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    Dark Souls 2 /r/DarkSouls2 - The Trading Post.

    Dark Souls 2 /r/DarkSouls2 - The Trading Post.

    /r/DarkSouls2 - The Trading Post.

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 11:09 PM PDT

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    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Hello everyone! I have recently finished my first playthrough of DS2: SotFS. Here are my thoughts on the game overall, and how it compares to the rest of From's games. (Long post, be warned)

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 04:42 AM PDT

    Before I start, obviously not everyone has the time to read the entire post, so here's my opinion of this game summed up in two sentences:

    Is it the best Souls game, as some eagerly claim? In my humble opinion, definitely not.

    Is it bad as some have made it out to be? Again, in my humble opinion, no.

    This might seem slightly contradictory to some, so allow me to explain.

    Part 1: Credit Where It's Due

    This game definitely introduced a lot of new ideas, and while they could sometimes have been executed better, I still do appreciate the effort.

    Take, for example, the torch mechanic. The area which best showcases this is The Gutter. It is, of course, disappointing that it wasn't really made much use of before or after that, but I can't take away from the game the fact that they did, at least, make use of it.

    Consider also the fact that your actions in the world have an effect on bosses. Burning the windmill in Earthen Peak to drain the poison from Mytha's arena, pulling the lever in Heide's Tower of Flame to increase the size of Dragonrider's arena, obtaining the Bastille Key to open the doors near the Lost Sinner in order to lighten up her arena, having Giant Souls in your possession to affect Vendrick's defenses, wearing Velstadt's gear to cause Fume Knight to start the fight in his second phase (I didn't discover this one myself, I only got to know later), destroying the Idols around the Fume Knight's arena to stop him from healing, pulling the lever in Undead Purgatory to make the Executioner's Chariot smash into the portcullis, obtaining the Eye of the Priestess to make Aava visible, exploring Eleum Loyce to locate the three Knights to help you in the fight just before the Burnt Ivory King, things like that. While some of the above don't really elevate the game's rating (in my eyes, at least), I do think there was an opportunity for later games to have things like this, and probably implement them in a better way, which, sadly, they failed to capitalise on.

    Other mechanics like, say, having to kill enemies in front of the statues in Drangleic Castle to open various doors, lighting specific scones in Aldia's Keep in order to (momentarily) resurrect the gigantic skeleton in the hall to obtain the Aldia key etc. are also new things that remain confined to this game, for better or worse.

    Special mention to the weapon Santier's Spear, the true moveset of which is only unlocked *after* breaking it. That was something genuinely creative and interesting.

    Aside from unique ideas/mechanics, there are also certainly some areas and bosses they did well. Majula is easily one the best hub worlds they've ever made (although that's not to say they've made any bad hub worlds). Visually, Dragon Aerie, Heide's Tower of Flame, Drangleic Castle, Eleum Loyce and Brume Tower are quite good. Regarding bosses, Sir Alonne, Darklurker, Fume Knight, Looking Glass Knight, Smelter Demon, and Burnt Ivory King are some of the best in this game, and one or two of these might even compare to the best bosses of Dark Souls 3, Bloodborne and Sekiro.

    The OST has a few really good tracks: I especially enjoyed Sir Alonne (that one is honestly in a different league), Aldia, Scholar of the First Sin, Vendrick, and Nashandra. I also liked Ruin Sentinels, and Throne Watcher and Defender.

    (Note: also, apparently, the theme for Elana, the Squalid Queen has a few parts of Nashandra's theme, but reversed. That's pretty cool!)

    I'd also like to say: I usually play as a Knight (and ONLY as a Knight), so I can't really judge this for myself, but because I have seen it stated so many times, even from this game's most vehement detractors, I will take it as the truth: the game is the best in the series as regards the variety and viability of different builds, and the PVP. It might be that more development time went into perfecting the RPG aspects of the game (y'know, numbers, modifiers, multipliers, that sort of thing) and making it so that there were multiple ways of playing (rather than in, say, DS3, which, I've heard, lacks sorely in this regard, or Sekiro, which literally only has a single playstyle) rather than making better bosses and more fun areas. Of course, we can really only speculate.

