Dark Souls /r/DarkSouls - The Trading Post. |
- /r/DarkSouls - The Trading Post.
- sometimes my enemies have a rough go at it so i wanted to motivate them with this modded grass crest shield.
- Am I supposed to feel this confused
- Blightpus and the Fair Lady, a very brief lore segment
- Whoever got cursed in Ash Lake... Thank you?
- Zwei or black knight sword
- Little rat problem
- Best way to farm souls ?
- I beat Dark Souls 1 earlier today and just started Dark Souls 2. Does DS2 get any better later on? I’m already not liking it that much.
- Here to help
- So I somehow hit andre and I dont backup
- Entered NG+, do I need another Darkmoon Seance Ring?
- Finally beat Ornstein and Smough!
- Just killed Artorias on my SL6 w/ no weapon upgrades, pretty happy about it! Took me damn near 10 minutes of fighting lmao
- Ornstein and smough
- I fucked up and killed the princess in the abbys
- Do lightweight sets matter?
- Praise the Sun he's dead
- Stuck in “Tomb of the Gods” in The Catacombs
- Has anyone ever read this comic? It's got massive Dark Souls vibes
- Creepy guys
/r/DarkSouls - The Trading Post. Posted: 21 Sep 2020 11:07 PM PDT Is there a weapon that eludes you? Want to host a fun give-away? Use today to schedule some trades! Helpful Information for New Users Be sure to check the /r/DarkSouls/wiki page, where you can find community-created tips and research threads. Please help build the wiki! You only need 10 karma within /r/DarkSouls to contribute. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 21 Sep 2020 06:21 PM PDT |
Am I supposed to feel this confused Posted: 21 Sep 2020 12:54 PM PDT So I just beat orenstein and smough and placed the lord vessel. It just feels like there's a million different paths to take from here and so many places I could go/things I could do. Is this just part of playing the game for the first time? [link] [comments] |
Blightpus and the Fair Lady, a very brief lore segment Posted: 21 Sep 2020 05:07 PM PDT This is post was made from a very short document I wrote a few months back, when I started doing an expansive research on Dark Souls lore. It's my first time posting like this on Reddit, so the formating is bad. I'm sorry. This document was originally written on 28/05/2020. Introduction: "The other bell is back down below the Undead Burg, within the plague-infested Blighttown." -Crestfallen Knight dialogue Blighttown is a small settlement located directly below the Depths. The bottom part of the area is a giant swamp. In order to understand Blighttown and why it is so terribly impure and poisonous we have to first take a quick look at the Depths: "In any community, a few bad apples are sure to exhibit insatiable greed. If they were turned Undead, and banished to the Depths, would they reconsider their ways?" -Sewer Chamber Key item description To put it bluntly, the Depths is a big sewer that's probably connected to a big portion of Lordran. But it's not only garbage that's thrown there. The key's description heavily implies that "greedy" undead are banished to the Depths as a punishment. I personally believe the 'greed' mention could be very important, and I'll elaborate on another document. In suma, I think 'greed' refers to the act of killing others for the purpose of absorbing their souls and also to cannibalism, performed by those who "were turned undead". How is this related to Blighttown? Simple. Blighttown is where all of the sickening water, organic residues and corpses fall into, so one can imagine the amount of impurity that is present on that swamp. "As its name suggests, Blighttown is a place of great pestilence. Even the polluted inhabitants of the Depths are aware of its dangers, and built this mighty door in hopes that they could remain safely separated." -Blighttown Key item description Well, you probably knew most of that already. If you look under the surface, though, there's much more to uncover. Blightpus, the Fair Lady and her servants "Worse than Undead, we are diseased, and unwanted. Like the grime of the Great Swamp. But my dear, Fair Lady! She cried for me… And swallowed the great Blightpus, despite Mistress Quelaag's orders to the contrary" -Eingyi dialogue So what exactly is the great Blightpus? It's obvious that the swamp's water is still impure, since it afflicts poison, but is that the great Blightpus? I don't think so. First off, we are told that the Fair Lady swallowed it. That damaged her so much that it's implied she needed to become a Firekeeper, and is still in need of Humanity for her survival. That's what we can offer her when we enter her covenant, and that's what Kirk and most notably Quelaag are risking their lives to grant her. "Soul of a Daughter of Chaos, Fire Keeper of Quelaag's Domain. A Fire Keeper's soul is a draw for humanity, and held within their bosoms, below just a thin layer of skin, are swarms of humanity that writhe and squirm. To her, the countless eggs which appeared were cradles for each tiny humanity." - Fire Keeper Soul (Daughter of Chaos) item description "Soul of a long-lost Fire Keeper. Each Fire Keeper is a corporeal manifestation of her bonfire, and a draw for the humanity which is offered to her. Her soul is gnawed by infinite humanity, and can boost the power of precious Estus Flasks." - Fire Keeper Soul (Generic) item description "Sister… It hurts… the eggs have gone still… I fear it may be too late… I'm so sorry, dear sister." - Daughter of Chaos dialogue With that said, do we even get to see someone that's actually infected by Blightpus? Yes, but not in Blighttown. (This specific screenshot wasn't taken by me. I take no credit for