOK and LTHB). I was still afraid and the game was still depressing, but beating it gave me a satisfaction like none other. Finally I picked up a classic - Dark Souls: Remastered, I've spent the past few weeks exploring DS1 inch by inch and taking in the genius that this game is. Just a few hours ago I completed the game along with its DLC and never summoned any player or NPC. Towards the end of the game, I got a bit OP and tanked all the bosses. This game is the singular most masterpiece I have ever played. It was never depressing or dark, it was always enjoyable and intriguing. Some of the best days of gaming I have had.

    submitted by /u/Ajan003
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    I recently played dark souls for the first time. WOW, what a game... Solaire's fate had such a huge impact on me that I just had to do something to commemorate this game. Here's a quick sketch I did!

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 07:14 PM PDT

    Does lighting a bonfire even do anything?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 11:57 PM PDT

    In order to use a bonfire, you have to first light it (walk up to it and press A), and then you can rest at it and use it.

    But, is there any point in even doing this? You can't warp to an active bonfire until you've rested at it (lighting it doesn't let you warp to it), and even if you're not warping, merely lighting it doesn't let you return to it when you die. Essentially, you have to rest at the bonfire in order for any of it to count.

    Wouldn't that mean that lighting the bonfire in itself is entirely useless?

    submitted by /u/Shadoremi64
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    Desperately need help on O&S NG+

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 03:20 AM PDT

    SL 121 Xbox 360 original DS1. I've been actually losing sleep over this flipping battle. Currently been grinding it for about 7 hours to no avail. Been reading all the strats posted by most people and I feel like I git pretty gud, but super smough annihilates me with his stupid charge. +15 Claymore +12 grass crest shield alternating between Havels, Stone, and Black knight +4 HALP!

    submitted by /u/HTMLrulzdOOd
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    Did I ruin my run?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 10:28 PM PDT

    So I accidentally attacked the fire keeper at the start of the second map, and had to kill her. How bad did I fuck up?

    submitted by /u/Phoenix03563
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    New fall damage regating glitch?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 09:12 PM PDT

    I experienced this a few years back but have never seen anyone else attempt this via speedruns/glitch exposè. IIRC, when you are falling a great distance, it is possible to entirely avoid fall damage by interacting with something just as you land, in my instance it was a ladder but I feel it doesn't matter as long as you're forced into animations. Perhaps a backstab?. The specific instance I managed this was falling in blight town and managed to climb a ladder after a lethal fall. What I do not remember if this was in conjunction with sliding along a wall, but I do believe there was a free fall component.

    Given the time, this may be a PTD only glitch, but who knows?

    Also, if anyone has or is willing to test this, please post results <3

    Anyways, hopes this helps and I'll try to reproduce it at some point if I'm bored,

    Struggle on undead, and praise the sun *\[T]/

    submitted by /u/Songoffireandice
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    DAE Just Not Care About Capra Because It's So Bad?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 12:53 PM PDT

    I know most people here froth at the mouth thinking of how garbage the Capra fight is, and it really is trash, but I'm just more annoyed by it than anything. Usually get past the fight rather easily, but even if I die I just don't give a single fuck because I'm over just how shit some parts of the game are, like the Capra fight. I could die to him 100 times and not even be upset, safe in the knowledge that short of intentionally trying to design a worse game mechanic, the Capra fight is probably as bad as anything gets. Just died to him again and all I can do is roll my eyes, mutter "fucking whatever" and do it again. Completely indifferent.

    But there is also no emotion in beating him either. No accomplishment. No feeling of overcoming a mighty obstacle. The dogs fucked up and I got up the stairs, and once you're up the stairs the fight is won. Wow. And my reward is I get to go to the fucking Depths. Be still my beating heart.

    Am I the only one? I don't even hate the fight. It's just so bad I can't. I've seen people like "I chucked my controller in rage" and other nonsense and immaturity of that aside, I can't even drag myself to give 1/100th of a fuck necessary to get that mad about it.

    submitted by /u/Yawzheek
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    110 SL Mage looking to get summoned!