    Finally, I have to mention two things:

    (a) Aldia. One of the best NPCs in any Soulsbornekiro game, change my mind. A character so good, they named the game after him. Excellent design, tragic lore, and a great voice to boot. After playing this game, I am genuinely disappointed that there was almost no mention of him in DS3.

    (b) The reveal of Vendrick's fate. I've already talked a lot about this in a previous post, so I'll keep this short: the fact that a character who has been hyped up throughout the entire game as one of the powerful entities in Drangleic is now reduced to just a soulless husk, mindlessly wandering about in a dark, remote, crypt, makes for one of the most somber moments in any From Software game. The piano playing in the background is perfect for that moment, and the emotions the scene is intended to evoke in the player.

    Part 2: Vapidity in Abundance

    Unfortunately, there are many more examples of boring, uninspired bosses/areas/content in general in this game.

    Things Betwixt is a boring tutorial with no semblance of connectivity like, say, the Undead Asylum. Heide's Tower of Flame had potential to be good, but was disappointingly short. Huntsman's Copse is a nothing area; rather bland, nothing special in it, not much to look at, although, admittedly, it has a decent boss at the end. Grave of Saints is also a nothing area, but with one of the most forgettable bosses in the series. The Gutter...well, I'm not going to call it a bad area, because it's much more bearable than, say, Blighttown, but it's still not really any fun to go through. It looks nice when you've lit all the torches around the level, but that's not really a significant compliment. Doors of Pharros looks decent, I guess, but there's not much to the area, plus it has one of the worst bosses of all time at the end. Undead Crypt is dark, and...nothing much else. The Dark Chasms of Old are rather forgettable; their only feature is that they have generic phantoms as enemies, and I honestly don't know why they're in the game. Belfry Luna and Belfry Sol are PvP areas, I've been told; that makes sense, since they are of almost no use to an offline player.

    And that's just the areas.

    The majority of the bosses in this game just seem to be there to inflate the boss count; they provide no significant challenge whatsoever. For most of them, I felt no rush of adrenaline, or sense of achievement when I defeated them; they just felt like minor hurdles that I was meant to be done with in a short time. The Last Giant, The Dragonrider, The Flexile Sentry, Scorpioness Najka, The Duke's Dear Freja, Mytha, the Baneful Queen, The Rotten, The Old Dragonslayer (the nostalgia provided some enjoyment, I guess?), Old Iron King, Twin Dragonriders, Guardian Dragon, Demon of Song (unique look, though, I admit), Velstadt, the Royal Aegis, Giant Lord, Nashandra, all were mostly dull encounters with boring bosses that have generic movesets and ordinary designs. Aldia's design, as I've said before, is something I quite like, but, sadly, the fight is just...meh.

    Oh, but these are just the mediocre ones.

    Part 3: The Dreg Heap

    As the name suggests, this section is about the very worst this game has to offer. There's a surprising amount of content in this game that I found either genuinely unfun, or difficult for the completely wrong reasons, or both; this may not come as a surprise to some, though, I'm aware.

    Let's start with areas first.

    Harvest Valley and Earthen Peak. Tons of poison, for absolutely no reason than to make it difficult. The hex-throwing Giants that do absurd amounts of damage make it even worse, honestly. Black Gulch is the worst area, in the main game, at least, if not its entirety. Way too many poison statues, which force you to break each and every one of them before proceeding. There are also multiple Hand Creatures (I don't know what they're actually called, so I just made up this dumb name) that, to be fair, can be easily killed with 2-3 hits, but are an absolute pain when combined with the aforementioned poison spitting statues, the humongous worms that stop you from just running away, and, to top it all off, the invasion by Woodland Child Victor/Gully (they're both exactly the same, too, as far as I can tell, so I don't know why the developers bothered). It's not hard to fall off the ledge, either, so, yeah, better keep that in mind. The Shrine of Amana is almost as bad; the path is narrow, so you can easily fall off, because that makes the area more difficult (is what I assume the developers thought). The sheer number of enemies is almost overwhelming.

