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    Friday, October 2, 2020

    Dark Souls 2 /r/DarkSouls2 - Fashion Friday.

    Dark Souls 2 /r/DarkSouls2 - Fashion Friday.

    /r/DarkSouls2 - Fashion Friday.

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 11:10 PM PDT

    What does your current PvP character look like? If your character has a back story to go with their personal fashion statement we'd like to hear that, too!

    Don't forget to check out /r/fashionsouls for all of your fashion needs.

    Helpful Information for New Users

    Be sure to check the /r/DarkSouls2/wiki page, where you can find community-created tips and research threads.

    Please help build the wiki! You only need 10 karma within /r/DarkSouls2 to contribute.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    I Got Invaded While I Was AFK in Brume Tower

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 04:15 AM PDT


    It was a surprise to say the least when I got back to the game. I understand this is one of the two things that may happen when you're invaded while AFK (The other being getting all of your equipment melted by corrosive urns and then being killed.) The Items were 4 human effigies and a Seed of a Tree of Giants, both of which were much appreciated. So thanks for the help, unknown invader. If we cross paths again, I'll make sure to actually have the game open!

    submitted by /u/Trotolan
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    I did it! Both illusory rings in one run!

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 05:46 PM PDT

    I did it in NG+, after overpreparing like crazy. I think I only went below 50% health once. Took me ~7 hours, because I was playing very slowly and carefully. And I'm not even that good at these games tbh.

    For any other scrubs trying to do it, thought I'd share a few tips:

    -Buy all the repair powder you can, or attune repair. I probably only really needed ~10 powder, but with 99 you can relax knowing you've got plenty. Same goes for other consumables and arrows, but repair powder is probably most crucial. If you forget the powder, don't worry too much, Wellager has you covered with unlimited stock when you get to Drangleic.

    -Probably common knowledge, but make sure you attune your desired spells before going to NG+ since you can't change it later. Also, don't make my mistake - take a minute and think about the order of your spells. Put your buffs together in the order you plan to use them, so you're not scrolling through a bunch of crap all the time. My choice spells were dark orb x2 (PVE god mode), great lightning spear x2 (better vs some bosses and with better range), Great Magic barrier (ez mode vs amana, elemental bosses), Great Heal (never used in combat but a good top-off), Sunlight blade (rarely used tbh since most bosses were safer to kill in ranged combat but still a nice option to have), and resonant flesh (buff vs non-elemental bosses and whenever I was scurred).

    -Crown of the Old Iron King is your best friend. Without it, you'll need a lot of consumables, and I'd be nervous about running out. With the crown, no problems. You don't even need to leave it equipped, you can just AFK for a bit and let it restore your casts, then return. This also gives you infinite healing if you attune a healing spell, so you'll never worry about topping yourself up.

    -Grinding Giant Lord is a great way to get your SL high while also stocking up on divine blessings, which are a great estus flask replacement, and most importantly, giant souls (and other big souls if you raid the other memories) which get you through the shrine of winter. Personally I don't trust my jumping ability in the pit/gutter to be 100% successful, so the time sunk to skip the 4 lord souls was 100% worth it. Also the reps will mean you're hella confident to kick his butt when you have to fight him for real.

    -Get strong res gear for different occasions - Shrine of Amana was a breeze with 999 magic res. Nashandra had no chance with similar dark res. Guardian dragon barely tickled. Etc. Black Witch's set is your best friend for any elemental battles, as are a good set of rings and Great Magic Barrier if you can cast it.

    -Have at least a couple weapons capped out, ideally with a mix of different elements (if your stats support them). Having different movesets can be more useful for different bosses/areas imo, as well as targeting specific weaknesses. It'll also save your butt if you screw up and break your weapon (I didn't do this, thankfully).

    -Manage your bonfire carefully. The order I did was:

    light things betwixt bonfire (don't rest, obviously - lighting still sets it as your recall point with home bone)

    go though fofg to kill last giant, buy branch, and feather back

    go through shaded woods and light forked road bonfire

    go through shrine of winter, drangleic castle, shrine of amana, crypts, and feather back

    go through aldia's keep, dragon aerie, dragon shrine, feather back

    back through shaded woods to fofg for giant lord, feather back

    through drangleic, light king's gate bonfire,

    fight TW&D, feather out, fight nashandra after prepping anti-dark setup

    So I only lit three bonfires in total: things betwixt (or majula), forked road, and king's gate

    -When it's all on the line, I like to put my money on Havel's shield rather than my roll timing always being perfect. YMMV if you're more confident, ofc.

