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    Monday, July 6, 2020

    Dark Souls 2 /r/DarkSouls2 - Modding Monday.

    Dark Souls 2 /r/DarkSouls2 - Modding Monday.

    /r/DarkSouls2 - Modding Monday.

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 11:14 PM PDT

    Welcome to the weekly Dark Souls mod announcement and discussion thread!

    Beware! Use of mods whilst connected to the internet can cause you to get banned from online play!

    For more information, or to continue the discussion visit /r/ModSouls

    Using mods (PC only!) to enhance or add new content to the Souls games is great fun! It is important, however, to understand that mods are against From's EULA/ToS, so there is a great risk of being banned when using them due to From's anti-cheat--which is deployed in most versions of the Souls games.

    Versions of the games where modding is safe due to no anti-cheat:

    Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition

    Versions of the games where modding carries a very high risk of being banned:

    Dark Souls: Remastered

    Dark Souls II

    Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin

    Dark Souls III

    Our recommendations for safe modding

    *This advice is intended for first-time or relatively inexperienced modders who want to get into modding without risking a ban on their main Steam account.

    Basic Steps:

    Make a separate Steam account

    Use Steam's Family Sharing feature to provide your new account with access to your main Steam account's game library.

    Install games to be used with the new account in a separate directory.

    Once you've found your mods be sure to read (and follow) the mod author's instructions carefully prior to installation.

    Set Steam to "off line" mode.

    Install the mods and perform any necessary setup.

    Enjoy the fun and interesting experiences offered by mods!

    Be sure to remove all file components of the mod before going back online!

    Helpful Information for New Users

    Be sure to check the /r/DarkSouls2/wiki page, where you can find community-created tips and research threads.

    Please help build the wiki! You only need 10 karma within /r/DarkSouls2 to contribute.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Twin Pursuers made me appreciate over powered summons

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 08:11 AM PDT

    I've beaten every souls game (including Bloodborne and Sekiro) at least once. I beat every boss on my own because I thought that was the "real" way to play these games. When I have been summoned or have summoned others on a second playthrough, it always bothered me when a summon showed up who would just obliterate the boss and leave the host with nothing to do. I even posted a complaint about this on r/bloodborne after watching a summon two-shot Gascoigne.

    This is my first time playing DS2 (amazing game that doesn't deserve the hate it gets) and I approached the bosses the same as with all the other games. Until I wanted the ring of blades +2 and used a bonfire ascetic to get the twin pursuers to show up in NG. I tried many times to figure them out like I always had. But I just couldn't do it. Even at level 175 I just couldn't find enough openings. I became human and bam there were three summon signs. Fuck it. I summoned all of them. I marched those bois up to the twin pursuers with the odds reversed (4vs2 instead of 1vs2) and we absolutely spanked them. It felt amazing.

    Anyway. I think I mostly take back my misgivings about over powered summons. They exist for a reason. They exist to help the little sunbros who just can't figure this one out. So, thanks to all the big sunbros out there. Praise the Sun!

    submitted by /u/watashiwalsh
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    Today I spent 35 minutes fighting the Skeleton Lords

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 10:28 AM PDT

    This may sound very silly to some of you, including myself, as I generally don't have any trouble dealing with the Skeleton Lords. However, for a new game today I wanted, for no particular reason, to go to Harvest Valley before Forest of the Fallen Giants. All went well, I took out the Dragonrider without any problems with just my +0 dagger as I started as an explorer. I went into the Skeleton Lords fight after clearing Huntsman's Copse and not resting at the bonfire. I had no estus left, but I felt confident with my 25 lifegems. Little did I know how tough this boss fight would be. My only weapons were 2 +0 daggers, one of which was at a sliver of durability, a broken thief's sword, and two morning stars for which I did not have enough strength. After killing the first Lord with many 20-damage dagger swipes, I noticed how low the durability on my dagger had become - and I still needed to kill two more Lords and an army of small skeletons! The first load of small skeletons I killed with some urns which I still had. After the second Lord and its army of skeltons had fallen, both my daggers were almost broken! I killed the final Lord with my broken thief sword, which after that had no durability left either. It was at that point that I realised that I still needed to kill the two skeleton wheels! I used both trusty daggers against the wheels until they were broken, and I even scored a backstab on one of them. After all my daggers were broken, I had only one thing left to do: punch the wheels to death! After a 35-minute fight all was done and I came out victorious. So always remember: if you want to kill the Skeleton Lords at a low soul level, remember to bring plenty of good weapons, and not only two daggers and a broken thief sword.

    submitted by /u/VreesKees
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    I'm happy...

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 04:02 PM PDT

    just got dark souls 2 on sale...

    just sold 10k souls worth of goods to gavlan...

    got killed by the varagians outside the door behind gavlan...

    got killed on my way back to GAV-FUCKING-LAN!

