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    Saturday, August 29, 2020

    Dark Souls /r/DarkSouls - Gather 'round the bonfire.

    Dark Souls /r/DarkSouls - Gather 'round the bonfire.

    /r/DarkSouls - Gather 'round the bonfire.

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 11:08 PM PDT

    Welcome to the bonfire, our weekly off topic thread.

    This is a place where anyone can talk about anything unrelated to Dark Souls and get to know your fellow undead a bit better.

    Please be respectful and follow reddiquette.

    What's keeping you from going hollow these days?

    Helpful Information for New Users

    Be sure to check the /r/DarkSouls/wiki page, where you can find community-created tips and research threads.

    Please help build the wiki! You only need 10 karma within /r/DarkSouls to contribute.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    I just killed Artorias the Abysswalker

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 07:30 PM PDT

    This is my 1st playthrough ever and i have killed Artorias after something like 70 tries and i feel like a king of the world. I loved every. Single. Try. I love everything about this awesome game and even when i suck hard (75h played on 1 character) i love every second in this world. Looking forward to kill other bosses in the Dlc. In base game i have to kill the Ash lake Hydra and Gwyn. Im so exited. Wish me luck <3

    submitted by /u/TenZCzech
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    Apparently Taurus Demon can just fall off?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 08:27 AM PDT

    Started a naked run and the Taurus Demon boss fight came up, and he just... jumped off the bridge when backstepping, so like... huh, neat

    submitted by /u/Orbiting_Fish
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    Am I just bad or what.

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 03:39 AM PDT

    So I picked up dark souls about three months ago looking for a new experience and trying what is apparently a beautiful game (I've come to agree with that statement in full). After playing it on and off I've accumulated about 75 hours into my first ever character and have reached level 101. However I feel like I've hit a roadblock with the bed of chaos and 4 kings bosses. After 20 plus tries for both i cant seem to make any progress with either. Is this normal or am I just bad? Would gladly take any advice.

    submitted by /u/somethingsausage
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    Thank you Bob

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 06:09 PM PDT

    Before today, I'd been using a youtube walkthrough as my play-by-play guide for navigating Dark Souls and getting and defeating the next boss. I'm a new player, so I felt lost and used the help from the video contstantly. Today, I was in the depths and decided to go through it without the walkthrough. I was so scared because of all the traps and jumps and losing my humanity - all of it. But then, just by the bonfire, I saw a summoning sign for someone named "Bob." I summoned Bob and he fought through the Depths with me the whole way and helped me beat the Gaping Dragon. He turned in circles with me as I made sure he was still there before facing the Dragon, and he helped me defeat enemies I would have otherwise been easily pummeled by. I could not have had nearly as much fun with this level and boss if it wasn't for him. I fell down into one of the traps multiple times and freaked out, but Bob was there glowing with the white aura of a saint. To Bob, thank you for helping me have the most fun I have had so far with Dark Souls - and without any youtube video at that.

    submitted by /u/big-booty-mood
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    Dark Souls saved my life.

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 07:50 AM PDT

    Dark Souls saved my life.

    Without rehashing the past too much, between trying to work my way out of a debilitating accident and regaining the use of my arm, fighting to keep a relationship, trying to finish a diploma, watching my bank account dwindle, and suffering from the severest form of anxiety, depression, and low self esteem - Dark Souls came into my life at a time where I needed it most.

    In an apocalyptic dystopia where your life is insignificant and your obstacles overwhelming, Dark Souls gave me something I wasn't able to give myself - agency, control, empowerment.

    You will die, you will fail, you will lose, you will get lost - and the game never cares if you continue or not. At least, that's how it seems...

    It is a brutal experience that is like none other in any medium. But underneath its overt difficulty is a consistent, silent, philosophy - if you never give up, you can never fail.

    Through trail, error, punishment, learning, you are pushed to be just as ferocious as the enemies you face. You form a relationship with yourself and how you play, because no amount of stats and level ups are going to make the fights any easier. *You* as a person have to do better. Only then are you able to crush your obstacles.

    When I wanted to kill myself after feeling like I've lost my relationships and amounted to nothing but a broken 30 something, it gifted me with this feeling that the rock bottom I currently experience is now able to be a fortress of which I can build. To reinforce myself and be welcomed back should I ever return.

    Brick by brick and inch by inch is how I have had to live for the past 17 months.

    I still live with my demons, but now I have the faculty to fight back.

    submitted by /u/SilencerLX
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    Dark Souls Remastered has helped my Anxiety and Panic Attacks.