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 03:31 AM PDT

    Playing on PC (remastered) NG+ and SL 110.

    Looking to get summoned to join the sun bros, currently at Artorias. Any other good spots to put my sign for activity?

    submitted by /u/Deadvine
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    Very strange drops on Dark Souls Remastered on PC

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 11:38 PM PDT

    Sometimes when im bored or am watching something on another screen I'll farm Darkwraiths for Chunks or Balder Knights for Balder Side Swords. Well today I was watching something on the other screen and decided to kill some Darkwraiths. I did 6 runs through lower New Lando and i got 3 Titanite Slabs and 15 chunks and 4 Dark hands. I was on my way for another run when I ran by where Lautrec sits by the Firekeeper there was a gold bag (like when you drop and item). I picked it up for it just to be rubbish.

    Has anyone had a strange run of luck like this before and strange random drops like this before?

    submitted by /u/ManAze5447
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    what is the use of leo ring ?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 03:18 AM PDT

    i have read a few things in ds wiki and didn't understand anything

    submitted by /u/twety77
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    Valid pc remastered multi use prompt item duping as of october 2020

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 02:19 AM PDT

    Step 1: Arrange an item to be duped to be placed on the 2nd or 4th or 6th...etc item slot in the drop down menu, not action bar. It will consume the entire stack so I recommend using just 1 at a time and storing the rest in the BB.

    Step 2: Lock in a high value number by buying cheap arrows (closer to 9999 the better), bringing up the menu to be a E away from dropping them all, then exiting directly to the menu instead. This will save your desired "to be used" value.

    Step 3: While still in menu, hit tab over to the brightness setting and highlight it. You want to press e and and home at the same time, or x and r1 for ps4, which has the ability to open both the brightness settings and item menu.

    Step 4: Both menus should now be open and the item menu behind should be slightly visible through the brightness menu. You need to tab down the menu list until you land on the item to be duped. You will have noticed why it only works for even placed numbered items now ;) Hit e to select the item AND bring yourself back to the main setting menu.

    Step 5 (Console): For console you just scroll down to Exit Game, tap down once to bring up your loaded reference number from step 2, then hit OK. Up to this step, full credit to this dude's youtube video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WBpBzzFz4QY&t=243s. Following his steps will break your game on pc if you use this step on pc. I REPEAT, THIS WILL BREAK YOUR SAVE. At least did for the character I was experimenting on anyways.

    Step 5 (PC): Instead, simply hover your mouse over the exit game option. This will keep your wanted item still selected on use item. Just hit E at this point and down once to load your saved value and it will work just fine. As far as I know, this is novel, so yay?

    *Side note, when you attempt to do step 5 (Console) on pc, it does indeed drop an item just before booting you to the menu and still loads the saved value as a to be dropped value instead. If my hunch is correct, this should actually be a way to truly duplicate any item and store duped items. However, someone will need to figure out a way to NOT leave the game, or at least have whatever item you dropped not disappear when reloading the area.

    Hope this helps, and praise the sun~ **\[T]/**

    submitted by /u/Songoffireandice
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    I started playing dark souls remastered a few days ago, I was really enjoying the game, until I arrived in Anor London, the Boss battle of this place is the only moment in this game that is being boring and I'm not enjoying it, I'm thinking until to give up playing forever

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 02:09 AM PDT


    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 06:23 PM PDT

    Why the fuck would you put a bond fire there! What the actual fuck!!!!

    submitted by /u/Anty-Zen
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    My Dark Souls no death run

