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    Dark Souls My dad beat all souls games !!

    Dark Souls My dad beat all souls games !!

    My dad beat all souls games !!

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 04:13 PM PDT

    my dad finally beat all souls games. He beat the first one like 3 times,the second one once and the third one 4 times. He also has beat bloodborne. He is so proud but has nobody to tell his success to, so i decided to post on here!

    submitted by /u/uchihagod444
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    Here's a Painting I Made For Our Onion Boy Siegmeyer.

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 05:43 PM PDT

    Fifth playthrough, only just noticed

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 12:06 PM PDT

    I never noticed before that the giant wheels turning on the way into/out of Blighttown, are being turned like hamster wheels by those flame shooting dogs.

    submitted by /u/SanDimas1988
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    Learning Dark Souls

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 08:38 AM PDT

    I love reading about everyone's experiences with Dark Souls so I thought maybe I'd share mine. And sorry, it's a long one! I've been playing video games since I was very young. Grew up on a lot of N64 but didn't realize I was truly a gamer until I fell in love with Diablo on the PlayStation. It's when I understood gaming would forever be an important part of my life. That being said, I'd never encountered Dark Souls until college, when a very male chauvinist friend of mine (why we were friends, idk) said I wasn't a "true gamer" until I'd played and beaten Dark Souls. I accepted the challenge, without any understanding of what kind of game it was, again, had no knowledge of it, but with what I thought was a pretty prolific gaming repertoire, I figured even if it was as difficult as he portrayed I'd likely be able to tough it out. Boy was I wrong. I walked into that first boss fight with the Asylum Demon and failed, over and over and over again. I didn't understand. Why was I given such a shitty starting weapon? How was I supposed to do any damage with this broken sword? I'd asked him again and again, what was it I was missing here? But he'd answer I needed to kill the demon on my own and he'd laugh after each failed attempt. Eventually I gave up.

    Five years later I meet my boyfriend at GameStop of all places. Commiserating in our shared hatred of working there we bonded, and he was excited to finally meet someone that shared his love of gaming and we discussed our favorites. I'm a Fallout girl, through and through (New Vegas for the win) and he told me he loved all things Dark Souls. I shuddered. How could someone love something so masochistic? I told him my experience with the game after about a year of dating and he insisted I give it another try. But I was sure I'd never play it again, so instead he recommended DS3 and said he'd help me (though I was adamant that assistance was fine as long as he never actually played for me) and he promised to never laugh at my failures. With his coaching I beat Iudex Gundyr in less than ten tries..... and I felt the pull of the game. We played side by side in the living room. He kept a slow pace so he'd always be in my location for a summon if I needed it and while I needed him quite often, I realized I was able to adapt pretty quickly and wasn't half bad, though I'd attribute this to having such a good teacher. I was amazed by him, he knew what was in what seemed like every chest, he shared with me his knowledge of boss moves and even in my third or fourth playthrough if I'd forgotten what order to go or what location/boss was next he was always EXCITED to help or share. I quickly fell in love with the game and we played it together constantly (still do). Beat it a few times with his assistance, then started needing his help less and less, eventually I could get to Pontiff before I needed assistance (still do sometimes, bastard trips me up!) But today I can almost get through DS3 without summoning him. Usually only at Pontiff and Twin Princes do I need some help (oh and Sister Friede and Slave Knight Gael, but I almost feel that goes without saying.) One day, when I felt fairly proficient at the game, I say fairly because let's face it the game is still capable of bending me over some days, I told him, to his surprise, that I wanted to give Dark Souls another try. But only if he was willing to teach me.

    I did not take to the first game as well as I had the third. And let me tell you how pissed I was when he let me know that you don't have to fight the Asylum Demon with a broken sword and that there was a door you could exit through..... I'd never seen it all those years ago and I hadn't had someone by my side then who was willing to share that information with me. Someone that didn't want to laugh at my failure but instead wanted to help me succeed. We played it side by side again, he was there every gruesome step of the way. I found it FAR more difficult than DS3. Had my first rage quit after failing Sen's Fortress for what felt like the hundredth time. But with a lot of practice and patience (from both of us) I fell in love again. And I even taught him a few tricks myself, the most hilarious of which when I asked him during my second playthrough if one could run through the gate behind the Fang Boar before it closed. He said he'd never considered it. So of course I had to. And surprising myself, I eventually found I was able to play through without summoning him at all. Sure I take some random gamble summons here and there but I find most of them aren't nearly as good as he is!

