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    Friday, August 28, 2020

    Dark Souls /r/DarkSouls - Fashion Friday.

    Dark Souls /r/DarkSouls - Fashion Friday.

    /r/DarkSouls - Fashion Friday.

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 11:08 PM PDT

    What does your current PvP character look like? If your character has a back story to go with their personal fashion statement we'd like to hear that, too!

    Don't forget to check out /r/fashionsouls for all of your fashion needs.

    Helpful Information for New Users

    Be sure to check the /r/DarkSouls/wiki page, where you can find community-created tips and research threads.

    Please help build the wiki! You only need 10 karma within /r/DarkSouls2 to contribute.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    I after many playthrough finnaly beat the titanite demon, on the bridge, in lost izalith. It wasnt worth it.

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 01:53 PM PDT

    How he went hollow made it even sadder

    submitted by /u/nemanja0769
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    Dark souls's is more therapeutic and methodical than difficult

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 06:47 PM PDT

    As someone's who's favorite franchise is soulsborne I expected myself to wish for the highest difficulty on any game I played but this was far from the case, I prefer easy mode in most games I played and dark souls being my favorite game confused me for a while, untill I realized, it's not hard Dark souls may be challenging the first time you play but the game is never impossible, and once you master it you could easily go through a few bosses in game without needing a bonfire, that's where I am now and the game is the most calming game I play

    Rant over

    submitted by /u/F0xN11
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    Opinion: Ornstein and Smough is an overrated, poorly designed boss battle.

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 10:04 PM PDT

    No, this isn't me complaining about the boss fight. I've beaten it multiple times, sometimes easily, some not, same as anyone else.

    My thoughts are simple: Ornstein and Smough are difficult for the wrong reasons, and fail at the entire point of a dual boss. Unless you're suicidal, the fight's easiest method is the same one everyone does - get one character stuck on the terrain while hoping the other one doesn't.

    The game has no shortage of bosses/npcs/enemies that are easily cheesed out because of their AI, but while those are often considered jokes, O&S are lauded as one of the most iconic bossfights in the series because of it. Actually attempting to approach the fight fairly, or even just "normally" is tantamount to suicide.

    This is because when you really look at it, O&S fight like two separate bosses designed to be fought individually, carelessly thrown into a room together. There is no cohesion in the way they're designed that's unique to them - they have the exact same type of threat any two enemies in the game have when they attack you at the same time, which is that they'll corner you and stomp you into said corner. There are NPC fights in the Basin that have more natural synergy than O&S.

    Something also needs to be said more frequently about how the game fails at it's own gimmick. There's a different path for whichever foe you kill first, which you THINK would encourage some thought and strategy, but no; Super Ornstein is a monster that you only want to fight if you're after certain items, and Super Smough is a complete joke with two remotely threatening attacks, which really serves to highlight how much their bossfight is dependent on it being a relentless 2v1 fight to carry them, instead of good design. They have a cool gimmick, but it makes the same mistake as the Demon Princes in DS3 - if one way is blatantly easier than the other one, what's the point?

    Finally, I don't care if it adds to his charm, Ornstein's famously buggy dashy can be a life ender. In perhaps THE most iconic Souls fight, said to be one of the staples of the series' "hard but fair" attitude, the character that is already significantly more threatening's most dangerous move.. is dangerous because of some bizarre, inconsistent glitch.

    Thanks for coming to my TED talk.

    submitted by /u/HalfofaDwarf
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    Considering Buying Dark Souls Remastered

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 03:29 AM PDT

    I just saw that Dark Souls Remastered is on sale on the PS Store and im considering buying it. I'm not quite sure wether i should or shouldn't buy it since i really enjoyed Dark Souls 3 and Bloodborne but im not sure if I'll enjoy the game as much as those two.

    Any and all advice will be appreciated.

    Long may the sun shine!

    submitted by /u/Commissar-Legasow
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    Am i going crazy or do bosses really wait until you heal to attack you?

