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    Saturday, October 3, 2020

    Dark Souls 2 /r/DarkSouls2 - Gather 'round the bonfire.

    Dark Souls 2 /r/DarkSouls2 - Gather 'round the bonfire.

    /r/DarkSouls2 - Gather 'round the bonfire.

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 11:10 PM PDT

    Welcome to the bonfire, our weekly off topic thread.

    This is a place where anyone can talk about anything unrelated to Dark Souls and get to know your fellow undead a bit better.

    Please be respectful and follow reddiquette.

    What's keeping you from going hollow these days?

    Helpful Information for New Users

    Be sure to check the /r/DarkSouls2/wiki page, where you can find community-created tips and research threads.

    Please help build the wiki! You only need 10 karma within /r/DarkSouls2 to contribute.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    I wrote a poem inspired by Dark Souls. It's called "By The Flames Blazing Dark". Hope you enjoy it.

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 07:56 AM PDT

    By The Flames, Blazing Dark

    . .

    In my restless dreams

    In my endless nights

    I count the stars

    So many

    So little

    If it wasn't for the Mist

    I'd count them twice


    I see that distant town

    Not so far away

    Winter is here

    Orange skies

    Blue lights

    Fall has come

    But it's only May


    Hello there, O' traveler

    Seeking sanctuary, are we?

    Where do you journey from?

    Doesn't matter

    You're safe here, friend

    Rest the night

    Until this frail hope is gone


    There's much life out there

    So much more than the Mother's womb

    We, her last children

    Have eluded light

    Been denied shelter

    Sought company among the dead

    There's much peace among their tombs


    There was an Ocean here

    Now it's gone

    Forgotten glaciers

    Float'n fly

    Fall'n flee

    Remember me

    Shine, my hollow sun


    Why so silent?

    You have not spoken a word

    I can hear your thoughts

    Pondering carefully

    Wondering silently

    You seek answers to something

    A question, yet so absurd


    Join me by the fire

    By the flames, blazing dark

    This was a gift from her

    So peaceful

    So tranquil

    Ease your mind friend

    There won't be a next monarch


    Did you hope for something more?

    Something of depth and meaning?

    Depriving yourself of reality

    Seeking messages

    Cracking puzzles

    Drenched in an illusionary rain

    How joyful, how appealing


    Speak of all you've seen

    Midway upon the journey of our life

    You saw life in an Ocean

    Choices in dilemma

    Truth in Light

    Freedom in chaos

    Justice in Death

    Pain in comfort

    Comfort in lies

    Lies in Light

    Light in hope

    Hope in life

    And life in an Ocean. I wonder...

    What truly became of that Ocean?


    I shan't stop you friend

    For there's much life out there

    Seek out the Ashen Souls

    The Hushed Serenade

    The Ancient Words

    Search beyond the Mist

    Be safe in the eyes of the Lord


    But do bear this with you

    A token of dark, a gift from me

    Wield it as you wish

    Trade it for a coin

    Or let it shine your way

    Now off with you, friend

    Before you see the sun's first ray


    Perhaps I'll return to her

    In the kingdom by the sea

    I shall rekindle what I once snuffed

    But from here, we must part ways

    I've been in serene for too long

    If you are to return

    From the long path ahead

    Of what I have written you

    Listen for my song


    Follow the sounds

    Knock before the gates

    And join us by the fire

    Speak of what you saw

    Of what I had you go through

    By the flames, blazing dark

    Ps: kinda disappointed that the other 2 dark souls subs didn't care at all. DS3 basically removed it and DS didn't really do anything lol long live the bearers of the curse

    submitted by /u/devilseden
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    Comically large spoon

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 09:44 PM PDT

    Recently, I finished DS2 SOTF with a hexer build after dropping the game multiple times. And I gotta say, this game deserves more love than hate, just because it's vastly different to the other games doesn't make it bad. Albeit, I would prefer to replace the SM with SL matchmaking.

    But that's besides the point, after finishing the game, I recently found out about the existence of the handmaid's ladle, which in all honesty looks like a crap weapon. Even though it's crappy as a weapon, I decided to make a new character and attempt finish the entirety of the game with the paddle (althought my friends prefer to call it a comically large spoon).

    So far I've only killed the last giant, pursuer, and Dragonrider, but I will best the game with this spoon.

    I regret my choices but damn is it funny to kill bosses with.

    submitted by /u/Crispy_Tremane
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    Fume Knight Second Phase

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 01:31 AM PDT

    I very recently beat Fume Knight for the first time (first try as well, woohoo!), and I can't help but think the second phase of the fight is way easier than the first. I've seen loads of people freak out about how difficult he is - in the second phase especially; but that (I found) is when he is slowest and most predictable... Anyone else in the same boat? I mean, he's not that hard really...

    submitted by /u/Shade-Tone05
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    Iron Keep disaster!

