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    Friday, August 28, 2020

    Dark Souls 2 /r/DarkSouls2 - Fashion Friday.

    Dark Souls 2 /r/DarkSouls2 - Fashion Friday.

    /r/DarkSouls2 - Fashion Friday.

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 11:11 PM PDT

    What does your current PvP character look like? If your character has a back story to go with their personal fashion statement we'd like to hear that, too!

    Don't forget to check out /r/fashionsouls for all of your fashion needs.

    Helpful Information for New Users

    Be sure to check the /r/DarkSouls2/wiki page, where you can find community-created tips and research threads.

    Please help build the wiki! You only need 10 karma within /r/DarkSouls2 to contribute.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    (Kind of Spoiler) Who the fuck let me use a bonfire ascetic in Majula?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 05:44 AM PDT

    I was sure my Majula residency achievement glitched - it did not, my boyfriend is just a dick and makes me kill NPCs that I do not need to kill - and you can't kill any for it, which I didn't know at the time. I believed Cale was bugged for my save since it seems to be a common problem and used an ascetic in Majula to reset because I read thats how some people fixed it.

    Now what I later came to find out was that I had to invade (SPOILER) Licia. Licia, who I very quickly learned has a bullshit oneshot killing spell that she uses whenever you get too close. And I used an ascetic. I've never played this game before, and I mean that ALMOST literally; I played once when I first bought it years ago, but I didn't look it up, read anything about it, nothing. I didn't even know you could level up, so I was just trying to run through Heide's tower immediately with no stats and no knowledge of the game. I got pissed off and hadn't touched it since, until I started dating my boyfriend.

    So he snickers, looks over at me, and say, "Baby, she's gonna fuck you up for a while. This woman is in my nightmares." I watched him do this fight before I had any interest in the game, and knew he was right. She made him waste MANY effigies.

    So after a few tries with using my normal playstyle, not wanting to give up my pride and have to play it a different way just to beat someone, he says, "Let me do it for you."

    I stared at him. Threw dark weapon onto my spell bar and the drakekeepers shield. I taunted her into using that stupid oneshot spell that did absolutely nothing to me because of the shield and just locked her into an unending series of backstabs. Her heals? Immediately worthless - backstab as soon as she cast. He had to watch as I turned the woman who damn near made him quit the game into one of the testing dummies they use on Forged in Fire.

    And I know this sounds very unimpressive. I know there are greater feats and so much more that could be done. But the last time I picked up this game, I didn't know I could level up, I didn't know estus was a thing (I never knew that I had to talk to the Emerald Herald), and I had no idea what the enemies were, the storyline of the game, or any basic knowledge. And yeah, pretty much everyone starts off like that, but fuck it, I am SO proud of myself.

    But it's also safe to say he is no longer talking to me right now since I defintiely cheesed Licia the first time I invaded into her. This game makes me feel like a GOD.

    submitted by /u/sutxrxito
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    Arsenal of the Awful: Scythe of the Forlorn

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 06:11 PM PDT

    Yeah, i'm just calling this the Forlorn Scythe. For those unaware, this weapon is kind of a community meme in that it's similar to the Ivory Sword where it's cool asf but piss weak and impractical. Further compounding this is that it requires being fully Hollow for maximum attack bonuses (that's 50% hp unless you got Ring of Binding to make 80% hp), except said bonuses are surprisingly damn minor for having to invest in becoming a fugly zombie that's sacrificing a ring slot. And even worse is that being human causes stat PENALTIES, and you can't invade or red sign duel while hollow so you're going to either have to be stuck co-oping (and if Agaped, that's 2 ring slots for a minor damage boost) or fight in the tryhard bloodbro arena. So basically, you more or less can't use this without fucking yourself in some way, as if you don't want to gimp your hp and ring slots the scythe fucks itself just to fuck you over in some way.