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 09:41 PM PDT

    I really don't know how to explain this, but a long time ago I was let go at my old job. I was ready down and depressed. My anxiety attacks became a daily things and put a strain on my family. During this time I found a game in my drawer called Bloodborne. I had never played a souls game up until that point. After starting it I was hooked and the next thing I know, I got the platinum trophy. Then I realized I also didn't have any more anxiety attacks. Never understood why. But I feel in love with the game and continued to play NG+ for a while.

    Fast forward and recently due to COVID my anxiety and panic attacks have been terrible again. I couldn't figure out what to do. Unfortunately I didn't own Bloodborne anymore. I lost my copy. But I did have something else. Dark Souls Remastered. Ever since I started the game I've noticed again that I'm not having issues. No attacks, no panic, nothing. The game has been amazing so far.

    I really don't know how to explain it but it seems when I play a souls game all my problems seem to disappear. Has anyone else experienced this? All I know is I will continue to play in my free time and hopefully will keep feeling better.

    Thank you From Software

    Praise the Sun!

    Edit: Playing on Xbox One. Currently at Blighttown Boss.

    submitted by /u/Ghost_Mech
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    should there have been a covenant with Crossbreed Priscilla

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 02:18 PM PDT

    I have done some thinking, and honestly i think a covenant with Priscilla should have been a thing, like the covenant with forest hunters, but instead you are summoned in the defense of Priscilla during the the fight of anyone who attacks her, or just summoned outside in the painted world could work to. But i want to know what people think about this, if it had been a thing, what are your thoughts, and would you join a covenant with Priscilla if it had been an option?

    As far as i can tell, i would most certainly join without hesitation, and i think because the fight against Priscilla is not very hard to kill as it is, having an invader be summoned in when someone attacks her, would not be unfair.

    submitted by /u/LeviathanIIX
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    I just have to praise this game

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 10:18 AM PDT

    For years I have struggled with boredom from gaming. I have to make an effort to finish the games I buy so I don't feel like I wasted money. Usually the last 3rd of any game I play devolves into me trying to barrel through so I can move on to something else.

    I have avoided Dark Souls for years because why would I want to play something that frustrates me? But after playing it for a couple weeks, learning the enemies and environments, dying over and over, and getting incrementally better at it, I realize that the lack of frustration in gaming is exactly why I'm so bored. This game is thrilling. Every new area will humble you, but the best part is being cocky in old areas will also humble you. You have to play the game. Going on autopilot will destroy you. Every encounter is important and I'm so glad I discovered I can love a game like this.

    Now I'm currently getting my ass kicked in Sen's Fortress not by the enemies, but by the traps. Traps haven't even been an issue up until this point, but now I have something new to be on my toes about. This game is truly something else.

    submitted by /u/maddskillz350
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    Dark Souls has the best community that I ever found

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 11:52 PM PDT

    Well , I know that every fandom and community has a toxic part but in Dark Souls Is different. The people here are very kind with the new players, I really love how the veterans help with some bosses or areas. They give good advices. They usually talk about serious issues and that's only one part of why I love this community.

    submitted by /u/Esgalce
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    Would love some advice

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 03:02 AM PDT

    I got dark souls 1 for the ps3 and never completed it. I finally want to complete it after all these years. I also got a PS4 tho, is it worth buying it's remaster for the PS4 or doesn't it make a difference?

    submitted by /u/Darksouls7899
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    I tried the aggressive mod finally it was great...but...

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 10:56 PM PDT

    So I can finally understand why there are so many bloodstains at firelink. That mod is amazing. It really is. Undead burg became REALLY hard again. That black knight running you down as you cross the firebomb bridge really felt like a real encounter finally. Then the wyvern area? THe black knight simply leaps OFF THE TOWER like a boss. But...

    Other than having to be able able manage large groups of mobs, and getting frustrated trying to get your souls back, but now in more obnoxious ways, it didnt really enliven the game the way I heard it would. Sure having the mobs react to your presence like an actual army relaying that the bad guy had been seen was nice and realistic, but other than that? It just made it frustrating more than enjoyable.

    my two cents

    submitted by /u/Nopefeelins
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    Decided to play the three dark souls in order. Part 2.

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 05:35 PM PDT

    I think... I have finished Dark souls 2.