it.) These "slimes" are found only in the Depths. There's not much information on them besides the visuals and their meticulous placement in Lordran. They look like a liquified mess of residues and melted, inflamed looking flesh. They are the only enemies in DS1 we can visually identify as being made of some form of Pus. Quoting "https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/pus": "Definition of pus a thick, opaque, usually yellowish-white, fluid matter that is formed as part of an inflammatory response typically associated with an infection and is composed of exudate chiefly containing dead white blood cells (such as neutrophils), tissue debris, and pathogenic microorganisms (such as bacteria)" Hence, one could describe them as being a literal giant condensed mess of pus. Now, since Blighttown is where all of the impurity from the Depths goes into, why are they not featured in Blighttown? First of all, I think they are indeed the personification of Blightpus. Furthermore, the fact that they are exclusively found in the Depths and not in Blighttown hints at them having climbed all the way up through Blighttown and managed to reach the sewers before the Fair Lady fled the ruins and swallowed the disease. Most of the ones that were infected beforehand and then got healed by the Fair Lady could've been turned into the Egg Servants, letting themselves transform into demons via deliberate parasitic infection as to demonstrate devotion to their saviour. "The egg-bearers have chosen to serve the Flame of Chaos, and the eggs symbolize this selfless choice." -Egg Vermifuge item description I could also stretch that to claim that most Blighttown residents are aggressive towards you for that same reason. For example, take the infested barbarians, who look to be in direct guard of both entrances/exits to the swamp and also of Quelaag's Domains' entrance. All enemies there seem to work together: the ghouls and barbarians compose the frontlines while the blowdart snipers attack you from ranged, safer spots protected by them. Moreover, even the fire-breathing dogs might've been trained in order to help stop invaders from trespassing the area, similarly to the zombie dogs domesticated by the Capra Demon we find in Lower Undead Burg. That's guerrilla warfare level of strategizing and cooperation for a couple of supposedly common hollowed undead to practice. Also, this is probably one of the most organized and intelligent group of enemies in this game. (Just a quick note: for those of you who are familiar with Demon's Souls, this all must've sounded familiar, right?) That's not all, however. Although slimes are the most literal example of Blightpus we find in the game, there's also another creature who may be afflicted with the condition. Further in-game references "This axe, one of the rare dragon weapons, is formed by the tail of the Gaping Dragon, a distant, deformed descendant of the everlasting dragons." - Dragon King Greataxe item description When first entering Gaping Dragon's arena, the cutscene that plays shows us that he's climbing the sewers, similarly to the Blightpus slimes. Interestingly, his body is nothing like a regular Archdragon's. As the Dragon King Greataxe's item description states, he's deformed. In fact, the four wings are still there, but the rest of his form is a hideous mess, topping it off with a giant gaping mouth which opens from his underbody and reveals itself to be filled with sharp teeth-like bones. While I don't think that was caused directly by the Blightpus, with a bit of examining we can realise that he may be suffering from it. During his encounter, he can vomit a pool of what might be Blightpus. (Remastered edition screenshot, PC, vanilla) If you look closely at the liquid he's vomiting, it looks eerily similar to the Blightpus slimes. I'd theorize he probably tried to flee from Blighttown, like the slimes, after getting infected. He may have gotten infected after eating some of the Blightpus afflicted undead. All things considered, even if he's not properly affected (or even infected) by the same Blightpus as the undead are, he's at least rejecting what he ate. Some more visual information: (PTDE, PC, vanilla) A closer shot of the Blightpus vomiting (PTDE, PC, vanilla) Pus on the wall beside the Depths' bonfire (PTDE, PC, vanilla) This is it for this segment, thank you for reading! I hope you can excuse my poor understanding of english. If you're interested in contacting me, you can send me a message on Twitter. My account Before i go, i also want to thank the Dark Souls wikidot' staff for their work on compiling dialogue and text, and also the Archstones community for their GDrive collection of Dark Souls data. [link] [comments] |
Whoever got cursed in Ash Lake... Thank you? Posted: 21 Sep 2020 10:33 PM PDT Someone got cursed and the Basilisk fell off because it got stuck! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 22 Sep 2020 03:54 AM PDT So I have the zweihandler and a black knight sword(also a black knight great sword) and I was wondering which is better, I'm still pretty early in the game and got lucky with black knights in undead parish [link] [comments] |
Posted: 22 Sep 2020 03:43 AM PDT Anyone else having problems dealing with those rats that you find below the bridge, just before you reach the ladder to Undead Parish? Because those little pests always get me poisoned. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 22 Sep 2020 02:47 AM PDT I am currently in my fist playtrough and I crafted the abbys greatsword with the arterias soul but I need 15 levels to use it and every level cost me 55,000 souls. I think I am going to use the obsidian sword special ability to kill the gooey bois at the painted world what are your recommendations? [link] [comments] |