    It's also a weird weapon since Bleed infusion for some reason increases everything about it, somehow granting better Dark scaling than Dark infusion (nani the fuck?), but...this is actually the key to using it. Because the main problem with this weapon isn't its numbers, but its weapon class. Reapers are janky ass weapons in DkS2 because it's moveset involves an overhead slash that steps forwards, then having a followup attack where the user stands still and uses a reduced range "pull" attack. This followup misses half the time because all hits push the recipients away slightly, and reducing the reach on the followup results in stupid misses. Adding to the jank is that reapers use the "sweet spot" sysem where the blade deals maximum damage but hitting with the handle gets massively reduced damage, meaning that anyone can cut your damage by half by just staying close to you. This means that unless the reaper has some really damn good numbers like the Scythe of Want (btw, highly recommend since Nash's chime is redundant when Black Witch Staff exists) or Bone Scythe (very underrated), the reaper is going to suck ass. That is, unless you know a certain trick.

    Because you see, as i stated in the Ivory Sword chapter, there is a special, unknown tech for using reapers, and it has absolutely no reliance on skill, timing, or sanity. And it works pretty decently, synergizing quite well with the Forlorn Scythe's huge Bleed values, dark damage bypassing most people's high physical armor and low elemental defense, and Shadow Gauntlets and the Crest of Blood for some absurd bleed values (you're looking at 440-ish Bleed at minimum stat requirements bois!).

    The secret tech is dual wielding reapers WITHOUT powerstance, pressing R1, then pressing L1, then just alternating between the two like a coked out maniac berserker whose using farm tools instead of actual weapons. And, not surprisingly, you're going to need to pump up Endurance quite a bit to do this. What exactly does this do? Well, it removes the jank of the reaper moveset's followup "pull" hit and creates a stunlock. This same tactic used to be used with straight swords to stunlock people to death until got patched out. But it lives on...in reapers. The R1+L1 alternation makes it so that you only do the overhead slash that steps forwards, meaning that you move in tandem with your hit enemy who is getting pushed backwards per hit. This combined with the stunlock and high Bleed values, alongside the below-average damage of even a full-Hollow powered scythe combine for quite the hilarious, if not somewhat inconsistent, result.

    Because the Forlorn Scythe actually has really good reach as its a long ass scythe, meaning that pulling off the tech with a sweet spot hit enabled stunlock results in modest damage numbers (if fully Hollowed) and several bleed procs (200 damage per, and you'll pull off at least one proc with another very close if you didn't proc twice), making for some actually pretty good numbers. Bleed is quite interesting because it doesn't just do the shitty 200 damage, but also temporarily cuts stamina and stamina regeneration.

    This means that if you pull off the reaper lock with Forlorn Scythes after someone expended their stamina from either trying to (or succeeding in) hitting you, they won't be able to counter since their stamina is gutted and very slow to regain while you're free to Cloranthy Ring regain that sweet, juicy green bar to put them through another round of coked out pain. Maybe. Unfortunately, once someone feels the wrath of the reaper lock and loses 50-70% of their hp (yes, that is how strongly the damage and bleed can add up to with enough stamina for maximum spam), they know to never get hit by it again which isn't hard to do because reapers aren't very fast, and you're definitely not going to use the 1-handed R2s because they suck.

    But, this is where some of the other moves of the reaper finally are of some damn use for once. The 1-handed rolling and running R1s are wide, long reahcing sweeps, which are great for roll catching or roll punishing thanks to the long reach of the Forlorn Scythes, and because your opponent can't retaliate with their gimped stamina, you can put up a lot of pressure that they outright can't be aggressive against since they just don't seem to have the stamina. You essentially force a state of passiveness from them, and it's up to you to continue the pressure because if they dodge evade you when the bleed wears off, they can turn the tables since their weapon probably needs to hit you way fewer times to kill you compared to stunlock spam requirement of the Forlorn Scythe. But if you manage to get them in another reaper lock, you've probably won right there. The 2-handed R2 is also that badass spin sweep from the Scythe of Want, meaning that if an opponent wants to use the sweet spot system against you, you can windmill slash punish them for some juicy, multi-hit bleeds.

    The Forlorn Scythe also has some quirky ways to somewhat bypass its hollowing bullshit as arena duels cancel out hollowing penalties while retaining the hollow status, meaning that you will be at full hp and free to take off the Ring of Binding to fight at full potential...against arena tryhards. Not really good tradeoff, but it is fun to see some buff stacking healing tryhard struggle against the equivalent of a meme build fueled by Endurance pumped autism stunlocks.