    Then there's the DLC areas. First off, we have the Memory of the Old Iron King, which is so unbelievably punishing (for the wrong reason, too), that I cannot believe that a developer actually approved this as a good enough level for the game. The number of Alonne Knights, Archers and Salamanders you're expected to fight/run away from is ludicrous. Then, of course, there's the infamous trio: Cave of the Dead, Iron Passage and Frigid Outskirts. I followed everyone's advice and never even went there myself. I still looked them up, though, and holy wow, those areas seem like actual hell. I understand that they were intended for co-op, but that's not really an excuse to just throw tons of enemies at you and call it a challenge.

    And the bosses; ah, the bosses.

    You probably know which ones I'm going to mention already, so I'll spare you the descriptive sentences and just list them off (this is already a long post as it is, and there's a lot still to say):

    Belfry Gargoyles, Royal Rat Authority/Vanguard, Covetous Demon, Prowling Magus and Congregation, Ancient Dragon (like the co-op areas, I haven't fought him myself, but I've seen the fight online), the trio whose names I can't remember (at the end of the Cave of the Dead), and Lud & Zallen. Blue Smelter Demon didn't seem fun either, but because I liked the original Smelter Demon, I can't be sure as to how bad it is.

    Of course, a big reason why there's so much *bad* content is that there's so much content in the first place. This leads me to my next point:

    Part 4: Quantity over Quality

    Dark Souls 2 has by far the most content in any From title. I think the developers just kept adding more and more into the game, but, in the process, couldn't really ensure that each of the areas or bosses was the best it could be. Look at these figures:

    Locations: DS1 - 25, Bloodborne - 19, DS3 - 22, Sekiro - 11, DS2 - 39 + Memories

    Bosses: DS1 - 26, Bloodborne - 23 (not counting Chalice Dungeons), DS3 - 25, Sekiro - 14 (plus mini-bosses, I don't know if they count), DS2 - 41.

    If they'd spent more time on improving and perfecting a lower number of areas and bosses rather than just adding more and more subpar content, the quality could have drastically improved. But...they chose not to do that.

    And that's not the only decision they got wrong.

    Part 5: Design Decisions

    As you might expect, my first problem is that adaptibilty affects agility, which affects invincibility frames and the speed at which you drink Estus. So, until and unless you figure out that you need to level that up (or just look it up on the Internet), you'll be having a bad time. This could have (and should have) been made clearer to new players.

    Deciding that you can only attack in the direction you roll is also quite a questionable design choice. I'm surprised that this wasn't fixed in the Scholar of the First Sin edition. It is really annoying, and is made even worse when you're locked on to an enemy.

    Probably a more subjective thing, this one, but I don't understand why so many areas are built around *forcing* you to kill all the enemies before progressing. The best examples of this I can think of are Brume Tower, where you have to pull levers to open doors (and, of course, you don't have invincibility frames when opening doors/pulling levers/entering fog gates in this game), or in Iron Keep, where the Alonne Knights are incredibly quick, so running isn't an option (plus, that really narrow corridor with the enemies that have turtle shells on their backs), or in the Skeleton Lords fight, where you literally have to kill tons of skeletons to win, or in Black Gulch, where you have to destroy every statue before you can go forward, else you'll be poisoned. There are many more examples of this, but I can only think of these at the moment.

    Part 6: Conclusion

    So, to end this post (because this has been a really long read, I expect), I just have the following to say:

    I have no qualms when stating that this game isn't as good as Bloodborne, Dark Souls 3, or Sekiro. Weirdly enough, it's Dark Souls 1 which I'm struggling to compare this game with. On the one hand, this game has much more content, but not as good overall, while on the other hand, that game has less content, and the later half is terrible, but the world design is unmatched, and the first half is genuinely quite good. So I'll refrain from making a decision on that for now.