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 04:55 PM PDT

    Currently fighting artorias and i noticed something strange. Sometimes he will just stand there and do nothing for like 5-10 second so i think to myself "now is the time to heal" and right when i do he become aggressive and attack immediately. Literally every time i did it he attacked at the exact same time. And not just artorias a lot of the bosses & the enemies in DS1 (and sometimes DS2) do the same thing.

    I'm starting to think it's a trick and they're doing it on purpose to fool me so i heal and then land a strong attack and slap my face

    submitted by /u/Tenshiretto
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    My first Dark Souls experience

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 06:48 PM PDT

    I've heard the first death is memorable, and it certainly is. In the first area, I tried fighting a dead thing, forgot about targeting, so my fireballs went everywhere but the enemy, got scared, ran away, and fell down a stairwell to me death.

    Oh and I didn't realize fireballs were limited, so I ran out just before the first boss and had to resort to axing his huge bottom.

    Dark Souls is great. Thank you for convincing me to play it reddit.

    submitted by /u/Missfluffylove
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    "Don't go Hollow" and "Praise the Sun" in terms of Mental Health:

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 07:14 AM PDT

    So on the way to work today I heard on the radio that Mental Health issues are on the rise due to the Pandemic. I also watched a documentary on the Celtman Triathlon and in the middle of the guys prep for the race he said this, "On the third leg of the race I do not want go hollow."

    So this made me think even more about the phrase "Don't go Hollow." For the most part this has one meaning, do not give up and stay the course or you will go hollow. Now I have seen multiple posts here that people do not understand the phrase. If you do not know, you know now. However is there a deeper meaning? I think a lot of us that are faced with challenges in our day to day life, even without the pandemic at our door, take a special look at DS1/DSR as a way of coping. As a way of beating our daily or weekly demons and confronting that fear head on. Methodically taking the sword and board to the enemies in front of us. DS is just that. Taking on, that one task or enemy that is in front of you. That is how you have to mentally take on your challenges, one enemy at a time or one step at a time. It is okay to be bad at a game, as long as you give your full effort and just take it one step at a time. You can lose your soul and or humanity, but that does not take the problem or task at hand away. It just means you have to get back up and try again to regain your soul and humanity. If you lose everything and have lost it permanently, not all is lost. You get back out there and try again. Maybe go back to the previous level and regain your confidence, souls, and by chance some humanity. Same thing goes for life, not all is lost and get back out there to regain some semblance of your soul and humanity. Just keep trying.

    Now for "Praise the Sun." When you get to certain spots in the game there is usually a message near a window or outside where the sun is shining and it states "Praise the sun!" I have noticed one window in particular always has this message and that is in "Sens Fortress". About half way through the trolliness that is Sens fortress there is a window and it usually has that statement. Why do we need to Praise the Sun? Well in medical terms (I am not a doctor or psychologist) studies have shown the Sun can give us restorative properties and produce chemicals in our bodies to fight depression, sickness, or other ailments. These are from a myriad of studies done by doctors. Some say light therapy helps those with skin disorders, bone marrow disorders, and has other healing properties, but a lot of studies tend to lean towards a small restorative for depression. I do not know about you, but seeing those signs in a particular trolly area or spot, gives me hope and gives me that extra boost to continue on. It can also give a sense of calm. Speaking to Solaire there is always a "Praise the Sun" caption near him. This is significant as well. Being outside in the sun gives us a chance to admire the scenery and the sun, but he also gives us a white soapstone. This white soapstone allows us to connect with others in Jolly Cooperation. It allows us to help others in need and lets us know that there are others like us, out in this dark world trying to cope and we together can help each other.

    So when you see "Praise the Sun" let it warm you with hope and "Don't go Hollow!"

    Hopefully this reaches someone that needs it today. Sorry for the length it just kind of hit me today.

    submitted by /u/skullblade789
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    I just finished Dark Souls Remastered for the first time and this is my honest thoughts and review of the game.

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 03:53 AM PDT

    Warning: Wall of text.

    Warning: Contains spoilers

    Disclaimer: It isn't my first Souls game. I recently finished Demon Souls as well, so I'm not new to the world or the mechanics. I played Dark souls a bit 5 years ago, but my memory of the game is non-existant.