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 11:51 AM PDT

    Hello Souls Warriors,

    I thought people would get a kick out of my pain. I just made it to the bonfire right before the lava demon boss. It has taken me a total of 5hrs because of platforming deaths trying to get different items and the overall ganky nature of this area. In total I have lost 130,000 souls, died 36 times and am so done with this place.

    It's weird, the bosses in this area don't hold me back but the perfect way the enemies are placed to swarm you is insane. Plus the fact, I am a pyromancer made this place unreal. So, I have conquered this place and I wish this Keep would sink the rest of the way into the lava.

    Just thought I'd share my Journey, A Humble Sunbro.

    submitted by /u/LovecraftFanatic666
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    I create a poem based on the Crown of the Old Iron King DLC

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 12:45 PM PDT

    Fuck You,

    Fume Knight.

    submitted by /u/DankerOfMemes
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    I finally did it! I got platinum

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 04:26 PM PDT


    After dark souls, dark souls 3 and bloodbourne...this was the missing platinum...it was definitely the most challenging one...

    What do I do now for a month until Demons souls?

    submitted by /u/highpassfilter24
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    Phantoms get banished right before boss?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 10:49 PM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    To get right to the point, I was playing as a phantom in someone else's world with another phantom (host summoned two of us), helping them all throughout the level, and once we get to the boss, the host traverses the mist and almost immediately the other phantom and I get banished from the host.

    I tried searching this up online and didn't find anything on it. I know it can't be a feature of the game, because before I put my summon sign down, I fought the same boss with a phantom of my own (which happened to be the same other phantom that was helping the host with me who inspired me to go back and help others).

    I don't think the host did it intentionally because we were banished as he was traversing the mist. This also happened to me and a friend before for the pursuer fight after smelter demon in the iron keep, and I remember him getting kicked from my world as I entered the mist, leaving me to fight him alone. I assume the same thing happened to the host I tried to help.

    Is this a bug, or is there some type of series of events that causes this?

    For clarity's sake, the boss in question that I had help with, but couldn't help others was the twin dragonslayers in drangleic castle.

    submitted by /u/Mokenificent
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    I need build ideas.

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 08:37 AM PDT

    I've replayed this game over 20 times, and i wanted to try something different. I want you guys to recommend me a build that is unique and will make me enjoy the game despite playing it so many times. And if someone recommends me a build wich has a cool thematic, interesting armour and weapons choice and i find it intriguing, im gonna give him a random award because i have some coins left :').

    submitted by /u/BumBumBaby
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    Gank Squad glitch

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 06:34 AM PDT

    I'm curious if anyone else has encountered this glitch in the dumb Crown of the Sunken King gank squad boss fight. I summoned the two NPCs because fuck that stupid fight, and we did some damage to all three NPCs but didn't kill any of them before my buddies both died. I ended up cornered in that dead end room on the lower level, but that's when shit got weird. The Havel dude just kept kind of going in and out of the little doorway, and the archer hung out behind him doing nothing (no idea what the third guy was doing at this point). After kind of moving around a lot I got the archer to come to me and I finished him pretty quickly. Havel still just kind of hung out, so I kited him up to the top floor, where he didn't do anything but block. So I kept kicking away his shield and hitting him, and sometimes I got backstabs from the front on him. Eventually he died, and I found the katana dude just sitting doing nothing on the lower floor. So I killed him. Is this a known glitch?

    submitted by /u/seamus_mcgee
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    Need Help

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 10:06 AM PDT

    Need help with ruin sentinels ps4 sotfs

    submitted by /u/StraightFacedMadman
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    Restore account

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 07:18 AM PDT

    Hi, I recently had to restart my pc, and when doing so, my dark souls 2 save is now gone when I reinstalled the game from steam, does anyone know how I can retrieve it again as it is still the same account and I have the pc didn't wipe everything.

    submitted by /u/Jsftn1
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    Cant end gam

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 09:38 AM PDT

    Ive beat nashandra but dont get any credits. Can still summon for aldia but he doesnt spawn. Cant go into ng+ at all. Can anyone help?

    submitted by /u/Full-Mark8396
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    End game glitch?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 09:11 AM PDT

    So. I've defeated Nashandra but the golems will not move and the throne of want won't open. I can still summon for Aldia but he won't summon and the phantoms won't enter the boss area.

    submitted by /u/Full-Mark8396
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    Is melee Aldia just impossible?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 10:50 AM PDT

    His fire aura is impenetrable. I keep dying. I cant get close enough to him at all.

    Like this is just not a very good boss lol. Infuriating.

    Edit:nvm I just beat him. I was just being dramatic I guess. That does mean that I have now beaten every single boss in the game, which is pretty neat. Didnt think I could do it tbh lol

    submitted by /u/greydestruction
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    [Spoiler] Broadsword and it's viability

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 11:46 PM PDT

    Fellow Hollows,

    I'm nearing the end of my journey through Dark Souls 2 (just passed Looking Glass Knight) and have encountered a little problem. It's my weapon - my trusty old Broadsword, which I upgraded to +10. I feel like it's damage output and durability are simply unreliable in endgame areas.