    Thank you once again to everyone who helped me. And to you, dear reader, for reading this massive wall of text. I hope you have a great day.

    submitted by /u/Riceifyouwould
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    Killed Ruin Sentinels on my first try and it made me fall in love with DS2

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 03:24 AM PDT

    So, in lockdown I decided to bite the bullet and finally get into dark souls. I bought the first one on PS4, and after a tough few weeks killed the final boss. It instantly became one of my favourite games ever.

    I knew Dark Soul 2 was different, but not 'bad'. Just a different experience. I jumped in with knowledge of adaptation, the increased emphasis on multiple enemies and less connected world.

    Even with that knowledge, I was struggling to fire up the game after my initial play session. It still felt quite clunky and my 'skills' barely transferred over.

    That changed today after killing the ruin sentinels. Oh my god, I fell through the fog gate and immediately knew I was in for a 1v3, and unluckily rolled off the initial platform. I spent the next 10 minutes or so dodging and weaving, getting the odd Rapier R2 when possible and spamming life gems. After killing them it clicked. I loved that style of combat, compared to the slower DS1 style. Can't wait to see what's in store for me next.

    submitted by /u/AmoLaPiadina
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    NG++ jolly co-op?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 01:26 PM PDT

    Anyone interested in a SotFS NG++ DLC jolly co-op? 20 minutes or 2 hours, doesn't matter. SL 20 mil., Steam version.

    Been asking all day, all around, no dice. I'm up for it any day, it's my fourth run of the DLCs in total and I don't even feel like soloing them anymore. Cheers!

    submitted by /u/Ajax899
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    Dark truth behind the bonfires

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 04:42 PM PDT

    I had this thought whilst playing DS2 today about how warping is possible between all bonfires, whilst in DS1 it's only really for areas with Firekeepers. It is established in DS1 that warping can only take place between bonfires of great importance or where there are Firekeepers.

    So I had a thought about why there is only one Firekeeper at a bonfire, the Emerald Herald. Crestfallen Saulden even says that there used to be a Firekeeper watching over every bonfire in the land. Where did they go? Well I noticed that there are bones in every bonfire and had this theory that those are the remains of each and every Firekeeper that watched over the bonfires.

    What if it was under Vendrick's order that every Firekeeper be killed, so that no undead may make it to Nashandra and the Throne of Want. What if Vendrick believed that by killing all of the Firekeepers, the bonfires would not work, not realising that the Firekeeper souls are what power the bonfire.

    Note: This is just a theory of mine, please let me know your thoughts

    Extra theory: In DS1 warping is only possible after the Lord Vessel has been acquired. I think the reason warping is possible from the beginning is because the Lord Vessel has already been acquired and is in Majula (in the basement of the mansion). The fact that it is broken could tie into my point about Vendrick as he may have ordered the Lord Vessel be broken not realising that wouldn't stop the power of the Lord Vessel

    submitted by /u/spicyginger123
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    Can someone tell me how in the hell the shrine of Amana is a possible area.

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 10:39 PM PDT

    They just put about 10 too many of the sorcery type enemies that just fire heat seeking magic shots at you and 7 enemies that just spam the shut out of the halberd, i am unable to make it close to the boss fog because of bullshit, how do I not die? I can't seem to figure it out.

    submitted by /u/Nightranger546
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    Fuck the No Man's Wharf!

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 10:08 AM PDT

    Seriously, you have to navigate I the dark, lighting torches along the way, with loads of ambushes, annoying asf enemies to top it off aswell! At least the reward is flexile sentry, and I guess you can skip it all if you kill the pursuer. I may only be just after the lost sinner in the game, but this is by far the biggest cock block I've had in this game yet! And also no bonfire! Ok I'll stop talking

    submitted by /u/pp69696969696969
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    First playthrough

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 07:53 AM PDT

    Playing DS2 SoFS for the first time after barely touching the original. Excited to see what makes it good, and the source of its black sheep placement. in case you wanna see my maiden voyage into the game.

    submitted by /u/AybruhTheHunter
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    So I just beat the Fume Knight...