    Starting class: Pyromancer - I wanted to try a magicuser, but didn't want to commit 100% to being a traditional mage or anything, so I thought a Pyromancer would be a good place to start.

    Build used: Heavy melee-tank build - It just sort of happened? I realized at some point I was shit at rolling and parrying, so I decided to go for a tank build and started putting souls and titanites into a decent shield. I ended up with a +10 Sunlight Shield which was swapped in and out from time to time with other shields, when I required a specific resistance towards specific enemies or bosses. (I'm looking at you Kalameet). It took me ages to figure out what to wear in that bossfight.

    Magic used: None - So ironically I picked a class which one would think would put an emphasis on firemagic, but I never got to use it as I forgot the Pyromancer Flame in the beginning area. I never came around to find another one.

    Preferred armor: Favor Set or Gold Hemmed Armor. The Favor Set was mostly because it looked amazing and I wanted to try out playing with a heavier armor set. I basically stuck to these except in a couple of particular situations, where using a combination of other sets made it worthwhile. The Gold Hemmet Set just had allround really good stats for such a lightweight armor and it didn't look too bad to boot!

    Preferred weapons: Lightning Uchigatana+2 and the Black Knight Halberd and a longbow to snipe or pull single enemies from time to time. The first about half of the game I used the Uchigatana. I accidentally aggroed the merchant in the Undead Burg and he dropped this. In the beginning I didn't have the DEX to use the weapon, but I soon found out it was going to be my go-to weapon of the game. It was fast, deadly and worked perfectly with my build. As for the Halberd, at some point I killed a Black Knight and came to an area, where the Uchigatana didn't do me any good, so I tried out different weapons from my stash and when I tried the halberd I immediately took a liking to it. Very high damage in just one, albeit very slow swing.

    So to get started I want to comment on the different worlds. There's highs and lows like in any game, but my favourites were Sen's Fortress, Anor Londo, The Dukes Archive, The Crystal Cave and the Painted World of Ariamis.

    My thoughts on the best and worst of the areas:

    Sen's Fortress was really fun with all the traps, the bouldermechanic and very tight ropewalking. I died a couple of times here but I didn't mind as I was really having fun. It sort of gave me an Indiana Jones feeling which was very unique.

    Anor Londo was just crazy big and beautiful. It took me a million years to figure out how to proceed from the first area only to be greeted by another tight ropewalk in the top of a gigantic room filled with enemies. Once again, I had the Indiana Jones feeling and I was really enjoying it.

    The Dukes Archive was really amazing. The first third or so of the area was really really hard with a lot of enemies to fight in a fairly tight area with magicusers and bowyers constantly firing at you. Then I came to the boss where I instantly died before I could focus on what was going on. This really annoyed me until I found out I was meant to die there only to wake up in the prison. Once again, AMAZING area and the phonograph playing the odd music REALLY added to the eerie feeling the whole area. Really good stuff! The swinging ladders in the library section were really fun to play around with and even though I was under fire constantly, I never felt too much pressure here as there were plenty of places for me to avoid the magic.

    After trying to figure out where to go, I finally found the ladder which let me pass the library and proceed to the Crystal Caves. At first I thought it was pretty generic, but then I realised I had to run on invisible bridges. I thought to myself, how can they keep improving on this already amazing game? - It took me a while to pass this area as well but with a lot of trial and error I found the way to Seath the Scaleless which was a really fun encounter.

    My least liked areas were Tomb of the Giants and The Catacombs, fuck those places.

    The Catacombs were too dark, confusing and the enemies weren't really interesting. The most annoying and frightening thing was the constantly respawning skeletons. I didn't really feel any fun and I was more annoyed than anything. At some point I fell down twice or three times in a row and ended up in the cave just outside of Pinwheels lair. I killed him in my first try and thanked myself for doing so only to realize the Tomb of Giants didn't have any immediate bonfire in the beginning. Obviously I started to descend the Tomb to look for a bonfire, but I was immediately greeted by two skeletons in a narrow area where I was instantly killed.