    I'm happy (:

    submitted by /u/AnonDoomerBoi
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    Just started playing the ugly duck of the franchise

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 09:14 PM PDT

    This summer I decided I would play all of fromsoftware's games (I had completed none before, and just played halfway through Bloodborne and DS3), and now I completed my first Dark Souls playthrough and finished Bloodborne at last. It's time to play Dark Souls 2! I was kinda disappointed to hear that for many people it's like the "ugly duck" of the family, but I just started the game and so far it seems pretty good. I've been enjoying a lot the gameplay changes to DS1! I can't wait to complete this journey. Wish me luck bros

    submitted by /u/Abegilr
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    I decided to make some MtG stuff, a rough version of some cards for a miracle deck.

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 06:20 AM PDT

    The first link is to my take on Darklurker and the second link is to some miracles and to "chimes". This is definitely a bit rough so it won't be perfect or anything, but it seemed like a cool idea to make a DS2 deck and miracles seemed fun/cool.



    submitted by /u/Tamajiki-kun
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    What’s the girl in shrine of Amanda singing?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 05:16 AM PDT

    It sounds very familiar but I can't pinpoint where in the franchise I've Heard it.

    submitted by /u/soundtrack101
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    My Soft Ban Story

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 07:30 AM PDT

    When my friend bought this game for me, I was excited to play Dark Souls with him. It was going to be my first time playing Dark Souls with somebody. Alas, due to the Soul Memory restriction and me having played quite a bit before he had time to join me, I used Cheat Engine to lower my soul memory to match his range so we could play, and it got me the softban.

    I started over after more than 3 years that I've played the game, hoping maybe it got lifted, but it's forever, just like the curse.

    I fully accept the punishment as I do understand no exceptions should be made, but it feels lonely now, since I've learned softban puts me in the server where other people with hacks also have been moved to play with. And then today, while I made a video here: https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkSouls2Memes/comments/hm82c7/this_is_my_key/

    Shortly after, somebody invaded me and gave me some weapons and it really made my day. So to the person who gave me the Heide Knight Sword +10 and the Raw Santier Spear +5, I'm so sorry I don't remember your name since I was pretty terrified I got invaded in the first place, thank you so much for making my day.

    submitted by /u/arcx500
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    First adventure into DSII: SOTFS

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 12:42 PM PDT

    So I've been holding out on playing this game. Played and beat DS I and DS III multiple times. The reason I skipped this title was because of all the negative things everyone was telling me about it. However I don't understand? What's so bad about this game? I'm having a blast and it's definitely challenging me to a certain degree. Anyway that's just my thoughts on the game, and I plan to finish this game like I did the other two. Also the Pursuer can suck it lmaoo

    submitted by /u/psychocentral
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    Day 14 of my first playthrough of this game (potentially the final day): Dark Chasms of Old, and the Darklurker.

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 10:24 AM PDT

    As everyone who replied to my last post told me, I had yet to complete the questline for the Pilgrims of Dark covenant, so off I went to have a chat with Darkdiver Grandahl. In exchange for each Human Effigy (which I was happy to pay, since, being in possession of Vendrick's Crown, I didn't have to worry about going hollow and losing some HP every time I died), he opened one portal to a Dark Chasm of Old.

    While there's really nothing much to talk about as regards the Chasms themselves, the boss at the end of the third, the Darklurker, is worth much more than just a mention.

    Darklurker is definitely one of the best bosses in the game. He has a large variety of attacks, each with their own, distinct telegraphs, and, just when you think you've got the hang of it, out pops his twin. It's a great way to test whether you learned all his attacks well enough, and how to dodge each of them. That said, I would still like to make a few minor tweaks to the fight:

    1. Have him accessible separately after all three Chasms have been completed. There really is no need for the player to do the third Chasm each time they want to attempt the boss.

    2. The laser's hitbox needs to be slightly improved; I got hit while under it, even though I wasn't even making contact with it.

    3. This one is going to be more subjective than the previous two, I think: reduce the explosion radius of the dark Orbs he throws at you. I don't know about you all, but, in my six attempts at this boss, not once did I successfully manage to dodge this projectile. I rolled out of the way, only to still be caught in the subsequent blast. Of course, it may just be that there's a better way to avoid this attack, and I just didn't know it. Feel free to tell me if this is the case.

    And... that's it, I believe. My first playthrough of Dark Souls 2, finished. Quite a journey, eh?

    As I said last time, there'll probably be a post from me at some point in the future reviewing the game overall, and comparing it to the other games in the series. Until then, hope you have a great day. Thank you for reading these posts, replying to them and guiding me through.

    submitted by /u/Riceifyouwould
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    I'm losing my motivation to pull through endgame

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 05:48 AM PDT

    My long term goal is to play through all of the souls games once with a radical different build. When deciding what unique thing I could do in DS2, I decided on powerstanced caestus.

    The only souls game I cleared so far was DeS with a Sword/Shield/Faith Build, so DS2 (PS3 + DLC) was really hard at the beginning, learning to dodge and the non-existing reach. But it was fun, and it felt rewarding, and made it to the endgame.