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 09:41 PM PDT

    Alright! Listen up! You ever try to do a no death run in this game? We'll don't try! I somehow managed to get to O&S, beat them, and place that lord vessel. How did I do it? By making a new character for an Astora Knight and accidentally beat O&S without dying the whole time. I was honestly surprised when this happened since I wasn't trying to do a no death run, just a cosplay. When I beat O&S I realized I hadn't died yet. So of course I went with it. I planned out which of the lords I should go for first. I decided to go after Nito. The only big threat in his area to me was the darkness that enveloped the great tomb.i beat pinwheel to a pulp, went a little into the tomb... the darkness had gotten the best of me. My worst enemy, gravity, had taken me in the way I had expected. Blind, fast, and ending with disappointment. The run had ended the moment I realized I was doing it. Of course, I tried again. I made a new character, beat the asylum, went outside of fire link, died to the very first enemy because I got cocky, decided I should care just a little, laid down my controller, and turned off my PS4. Maybe I'll try again one day. For now, I think I'll stick to helping my friends. Thanks for coming to my TEDTALK.

    submitted by /u/Minty_kun
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    Heya, how are y'all ds1 players holdin up? Haven't played it in a long time since it got to easy and I already did everything, anyone, need any advice? Tips?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 01:17 AM PDT

    Just wanting to help y'all :>

    submitted by /u/DottComm2863
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    Do i need playstation membership to play online?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 12:17 AM PDT

    My First Dark Souls Journey

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 02:31 PM PDT

    I have never played a Souls game. By the time I had any idea I might like it Dark Souls 3 had just come out and I didn't want to go back to the Xbox 360. I also wanted to play the series in order if I ever did get a chance to give it a go. Then the remaster was announced.

    I purchased it when it came out about two years ago and proceeded to not touch it. About a year later I started the game up, played with the mechanics a bit, then turned it off. A week ago I decided to really give it a try. I am using no guides or help, no co-op. I will update this post as I get further along in the game. The first entry will be long because I decided to write this after having played a bit already.

    Character Creation-Undead Asylum: My friend who turned me onto Dark Souls told me it has a lot of PVP. I proceed to create the ugliest female character possible to annoy people. Starting class selection, no, no, warrior? Yes, sign me up. Starting item? I don't know what this does, no, no, Oooooo fire bombs, sounds good. Selected.

    Into the undead Asylum I go. I re-familiarize myself with the controls a bit, swapping LB and RB with LT and RT because it feels more natural for me that way. Onward. Bonfire lit, mechanic understood, ok, run to double doors and open them. What the Hell is this? A boss? I have a broken sword and that's it. My buddy told me this game was hard but this is ridiculous. Proceed to get smashed into pieces. Respawn, back into the fray, die again, and again, and again. But I am learning combat mechanics a bit. Dodge is my friend. On 6th attempt I remember I have firebombs. Load them up. Ok Asylum Demon, let's do this. Proceed to empty my fire bombs and kill the boss. I receive a hammer that I cannot use but want to use. This will lead to regrettable decisions later.

    I exit through a door and it closes behind me, it becomes fairly clear that I was not supposed to fight the Asylum demon, at least not yet. Go through the rest of the level, better learning mechanics and get picked up by a massive bird that carries me to...

    Fire Link Shrine-Undead Burg:

    Land at the shrine. Immediately run around the runes. It very quickly becomes apparent I have no idea where I'm going. I backtrack to the shrine where I talk to some depressed bloke who tells me something about ringing a Bell above and below. I see a graveyard to the south and figure that means below, off I go. Proceed to get ganked by several skeletons. Respawn, moving more slowly, skeleton pops up, I kill him with my trusty sword and recover my souls. Wait, they come back? What kind of bullshit is this? Proceed to get ganked again but make sure to die close to shrine so I can recover souls without aggroing the skeletons again. Upward it is.

    I find a wall hugging a cliff that goes up. Ok undead, let's do this. One by one, slowly, I dispatch the first two. As I am engaging an enemy with a shield, I get hit with a bomb and fall off the cliff. I realize this game is going to be a steady stream of hard lessons. Back up the cliff, I engage shield guy but pull him back so I don't get bombed again. After a minute I accidentally kick him and break his shield stance. I try to repeat the mistake and figure it out after a couple tries. Ok, new mechanic learned, great.