    -Always play offline. ALWAYS. I know the game is old and invasions are rare, but still. ALWAYS.

    -Summon phantoms for bosses when available. It's slower, but safer. If you can't, or it's inadvisable, use a brightbug.

    -Minor note, but alluring skulls attract ogres, while yearn does not. There's a few places in Aldia's where I used skulls to ensure I didn't get rekt by their BS hitbox on the munching attack...that attack makes me upset.

    -As far as the parts I found scariest:

    --Right of the bat, things betwixt is not a safe place to be in NG+. I recommend just running for the old ladies ASAP as there are a lot of enemies ready to swarm you. There's even a red phantom past the hut. Sheesh.

    --NPC invasions to be aware of during the critical path: nameless usurper (drangleic and crypts), peculiar kindular (amana), aslatiel of Mirrah (aldia's), and Forlorn (randomly almost anywhere). Usurper and Aslatiel are both cake, Kindular can be dangerous but if you followed my advice for magic res it'll be easy. Forlorn is by far the most frightening since he can appear lots of places, has a mountain of HP and poise, can be unpredictable, and his scythe gets through shields. I found dark orb spam to be the most reliable solution (he showed up once for me, in drangleic with a scythe). If you're particularly nervous you can use the torches in Aldia's as practice in NG - you can fight him up to 4 times, twice with each weapon (GS and scythe), and get some loot when you're done as a reward. Most importantly, make sure you're clearing all enemies as you go so you can safely retreat to a safe battleground (except in the crypts where clearing is too dangerous and nameless usurper is a joke).

    --Amana was pretty trivial with maxed magic res, but I do still recommend a bow for aggroing melee units so you can fight them separately. Even if the bolts do no damage, they're damn good at stunning you so the melee guys can get hits in. Bows also let you dictate the location for each fight to avoid group fights in deep water or risking falling off an edge while dodging.

    --One of the parts I was most nervous about going in was the crypts. There's basically 2 spooky parts: when you first run into the pyromancer tombstones, and shortly after when you drop down the hole. The second part is easy so long as you know which direction to run (45 degrees to your left, if you run straight through the hole - it's easy to tell the right path because it's the only one with a line down the middle). The first part requires breaking some rocks and can get out of hand if the bells get rung and/or you get stuck - stabby weapons can often be a bad tool for hitting the rocks blocking you on either side, and wide sweeps can ring the bells accidentally. My favorite tool for this part (tested in advance - like I said, I way overprepared) was the Warped Sword. Besides just being a good weapon, it's got a lovely R1 that lunges forward and hits front and left, making a snowplow that propels you through the area very quickly without inadvertently hitting any bells. From there, I ran through the next hallway a bit to lose any following skeletons and such, and then fought Usurper (who, as mentioned, is cake, so long as you're not being ganked by trailing skeletons - but do be aware that it'll happen).

    --There's an apparently very annoying red phantom across the bridge at Drangleic wielding a big hammer (I wanna say drakekeeper warpick?). I'd heard he was trouble so I used a greatbow (incredible range on those things) to pick him off from one of the outcrops on the bridge. I had to keep running away to hit his aggro radius and it was very tedious, but hey, it worked. He doesn't seem to respawn either. I look forward to fighting him more fairly in NG++.

    --The closest I came to death, hilariously, was vs the dragonrider near Velstadt's fog gate. I don't actually think he's a particularly dangerous enemy, I just got impatient and overextended, and he got a couple heavy hits on me before I could get my shield up. So, y'know, don't get impatient. Oh and don't forget to kill the bell-ringing hollows in that area either.

    --As a lock-on scrub, the second closest was vs the invisible-ish guys near the shrine of winter. The second time along that route, I found the windy path down the hill is a great place to corner them so they can't get around back of you, letting you wail on them until they die. Get their attention with a greatbow, one at a time.