    So does that mean that, to the shock of the community, the Forlorn Scythe is actually...good thanks to this tech? Fuck no, the required investment completely offsets everything above and is annoying as sin to play with on a good matchup because you're locked out of invading or red sign dueling, as the average arena havelmonster can and will poise through your shitty low poise damage reapers and 3-shot you with their buffed stacked cheese weapon because you're relying on Stone Ring quite a lot for the reaper lock. And because what you just read can also apply in the literal exact same way to the Full Moon Sickle, and unlike the Forlorn's damn scythe, that weapon allows you to actually get some invasion action going on while also arguably being much easier to get two of (because you got to go through NG+ for that 2nd Forlorn Scythe, and NG+ Forlorn is a motherfucker to fight against and farm up to get scythe access), with similar bleed values and similar damage numbers unless you use the Forlorn Scythe on a Dark build specifically which is going to need a shitload more levels than the Full Moon Sickle combined with ass pain of being a hollow.

    In fact, the reaper tech is best used for Scythe of Want on a Dark build as you'll do enough damage to stunlock destroy people without any bleed shenanigans, or Bone Scythe for a Strength build to use some A Strength scaling brute force with RoB for similar stunlock kills. And even as a bleed tool, the Full Moon Sickle is so much more practical to use that the shitty 100 Dark damage you'll be getting off the Forlorn Scythe at full Hollow and minimum stats won't be worth the additional investment. By the time you have the stats for the Forlorn Scythe to be at its full potential (a Dark build with high Endurance too. Good luck staying in a reasonable Soul Memory for the Forlorn Scythe to still be a threat), it's going to be worse than other scythes at their full potential which can all use the reaper tech too.

    So the Forlorn Scythe...CAN be quite decent, but at the cost of locking out out of all the fun kinds of player interaction and provides nothing better over other reapers that can do its function much better for much fewer stats. All while also imposing several annoying as sin costs with the hollowing to ensure that it's difficult to even use since when human, it's just a much shittier Full Moon Sickle and when hollow its a minor upgrade over the Full Moon Sickle. And it's such a shame because the arena conditions did show that with the reaper tech, the Forlorn Scythe is potentially quite effective but the matchmaking lockouts from being hollow defeat the point of making a PvP build with it.

    Because wtf are you going to do with this? Co-op in NG+? Because this actually sucks dick for PvE, especially since the reaper lock only works on one enemy and the sweeps are dealing very low damage since they're not being used in a stunlock combo. You can make your co-op friends laugh, but you're sure as hell not going to be of much help aside from looking like an edgelord.

    I...I actually had to farm NG+ Forlorn for this shit since i needed 2 of the scythes for the tech. I even went an extra step to farm up the Mad Warrior mask for a "mad hollow" grim reaper getup. Good fucking god the prep for this was awful even if the Forlorn Scythe itself under arena conditions wasn't half bad. But you know something that might be better? The next shit labeled weapon! Ever heard of or seen anyone use the Shield Crossbow? I have a whopping total of once since this game's vanilla release and that boy was it not effective. Which makes it perfect to try out next since i do have a theory on how to make it useful for more than just semi-safe sniping against other snipers.

    submitted by /u/Branded_Mango
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    So another Executioner's Chariot rant

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 06:19 AM PDT

    Why does my shield not work against the horse. Half of my life was gone when he hit me with his back legs

    submitted by /u/Krzypl
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    I am starting ng+ but wanted to change my build to sorcerer, what stat should i put and what weapon and spell should i use?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 08:02 AM PDT

    Is ds2 the longest souls game?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 07:29 AM PDT

    I mean in terms of beating all bosses and dlcs on the first playthrough because I don't rememeber ds1 and 3 being that long. It's not a slog, it's just that I already beat Nashandra yet I still have so much stuff to do

    submitted by /u/Torantes
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    SOTFS as the true version of Dark Souls 2

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 09:26 AM PDT

    I'm finally getting around to playing through SOTFS having played through vanilla DS2 multiple times and eventually the DLCs once through. I'm absolutely loving the changes they made and am wondering why the original was designed the way it was (mostly in terms of enemy placement and encounters)

    The most glaring change to me was at the Dragon Shrine. Having the smaller warriors as passive guardians there to observe you as you're tested in battle seemed like it should have been the original design. Heide's Tower is another obvious example of this.