    So I've been playing both games for almost two years now. Of course, we still play them side by side in the living room. It's gotten to the point really that even if the other is playing something else, if one of us boots up Dark Souls neither of us can help but quit what we're doing and play as well, wether we summon each other or not. I've got a lot more hours in both and just a few weeks ago I finally told him, to his absolute surprise, that Dark Souls is my favorite of the two! Who'd have thought? I know not me.

    submitted by /u/n1njaBee
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    Why is patches called "the hyena"?.......

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 03:39 AM PDT

    Does he laugh like one, or does his behaviour resembles a hyena?, Also, do hyenas even exist in the dark souls world?.........I honestly want to know.

    submitted by /u/SvenRock123
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    I just burst into tears of frustration after my ~20th fight with Havel in DS1 remastered

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 07:19 PM PDT

    This is my first time playing any dark souls game.

    I hate him. I hate him so much. There's other things I could be doing. But I want that ring.

    I have fought him probably over 25 times now. From the top of the tower, from the bottom via dark root basin. I've fought the butterfly boss and a few mini bosses in between. I've gotten better gear and upgraded my weapon. But still, he persists. I've perfected my backstabs on hallows and other little enemies. Can't get one on Havel.

    My fiancee has beaten DS3, and is a little further than me in DS1. After another bullshit 1 shot from that asshole, and some not-helpful backseat playing, I finally toss the controller to my fiancee and said "fine, if it's so easy, show me how you would do it with my character." He proceeds to get 3 consecutive backstabs off on him before stopping.

    I literally just burst into tears right then and there.

    I have never hated anything as much as I hate goddamn Havel.

    submitted by /u/Grass-is-dead
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    Attempt at drawing Artorias the Abysswalker

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 01:08 AM PDT

    After several months I finally found my first Vagrant...

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 02:36 PM PDT

    It was in Blight town.

    submitted by /u/KiWiiGB
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    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 10:15 PM PDT

    Man, it feels good going through the catacombs, in full Havel set, barely taking any damage, smashing skellys to pieces with my divine club. FEAR ME PINWHEEL!!!

    submitted by /u/Aidsisgreats
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    What is it like to live in Darkroot Garden?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 03:34 AM PDT

    I beat dsr without dying

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 11:32 PM PDT

    I did it. After countless attempts. That's all.

    submitted by /u/WeAllFloat15226
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    Dark Souls 1 enemy size comparison

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 04:17 AM PDT

    I dont know if someone has posted this already. If it has let me know thanks. link

    submitted by /u/Slim_130
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    Just A Little Rant

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 01:19 PM PDT

    My first time playing a Souls game...just beat that shitbag Capra Demon, proceeded to get gangraped by those dogs and Hollow Thieves..died with 8000 souls. Making my way back from Firelink Shrine Bonfire..only to fall off the top of the stairs near the shortcut, barely land on the edge...aaand get pushed off by a stupid fucking Hollow. FML

    submitted by /u/CounterSniped
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    Am I leveling my character correctly?

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 10:31 PM PDT

    I just started playing DS remastered a few days ago and love it. I'm about to enter blighttown for the first time and have managed pretty well so far. None of the bosses have given me too much trouble.

    I started as a knight and I've only put points into vitality, endurance, strength and dexterity. All of them are at 20 right now. My main weapon is the black knight sword which I love and was lucky enough to get early in the game from the undead parish black knight. I just got high enough stats to use it. Before that I used a plain halberd and the uchigatana.

    After using the black knight sword I feel like I prefer the slower heavier type weapons compared to katanas and spears. So basically should I keep all my four main stats equal as I level up from here? Or should I start prioritizing strength over dex if I want to keep using the black knight sword? Because it's starting to take a lot longer to level up now. I'm just unsure when I need to stop leveling my four main stats equally and dump a lot of points into one category.

    submitted by /u/WhyteTrashh
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    I did it!

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 08:37 PM PDT

    Alright, I'm not sure if Artorias is that hard of a boss, but I finally beat him! God I was trying for so long, and I managed not to use a summon! Looking back that was one hell of a good boss fight, I think I'm liking the DLC bosses more than any else in the game so far. Did anyone else have a ton of trouble with him? I died at least 30 times to him. Anyway, thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/The_Hylian_Noob
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    what is the most beautiful set in the game for u ?

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 09:57 PM PDT

    for me it's the elite knight it's so cool

    submitted by /u/twety77
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    These Games Are Amazing

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 09:38 PM PDT

    I played Dark Souls a few months ago, and I'm already nostalgic about it. This game is so mesmerizing, I feel I always have to come back to it. I'm having so much fun with Dark Souls 2 as well. This series is great.

    submitted by /u/_icy_____
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    Just ranting about DS1 being so much better than DS2 and DS3

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 02:24 PM PDT

    About a month ago I completed Dark Souls 3, thus finishing the trilogy and I must say; it's weird how much better Dark Souls 1 is! I've put something like 400 hours of gaming into it, and I almost never play games twice. DS is just so... freakin' mesmerizing! The sequels are okay too, but I think the best analogy I can think of is the Matrix movies. Nr 1 was sooo good, epic yet contained, awesome side characters, and a feeling of import to it. Nr 2 is fucking weird. Nr 3 is very loud and action heavy. Feels like DS1, 2, and 3 kinda feels the same.