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 01:21 PM PDT

    ...and while he certainly wasn't easy, I was expecting a little more frustrating of a challenge. I've just heard so much about him and how difficult he is, and the other night it took me three hours to kill Sinh, so I was expecting hell. But it took me only five or six tries. I found some of his combos a little hard to read, and he often got me with a surprise swing from his big sword, but other than that I just dodged to my right again and again and it wasn't too bad. I've also heard that he has a second phase but I never saw it. Did I just get lucky?

    submitted by /u/jakebandersen
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    I have advice for the Sunlight Medals and the Bell Keeper covenant for those that hunt the achievements.

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 10:41 AM PDT

    For the Sunlight Medals:

    1. Join the Heirs of the Sun covenant located in Harvest Valley
    2. Have an SM of 650k to 850k (Co-op is based on you SM)
    3. Buy the agape ring from Straid in the Lost Bastile, so you can maintain your sm while killing enemies.
    4. Go to the first bonfire in Iron Keep
    5. Place your sign using the white sigh soapstone (I think it makes a difference if you use the small one, not sure)
    6. Help people defeat the Smelter Demon.
    7. One Medal for each succesful kill. (You will fail sometimes, there's no way around it.)

    Also, whenever you summon people that are in the HotS covenant, and kill a boss, you get a sunlight medal for each summon as well.

    It took me 5 hours total along with the waiting around the bonfire for someone to summon me. You cant leave the area. However, I never had to wait longer that 5-7 minutes.

    You need to offer 30 sunligh medals to the altar in harvest valley to get the Sunlight Spear miracle.

    For the Bell Keepers covenant:

    1. Go to Belfy Sol and complete it
    2. Buy the Delicate String from Titchy Gren in Undead Purgatory and wear it.*
    3. Go offline if you want to avoid non-NPC invasions.
    4. Go up to the Belfry
    5. Look at the corner before the bell for a red phantom wielding 2 katanas. (As you exit the door, straight ahead and then left)
    6. If he hasn't appeared, homeward bone or feather out.
    7. Rest at the bonfire and try again.

    You can also use and ascetic at the bonfire to increase the chances of the red phantom appearing but you will be getting ganked by the blue dwarves for a while and its no fun.

    * There's some dispute about whether or not the Delicate String helps the red phantom appear more frequently. To me it helped a lot. With a quick calculation, the chances whent from 10% to 30%.

    You need to kill the phantom 30 times. Ten times for the first rank and another 20 for the second which gives you the Hidden Weapon spell. Talk to the Bell keeper to acquire it.

    Feel free to suggest or correct anything.

    This was done on the PC version of SotFS which is on sale on steam right now so a lot of new players means a lot of people needing help.

    Go get that platinum achievement!

    Edit: Added a few things and changed the percentages.

    submitted by /u/survivetosee
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    Heide's Tower

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 12:45 PM PDT

    Am I the only one who didn't notice the flame above the dragonrider arena?

    submitted by /u/masterninja3402
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    Where is the multiplayer at in this game (SotFS)?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 11:34 AM PDT

    I am toward the end game now and just doing the Dlc before I finish the game and as I had not really dabbled in the either Jolly Cooperation or PvP side of things.

    I am SL 120 on xbox one and I have only been invaded once by a hooman at Iron Keep. I keep trying to put down signs but without success and cracked eye orbs are not usable when I equip?

    How does one get involved in this or is that the game is a bit dead now?

    submitted by /u/GunslingerX1983
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    I Beat It !!!!

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 06:09 PM PDT

    I just beat it!!!! Yayyyyyy! Im gonna say it now dark souls 2 is better than ds3. I love it, and im gonNa immediately start a new play through.

    submitted by /u/orbvulture1234
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    Why are my summons abandoning me?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 10:54 AM PDT

    I'm at the Lost Bastille bonfire in the jail cell, after beating the flexile sentry. Just looking to co-op in this area. Each time I summon someone, they either jump off the cliff outside, or black crystal out. Can someone explain if I'm doing something wrong?

    I'm on SotFS on PC, at SM 138281 and have the Way of Blue ring on, in case that's relevant. Thanks all!