    For some background info - my first Soulsborne game was Bloodborne, which made me super accustomed to dodge rolling. I platiniumed it and then I finished vanilla DS3 with all it's bosses. I have always gone for a quality-ish build - putting points into Strength, Dexterity, Vitality etc. I used the Greatsword from thr Abyss Watchers in DS3 and a shield that I barely used.

    The situation in DS2 is similar - I'm standing at around 35 STR, 30 DEX, 30 VIT and 30 ADP, I believe. Besides my maxed out Broadsword, I carry a shiled, which I seldom use.

    My plea for help is the following - Can you recommend me a good end game weapon? Should I find and upgrade a sword similar to the Broadsword or should I expand into Greatsword (I have saved the Glass Knight soul for that reason)? What about getting rid of the shield and dual wielding 2 maxed out Broadswords (or only one good Greatsword)? Is it a good idea to get to 40 STR/40 DEX?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/lencu3
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    Drunk Souls with Gross Forfeits if I Die too Much (Blind Playthrough)

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 01:42 PM PDT

    Greetings ma duuds!

    I am Aaron, lovingly known as A-A-RON by my wonderful community.

    I have been streaming blind playthroughs of Dark Souls (with gross forfeits such as liver, tripe and chilli powder) for the last couple of weeks and have grown a decent amount.

    I love seeing new people in chat join our little community.

    I hope you come along and enjoy the streams and decide to stick around :)

    Much love, A-A-RON


    submitted by /u/TheDeathJesters
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    Vanilla game altered by DLC?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 04:56 AM PDT

    Im on my first run. Im playing DS2 from the trilogy disc version. It's scholar of the first sin, as the title says.

    Now coming across wikis from the internet, I noticed that many descriptions are different than what I experience ingame . I have different things on my screen than I would find in guides. It irritates me. Also, many messages on the ground seem to point to a different game variation (beside all the trolling :))

    Why is that? Is the first run different to NG? Did DLCs rebalance vanilla post-launch?

    Why am I fighting a dragon when a guide says it should be a knight? NPCs are Not included in the DLC Version or other things are replaced...

    I cant wrap my mind around it

    submitted by /u/GnashinOmenz
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    Starting DS2 for the first time!

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 12:50 PM PDT

    After years of playing both DS3 and DS1, I finally convinced myself to give the middle man a try. It's been interesting so far, although it definitely has a different feel than the other two. We'll see how it goes as I progress.

    submitted by /u/Golrod
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    Dark Souls doesnt do it for me...

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 12:05 PM PDT

    I recently picked up DS1 played and played the game like there was no tomorrow. I did 4 characters each different and didn't get tired of the game, but ds 2 is something else like... IDK man I just started the Aztec looking dlc rigth after I beat the boss whit the poison statues( I dont bother to remember the names of the areas and bosses). 25 hours into the game and I already feel tired of it, matter of fact I find myself hating on the game. I'm so tired of the game that I dont even want to bother doing the DLC areas, it triggers me hard af I find myself dying to gravity or some random bs more often than I die to bosses. Like im tired of the fucking game at 25 hours in while i have like 150 at ds 1 wich has less content in general. I don't know if the problem is me or the game! I am tempted to just ignore the DLCs go to the castle that Emerald girl is staying in front and just finish the god damn game and be over whit it. In conclusion F dark sousl 2!

    submitted by /u/qest32
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    German Dark Souls 2 stream giveup (in 3 min)

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 11:27 AM PDT

    GeDoSaTo for SotFS?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 09:05 AM PDT

    I just finished DS1 and moved to DS2 SotFS but i don't like how the movement feels compared to 1 and also the game hides all windows on my second monitor when i play it so im looking for some mods to maybe help with these problems but i cant find where to download this GeDoSaTo im hearing about which sounds like DS2 version of DSfix

    submitted by /u/SmashBusterZ
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    What on earth?! Bernhardt gave up the goods early?!

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 11:34 PM PDT

    So I did the first two missions with bernie, then exhausted his dialogue at the tree behind the pursuer, then I went and did other stuff for a few hours, including entering jeigh and vammar, grabbing the ancient dragon soul, and ascetic burning lower tseldora after.

    I just decided to go back to the tree with bernie, and before I went in I chatted with him, and without ever seeing him in a dream, he just gave me his set and the moonlight bunksword right there on the ramparts!!

    What on earth?! What happened?

    I'm going to go talk to him in the other dream and see if he'll give me the set twice lol

    submitted by /u/spoonguy123
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    Does soilder varg have anything to do with havels lore or is it just fromsoftware being lazy

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 07:50 AM PDT

    I recently beat them 🥳

    submitted by /u/chickenoken-king
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