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    Tuesday, July 7, 2020

    Dark Souls /r/DarkSouls - The Trading Post.

    Dark Souls /r/DarkSouls - The Trading Post.

    /r/DarkSouls - The Trading Post.

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 11:07 PM PDT

    Is there a weapon that eludes you? Want to host a fun give-away?

    Use today to schedule some trades!

    Helpful Information for New Users

    Be sure to check the /r/DarkSouls/wiki page, where you can find community-created tips and research threads.

    Please help build the wiki! You only need 10 karma within /r/DarkSouls to contribute.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Artorias <3

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 10:00 AM PDT

    I don't even care if I have to go all the way back to the boss room. I just died to him for the first time ever (first playthrough) and I'm not even mad. He's probably the most fair fight in the entire game. His attacks are well telegraphed, he has a decent amount of health and damage, his music is amazing, and his design is too

    submitted by /u/Bevsworld04
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    I died to Pinwheel today.

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 07:29 PM PDT

    It was a horrible dream.

    submitted by /u/Altairinubisoft
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    Surprising a Twink

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 04:18 PM PDT

    I was playing coop with a friend of mine who had just started playing for the first time today. I was using my miracle build as a sun bro when he gets invaded. Naturally, I hid, leaving my friend as bait (I don't recommend using the host as bait).

    So the invader walks right by me, hidden in the house in undead burg. He's wearing some OP gear. As he is headed across the bridge towards my friend, I unleash 5 consecutive lightning spears on him, only gets him to maybe half health. Definitely didn't see me coming as he starts nervous rolling.

    Eventually he just fell right off the cliff. Today I am a proud sun bro protector.

    submitted by /u/easterlyn23
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    I just noticed when Gough goes to shoot Kalameet sawdust is constantly falling off him...

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 10:37 PM PDT

    The attention to detail in this game is unparalleled...

    submitted by /u/The-True-Apex-Gamer
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    i've done it

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 12:20 AM PDT

    I've finaly finished dark souls. I feel empty, but acomplished, sad, but happy. idk how to describe it

    submitted by /u/Cpt_Scorpion
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    Capra Demon- Too Fast, Too Furious

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 12:16 PM PDT

    Lesser demon though he be, he guards a narrow room,

    Where many chosen undead have, at his hands, met their doom.

    Alongside pets, two other threats, he leaps with his strong sword,

    To test thee and to show what the undead shall have in store.

    Fast, and thrashing, up the stairs, past his blows thee must,

    In order to survive the onslaught of the others, trust,

    For stepping up to take the three of them on face to face,

    Will result in the undead being, from that place, chased.

    And pain, such pain, thine undead bones shall feel when first thee find,

    The capra demon waiting for thine unsuspecting hide.

    Spawn of the chaotic flame, from Izalith it came,

    And will not be the final capra demon that thee face.

    Stay thee left with actions deft, and let the demon fall.

    Plunge upon him, repeat, and find no real threat after all.

    submitted by /u/OneStarBard
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    I mastered the double handed riposte.

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 07:03 PM PDT

    Needless to say, when you parry and then two hand a weapon with strength scaling, shit gets real real quick.

    I tried to learn it a few years ago and didn't figure it out so said fuck it.

    But now I get it. Dark wraiths and silver knights and hollows. Get it everytime now... And I'm going to run to the kiln to fuck up gwyn...

    submitted by /u/bukharajones
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    Decided to do "The Four Kings Challenge"

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 06:03 PM PDT

    I did a challenge where, from the beginning of the game, my first boss had to be Sif, then the Four Kings (And Asylum Demon, of course). I could not fight any bosses in between. Kaathe gave me unique dialogue when I did this, and it was neat, and I feel like I have gotten gud. Here's the guide on how I did it:

    1. Pick Warrior, Master Key
    2. When getting to firelink shrine, pump your three levels into strength pick up the firebombs, and homeward bones.
    3. Go down to the catacombs.
      1. If you run passed all the Skelly's fast enough, you can make it to the bonfire room, and two skelly's will get stuck on each other in the doorway. You can firebomb the Necromancer, and then flip the switch and rest at the bonfire.
      2. Head out the door, run passed skelly's, cross the earth bridge, stand on the ledge to the right of the door before the next necromancer, look down the ravine, and roll onto the little lip below.
      3. Run into the room with the titanite demon, roll passed him, grab the eyes of death, roll passed him again, sleep in the open coffin.
      4. Pray to Ravelord Nito, get gravelord sword. Two hand it.
      5. Slay the titanite demon upon return, pick up its chunks.
      6. (Optional: Run around catacombs and pick up soul items. Some decent ones here).
    4. Head back to firelink shrine, and rest. If you didn't die while running around Catacombs, pump your souls into health.
    5. Take the elevator to new londo. Pick up the nearby fire keeper soul.
    6. Go back through the beginning of New Londo, go through valley of the drakes.
      1. Grab the soul from the undead dragon. Dragoncrest shield optional
      2. Roll past the drakes, grab the elevator up to the bottom of the forest.
      3. Kill the Black Knight, pick up the Grass crest shield, equip it.
    7. Head out to the Hydra. Make sure you have the grass crest shield and are fast rolling.
      1. Hug the left wall, and stay right by the little cliff. Wait for the Hydras to shoot their water bolts. You may need to roll through Golem attacks while waiting.
      2. Dart out and hug the left wall while. When you get to the water, roll through it. Keep going until you reach a ladder, climb it, and while climbing, equip your armor.
        1. If you time it right, the hydras should clip you once on their third water bolt, but after that, you're out of their range.
      3. Heal, cross the bridge, pick up the soul after the ladder, climb up the ladder.
      4. Take the bridge at the top, roll through the Roly-Poly cats, pick up the other soul item
      5. Run towards Alva's little stone building, swing around the stairs on the cliff, open the chest, pick up the stone armor.
        1. I don't recommend wearing this for Sif. I find fast rolling much better. So strip and fight naked.
    8. Run to Sif's door. You don't need Artorias' crest to enter.
      1. Fighting Sif is pretty standard. Wait for him to do his spinning sweep, or his other sweep, and roll through it under his legs. From there, you can get in a few hits.
      2. If he's just jumping around a lot, wait him out. None of his attacks are too quick to just respond accordingly by rolling through.
      3. Kill him, homeward bone back
      4. Pop all your souls items, and pump them all into health. Save 8000 souls. I ended up with a little over thirty Vitality.
    9. Head up through the forest, and enter the Undead Parish.
      1. Kill the Titanite demon as you pass him, pick up his chunk.
      2. Upgrade the Gravelord Sword to +2 with Andre.
      3. Rest at the fire, go out.
      4. Run past the Berenike Knight, pick up the fire keeper soul
      5. Kill the knight, head up to Lautrec, free him.
        1. You can kill him here, or at the shrine. I like doing it at the shrine, since you can just kick him off the cliff, and reload. Either way, equip the ring of FaP when you get it.
      6. Head down, go down the lift, rest at firelink.
      7. Upgrade estus flasks
    10. Head to New Londo.
    11. Pick up the Transient curses as you pass the pot.
    12. Pop one before you encounter the first ghosts.
    13. Run passed ghosty bois, up the stairs, across the bridge, into the building, head straight, slap the ghost in the doorway once, head down the spiral stairs, swing a right, through the fog wall.
    14. Kick the ladder
    15. Run to the house with Crimson Robe Dude on it, go inside, head to the room with the ladder at the end.
      1. Two options of how to approach this. First is to equip all your stone armor before hand, and fight all the ghosts.
      2. Second is to ignore them, climb the ladder, equip the stone armor as you climb, and hope to reach the top. This one is kinda inconsistent.
    16. Get to the top, kill Crimson Robe Dude.
    17. Head back out, head to the waterlogged elevator, open the small gate, hit the lever.
    18. Head back out. Don't take the elevator down.
    19. Head back out where you came, drop down, right outside the Four kings door, pop a humanity.
    20. Head through the Four Kings boss fog, equip Covenant of Artorias.
    21. Before talking about the fight, here's how to get back if you die:
      1. Take the elevator down to New Londo, head to the little courtyard thing with the first ghosts, go to the back right corner, jump down passed the jar man.
      2. Turn right, run passed the Darkwraith, take a left, up the stairs, go passed the big chunky and the two darkwraiths to the door on the back left of the room, go through it, go through the boss fog.
    22. When reaching the bottom, equip all the stone armor.
    23. With stone armor, 30 vit, and ring of fap, you should be pretty tanky, and can often just take attacks. I find strafing to their left effective.
    24. You'll also likely be fighting more than one king at a time. That's okay, focus one, the others usually don't interfere too much.
    25. Anytime they AOE, I like to switch to GCS and block. It still does damage, but I just heal after and keep fighting
    26. Kill them kings. Rest at the bonfire. Enjoy Kaathe's pre-Anor Londo dialogue.
    27. Additional Items that can help, but are out of the way:
      1. Picking pyromancer and going for Power within is also an idea. I don't do it because you can two hand gravelord sword with warrior right away, and I don't wanna go back for the titanite demon in the catacombs if I can help it.
      2. The floppy lizards in the pre-moonlight butterfly area drop green moss clumps. They increase Stamina recovery even more.
      3. Any humanities are good.
      4. There are three 3000 soul items at the bottom of blighttown. These can help with more vitality, if need be.
      5. Theres also a firekeeper soul in blighttown, if you want more efficiency.
      6. Alternate weapons:
        Two good ones I can think of are a +5 Fire Zweihander, and a +5 Fire Murakumo. Murakumo requires a few more levels into dex and strength to two hand. Both do a little under a hundred less physical damage, but make up for it with 200 extra fire damage. I don't know how the math works out on that with the Four King's fire resistance, but I imagine it does more.
        The other option I can think of is buying a demon spear from Shiva, by joining forest hunters, and then meeting him down in blighttown. It costs 15000 souls, but 9000 of that can be covered by the three soul items down there and mildred also gives around another 8000. It does lightning damage, which the Four Kings are weakest against, and it's considerably faster and has better range than the greatswords, so it'll likely deal more damage over time. It also requires no stat investment from the start. I think this, plus pyromancer with power within, is a more optimal strat than what I went for, if a bit longer.
      7. The female undead merchant sells transient curses if your out. You can pick up the key in undead parish, head backwards through it, and down through lower undead burg.
      8. Crest shield offers high magic defense, and does well against the Kings' magic. I don't grab it because I like GCS's stamina regen, and to take advantage of CS, you'd need to stop two handing, block, and two hand again.
    submitted by /u/TPFRecoil
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    I got the Trident on my first killed Channeler.