    P.S. If you want to be summoned, let me know!

    submitted by /u/AdmiraIJackbar
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    The only things that keep bothering me about DS2

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 10:36 AM PDT

    Im currently doing my all content and lore soulsborne marathon and I just finished DS2 (sotfs version). I like DS2 a lot and I deffinitely feel like it deserves more love then it gets and while I accepted globaly hated mechanics like agility stats and really dont care about them. There are still things however, that still feel quite underwhelming whenever the game reminds me so and I dont see that many people talk about these things.

    Narrative and general story

    I do think the general story of DS2 is really good. Its just an amazing idea imo to move the story from gods that drive everything and show us how most people and kingdoms outside the city of gods suffers when the light fades. While for me it would be far better if the ending was slightly different and linking the fire was left for Lordran/Lothric but that is just my wish and not an valid criticism.

    Edit: ok it turns out i misunderstood one item description and one dialogue and infact Throne doesnt have anything to do with linking the fire. That small problem I had is therefore completely invalid and Im glad for that

    Where the issue really is though is this games item descriptions and sometimes dialogues. All the item descriptions are filled with so many meaningless sentences like "oh but noone can ever know" so that the informative value of each item description is usually just one sentence. I just dont know if thats it or something else but to me the way they are writen is just off and they feel really boring for me to read despite the actual story being good.

    Another issue that is seen throughout the whole game is that it is too wide yet too shallow meaning it tries to have as much content as possible without going into depth or making it as polished as it could. The way this reflects into the story is that it overpowers you with so many names and locations that are sometimes only really relevant to one or two item descriptions and youre just overwhelmed with it all. It constantly tells you about new areas and characters rather then just focusing on the ones relevant to the area where youre at.

    All this is only an issue in the base game though as DLCs do an amazing job at both description writing and focusing on relevant characters and relevant area painting a way better picture of the location youre at.

    Another thing I should mention are side characters that are absolutely amazing. Their story is really cool and their dialogue is very enjoyable. The only issue with the dialogue itself is with a few characters they try to be way too dramatic making long pauses after each sentence making it quite boring to listen to. Aldia or Melentia are great examples of this.

    The actual questlines are kinda underwhelming though. Only Pate and Creighton are quite interesting every other character just waits at you at certain spot without anything happening to them. This makes it feel very static and kinda videogamy compared to Siegmeyer or Rhea for example where you have a clear feeling that these characters are actual people and are constantly doing something rather then just standing still in different areas untill you reach them


    This doesnt aply to every enemy but rather hollowed humanoid characters like most enemies in huntsman cops, manekins, archdrake guys and this could be said also about mace wielding drakekeepers and old knights.

    My problem is that these enemies are specifically designed to hit you no matter what. They give them weapons that might be faster then daggers and they design them in such a way that they run slightly faster then you so they will just always hit you. This is to me incredibly iritating because they can literally hit you out of nowhere and their combos are usually so long that even rolling away will cause you getting hit on the recovery.

    I remember it being really annoying in my dagger run where because daggers are the fastest class you should be able to land your first hit yet archdrake knights in shrine of amana always hit me faster.

    Also if you get ganked that happens quite often in DS2 you cannot use terrain to separate them either because their just faster then you are.

    If you look at any no hit runs most of them heavilly rely on bow in such areas because enemies are just designed to hit you no matter what and fighting them in any other way just isnt safe.

    Incredibly slow animations

    I dont really mind not having any i frames on foggates or chests and I do think its an interesting way to just prevent rushing through anything. However if you like to take your time and clear everything it just becomes very annoying to open all chests doors and walk through foggates for so long.

    I do like the chest opening animation however if its literally on every chest then it becomes boring really quickly. Why not reserve that animation to heavy metal chest or even introduce new type of chest that would contain only top quality items like gold cofins in bloodbornes chalices that would have these animations and everything else would have the fast chest opening we all know and love? The lack of i frames could be kept of course

    Its also quite annoying taking for the game to take so long to close. I completely understand its to prevent quit out abuse however if youre doing some kind of run... lets say your speedrunning or doing a no hit and have to practise a segment it must be so frustrating because of how long the loading process takes.

