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    Saturday, August 29, 2020

    Dark Souls 2 /r/DarkSouls2 - Gather 'round the bonfire.

    Dark Souls 2 /r/DarkSouls2 - Gather 'round the bonfire.

    /r/DarkSouls2 - Gather 'round the bonfire.

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 11:10 PM PDT

    Welcome to the bonfire, our weekly off topic thread.

    This is a place where anyone can talk about anything unrelated to Dark Souls and get to know your fellow undead a bit better.

    Please be respectful and follow reddiquette.

    What's keeping you from going hollow these days?

    Helpful Information for New Users

    Be sure to check the /r/DarkSouls2/wiki page, where you can find community-created tips and research threads.

    Please help build the wiki! You only need 10 karma within /r/DarkSouls2 to contribute.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Would there be interest in shorter one-off breakdown/guide posts, similar to the big farming guides I've been doing, focusing on a single enemy type?

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 09:07 AM PDT

    Greetings, skeletons!

    In the process of doing research for my farming guides, I've built up a lot of information and strategies for various enemies.

    Much as I'd like to, there isn't nearly room in the main guide posts to pack all of it in. I include much of it in the attached spreadsheets, but I figure not everybody wants to break out the reading glasses and dig around in them (not that I don't try to keep them reader-friendly), and even then much of the strategy and practical knowledge is left out to keep things compact and quickly readable.

    So, rather then let it all languish in some dusty corner of my brain, I'm thinking of doing some lighter breakdown/guide/strategy posts, each focused on one specific enemy or paired enemies.

    Some enemies I have in mind:

    • Drakekeepers
    • Dragon Acolytes
    • Stone Soldiers
    • Eleum Loyce Retainers & Rampart Soldiers
    • Archdrake Priestesses & Pilgrims
    • Chasm of the Abyss Phantoms
    • Poison Statue Clusters

    I'm not just talking about drop data - the bulk of what I'd like to share is strategy and gameplay information.

    In testing, I've picked at enemies' AI: movesets, aggro and tether ranges, interactions with other enemies, safe spots and worthwhile risks. I've tested weaknesses and resistances with different builds and weapons, with every kind of spell and every type of damage. I planned, ran, and compared multiple routes, for multiple different encounters/groups.

    The result is a route and strategy for each; designed, tested, and refined over sometimes dozens of hours farming that one enemy alone.

    That's not to say I don't have drop data - I've filled out full drop tables, drawn from those hundreds of kills.

    All of which is a long, drawn-out way to say I'd like to make some smaller, more specific posts to share more specific, in-depth information, as well as to fill the gaps between the big guide posts while I'm doing the nuts-and-bolts research. It wouldn't be any extra work - I have the data, the guides are already drawn up and annotated. Just a matter of doing a little write-up, which I'm more then happy to do.

    That said, I don't want to spam the sub or wear out my welcome, so I figured I'd put out some feelers first.

    As ever, your input is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/JoeyTheSchmo
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    Arsenal of the Awful: Shield Crossbow

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 09:41 PM PDT

    This is a...weird one. The Shield Crossbow is best known as that one joke weapon that showcased how awful Helicopter Man's life was (RIP chupper man). When i first wanted to try this, i had an idea. Anyone else played DkS3 when the Lighting Arrow miracle was introduced? I thought maybe the Shield Crossbow would be functionally similar as a hit trade tool, but that relied on a very specific effect happening...which did not happen.

    To put into perspective what the power of the Shield Crossbow is, it has 308 damage when +5 and Raw infused, which is also compatible with RoB and Flynn's for an extra 100, and also slots in extra damage from bolts, which raise that higher. My test run only used RoB and Heavy Bolts which are 100 damage, making a 450 damage weapon. That's not half bad, until you realize that this is actually average for a crossbow and the real deal maker is supposed to be the built-in shield. A shield that has 100% physical block (nice), 65% magic block, and across the board 50% for everything else. That's honestly pretty good defense values with an all-round solid element block. So, what's the problem then? Two things:

    Firstly, the Shield Crossbow has a pretty miserable 30 Stability. This is made worse because the "guard" state of aiming takes up a fairly big chunk of stamina to do, and completely stops stamina regeneration rather than reduce it like other shields do, so you have gimped stamina and low stability which makes it pretty easy to get guard broken from normal hits without a huge Endurance stat. The second is the thing that causes this weapon to fall apart in the category that i intended, but it does still have a good use that i will be covering later. What is that 2nd, crucial thing though?