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 05:06 PM PDT

    It was my favorite co op weapon in DS2 because of it's silly dance. I needed it. I spent hours farming with the Gold Serpent ring, max humanity, unhollowed, and Mimic head (best helm btw) on my first account. Got the Knight's Honor trophy. Started a new character and the very first Channeler I killed had the blue circle on it. I prayed to god it wasn't the trident, but it was. Then I had one of those "you asshole" laughs for a solid minute.

    Thank you Dark Souls

    submitted by /u/quinturion
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    Ds3 has everything Ds1 has but it's bigger and better, but I can't really enjoy it like Ds1. And yet I don't know why. Does anybody feel the same?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 06:43 PM PDT

    Ds3 has more covenants, weapon arts, spells/miracles, flashier bosses, and fan service. But I don't like it anywhere near as much as Ds1. I can go back to Ds1 and enjoy it more than Ds3 (which I could only play through twice.) I love Bloodborne even more, but I don't feel anything similar with Ds3. Is it just me?

    submitted by /u/Sykroid
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    No forest trespasser?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 12:09 AM PDT

    We are tree hunters in the forest- I was the first one summoned and found no one. Then the two others got called. I checked both the mushroom area and the entrance area. It's been 20 min now. No one. So uh, what's up with that?

    submitted by /u/GenWanders
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    Sen's Fortress...

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 11:29 AM PDT

    F@#% Sen's Fortress.

    I hate it! I love it! I love to hate it and I hate that I love. To the people that created this madness I could punch you in the nose and kiss you at the same time.

    While I am playing I keep asking myself. "Dear god why am I doing this."

    I guess I'm just a sucker for punishment I guess, every step is just a slog fest.

    Kill a snake dude and then bam get wrecked. Fine next go around I'm ready for it. Kill snake dude, duck, side step, roll, parry, wait. YAY VICTORY!!! ...aww, get wrecked.

    Then some ass hat put a damn note at the end of a dead end that results in death by crushing boulder or death by falling.

    I mean hats off to you whoever you are. It is my fault after all. I should've hit the switch to change the direction of the rocks doh.

    Still the most fun I've had playing a video game in a long long time.

    submitted by /u/flush_the_torlet
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    What is the most effective sl/item level range to pvp in this game again?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 12:38 AM PDT

    Its been so long that I played any kind of pvp in ds1 I kinda forgot where the sweet spot is. Alredy have my grim reaper ravelord character ready just gotta take off.

    Also what are the popular areas nowdays?

    submitted by /u/raszota
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    I did it, i finished the game

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 05:59 PM PDT

    After so many hours, i saved solaire and together we defeated gwyn, i love this game so much, the song of the credits really caught me off guard, now i think i am gonna move on and play other games, but that doesnt mean i will not replay it, i didn't even started the dlc so probably the next time, i will fully beat this game , someday, Praise the sun

    submitted by /u/Khaezar016rd
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    Enemy Placement Lore

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 03:10 PM PDT

    I noticed something pretty cool about the ways enemies are placed in Dark Souls. how tactical their location is based on their intelligence. Hollows in the Burg/asylum just stand around in random spots and attack you on sight. The monsters in darkroot and oolacile are similarly random. But enemies that have a commander or are intelligent, like crystal enemies in the archives or the Demons in demon ruins defend chokepoints and take strategic firing positions. This is really cool attention to detail on fromsofts part.

    submitted by /u/TheUnexaminedLife9
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    Ill help anyone fight any boss before Ornstein and smough

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 08:02 PM PDT

    If you need some boss help before anor londo or maybe in anor londo I will kill that boss at your side

    submitted by /u/toogtoogerson
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    Artorias' Greatsword vs Zweihander

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 03:32 AM PDT

    Should I ascend my Zweihander to Artorias' Greatsword or just upgrade it normally? I can't find a definitive answer for whether one is better or not.

    submitted by /u/Eclihpze44
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    I really wish this game allowed altering of appearance.