    --Finally, the biggest surprise scare of the game for me (besides maybe Forlorn showing up in Drangleic) was the two red NPC phantoms standing near the place unbeknownst gate. I was flicking dark orbs at the syan knight, and they came out of nowhere and bodyslammed a big chunk of my health down. I high-tailed it to the ladder back to the bonfire, healed, and camped there until they came up so I could kill them one at a time. I definitely wouldn't recommend fighting both at once, especially consider how late in the game they are. It'd be a real shame to die with just 2-3 bosses left to go.

    --Between all my prep work, and having NPC buddies, none of the bosses were particularly challenging. TW&D were probably the most dangerous, but with Bernardt tanking the hits while I spammed lightning at their butts it was pretty trivial. I don't think any boss knocked me down lower than 75-80% HP. Cheese tactics ftw!

    That was very stressful. I think it's time to go use that pent-up energy at the gym. To anyone else trying to do the same thing, good luck!

    submitted by /u/Himetic
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    First time playing, an invader made my whole week

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 10:30 AM PDT

    So I'm very new to Soulsborne in general, I'm loving it so far! I had just entered the Iron Keep, lit the first bonfire, and as soon as I set foot on the bridge to kill the knight, I start to get invaded. Great, I'm preparing to get my cheeks clapped, and this guy has no weapons out. He gestured at me, and I do it back. Hmm, he still isn't hitting me? Wtf? The dude drops random stuff for me, some effigies and such, then he drops a +10 twin blade and 900,000 souls for me. Holy shit. Whoever that was, you are such a legend, I was having such a horrible day and you literally made me feel so happy, I was never expecting such a kind thing to happen in an invasion, it's always been people wrecking me haha, this pvp community is so cool, thanks for being awesome.

    (Shrine of Amana can absolutely fuck off though)

    submitted by /u/Impulse4811
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    I finally beat Fume Knight!!! ...with my fists

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 08:07 AM PDT

    So I just realized I don't block anymore

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 09:13 AM PDT

    On ps3 I blocked everything except the bosses that say no to that, fast forward 5 years and me buying sotfs on xbox 1 I just noticed 3 playthroughs in I don't block anymore. I just dodge and parry. Idk I just found it kinda strange. Has this happened to anyone else?

    submitted by /u/nunyabis34
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    Lmfao. Ive never had this happen before while farming giant lord

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 12:57 PM PDT

    One of the turtle bro's somehow survived I guess and ran all the way down and started attacking the giant lord haha. Ive never seen that happen and this is on my "op" account with bonfire level 99+ here since im SL500+. So ive done it a lot lol. I didnt even know they would ever attack him lmao. Since I just run past everything and go straight to him everything dies when the statue rolls or at least blocks them off. But somehow the turtle made it through.

    He was fucking him up too smacking 500+ damage xd. I couldnt stop laughing, I wish i recorded it.

    Has this ever happened to anyone else? I seriously have no clue how he made it down there lol

    submitted by /u/SrslySam91
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    In this sub, do you think DS2 is the best Dark Souls?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 09:00 AM PDT

    Fume knight

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 11:27 AM PDT

    Well...u guys weren't kidding about him. Easily the boss that i most died to.

    submitted by /u/Interplanes
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    Darklurker Appreciation Post...

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 09:20 AM PDT

    I just wanted to make post appreciating how much I HATE the Darklurker. To me he is the toughest boss in the base game. Despite being over lvl 200 (on NG+ btw) he still wrecked my shit over 30 times before I said F it and went to see the old ladies to respecialize. I had to build a very specific hex/pyro build in order to beat him. As a pure dex melee build which is supposed to be OP in this game i couldnt take him down. I may have beaten him but I still have the sadness. The things we do for platinums.

    submitted by /u/RatedRPG-YT
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    I just soloed the ganksquad!!

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 06:27 PM PDT

    I did it skeletons! I didn't think it would be possible but it finally happened. I feel like a weight has been lifted off of my soldiers. Now off to Frigid Outskirts...

    submitted by /u/Horrible_Troll
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    Should I get DS2?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 02:21 PM PDT

    So, I have played BB, DS3, and Sekiro. I really liked BB's atmosphere, DS3's diverse weapons and armor, and Sekiros combat. I don't have enough money to buy Dark Souls remastered and DS2, so I was wondering which community is more active and which game is better? I really like BB level design as well, if that helps. If you would like, I'd love to hear your opinions of the pros and cons of DS2 vs DSR.

    ps. Invading isnt a big deal to me. Im not very good at it lol

    submitted by /u/wearegettingadivorce
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    Who Killed the giant lord?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 02:04 PM PDT

    Since it's a memory it obviously can't be the player character as they weren't there for the battle.