    No stagger upon landing a shot, which all ammo projectiles do not do unless they're a head shot which means that the guarded counter-shot doesn't interrupt the opponent who is free to wail on the shield. This means that you pull off a decently powered counterattack, but your opponent still swings and just smashes through your shitty 30 stability, stamina gutted guard and riposting your guard broken ass. Erm, my guard broken ass since none of you will be repeating my horrible, experimental mistakes. This is the equivalent of playing Heavy Bowgun in Monster Hunter but with only 1 shield mod and no points in Guard. Baneful Bird Ring also doesn't work, sadly, since Raime apparently is a selective asshole who decided that an UGS can double as a shield but not a crossbow.

    So, shit, that's it then huh? Unlike melee weapons, bows and crossbows don't have any advanced tech to use aside from 360 no scoping before getting hit like a showoff idiot for even trying that. So does that mean that the Shield Crossbow is indeed the meme of awfulness whose only legacy is proving how much worse powerstanced Twinblades are?

    No. Because while it sucks ass in duels, it is a legit great counter-range weapon for non-duel PvP, as well as a lot of PvE. Because you see, the defense values of the Shield Crossbow is genuinely really good as a way to give you a massive advantage against either a host or invader (depending on which one you are) whose in a advantageous sniping position or hiding behind phantoms with shields while they shoot range weapons or spells. The guarded shot becomes a bit wonky when you aim it 2-handed (for some reason, the block frames when you do this only activate when you fire the shot, so timing is needed), but it makes you literally invulnerable to bow users who aren't using elemental arrows (that shitty lightning short bow from the Iron Keep is going to deal literally 10-ish damage to you since it's not going to be upgraded), while also cutting all spell damage by at least half, whereas your big fat 400-ish crossbow bolt is going to punish a lion robe mage's paper thin physical defense a lot harder than their blocked spell hurts you.

    In a rather fascinating twist of functionality, the Shield Crossbow is basically an entrenchment tool where your opponent can't win against trading with in a ranged fight. The only spells strong enough to out-trade the halved elemental damage are spells like Soul Spear which you can easily dodge since rolling instantly cancels the aim and happens, and are extremely low in casts which makes a lot of players reluctant to use them. Also, infusing the Shield Crossbow with an element improves the defense against said element (magic in particular gets you a sweet 85% block), with only a 3% decrease in the physical block. A Magic Shield Crossbow is thus the ultimate sorcery spam counter tool that doesn't require copious amounts of gear, ring, and buff set up, and instead just this in your inventory to pull out when some assholes are trying to cheese you with range. Not as good vs Hex spam especially with the added stamina damage, but the literal only hexes people use are Dark Blade and Dark Orb anyways so if you can dodge Dark Orb, you're fine.

    This also applies swimmingly to the PvE, especially in Shrine of Amana, where you can safely just block-counter shoot those spammy bitches with extremely minimal damage, also being able to use it against the Leydia Witches, the white hollow mages, crossbow wielding Royal Swordsmen swarms, Navlaan in the event that you're insane/curious/want awestones badly enough to free that jackass, and many NG+ ranged phantoms. The damage isn't great, but it is still pretty good so the extra layer of safety can really transform your playthrough in an interesting and fun way.

    Which then comes in the problem with this function. The Shield Crossbow is only really useful against an opposing range user or caster, since it stops them cold in highly unfavorable damage trades and forces them into melee to escape the unwinnable range deadlock. This means that your main, actual weapon that you're good with can face the caster melee and most likely kick that lazy shit's ass because caster players can't PvP tech if their lives depend on it since they're so used to range cheesing then complaining when the DLCs have high spell resistance. And if they try to cast mid-range? Aim your shield crossbow in the offhand and range trade that bitch if you think you might not be able to dodge it. 400 phsycial damage on a ranged attack vs someone whose probably wearing lion mage set is always going to be in your favor when you block at least half their spell's damage.