    Rant over, praise the sun!

    submitted by /u/someonenamedobiwan
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    Incredible hard compared with the other from fs

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 03:01 AM PDT

    I played first sekiro and it was hard as hell, but after learning it I reached ng+4 fairly easily, with the exception that I still find the fights with true corrupted monk and Sword Isshin Ashina hard, and the hardest in my opinion Father Owl in hirate estate, but they are doable. (8.5/10)

    Then I played bloodborne, I didn't find it as hard as sekiro until I reached the dlc, also the fact that I did the dlc on ng+1, but after learning it I also reached ng+3 fairly easily, still the only boss that gives me a hard time is ook. This became one of my favorite games. (9.5/10 - thanks to the dlc, without it I would rate it an 8/10)

    Then I bought the ds trilogy, and I started with ds2. Man this was not hard at all, it was a really easy game, i beat at least 90% of the bosses on my first try, the only bosses that gave me cancer are sir alonne and both smelter demons. I don't wanna even start a new ng on this, as I found it also boring. The only memorable thing on this is the fact that the spear guy from heide tower, before the dragon, killed me more times than any of the bossess (2/10)

    Then I played ds 3. Oh god, this was a masterpiece, from level design to really difficult bosses and everything. It felt so good after defeating each of the bosses with my heart really pounding when they reached about 10% of health. Loved the Abyss watchers, pontyff sulyvahn, dancer of the borreal valley, lord of cinder, nameless king, lorian and lothric, friede, gael, midir. A lot of memorable boss fights. (10/10)

    Now I also started ds 1 remastered (I also started it when it was released, but I raged quit it). Now after restarting it I already feel that I will rage quit it again. This game seems as the maximum of from software in difficulty. I keep on hitting walls, the dashing is so limited, the estus takes a lot of time, the bosses areas are so tiny and I already lost a lot of souls. I will try again tomorrow, but im already mad with the numbers I've died on it. And I still hate it for not having fast travel.

    submitted by /u/ChoiceRadio7604
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    Trying my first SL1 run

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 02:41 AM PDT

    So I'm going the pyromancy route (cheesy, I know) and am trying to kill the basin hydra for the crown. But this one head keeps swinging out of range of my combustion and fireballs... Is there any way I can make it attack somewhere else and not to the left?

    submitted by /u/apigfellish
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    Dumb question

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 05:54 PM PDT

    I am sure you can get to the Depths without beating Taurus. I used the Master Key, went through Drakes, and Blighttown and back up, got to the Depths door, and "does not open from this side". All the way back down and around...how do I get to The Depths without beating Taurus?

    submitted by /u/SanDimas1988
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    I'm having trouble going through the game without a guide telling me where to go. What do I need to know?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 01:44 AM PDT

    Hey all! This is my first darksouls game and on my first hour, I didn't know where I was supposed to go and I ended up getting farmed by the skeletons in the graveyard near firelink shrine. After a while though, I managed to go to the undead burg and beat the taurus demon. I got lost a lot of times before figuring out I had reached the ruins kind of place. I completely lost track of where I should go after beating the bell gargoyles and began watching walkthroughs on the game. I don't really mind if I don't get a 100% completion of the game, I just love how the game and its really fun, a completion is more than enough for me. Is there any general knowledge about the flow of the game to help me without looking for guides?

    submitted by /u/AgentHarbinger
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    I finally defeated Manus!

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 03:04 PM PDT

    It is prob one of my proudest moments! It was hard and I raged and I vowed to not use a phantom on my character but I had to summon Sif. Sif gave the finisher!

    submitted by /u/dzokataa
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    Is there any significance to the fact that Seath the Scaleless drops humanity?

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 01:49 PM PDT

    I don't know if I'm reading too much into this, but it's kinda weird that a dragon would have humanity.

    But a few things weird about Seath (besides the fact that he is the only dragon who doesn't have scales).

    When you cut off his tail, it looks all red and meaty on the inside like an animal.

    Also, he has hands. I don't know what the deal with that is, but none of the other dragons do.

    I'm on my 2nd playthrough now, and it dawned on me - this dude drops humanity. Is that just coincidence or is there something.. oddly human about him?

    submitted by /u/the_gregor_samsa
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