    This is also very bad for people that play these games for the first time and are easily angered and rage quit. If you really feel like rage quiting then its so because you cannot bare to see the game anymore. In that case nothing can be more frustrating then to see the game refusing to close imidiately and having to watch it close forever.

    So overall I do really like DS2 but there are just things that keep frustrating me even after quite a few playthroughs. If I were to summarize all the issues boil down to the game trying to be as difficult as people demanded after DS1 that just make it annoying and tedious, and trying to be way too big in every aspect but lacking the quality in most places.

    What do you guys think about this? Am I being too harsh, too soft on DS2 or do you agree with me?

    submitted by /u/FINs_empire
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    Looking to summon or be summoned at 10m soul memory for bosses

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 08:12 AM PDT

    Hi, looking for helpful sunbro to help me get final miracle on ps4 the sunlight spear. I can summon to you to help with bosses in ng++ or please summon to me for sunlight medals. Thanks! Mrs_Jeffy ps4 tag

    submitted by /u/Legbread
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    Looking for tips to beat the Fume Knight.

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 02:10 PM PDT

    I have killed all of the Flame things around the boss room, but I'm having trouble actually killing the Fume Knight.

    I've heard that wearing Velstadt's helm makes the Fume Knight start in phase 2. What is the advantage of this? Why would I want him to start in the second phase?

    I'm a dedicated miracles caster with lots of lightning that doesn't seem to do much damage to this guy. I also wear light armor and don't have too much health do I get hit pretty hard.

    I'm going to try Denial and Whisper of Despair to buff me and nerf him.

    Should I worry more about fire or dark defense against him? I started using great magic barrier, but could wear the fire or dark defense ring. I could also wear the ring that gives resistances to fire, dark, and everything else.

    Any tips would be appreciated!

    submitted by /u/stump2003
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    Game always starts in 1280 x 720 windowed mode? Have to change it every time

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 07:26 AM PDT

    Any way to make it just start in fullscreen mode?

    submitted by /u/MrMrUm
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    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 05:33 AM PDT

    I see people running around with armor, a shield and Greatsword (a weapon nearly twice as heavy as a claymore) and I'm leveling Vitality (something I hate having to do due to it's low return on investment) I'm at 20 Vitality and still can barely wield a Claymore, a shield and even the lightest armor I can find and still stay under the 70% equip load. How much GD Vitality are you ppl taking to be able to roll with plate armor, a tower shield, and a 16 weight weapon?

    submitted by /u/SexyStoryBill
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    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 12:51 PM PDT

    Is r/wheelanddeal dead ? There are barely any people online and you have to wait a lot for somebody to answer or no one comes Sorry for bad english

    submitted by /u/vectry
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    Leveling in DS2

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 12:18 PM PDT

    I'm new to ds2, as I just purchased SotFS a little while back. I've completed ds1 and ds3 multiple times with a strength focused build.

    I noticed in ds2 that there are more stats to level. How should I be treating these new stats if I'm going for a strength build?

    submitted by /u/EngiPier
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    Farming covenants

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 07:47 AM PDT

    As I see, online here isn't that good, as in DSR or DS3, so there's a question. Where is the best spot to farm sun covenant? My sign can last ~10+ minutes before someone summons me or I get tired of it. I know about orange frames that represent areas with similar lvl of players, but... Still waiting.

    Also I know about falconers, but I have done about 40~ cleanings of different location with 0 profit. So nah, it's better to wait.

    submitted by /u/irrelevantfuk
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    Build For a DS2 Firsttimer

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 11:21 AM PDT

    I've played through ds1 and ds3 already many many times. But I've never done a ds2 playthrough and ive heard that it's....interesting. Whats a decently efficient build that's still fun and doesn't quite break the game?

    submitted by /u/WolfieTronX
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    Can I play the same character on two different devices?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 11:18 AM PDT

    Just started Ds2 on my PC, and installed it on my laptop, but the character from my PC isn't showing up:(. Is there a fix to this??

    submitted by /u/HTof
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