    Some slightly tweaked areas like Shaded Woods and No Man's Wharf were pretty minor but seemed to make sense to me. There were some odd things like the Executioner Chariot horse in Drangleic Castle and all the random invisible hollows holding silky stones (what's up with those guys?) as well as the new yore branch statues peppered throughout the world.

    There are tons of tiny changes that just jive better with the lore and flow of the game in my opinion (like the Dragonrider before Velstadt or the drake outside the Cathedral of Blue).

    Overall I think SOTFS represents the true vision of the game and makes me wonder what the devs were thinking while making the original. Was the development rushed? Did they have another team work on SOTFS? Honestly I would love to have had SOTFS as my first experience with the game.

    What other changes were you a fan of? What changes did you not like? (stone knights in amana are you fucking kidding me)

    submitted by /u/LaserTurboShark69
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    Fume Knight and Sir Alonne are much easier naked with Simpleton Ring than with an armor. Melee build.

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 10:56 AM PDT

    Just did these on NG+ and naked it's much easier. You take pretty much same amount of damage with or without one due to the amount of damage they do. Almost always 2 or 3 hits is enough. I'm serious. Running a DEX build made both bosses a lot easier. Pretty nice to be honest.

    I guess this is a tip to anyone who is struggling. Don't be afraid to go to a boss nakey ;)

    submitted by /u/RJSSJR123
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    [SPOILER!]I hate persuer. How the hell I kill this guy?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 08:42 AM PDT

    Okay! so beating the boss persuer was already a pain and by ultimate luck I was able to kill him with balista. I did not kill other persuers untill I got the strength of 30+ and level 8 ultra great sword. I defeated many with ease but the one at iron keep is a bitch. Right now my sword is level 10 and strength 45. That persuer does not die at all. Every time I hit him, only 5 or 8% of his health drops. What the hell is he made off? Even bosses die quickly than him. You can go back at him, does not give you time to heal, Keeps cursing like a bully, Tried to poison him and he hillariously took 5 poison arrows but damn he didn't got poison. Generally enemies get poisoned in 3 to 4 arrows. At this point I gave given up on him, planning to return when I am even more stronger but I guess after strength 50 the hardcap will start. The only way to defeat him would be to kill him without getting hit. That's why I came here. Maybe someone experienced can help. Btw I liked Iron keep. nice soul farming location.

    submitted by /u/sanketvaria29
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    Is the community alive yet again?

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 07:51 PM PDT

    Not that it went completely dead, but out of the months back of playing and not being able to both blue sentinal it up or invade/duel/anything with anyone due to nobody being active, it boomed out of nowhere and all the sudden I'm getting invasions more consistent than before. My platform is Xbox One btw, if that answers anything.

    submitted by /u/AdR929
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    Is the horse statue near the iron keep bonefire is somehow useful or is it just a spinny thing?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 08:35 AM PDT

    Vestald fight

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 01:56 PM PDT

    Ive been stuck in vestald's boss fight for a while now, I've tried to beat him so much times that I found a way to get there without killing anything and without taking damage, but I don't even know what to try on him anymore, literally any tips about vestald boss fight will help

    submitted by /u/alpacoto
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    i cant really find any other place to ask for help with this problem

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 01:55 PM PDT

    when ever i start the game everythings normal till i try and load / make a new character it does all the saving stuff then just doesnt load it goes to a black screen ive tried to see if maybe the loading screen doesnt show up but it will still load so i went to the store (i was gone about 30 min) when i got back it was still on the black screen not loaded yet ive tried changing the settings alot but nothings worked i have it set to the low preset right now.

    submitted by /u/thendarth
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    Series Veteran here. Starting a freshie!