    Surprise motherfucker, I respawned at the top of the Catacombs. This almost made me quit the game because I didn't feel like going through this really annoying area again. Then I found out the skeletons only respawn if you haven't killed their necromancers so at least that made it a bit easier. Now I only had to navigate this annoying maze. I also managed to find another bonfire next to the blacksmith who I almost attacked when I fell through the floor, so at least I didn't have to slog through the catacombs again when I died.

    So proceeding with the Tomb of the Giants I got really irritated at the darkness and the area in general and when I died in the darkness the second time, I took a peak in my bottomless chest and found out I had something called the Sunlight Maggot. I thought to myself, what if? And voila! I had a bit of light, now the Tomb was only 99% frustration and 1% fun in stead of 100% frustration. I slogged my way through, punched a few skeletons, killed a couple of NPCs and FINALLY found the way to the next area with the infinitely respawning babyskeletons. The area made me laugh out loud as it had 5 Pinwheel enemies? I thought this was a really cheap attempt at bumping up the difficulty of an already frustrating area, so I actually decided to just run around the enemies and look for the way to proceed. Luckily, I quickly found and was greeted by Gravelord Nito. I mean what the fuck? Why would you do such a lazy mapdesign and add 5 enemies of the boss that you just killed in the area before? Thats just dumb and lazy. Especially considering all the other amazing areas the game has to offer.

    On to bosses:

    My least favourite bosses were Gravelord Nito, Ceaseless Discharge and the buttslam brother demons. ** **Gravelord Nito: I hoped there would be great payout after the depressing Tomb of the Giants area, but I was met with a boss which only notably difficulty curve came from his (once again) respawning skeletons. Why would you ever do that? I killed him in two tries and thanked myself for never having to try that again.

    The buttslam triplet demons: Why in the world would you want to reskin the most lazily designed boss in the game? At least you could make them harder or something or present all three at the same time. I killed them all on my first try. It annoyed me I had to play through the same boss so many times.

    Ceaseless Discharge: Not much to say about this boss. I couldn't figure out how to properly attack him and while hiding to heal behind some rock formation, he started punching me through these rocks. He just didn't hit me but I could hit him so I decided to just cheesekill him this way. It took forever but it worked.

    My favourite bosses were the Sanctuary Guardian, Knight Artorias of the Abyss, Father Manus, Black Dragon Kalameet and Gwyn. These were also the last 5 bosses in the game I killed.

    The Sanctuary Guardian took me a bit by surprise. It was really fast, aggressive and kept coming up with different attacks for me to deal with. The area was really huge so I had a lot space to work on which obviously made it a lot easier. It was a really fun encounter and took me a good 15 minutes from the start of the fight to killing him, I think.

    Knight Artorias was really something. He took me many tries to pass him, it also took me a while to figure out I could cancel his buff but when I figured this out, I slowly but surely started to control the fight a bit more. Afterwards I noticed a lot of inscriptions on the ground saying "Sadness ahead" and what not and I remembered I noticed the same while fighting Sif. Just to be sure, I looked the lore up on the wikipages and man, my heart sunk a bit there. I'm sure a couple of you guys experienced this as well. I remember Sif limping towards me at low health and it made me feel really sad killing him.

    After pushing through the Oolacile township which was another really great and scary area with a fantastic ambience (I felt the same when I tried the Tower of Latria the first time), I came to the dungeon which instantly reminded me of the horrors and my experience with Tomb of the Giants. Luckily for me, the area was fairly small and a breeze to pass through. I was a bit scared of all the humanities but I decided to just run past these and get to the fog door which introduced me to Manus. He killed me within 10 seconds. I said WTF? If Artorias was fast, this guy was faster, had more combos and did more damage in half the time. 2nd try. I ran through the dungeon again, decided to stay at a good distance and just study his movesets. He did a couple of armswings, some raining magic damage, a moving wall of magic damage and a bunch of other stuff, but I noticed a couple of openings in his arsenal and took him down after a good 15-20 minute fight. This is also where I figured out that I actually didn't suck so much at rolling as I thought I did.