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 03:25 AM PDT

    The character editor seems to have a very different kind of lighting than in-game (Remastered version). My characters end up looking different than what I carefully calibrated them to look like. I tried my best to make her face/cheeks slightly puffy, and some thick lips, but with heavy moderation, not anywhere near what you see in r/Botchedsurgeries, and she still ended up looking like a blow-up doll in-game.

    Also, the bodies. The girl I made has average physique (very first, default option) and now she looks like an amazon with a tiny head like the other option.

    I'm considering terminating her and restarting a new with a slim physique, since I'm only at FL shrine, though I don't know if I'll regret doing this too. I already put an hour adjusting her nose, brow, jaw to have some defined edges and well-placed imperfections...

    submitted by /u/R717159631668645
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    Best dark souls npc?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 03:22 AM PDT

    What is everyone's favourite npc? Doesn't have to be just from dark souls 1, can be from anywhere in the series.

    submitted by /u/AngoMCB
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    I finally beat the game!

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 10:05 AM PDT

    As of today I've beaten all of the souls games! It's only taken me 2 ish years and countless builds to do it! Now onto Bloodborne!

    submitted by /u/greeengoth
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    Dark Souls and Christian parallels

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 07:17 PM PDT

    When I look at the storyline of Dark Souls I can't help but to draw on so many parallels. It's almost as if the story is so close but with the God of the Bible taken out. When we look at the beginning of the world of dark souls. There was nothingness. There was void. There were dragons. In the beginning of the Bible there was void. There was God and angels. Up came an angel who rebelled. His name was Satan who helped with the fall of man. The dragons had a rebellious "angel" .... Seath. He helped with the downfall. We are also told the undead are stored away for the final fate just as the final judgement.

    We also have Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the first sin. Sin is synonymous with Christianity. What is the first sin ? Well it depends on whether you want to talk about the angels or humans. Satan technically sinned first with pride. Humans with lust as well as pride. Whether we talk about dark souls 1 or 2 these sins are evident of both the gods (especially Seath) and of Gwyn in number 1, as well as the gods (Giants) and of Vendrick in Dark souls 2.

    submitted by /u/LuvTheSmellofCyanide
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    I’m going to try and design a Dark Souls Magic set are you guys interested in seeing more of it?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 02:40 AM PDT

    I've been seeing a lot of Magic cards for Dark Souls characters and I honestly love the concept so much I'm going to do some of my own. Well, the idea is that I'm going to do close to 160 on my own. My idea was to build two commander decks with cards fuelled by mostly Dark Souls 1 lore one being basically legendary goodstuff and the other being a mess of all kinds of basic enemies from the game with maybe a persist aristocrats theme, but mostly trying to stay true to the characteristics of both Magic and Dark Souls.

    My hope is to do basically a card review every single day where you guys can rate the lore, the practicality and the power of the card in the hope I can make a powerful, but fair set that you would be able to print and use for your own if your playgroup allowed it (which is a big if).

    For the artwork I'm mostly going to use screenshots from the game and such, but of course hand drawn art would be very cool, so if you're an artist and you got some old drawings laying around of a Dark Souls enemy, npc, boss or even just a landscape I would really enjoy using that art. Necessary disclaimer that I'm not doing this for profit of any kind and just to enjoy myself. I hate to be the choosing beggar "muh exposure", but I can't really offer more than that since I'm in crippling debt.

    So this post has gone on long enough so I will end it here with a call to tell me whether or not you would like seeing daily or quasi daily posts where I show the cards I designed and you guys rate them.

    submitted by /u/Morpha2000
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    [PS4] [DSR] trying to get knights honour trophy, can anyone drop the rare weapons?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 02:27 AM PDT


    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 06:59 AM PDT

    Been seeing a lot of blighttown complaints recently.

    Makes me wonder how many of you have tried going through it backwards?

    I play SL1 a lot and I frequently get all my equipment setup prior to fighting any bosses.

    One of my favorite SL1 armor sets is Shadow Set, located in Blighttown near the entrance from the Depths.

    So I take the Valley of Drakes shortcut, go down the elevator, run across the poison swamp to the far end, then work my way up Blighttown in reverse, at SL1, to retrieve my ninja armor.

    Try it sometime and I bet you'll never complain about the regular path again.

    submitted by /u/hector_lombard
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