I JUST SOLO'D O&S FOR MY FIRST TIME YAY! Posted: 22 Sep 2020 12:32 AM PDT So i started playing on switch quite a while ago, and this was my first run. I killed Solaire cause i didnt know any better and just wanted his armor, so i got until O&S and just couldnt complete it, so i dropped the game. A few months later i got the game for my PS3 and completed the game by keeping Solaire alive. Then i bought it on steam and am currentlh playing it but its late so i went to bed rn and was like lets give it another go on switch, and i did and solod it! Sorry for the long story that lead nowhere lol, just was excited and wanted to share. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 21 Sep 2020 06:29 PM PDT Does DS2 get any better later on? I really don't like the changes to the health system and the game feels overall more clunky. I don't know what it is but my character feels lose and stiff at the same time and I don't know why. (It might be because I was using a different controller because I needed to recharge the battery in my main one) The game also feels a lot slower, I hate how long it takes to enter fog falls, and I don't like the new health system. I know this sounds like I hate the game, but I really don't. It probably sounds like I think really negative about the game, but there is a lot I actually like a little more than DS1. I feel like everything was good on paper but some parts were botched during the execution. Sorry for the rantiness of this, I just want to know if the game picks up in the second half. No matter what I'm not going to quit, but I just want to know so I know what to expect. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 22 Sep 2020 01:01 AM PDT I will be yoyr guide through the many woes of dark souls, leave a comment and i will help if needed! I am on darksouls remastered for the ps4 [link] [comments] |
So I somehow hit andre and I dont backup Posted: 22 Sep 2020 04:38 AM PDT Is there other way to upgrade weapon? Or do I need to start again and start to backup my saves? [link] [comments] |
Entered NG+, do I need another Darkmoon Seance Ring? Posted: 22 Sep 2020 12:03 AM PDT I just beat O&S on NG+, but I can't seem to be able to fight Gwyndolin even though I have the ring in my inventory. Do I need to grab it again in NG+? [link] [comments] |
Finally beat Ornstein and Smough! Posted: 21 Sep 2020 03:55 PM PDT It took me about a month of trying, but I finally got there; and without Solaire's help to! At this point, I've turned the boss Soul into a Big Spear, killed Lutrec and restored Firelink Shrine, talked to the Princess and taken the Frampt Elevator to kindle the Lord Vessel. What should my next step be? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 21 Sep 2020 04:47 PM PDT Used a Demon Spear with the ring of FAP and the dark wood grain ring. Not a no hit run or anything, but I'm definitely happy with it lol. My hands were shaking by the end. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 21 Sep 2020 04:11 PM PDT I killed them with Ornstein second. I'm shaking. Phantom Iggy in Havels armor thank you. I'd gotten Ornstein down to his second phase once. I took Ornsteins Aggro while you fucked smough. Thank you. [link] [comments] |
I fucked up and killed the princess in the abbys Posted: 21 Sep 2020 02:58 PM PDT |
Posted: 22 Sep 2020 12:30 AM PDT So I was pretty intrigued by the Demon Souls Remake gameplay trailer and decided to finally dive into the games, can't play the OG Demon Souls because its exclusive to PS3 but I got Dark Souls 1 instead on PC, I have no clue about anything in this game apart from it being hard. What would the best build be for a beginner with absolutely no experience with a souls game. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 21 Sep 2020 05:58 PM PDT Dumb question. I'm on my second character in NG+. First was a pyromancer I got to ~SL 120 and beat NG+. Uchitagana +15. Dex build. Mostly used havels Armor set. In NG+ with a sorcerer build now. ~SL 90. Intelligence build of course. Using moonlight butterfly horn. Use mostly the grass crest shield on both. Is there any reason not to use heavy armor? It really doesn't seem to have enough slow down effect to not be worth using (Other than when I'm evaluating armor based on resistances). I always use the crown of dusk though. What's the big advantage of light armor? Is this extra move speed actually worth it in your opinions? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 21 Sep 2020 05:39 PM PDT I finally killed the Taurus Demon - by slicing his crotch. Tho afterwards, on the bridge, I got caught by some rats - with no Estus left. [link] [comments] |
Stuck in “Tomb of the Gods” in The Catacombs Posted: 21 Sep 2020 12:00 PM PDT Okay I think I messed up. Really badly. I'm at a bonfire that edges lava, that's close to the trickster Dude? Who throws you down into a 3 item drop zone. It's a really dark cave, and when I get out of it and onto a path with a blue sky, the fog is blocked in Gold and sealed by some game mechanic? I don't know how to go backwards since I fell to this bonfire, and no idea how to progress forward. I can't even see anything either. [link] [comments] |
Has anyone ever read this comic? It's got massive Dark Souls vibes Posted: 21 Sep 2020 05:16 PM PDT |
Posted: 21 Sep 2020 09:35 PM PDT Is it just me or basiliscs scare the sh*t out of me every time? [link] [comments] |
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