    After trying to figure out how to kill Kalameet and fail misreably while doing so, I remembered I had found a door which was locked and I had also found a key in the meantime. Horray, a blind guy shooting down a dragon with a bow and arrow. Thats pretty sick. On to the dragon and this time he came walking on the ground and didn't fly in and instantly killed me with black magic. Once again, a marathon fight. I decided to clock it this time and on my 8th try I killed him. It took me ages to find an opening in his arsenal. I felt he had a counterattack for every move I did the entire fight. When I was far away he lunged forward and snapped at me. When at midrange he would headswing twice, use the S-shaped magic damage, the moving from the right to left magic damage or just fly to the air and pummel me from above with magic damage. When I was behind him he would swing his tail and do a backwards jump and hit me twice in the proces of doing so. I found out he had a perfect opening after doing the double headswing as well as the skydive attack. I also found out it was much easier to block his damage in stead of trying to roll away from it as he kept punishing me this way, when I mistimed my rolls. 32 minutes and 16 seconds later he died. I used 18 Estus flasks and 9 humanities in the fight. What a fucking boss. It felt GREAT killing him and kudos to the developers for such amazing bosses in the DLC and for me a fantastic ending to a couple of really entertaining areas.

    All I had left now was Gwyn. There was a billion messages on the ground mentioning "try parry" etc but I don't think I had done a single parry in the game up to this point. I gave it a couple of tries and I found out that I was pretty good at parrying his first ranged lunging attack but terrible at everything else he threw at me. He did his flying lungeattack as his first attack in all the attempts I tried killing him so that took a good bite out of his health. I kept trying to parry him but failed miserably my first couple of attemts and then I just started focusing on killing him like I did with the DLC-bosses. I studied his moveset, found an opening and used this to my advantage. It was a really fun and fast paced fight like the DLC bosses, but I had hoped for a bit more so it was still sort of a let down. It still felt great killing him and he is still on of the best encounters in the game, but I had just expected something a bit more epic.

    An honorable mention goes to Smough and Ornstein, but the fact that I killed these on my first try with no estus flask available sort of let me down a bit. They were really easy in my opinion. It was really late in the evening and I was going to bed when I came to the gigantic door of fog, so I just wanted a quick sneak peak with half health and no Estus left. I ended up killing both without getting hit once. What a letdown.

    *Closing comments*

    The game is great.The combat is great. Almost all of the bosses are really fun to fight in some way and compared to Demon Souls I really feel From Software perfected the Souls-genre recipe with DS1. Demon Souls was great but DS1 felt a bit more polished. The combat just felt more rewarding and balanced in some way. I might change my mind when I plan on digging into DS2 sometime next week, I just need the cash to purchase the game. The ambience in the different areas is fantastic and you never stop getting scared at entering the Demon Ruins for the first time, where you're met by 9 demons really far away just standing still while looking directly at you. Man my heart sank a bit there.

    submitted by /u/OfUnknownOrigin
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    What souls boss do you find easy that others find hard?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 02:03 AM PDT

    I don't find Ornstein and smough that hard

    submitted by /u/xandercrafthd
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    The star player of Ariamis

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 03:33 AM PDT

    I bought DSR for my girlfriend this weekend and it’s been amazing watching her go through this game for the first time

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 08:40 AM PDT

    She's been watching me play for years and now she can finally play on her own. It's been so awesome watching her get to experience this game for the very first time, especially since I've played through it about a hundred times.

    She absolutely clapped the Gargoyles in maybe five tries, and last night she had the pleasure of slogging through both the Moonlight Butterfly and the Capra Demon. Today we're gonna brave the Depths, and I cannot wait time see how this goes.

    I'm just so happy to be able to share something that I love with her. And it's great to see a brand new player going at it in person. It's just really revitalizing my love for the game.

    submitted by /u/ArtificialBiskit
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    I just beat sl1 no pyro no poise no dwgr

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 10:17 PM PDT

    This is the best Ive dont yet. Last sl1 I cheesed gwyn with great combustion now I beat him legit. Havent felt this good in a while ngl... Ok now let me do: Hardest bosses: O&S Ornstein was actually annoying I beat smough 2nd phase first try but 7 tries both of them.