    My theory is that it was Benhart of Jugo.

    My reasoning for this is that you can find him in some of the other memories and he can be summoned for the giant lord. This makes be think that lore wise he was the one who killed him

    submitted by /u/WanderingCollosus
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    Best staff before Wisdom?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 12:56 PM PDT

    Hi all, I'm playing a mostly pure mage (first play through, and have the foot soldiers sword for easy mobs and a backup) and am up to Hunstman's Copse. While I am having trouble dealing with Chariot (I'll get it eventually), I'm noticing a significant drop off with my spell damage even though I'm at 50 INT. I'm using a Sorcerer Staff +6. Should I keep leveling this or is there something else I should use since I think it's going to be a while before Staff of Wisdom? Thanks!

    EDIT: I'm using Soul Arrow, Great Heavy Soul Arrow, Soul Spear, and Heavy Homing Soul Arrow. I've beaten 1 and 3 and decided to give 2 a try, so any recommendations welcome.

    submitted by /u/WatchMySwag
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    I need assistance please! Ds2

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 07:50 AM PDT

    Hi souls warriors,

    I need some help with the iron keep area of Dark Souls 2. I could also use some human effigies if, anyone could spare any. I am soul memory 688,064. I keep getting hammered by armourer Dennis and would like help with the Smelter Demon. I won't take up much of your time. I have completely beaten ds1 and ds3 but this area is a struggle for me.

    Your Souls Ally Pwnalodeon < this is my gamer tag, I'm on ps4.

    submitted by /u/LovecraftFanatic666
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    I did it

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 10:09 PM PDT

    I have officially platinumed the trilogy in a little over 3 months.

    Man this platinum took the least amount of time (days wise) for me to get but I think the final few trophies were the most frustrating out of any of the other games mastery trophies (mostly because of the NG+ changes). However, the frustration makes it feel more earned than the other ones. I love this series and I quite enjoyed this game. I'm glad I saved this one for last. The hate it gets is so undeserved...

    Now I move on to my adventure in Yharnum! Thank you for reading if you did and thank this game for existing.

    Praise the sun!

    submitted by /u/DontDisapPyrrha
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    Appmanifest file

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 09:20 AM PDT

    hey guys need help..if someone can upload the appmanifest file for me i would be REALLY grateful

    submitted by /u/abdelrahman42
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    (Spoilers) How I would improve the final boss battle

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 06:40 PM PDT

    Folks say that Elana battle is what Nashandra should've been from the beginning but I think the queen of Drangleic still has some neat things in her moveset that could do some improvement if a DS2 remake would be announced some day. And yes, she is the weakest child of dark but she doesn't need to be the one with the most raw power or cheap attacks.

    Summon curse fountains

    This is the most important because she and the Pursuer are the only bosses who can inflict curse on the player. However, the Pursuer is an early game boss and his thrusting attack is easily avoided. As it is right now, all you have to do is cheese her from a distance or wait for her to come at you. Breaking the fountains with a roll or attack is pretty fair for melee characters.

    Things I would Improve:

    1. Instead of staying in a fixed location once summoned, the fountains would move along with Nashandra. The fountains would rotate clock-wise around her. Ranged casters would need to think about their positioning to stay healthy, while also avoiding her beam attack. Melee characters could destroy a couple of them and take some minor damage, destroy all of them in case they are not confident enough or risk tanking all the damage.
    2. While she is summoning the fountains, she takes 1/2 damage. Many may not agree with this one but i think buffs in this game leave bosses in such a bad position and they can be excessively punished for it: Ivory King, Fume Knight, Throne Duo. When I first played the game and saw how Smelter Demon got buffed resistances while going from phase 1 to phase 2 and phase 3, I thought all the other bosses were going to benefit from this but this wasn't the case. Nashandra being the final boss and given the fact that those fountains are easily destroyed by rolling into them could get some help in this scenario.
    3. Slightly less recovery time after summoning the fountains.
    4. If there is more than 1 curse fountain while casting this, she only resummons the missing ones instead of resetting them, which means she would never cast this if there are 4 of them in play.