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 07:53 AM PDT

    How's it going everyone. I'm a soul series veteran, been playing (and mostly pvping) since dark souls 1 launch days.ive done everything you can possibly think of challenge wise... gone no death no bonfire on all 3 games including dlcs at max NG+ difficulty, at sl1, no damage runs, etc etc. however I'm a pvp player at heart. Anyway I'm about to start a fresh character for pvp. Im burned out on all of my current pvp characters and it's time to make a new one. Would anyone like to join? I have no problem helping new players either.

    submitted by /u/Ghostblaz3
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    Help defeating king Vendrick

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 01:46 PM PDT

    Can someone help me against king vendrick ?. I only have 2 gigant souls and he kills me with 2 atacks. And i'm running out of Human Efigys. I am at soul memory 9.942.152. Sorry for my bad English, it is not my main language.

    submitted by /u/Diegasd
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    Confused by naked and passive PVP opponent

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 09:09 PM PDT

    I'm new to the dragon covenant and just started PVPing and now I'm really wondering about etiquette in strange situations. Someone had me invade them, took off all of their gear and just stood there making friendly gestures. I waved back and then... He started to just to the grovel gesture. So. I killed him? Then he showed up as a red invader and did the same thing. This time adding in dropping me a priestess skirt. I didn't have any spare melee gear and he was doing the naked grovel thing again, so I killed him again. I feel like a jerk but I have no idea what he was going for. I'm in no way built for a naked melee brawl. Any theories?

    submitted by /u/Das_Li
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    [SPOILERS!]Guys where do I find poison arrows?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 05:18 AM PDT

    I have only 4 of them and I want more to poison persuer at iron keep and old king boss. Not sure if I can poison them at all but I still want some to deal with other enemies as well. Now galvan does provide those but I will get only 3 chance to trade with him right. So I am looking for alternatives. I am just saving the galvan for selling all of my items so that I can get lots of soul later (being greedy).

    submitted by /u/sanketvaria29
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    Covenant items

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 08:35 AM PDT

    Does anyone know a quick and easy way to get covenant items (other than pvp)

    submitted by /u/IAmGlitch126
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    Questions about tombstones

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 06:23 AM PDT

    Y'all know about the tombstones that let you summon a ghost of the NPC you killed, right? Well, I have some questions regarding them.

    Did a bit of a test run and I killed Maughlin for the Tseldora Set. Really wanted that clear armor of Aurous but for some reason his stock inventory did not increase, even after spending way above 16k souls. So I figured the NPC just spawns and remains in the state you killed them in, right?

    Well, apparently no, because I killed Targray too since the Blue Knight Halberd isy favourite weapon but I came back later after getting the item you need to join the Blue Sentinels from Huntsman's Copse which I didn't have before. I was able to join the covenant and get full value out of his shop.

    So my main question is why did they behave differently? And can I still get Maughlin to stock up?

    submitted by /u/hanfhaxe
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    Offering help anywhere sm 14 mil

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 08:09 AM PDT

    Edit:PS4 sotfs

    submitted by /u/a_allen4261
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    Just got to Shrine of Amana on NG+. Wish me luck!

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 11:43 AM PDT

    Not looking forward to the Shrine, it's one of my least favorite areas in Dark Souls.

    I've brought my bow and all of my lightning. I think I'm over leveled too ~SL215.

    But wish me luck!

    submitted by /u/stump2003
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    Bloodstain mechanics

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 10:39 PM PDT

    Yesterday I was playing around trying to make some funny bloodstains for other players to enjoy.

    But I have no idea what the odds are of my bloodstain appearing in somebody else's world, or how long they stay around.

    Does anybody know more about this topic?

    submitted by /u/keithwaits
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    Drangleic Castle-Statues are frozen

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 04:04 AM PDT

    I can't go up to the ghost NPC to buy items anymore, the statues on the way are frozen and don't animate because I probably killed em too many times

    Know anyway aside from using the Bonfire Aescetic?

    submitted by /u/CarlManvers2020
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    Soul memory

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 09:21 AM PDT

    If I'm at 2.6 million soul memory what is the lowest soul memory I can be summoned by with a name engraved ring?

    submitted by /u/alfboss123
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    Ds2 power cap

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 09:05 AM PDT

    So in my first playtrough i made a cleric with greatsword, my only miracle was heal. I'm at undead crypt now and i don't feel the damage. In DSR i dealt chunks of bosses health and one-shotted nearly every mob. Is this not the case for this game or am i doing something wrong?

    submitted by /u/ayayawarria
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