    The Undead Burg is very slow going for me until I reach a bonfire at a tower. After this the next section is handled a bit better, I'm figuring things out. I'm making real progress until I see a large knight just standing there down a hallway. I step forward and proceed to get absolutely annihilated. I go back and it happens again. I can't hurt this guy. Time to get smart, to "git gud," as they say. New plan, I agro the mob and pull him back to an area with a bit more space. No more blocking, just rolling and circling. I get behind him to hit him with a quick strike and accidentally trigger an animation that does a ton of damage while knocking him down. I have just discovered backstabbing and it is a game changer. I kill the black knight and he drops a Black Knight Great Sword. I end my first session pleased with myself.

    Taurus Demon-Gargoyles:

    Done with work, chores, and gym. Time to load up Dark Souls. Back into the fray. I move forward up a tower and find a foggy door. I step through it. I am not prepared. The Taurus demon is stomping me, I die quickly on the wrong side of the fight. Back up the tower I try again. I manage to get my souls recovered and to get a few hits in before he kills me for a second time. My damage is a joke, I can't hurt this guy, he kills me with ease. Back at the bonfire I see an option to level up, but I have no way to get my souls and come back before fighting the Taurus Demon. Time to farm. And I am glad I did. Thanks to farming I got a new weapon I liked, a mace, and discovered the undead merchant who sold me some things. Also find a chest with a resin that adds lightning damage to weapons. I put a few levels in strength, endurance, and vitality, and steel my nerves. Back through the cloud and into the fray. I recover my souls. I am doing more damage but not nearly enough, and even while playing well for me he still catches me enough that the damage I am doing is not gonna pull me through to the finish. I run away to use estus and discover a ladder. I climb it. Proceed to do a plunging attack. It's a game changer. I repeat several times until the boss is dead. Feels good man.

    Moving on, I come across a bridge with a dragon and fortunately manage to avoid him. I have no way to hurt him, he is so far away. Moving around downstairs I find you can bypass him entirely. I'm not sure if this is a good or bad decision, but it's the one I make. Into the Undead Parish I come across an armored boar. I have a surprisingly easy time with him. The Taurus Demon has taught me much. In Undead Parish things get real. Trash mobs are better, they challenge me. I die several times. Upward, upward, like the man at fire link shrine said. I follow each staircase up at some sort of cathedral. After much death and backtracking and learning I finally reach a foggy door. I know what this means. Boss time.

    The Gargoyle proceeds to kill me several times in a row. I learn his mechanics enough to get him down about half way which triggers... a second gargoyle? Are you kidding me? Death. Death again. Death yet again. I am done for the night, disheartened.

    The next morning I am brewing coffee. Thinking about the game. I have been thinking about it all night, what I did wrong. I make a decision I have not made in a very long time, to be irresponsible af, and turn the game on. Something about stepping away for the night seems to have helped, I am playing better, more smoothly, I take the two gargoyles down first try and get a gargoyle helm. Looks cool. I put it on, ring the Bell, and stop playing cuz it's time to wage slave.

    Titanite Demon-Dark Root Garden:

    After the gargoyles I keep pushing forward. I find a bonfire and down a set of stairs a smith. Proceed to buy armor and weapon repair box. Level up a bit. Walk down another flight of stairs and come face to face with a nasty Demon. Get killed. Let's try that again, fight number two goes much better by using the environment to my advantage. Titanite Demon down, I push forward and enter a very evil place. Dark Root garden. I do not like these trees that keep whipping me. I find a door that won't open and a message that says roll into wall. I roll into the wall and find a bonfire, thank you to whoever put that tip down.

    Pushing into the garden I come across an area with a very tempting pick up. I make out for it and giant stone knights come to life and beat me senseless. This area takes me a very long time to figure out. But I do get an elite knight armor set out of it which I immediately put on and then immediately take off cuz it slows me down so much. I find another foggy door and enter to find the Moonlight Butterfly. I die several times figuring out the mechanics of the fight. I finally successfully dodge enough to see that it does land, allowing me to strike it. After a few more deaths I manage to pull it off. Following the fight I begin looking around a bit and backtracking I find a way downward that leads me to a black knight. This time I am ready. He goes down with ease and drops a Black Knight Sword. Great, looks cool, but can't use it. I find a bonfire and an elevator that goes down to valley of drakes. After a quick look around I go right back up the way I came.