    But, this also means that the shield crossbow is not ubiquitously (always) useful, and devolves into a mediocre crossbow against melee users or players with hybrid builds that aren't overly reliant on range spam. It's a better invader weapon than a invadee weapon since pure casters spinelessly hiding behind phantoms are always hosts, but its PvE convenience should also not be overlooked either.

    So in other words, the Shield Crossbow is very useful against specific types of players, but just a run-of-the-mill crossbow against anyone else. Kind of a shame too since you actually make a unique stance when wielding it offhand while block-aiming and the concept is really neat. Still, if you're insane enough you and some friends can make a mobile trench via Shield Crossbow phalanx and it would genuinely be difficult to break via shooting anyone trying to melee and block-trading anyone trying to range. Because when it works, it WORKS, but those moments aren't very common.

    The novelty however does make it probably the most practical physical damage crossbow since the shield is an added bonus with no inherent downsides to the crossbow itself like with Avelyn's low per-shot damage and expensive ammo spitting or Sanctum Crossbow's low base damage and over-reliance on its very limited use super shot. Don't duel with the Shield Crossbow because that's stupid as shit (i mean, i did it which proves how stupid it is) but keep it in your inventory in case some sniper player is being really annoying and needs to be taught a lesson.

    Next up is the whip. Not any of the interesting whips, no no no. Just the plain old, no secondary effect, no fancy addition...Whip. Fuck me, ever since the whip powerstance nerf not even the interesting whips are good anymore so this one is going to be extra painful.

    submitted by /u/Branded_Mango
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    Just beat Fume Knight and Blue Smelter Demon consecutively after quitting the game for over a year.

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 08:41 AM PDT

    The pain is gone and I can finally rest peacefully at night without thinking about them. Well, maybe until NG+. What's next?

    submitted by /u/massitup
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    About the theory that Dark Souls 2 takes place in the abyss

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 12:24 PM PDT

    I've heard about theories that dark souls 2 is like a parallel world in the abyss but haven't been able to find the origin of this theory I think it sounds really cool and would love to read the original theory if anyone knows where it is

    submitted by /u/SpatuelaCat
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    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 10:09 AM PDT

    Im fighting bosses after you open the door with the hero ring in wrangling castle and need suggestions or tips

    submitted by /u/DrNuzzle
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    Anything like the Northwarder set in Vanilla?

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 10:26 AM PDT

    It's a fashion souls emergency, need it for a "very important build"

    submitted by /u/InfamousGhost07
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    I killed two bosses wearing the Agape Ring, How do I get the Souls from it?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 04:39 PM PDT

    Quick question about the bell keepers covenant

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 09:50 AM PDT

    So I got SOTFS on PS4 a little while ago and am trying to platinum it, making decent progress but I might have hit a roadblock. I'm at 1.4 million soul memory and just realized I have to do Bell Keepers to rank 2 for a sorcery(hidden weapon). Is it possible to get summoned at this soul memory or should I try it with a lower character?

    submitted by /u/RonnieJamesDioBrando
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    Help PS4 - DS2 SotFS - Sir Alonne

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 09:44 AM PDT

    cross post from r/SummonSign

    SM 12m+

    this sir Alonne fight is no fun

    any help is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/eeeeerich
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    What are your go-to rings? Trying to leave the good ole’ Chloranthy and Third dragon ring on the side for a bit

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 03:33 AM PDT

    No matter what direction my builds take, I always find myself saving a slot for the Chloranthy and Third (/second) Dragon ring. Special mentions for the Ring of Blades/Flynn's and Blue clearstone ring, for melee and caster builds respectively. What are your must-wear rings and combos of rings? Is there any of the less obvious ones that surprised you and you haven't taken off since?

    Instant upvote if you're a king/queen who rocks the blue tearstone ring.

    submitted by /u/kilianer
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    What the fuck is no man's wharf

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 05:40 AM PDT

    I got the game about 3 days ago and made it to no man's wharf today and this must be the blighttown and tomb of giants of dark souls 2. These two swords enemies must have killed me 15 times already

    submitted by /u/timo1354
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    I started my first playthrough. I went deprived and plan on doing a hex build. Help with stat distribution?

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 01:53 PM PDT

    Also, how to get the Agape Ring early? Heard SM sucks.

    submitted by /u/SomewhatofaScientist
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    Top 5 hardest bosses?