    Manus: No way, this guy sucked. I couldnt time silver pendant but I tried my best. Specifically the dark bead shotgun killed me more times. But it was fun. Honorable mentions: All the other dlc bosses especially kalameet.

    Most fun bosses: Artorias: I dont know why, but dodging him is easily the most satisfaction I get from Dark souls as a whole.

    4 kings: Fighting them with 0 poise was crazy! I had to learn to dodge.

    Worst bosses: Bed of chaos: Obviously duh.

    Gwyn: you probably didnt expect this but hear me out, His stab attack.

    Dishonorable mentions: I skipped Demon ruins and lost izalith, not because they were hard, but because I didnt need souls and it was a waste of time.

    Capra Demon: Tight room 2 dogs one big guy, its bound to be hard.

    Anyway if you care about this, then my next run will be: Sl1 no armor, no poise, no pyro, calamity ring.

    submitted by /u/Whyiswhyiswhy123
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    New Londo Ruins - PS4 SL 122 NG+

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 12:27 AM PDT

    Help in New Londo Ruins. Waiting at the bridge. Water is drained already. Password is 5112. The more the merrier please and thanks

    submitted by /u/OmegaOutlaw11
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    I haven't an much better alternative to.an easy mode

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 02:18 AM PDT

    So instead of an easy mode add a hard mode so then when people whine about how there needs to be an easy mode you can then tell them that the regular mode is the easy mode

    submitted by /u/xandercrafthd
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    Blown Away

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 09:47 PM PDT

    Just finished the Artorias DLC as I missed it on the first play through and had to experience it on new game+. I finally have gotten back into gaming hard after graduating college, and have played some masterpieces over the last 5 months (BOTW, RDR2, Nier Automata..) I'm thankful I played those before DS1 because I think gaming is changed for me.

    I've never seen something have this much hype and absolutely live up to every ounce of it. As soon as I got in the elevator from undead parish back to the firelink I got chills and knew this game was special. The challenge was absolute perfection, I got destroyed by the gargoyles 10 times before I found Andre, upgraded my halberd and beat them first try. Every time you think there's something insurmountable, you try another way and you're rewarded. I'm so happy there were only a couple moments I had to rely on a guide, and it was only to explain some systems like humanity, armor upgrades, etc. I'm also proud to have beaten it without using any summons, not knocking those who do but I know the payoff wouldn't be the same for me. The level design is perfection through Anor Londo, I'll admit I didn't love the game as much after O+S but when u get to that final fight against Gwyn, and that piano kicks in, holy shit.

    And the DLC? What can I even say? Artorias is the best boss fight I've ever experienced, and I'm seriously considering buying a figurine of that fucker which I've never done. Just an impeccable fight all around, and the challenge of NG+ only enhanced the fight for him as well as Manus. So happy I dove headfirst into this community and can't wait to play DS2, DS3, Sekiro and Bloodborne when I get my brothers PS4. Don't go hollow, friends.

    submitted by /u/Weak-Western3442
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    Finally feel like I "got it"

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 04:43 PM PDT

    I love RPGs and somehow never played any of the dark souls games. I don't know if I was intimidated or what, but I just bought remastered a few days ago. I was worried I was forcing myself to play/enjoy it and up until recently wasn't totally in love with it. I liked it enough, but felt like the hype was overblown. Well, today I got it. Something just clicked for me and I am in love. It's one of those games where when I'm not playing, it's all I'm thinking about and I can't wait to get home so I can continue my journey. Right now I'm in blighttown fighting the sexy spider lady, and I love the grind. I love learning how to better myself, and each time I die I almost feel a sense of accomplishment, as crazy as that sounds, because I know that my next go will (hopefully) be better because of what I learned. Exploring is rewarding as hell, and I legitimately I feel like I'm actually advancing my personal journey when I complete an area.