    Up the hill from the bonfire I barely manage to kill a few blue golem things and see something unexpected. A hydra. It spits water at me almost killing me, I run away. I heal, look around, find a tower, open the door, and get absolutely annihilated by a heavily armored knight. As he seems more doable then the Hydra I backtrack to him a few times before finally beating him very slowly with a lot of dodging and striking from behind. He drops Havel's Ring. I put it on after reading what it does and try the elite knight armor set again. Not perfect but I can still roll a bit. I level up endurance some which improves movement with the heavy armor on. I don't know where to go and imagine I must kill the hydra next. I can't figure it out, I keep dying before I can get close. I quit for the night.

    Hydra-Farming: The Hydra has killed me every time from a distance. Using a bow doesn't help. I kindle the bonfire and clear the Golems and see a position up toward the front of the hydra that can offer some cover. I sprint and roll only getting hit by the Hydra range attack once, and something new happens, the hydra attacks me physically, which leaves its outstretched neck exposed. I manage to chop one head off. I proceed to chop every head but the last one off, which is on the far left side. It keeps plunging into the water, I go out to strike it and go too deep and drown. Instant death. I am furious. I repeat the same process but on the last head I just cheese the final bit of health with a bow and arrows. Mob dead.

    I don't know where to go, so I backtrack to the door I couldn't open at the top of Dark Root garden. It still won't open. I go to the blacksmith to make some purchases and see an item for 20k souls with a description that seems to line up. I decide to take the risk, purchase it, and return to the door. It opens. I step inside and immediately get ganked by a mage and a spearman. I try again, this time killing the mage quickly and then taking on the spearman 1v1 and kill him too. They drop a lot of souls, 2k and 3k. I run along the wall and kill a few evil trees to find an eastern armor set. Backtrack, realize this is not the way forward, get in another fight with an almost invisible mob and his cleric friend, and make a decision to farm based on the massive amount of souls they drop. I have wanted to use the Demon Great Hammer since I got it so I farm the strength to two hand it. When I finally get enough strength I realize I hate the weapon. I level dex a bit to try out the Black Knight Sword with shield and do like it.

    Confusion-Capra Demon

    I can't figure out where to go next. I know I have to go below, but I don't know where that is. After a lot of backtracking and searching I go back to where I fought Havel and go up the tower. It takes me back to the Burg. After more searching I open a door with a key I didn't realize I had and proceed. I do not like these rats, I do not like these undead rogue things that jump on my back. Finally a foggy door, I enter with my shield up and I'm glad I did. I'm able to deflect boss hits and roll out of the way to a staircase. I turn, kill the rats, and move back up the stairs before the Capra Demon can land an attack on me. I move to the ledge, he does a jumping attack that misses and makes him fall beneath the ledge I am on. Plunging attack works wonders, I repeat the same move a few more times until he is dead. I run around a bit and find a door to open leading to the Depths, where I decide to quit for the day.

    The Depths-Blight Town:

    The start of the Depths is smooth going. I take down a butcher with ease. Looking around I see deep water which I figure will kill me, I look around some more and see an opening behind some boxes. I roll through and drop down. I look around a bit and in a sewer fall through the ground, I am immediately set upon by what I take to be giant frogs but are actually basilisks. I kill two, round a corner where three more surround me and am suddenly cursed and dead. I respawn at the bonfire in cursed state and am very happy I had spent 25k souls on purging stones on a whim. I backtrack to retrieve my souls and die to curse again, losing all my souls and humanity. Incredibly disappointing. I switch to my halberd to keep them at distance and clear them no problem. I start backtracking to find a bonfire and realize I had accidentally skipped a good deal of the level. On my way to the boss while clearing slime I get backstabbed and die from some woman glowing red, but she is gone and does not come back when I recover my souls.