    This is the second part of my playing the dark souls in order. I found dark souls 2 to be a lot more enjoyable in terms of gameplay but a lot less satisfying in terms of completion. In Dark souls 1 I was super frustrated by movement out of fighting and having to deal with the parts where I have to platform. There was less of this in Dark souls 2 which I appreciated. I feel like there is a lot more to talk about for Dark souls 2 then Dark souls one. I found dark souls 2 to be so nonlinear I got legitimately lost on so many occasions. I had unlocked almost every single area before fighting any of the great souls. Where as in Dark souls 1 It felt like I always kinda knew where I was meant to go. Ring the bell. Ring the second bell. Find the lords.
    Either way I had a lot of fun with the game. Also screw Nashanadra. her and her wisps were so frustrating.

    Onto Dark souls 3. I am really excited for this one after people commented on my first post.

    submitted by /u/Hitsatsu
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    What’s still your least favorite enemy?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 07:07 AM PDT

    Mine would have to be the dogs on the way to the depths, no matter how timed I swing I still end up getting hit at least once or twice.

    submitted by /u/That_mayne
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    How does Demon's Souls compare to Dark Souls in terms of punishing newer players?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 08:25 PM PDT

    Just got a copy of Demon's Souls for PS3 yesterday, and am struggling with the soul mechanic where you lose half your health ( or a quarter with the cling ring, but that only leaves 1 ring slot) and have to kill a boss or another player to regain your humanity. I'm fresh into this game, Managed to get past Phalanx,tried some other areas, like the prison tower and mining settlement, but can't make solid progress in any area. I'm also going to stay away from online play until I get a better feel for the system. I have a copy of the Remaster coming in tomorrow, and is it as brutal with punishing death as Demon's is? Sorry if this is a wordy one.

    submitted by /u/IndependentLobster27
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    Iron Golem hitless whip only no roll/run/backstep/block/parry/buffs

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 01:02 PM PDT

    Just got my ass kicked by Ornstein's ghost

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 06:18 PM PDT


    Anyone familiar with this bug know what killed me here?

    submitted by /u/Stitchface
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    Should I swap up my build for the Black Knight halberd?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 07:50 PM PDT

    I'm early into a ds1 "naked man with a big stick" run, when the black knight halberd dropped early game. I was planning on using the Demon machete or the Giant club and swapping to smough's gh after anor londo for shits and giggles, but now I'm just so tempted to use, in my opinion, one of the best weapons in dark souls. What should I do? I'm so conflicted here.

    submitted by /u/Justhereforther34
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    large flame ember lost

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 12:42 AM PDT

    hi, I have reached Anor Londo, and wanted to upgrade my weapon to +10 (so that I could ascend it to lightning weapon) but I cannot go past +5 and it seems I never have given the large flame ember or found it (its not in my inventory) Am I'm screwed? lol

    submitted by /u/Isrulik
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    I just beat Artorias for the first time

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 02:14 PM PDT

    My heart is still pounding. Wow. I tried to beat this guy on my Dex character for at least 20 attempts until I gave up and started a new game with a pretty basic STR Zweihander build. Even on this character it took me 25+ attempts. But I finally prevailed. This guy is the hardest in the game imo, makes O&S look like Child's play

    submitted by /u/FFelixx
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    Quaelogg dead, but still... fuck Blighttown

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 12:18 AM PDT

    It took me 5 tries to beat her. The first, I was hollow and I had her down to one hit left with my drake sword. The second, was human, summoned mildred (she was way too easy tbh) and was completely stomped. The third and fourth, the damn lava pools and not healing. The fifth, I took no damage. At all. Felt like a god. Rang my bell and went to leave, fell to my death. One soul run later and I'm at the fucking enterance to blight town, and I fall... again... I'm thinking third times the charm, but fall and die omw to get my souls. Rip 20500 souls and 3 humanity.

    submitted by /u/alstar101
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    Guys, Manus is a ducking fun boss

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 03:30 PM PDT

    He's definitely in my top 5 favorite soulsborne bosses along gael, ludwig, orphan, midir. Very fair, and hes super aggressive so the fight is never a slog. Well telegraphed moves means you will never be blindsided as long as you know the fight well enough. And some attacks felt like they required near frame perfect rolls. Its like they took a BB boss and you fight it with DS1's clunkiness, which isnt a bad thing. Just ups the ante

    submitted by /u/GratzCiel
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    Im playing darks souls for the first time. Any tips?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 06:57 AM PDT

    I finally picked up a copy of dark souls (remastered to be specific) and am a bit scared about playing considering its reputation. Any tips or advice would be greatly apreciated.

    submitted by /u/hnsgnetnatu
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