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 01:35 PM PDT

    So which 5 bosses are at the top in the difficulty chart for you guys? For me it would be (in order of most difficult to less) :

    1) Lud and Zallen

    2) Sir Alonne

    3) Fume Knight

    4) Darklurker

    5) Blue Smelter Demon

    submitted by /u/Quantam-Law
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    Undead crypt

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 06:04 AM PDT

    I'm currently in undead crypt with a post at r/summonsign and no comments, would anyone please donate a summon to beat the first boss here? I would really appreciate it and my sm is over 1.5m. Please and thank you, I'm on ps4.

    submitted by /u/Skypanther60
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    Does Dark Souls 2 have Darkmoon blade?

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 01:35 PM PDT

    i was wondering

    submitted by /u/Glan_de_astora
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    Need help at veldstat pc. Soul memory is 1.2 million.

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 01:31 PM PDT

    I beat Darklurker for the first time!

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 06:22 PM PDT

    I beat him second try, I just never knew he existed 200 hours into the game.

    I had started a new character, and I was level 130. I was power stancing two +7 longswords and was at 67% wearing the full Syan armor set, it was quite exhilarating.

    Honestly, the havel mob at the first trial gave me way more trouble than darklurker itself.

    submitted by /u/Ich-Katzen
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    I give 1 full set to rosabeth, and 1 gauntlet. They go to majula just with the gauntlet

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 01:11 PM PDT

    It was a bug?? 1⁰ time playing ds2 I am a brasilian (if have errors of english is by that)

    submitted by /u/Sethmoon
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    Blue Smelter Help

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 01:03 PM PDT

    I've been doing great, running through bosses. Then hit this giant blue smelter brick wall. I'm running a str build, and infused dark Greatsword +10 since I saw that he was weak to dark and lightning. Agi is at 105, and equip load is below 50%. I've tried everything against this guy to no avail. I know the sword swings slow, but it hits him fairly hard. I've tried bringing the two summons along to help, as well as soloing, but always get killed just short of killing him. If anyone has any advise, I'd appreciate it greatly.

    submitted by /u/_Itz_Blake_
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    To the havel monster with the twin blades that keeps invading me at belfrey sol

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 09:53 PM PDT

    I don't do pvp. I'm just trying to kill the red guy for the covenant. I'm sorry you keep getting matched with me, both because I know I'm a crap opponent and because I just want to farm.

    submitted by /u/Clumsylikeafox
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    Should I care about my Soul memory on my first playthrough if I'm looking to platinum?

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 07:39 AM PDT

    I'm doing a semi-blind playthrough and my soul memory is going up quickly cause I keep dying lol.

    submitted by /u/Th3Fall3nCAt
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    I feel so accomplished but also drained

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 12:46 AM PDT

    I got my platinum trophy just now. What a ride. I have beaten the game a few times before on pc, but it was on sale for ps4 for $10 so i copped it to get the platinum. I love this amazing game. However, farming for the hidden weapon sorcery and farming for the sunlight medals can go eat a dick. Those 2 grinds suck. I realize I could've co-oped a bit more at early levels for the sunlight medals, but I didn't and I had to pay for it by farming falconers. I wanted to gouge my fucking eyes out. Regardless, it is done and i feel amazing. Props to fromsoft for creating a masterpiece franchise.

    submitted by /u/wretchedwiener
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    Just had a guy come in and corrupt my character save.

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 03:25 AM PDT

    Spent 65 hours on that build. Everything's gone.

    Guys name on PS4 is Real_Deadman.

    He invaded in FotFG in full Havel's weilding duel avelyns +10.

    I nearly killed him but he lag back stabbed me (idk how).

    I was doing a low level run and was literally at the final boss and dlc. Devastated.

    I'll start again and learnt my lesson. But can anyone drop me some gear? I had +10 dark/assassin set and black dragon sword raw+5. Not mention all the +2 rings I farmed.

    Might rage quit souls for good now, which is a shame as I love DS2 and I've never finished it. 😟

    submitted by /u/De4dgone
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    I always seem to have way more slabs than I could use but always low on chunks

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 06:33 PM PDT

    NG+3 character has 26 slabs, 0 chunks. And yeah you could buy them from end game off the girl in Majula but I'm trying to limit spending to manage my soul memory for invasions/coop

    submitted by /u/W3rodst
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