    Before crossing the boss fog I equip my plus 2 black knight sword. The weapon has just been upgraded and annihilates the Gaping Dragon with such ease that I decide to put it away, it is far too powerful at least for now.

    I cross into blight town and immediately feel uneasy, I do not like something about this place, it is ominous. I work through the area slowly and deliberately, taking serious advantage of backstabs. Something poisons me from beyond visual range and it makes me grateful for my farming session in dark root cuz I am loaded with cures. I fall off a precarious ledge and die. On my way back I am cocky, and am knocked off the side by the first infected barbarian I see, falling to my death. I just lost 50k souls and 9 humanity. Damn. Blight Town is slow going but I make it through with care. The toxic swamp at the bottom is a real pain until I realize there are spots that don't poison you. I waste the vast majority of my toxin moss as a result of spamming it.After some looting I find a bonfire and proceed to run up the path thinking it's the right way to go, but it's just a dead end. Out into the swamp I turn right and see what looks like a mountain covered in spider webs. I hate spiders. After dispatching three more infected barbarians I realize I did not kindle the bonfire and only have 4 estus left when I see the foggy door. I decide to give it a go as is.

    Quellag engages me. I had guessed it would be a fight requiring poison resistance because of Blight Town and the spider webs, I am very wrong. I stay behind her which helps as she is using some kind of forward facing lava attack. I attack as much as I can until she sets off an AoE that takes half my health. I dodge another attack and double hit the estus flask, now there are only two uses left. I get behind her again and get her below half health, try to run away before the AOE lands but get hit. Again I double tap the estus and again get hit by her AOE. It's do or die now, as I have no heals left. I try to output as much damage as I can. Just before she kills me I manage to get a final hit in, winning the fight. I proceed to ring the bell and call it a night. I realize I have grown to truly love and respect this game. A feeling I have not felt in a very long time.

    submitted by /u/Apprehensive-Tank-71
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    quick question

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 11:16 PM PDT

    before I ask this questions i have beaten them twice solo... anyways why do you think orstein and smough are so fun? its a complete bullshit boss fight. You have ojne dude jumping arcoss the entire map while fatty jumps across the entire map and one shots you. I hate every dark souls boss with multiple 2v1s because it feels cheap that they cant make a good boss without throwing two at you at once. They atleast improved at it in ds3 with demon prince even though i still didnt like it, it was at least barable unlike this trash boss fight. Dont say oh its challenging and fun no its bulllshit and you only beat them solo because you had to play it multiple times in a row. BTW nice hit boxes such a good master piece lmfaooo the game is not a masterpiece and yes ive spent many hours in it so dont call it a masterpiece because its not where near.

    submitted by /u/shaco0netrick
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    What are the best boss weapons?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 12:40 PM PDT

    Currently going for the Knight's Honor trophy (I'm only missing Artorias' Greatshield now) and from what I can tell so far... boss weapons are pretty bad, ngl. Other than Quelaag's awesome Furysword, most of them feel kinda useless. Extremely high stat requirements for average or low effectiveness, especially when it comes to O&S' weapons or Sif's 2 swords. Abyss Greatsword is cool, but there are better options. I feel like I've wasted a lot of titanite to create these things.

    Do you guys like any of them in particular?

    submitted by /u/Sm00bySoul
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    Dark Souls remastered on Switch or Dark Souls 2 Sotfs on PS4?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 10:59 PM PDT

    I've played DS3 to death and I'm wanting to get either ds1 or ds2 and I'm only going to get one of them at the moment so idk which ones overall better?

    And ngl I am petrified of having to try and roll in ds1 with joycons haha


    submitted by /u/bruhzombie
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    is gwyn evil cause he killed the dragons? and why he is alive shouldn't he he dead after linking the fire?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 10:46 PM PDT

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