    However, I'm neither enjoying the endgame nor the DLC much anymore. I've capped out on damage [40/45 STR/DEX (for powerstanced bone fist), max upgrades], and neither the enemies in the memories nor the DLC enemies can be poise broken with my weapons or beaten fast enough. I just feel weak, enemies hit like a truck, and I don't even level up anymore apart from beating bosses.

    In particular, I feel like the game forces me to use summons and poison arrows or other ranged options, which I didn't need to use in the first 75% of the game (and don't really enjoy).

    I'm at 3 Giant Souls and advanced to the second area in the first and third DLC, SL~165. I appreciate the level design of the DLC areas, but the enemies feel much too hard with neither the prospect of leveling or acquiring new loot that I can actually use. I've gotten to the point to constantly using the ring of life protection, just to be able to level eventually. For most of the game I looked forward to the Bonefist, but I find the energy ball too limited by durability and the remainint moveset too unresponsive compared to the fast caestus.

    My rings are RoB+1, Cloranthy+1, Ring of Stone and Ring of Life Protection / Ring of Hollowing. Flynn isn't an option because I like heavy armor.

    Is this all due to my wish of powerstancing the ceastus or am I missing something else? Any other advise to make it more fun/ pull through? Should I even bother trying to finish any of the DLC if there is no payoff in character progression?

    submitted by /u/Doppleschwert
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    Anyone else think Aava, The King's Pet has some weird hitboxes on some of her attacks?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 11:41 AM PDT

    Some of the swipes and lunges can hit you even after a successful dodge, they must have lingering hitboxes or something

    Edited for spelling error

    submitted by /u/BurgerBob17
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    Sunlight Medal farm help

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 10:59 AM PDT

    [PS4] Can somebody help me farm some Sunlight Medals? I'm SM tier 37 on NG+ and need them for Sunlight Spear to get the Miracles trophy. I can give you some boss souls in exchange.

    submitted by /u/WolfOfAstora
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    Teleport between bonfires

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 10:39 AM PDT

    Hey guys Im on my first playthrough. So I made this post just to share my thoughts on teleporting between bonfires. That is a feature that is often mentioned as a game con. After 20 hours of pain through the game I really like that. For me teleporting between bonfires allows me to reduce the frustration; if I cant get pass an area I just go to another one and see what can I do. I hate repeating the same area over and over (if I know that Im not strong enough to feel comfortable yet) so being able to quickly change from area is a huge pro for me. Let me hear what you think. (sorry for my english Im still improving it)

    submitted by /u/George01997
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    Mcduffs quest

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 01:55 PM PDT

    I'm playing sotfs on PS4 and I gave mcduff the dull ember and he is still talking about a ember he wants where do I get the second ember because I'm trying to get the smith for life trophy

    submitted by /u/Linty559
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    Green trousers?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 01:30 PM PDT

    Are there any green trousers? I need some for a cosplay character

    submitted by /u/Nemisis_HD
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    Tank build

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 09:40 AM PDT

    Any good ideas for a tank build from start to finish?

    Items, equipment and stat help would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/SBGreatorex123
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    Help for someone just starting ds2 sotfs?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 07:27 AM PDT

    So I have beat bloodborne and ds3 with the only bosses not being beaten being gael and midir. So I decided to get ds2 on the ps4 because hey its £15 for a game that would probably take 100+ hours on my first run but as I'm playing it it's a lot different to ds3 because majula is open to two different places thats heides Tower and the place where you find pate. I am finding the combat harder because it seems slower and I'm not sure where to go (I have found the dragonrider and I just can't beat him) so are there any tips and help you guys can give me? Like should I go through heides tower or do the other place? Also how do I level up? And is the healing just the life gems or is there estus? What should I level up etc.

    submitted by /u/IDKcantthinkofaname
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    What does mundane do

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 03:23 AM PDT

    I'm confused,what's it's utility

    submitted by /u/Mr-kabuk
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    How much stamina does the Key of the Embedded use?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 01:03 PM PDT

    Need someone to do the dlcs

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 06:58 AM PDT

    Looking for someone with around 3 mil soul memory to do the dlc with. I'm not NG+ or anything, I play on xbox one if you want to play msg me.

    submitted by /u/horrorpaoa3
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    What New Game + has New?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 02:22 AM PDT

    So yesterday i beat Dark Souls 2 from the firat time. So the Second Jorney is the same thing? Please let me know thanks.

    submitted by /u/Litooow
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    Should the black knight greatsword be infused?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 12:52 PM PDT

    I have the min str/dex and 30/30 faith/int

    submitted by /u/Sunbrojesus
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    German PS4 player

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 12:37 PM PDT

    Added mich auf ps4 für ds2 ist langweilig alleine @YokaiSenshi

    submitted by /u/YokaiSenshi
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    DS2 Storyline mode only

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 12:30 PM PDT

    I can't seem to find a good video / article that breaks down the storyline for DS2 only. Any suggestions ?

    submitted by /u/LuvTheSmellofCyanide
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    Best starter setup?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 12:23 PM PDT

    Just wondering as I'm new

    submitted by /u/THUNDERWOLF7111
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