    Horizontal three-swing scythe combo

    Good damage and speed overall. Goes well with the fountains. I think this combo is ok as it is. I've seen people get caught off guard by this.

    Downward scythe strike

    Your typical downward strike that you would expect from a giant boss.

    Things I would Improve:

    1. The tracking. Is abysmal.
    2. Add the ability to combo with horizontal scythe swings.

    Horizontal dark beam and Vertical dark beam

    For dealing with players that run to heal or try to stay away from the fountains.

    Things I would Improve:

    1. Less charging time on both.
    2. Faster moving speed on both.
    3. Less recovery time after the beam disappears from her hand. She takes almost 5 seconds to recover from the vertical beam and almost 4 seconds from the horizontal beam. Players easily dodge her beam, resulting in even more time for punishment as it is right now.
    4. Starting point. I've seen her cast the beams from a distance that could never hit a player even if they stand still. Also, she should never use them while the player is next to her because as it is right now they miss their target and she gets punished a lot. I've seen her coming close and then casting any of the beams.
    5. Both beams could leave a "curse trail/fog" that lasts for some time (10-15 seconds maybe?). If a player stays close to it, they would get the damage and curse buildup from a single fountain.

    Dark explosion

    Prevents greed from hyper aggresive players.

    Things I would Improve:

    1. Faster casting speed (kinda like Aava's Aoe)

    Do you agree with some of this points? What changes would you make to Nashandra?

    submitted by /u/AxelBrionac
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    No Man’s Warf. Fuck this area

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 08:27 PM PDT

    Where do I go? Am I supposed to be in this area at the beginning of the game?

    submitted by /u/humanzrdoomd
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    New to DS2

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 08:49 AM PDT

    Hey guys, I have played and loved DS1 and DS3, now I am going to have a go at DS2. I have been told DS2 is not the same as the other day games, so I am really looking for some advice on what type of toon to have a first go with as well as some play style advice.

    submitted by /u/Isabi1025
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    Fume Knight is no longer

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 05:07 PM PDT

    What a cool fuckin boss. Easily my favorite in this game so far and prob the toughest in the game. Went at him for 1.5 hrs with a +10 halberd and was lucky to get his health down to 33%. Then I remembered I have a +5 lost sinners sword and it took like 3 tries 😂. Can't wait for ivory king, only dlc I have left

    submitted by /u/Weak-Western3442
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    New into the game, question about then lore

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 06:54 AM PDT

    Hi guys, I am new to the game (and all souls games) and have a couple of questions.

    I am starting to like more and more this game. At first it kind of pissed me off because I didn't understand a sh**t, but now I finished fallen giants area and kind of hooked. I must admit I followed a couple of youtube suggestions cause I don't know how in hell someone new is suppossed to beat the pursuer in lvl 10-20 according to lvl suggestions posts, so I lvled up to 50thish and got some gear. The thing is I have no clue at all about the lore. All I get is some pieces the npcs told me, I think that should be 4 great bosses or something, and also something about the dead kingdom I entered. But I have no clue of why I am cursed, what is the kingdom, etc. All I know is that I went there to break the curse, and if I am not mistaked if I don't break it I will become hollow just like the monsters that attack me.

    The thing is I don't understand anything else that should motivate me to prefeer to talk to some person over another, go to one place instead of another. I have the feeling that being a realm of dispair that is the reason why the places/cities are not structured as usual with local merchants, etc, but that also makes me wonder what the hell are the npcs that are not monsters doing in those places, besides maybe Majula.

    Lastly, I am asking all this here because I found some youtube videos with the whole lore, but for the description it seems that they will spoil me the ending and that I don't want. I just think some more insight about the world would be a good motivation to investigate and understand better. Thanks for the patience!!!

    EDIT: It seems that DS 2 is the less cohesive in terms of story, but at the same time a lot of ppl says that DS 3 is really bad, and I discarded playing DS1 cause of being too old, so If you can help me with this one's lore, given that I already invested several hours it would be great :P

    submitted by /u/Gercho_M
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