    I'm loving the game so much, but in my experience so far, it isn't nearly as hard as everyone makes it sound. There is a decent sized learning curve, but once you understand the game mechanics, it's not too too difficult. I feel like the people who say it's impossible are people who don't take the time to learn the game/enemies movements etc and just think they can get away with running in wildly and hacking away, then get upset when that doesn't work. That being said, I really am worried that I'm going to "hit a wall" so to speak. I guess my question now is, how much harder does it get from here? Have I just not reached the "impossible" part of the game yet?

    submitted by /u/Dildo_Gagginss
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    Wholesome Souls

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 12:37 AM PDT

    So I've had this idea how to make Dark Souls more wholesome for quite some time, here are my ideas, lets see what you think:

    -Instead of fighting Quelaag you get the option to pay 10 humanity to skip the boss

    -If you defeat Manus before visiting Sif, she doesn't attack you and you can get the ring without a fight (and you can pet her, if she's in the mood)

    -If you have 30 humanity you will be able to give it to Priscilla to turn the painted world into a peaceful paradise

    -Onionknight Questline gets an alternative path, where he wont hollow and will be reunited with his daughter

    -You can talk Tark out of going into the cathedral so he doesn't drop into his doom.

    submitted by /u/StraightOuttaOlaphis
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    Abyss DLC or Dark Souls 2?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 12:36 AM PDT

    So I'm currently in a weird situation. Through means that would take me way too long to explain, my current xbox 360 account has been locked from making purchases (not because I pirated something or did something online, I checked and it was just locked one day). I couldn't fix it, no matter how hard I've tried.

    I've got Dark Souls 1 on this account, and not much else to lose. I'm thinking of starting a new xbox account. But when I open this new account, should I buy DS1 again (I've already finished that) with the DLC (I haven't played the DLC, but I've been spoiled on basically everything) or should I just buy DS2? I know almost nothing about that game.

    submitted by /u/honhahoie
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    I need help

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 04:16 AM PDT

    Im stuck at sens fortress in dark souls remastered on ps4 is anyone willing to let me summon them to help me out, been stuck here for hours.

    submitted by /u/deckm31
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    Broken straight sword challenge

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 03:40 AM PDT

    Im doing the broken straight sword challenge but dont know how to start or do, so please leave me hints and usefull info in the comments, i will do a post when i finish the run

    submitted by /u/Doesenju
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    Well bois I lost all my dark souls save data today .

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 03:40 AM PDT

    PS4 went through safe mode ,came back ,then u logged in with my psn account ,great . Screenshots ,trophies ,everything is there ,but I start dark souls and my save data vanished . Why ? How ? Dunno . If there's a way to fix this plz tell me ,but if not oh well .

    submitted by /u/Haider2222
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    This game is so....:)

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 11:06 AM PDT

    I posted around 15 minutes ago, forget about that post.

    Here's my journey so far, tried smough and ornstein 20 times, died, lost all humanity, went back to depths to farm some, got some, spent an hour or 2 getting through sens fortress because I'm not good with ledges apparently, Spent 3 hours trying to kill knight lautrec, summoned Solaire, I ran into the boss room, Solaire felt like not coming in at all and staying outside with the big knights, died to Smough, came back, died to the knights and lost my 10 humanity I had to deal some more damage, has 9 humanity left.

    I love this game :D

    submitted by /u/DeathofBa
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    Dark Souls Boss Creator Mod?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 03:18 AM PDT

    Is there a mod where you can generate a boss and kill it?Like I want to create 2 ng1 gwyns and kill them with my max lvl char

    submitted by /u/Ultimax03
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    (prepare to die edition) is there any mod that fixes the camera behind the character?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 02:26 AM PDT

    I'm trying to get into Dark Souls in pc, but the camera is a massive turn-off for me, i'm used to first person shooter games and the fact that in DS you can have the camera positioned regardless of the direction the character is facing troubles me a lot, is there a mod that fixes the camera behind your character so it's always "pointing" the direction your character is facing? i know something like that will prevent me from seeing enemies behind me, but i preffer playing around that than having the camera move unnaturally for my taste, tried googling it but the results are the exact opposite of what i'm looking for.

    In case i wasn't clear enough, i want the camera to be fixed behind my character, so it moves as i turn the character itself rather than being able to move it freely

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Doomfanboy
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