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    Thursday, July 9, 2020

    Dark Souls Is it just me or do titanite demons have some janky hit boxes?

    Dark Souls Is it just me or do titanite demons have some janky hit boxes?

    Is it just me or do titanite demons have some janky hit boxes?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 12:02 AM PDT

    I've always hated fighting titanite demons (especially the one in Anor Londo) and I think I've finally realized why after all my play throughs and hours with the game. It's the hit boxes on the wide swings. Is it just me or does his whole body seem to be a hit box when he does the sweeping attack?

    submitted by /u/ARTBURGLARRR
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    Defeated Ornstein and Smough

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 08:01 PM PDT

    It's my first play through, though I've seen the game played a few times. I have been dreading this fight. It took me an even ten tries, but I finally toppled these two! Now I just have the rest of the game to go...and NG+ since I'm trying for the platinum...oof.

    Anyway, just needed to tell someone (other than my partner who does not care at all) about my victory!

    submitted by /u/giantroboticdragon
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    Solaire sounded depressed in lost izilath bonfire and when I cane back he wasn’t there, is my sunbro ok?

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 07:28 AM PDT

    I know what happened now, no need for explanation.

    submitted by /u/Destroyer-Of-Realms
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    Two tiny little epiphanies I just had about the Kiln

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 11:55 PM PDT

    I've been on a bit of a break from Dark Souls, and loaded up a game where I am just trying to take down Gwyn.

    As I laboriously run through the grounds of the Kiln, I find myself thinking about two things I'd never considered before. One is the strange nature of all the architecture, which all seems to have stalactites pointing in a horizontal direction, all off to the right. I don't know why I didn't think about it before, but this clearly indicates that some immense force had been blowing through the area. The entire area is literally just ash, and looks like a nuke went off there. So it finally just occurred to me that when the fire is linked from inside the central tower, it clearly becomes so large and destructive that it whirls around like a massive fire tornado, or almost like the formation of a star, and just blasts the s*** out of the entire radius. it's impressive that many of the structures are still standing, and I do find myself wondering why there are any structures there at all. The central tower where the fire is linked is the size of a colosseum, clearly a pinnacle of whatever civilization Gwyn started, and the surrounding area is the size of a city. Are they meant to contain the first flame, or give it some sort of order, maybe arranged in such a way to create that cyclone? Is it merely ritualistic and decorative?

    I also just realized that when you walk down that stairwell in white space and all of those ghostly images walk past you, they are all walking in the same direction that that cyclone would be spinning... blackened shadows from the Hiroshima nuke come to mind...

    and also just noticed that there is a cyclone in the ash surrounding the bonfire where you link the first Flame.

    The second little idea I had is one I got after looking backwards and up. I have done this before, but I guess I didn't draw any conclusions. The massive wrought iron walls contain the entire area, and are clearly meant to contain the power of the first flame. But also, I had always been very confused about where this location exists in time and space. It doesn't seem to correspond to any of the geography around Lordran. But then technically we do not know how far underground this Firelink Altar is, and I thought that when you look up at the sky from the Kiln, the layer of clouds you see may be the layer of clouds you see from above when looking down in Lordran. I had always assumed the Kiln of the First Flame was not an entirely real location, or that you were warping somewhere. But now I'm thinking that maybe it does actually exist in the world, tucked away at the actual ground level far beneath Lordran. I guess save for putting the Kiln underground, it's the lowest possible point and the farthest from civilization.

    (at this point I just start riffing) Hell, maybe it WAS underground and it blew away all the land around it. The first flame was, after all, originally seen underground in the prologue. Maybe Lordran is so high above the clouds because the entire surface of the planet has a toxic fog around it. The land of the ancients, where the dragon war took place, perhaps where you stumble out into Ash Lake. That stone dragon seen first in the prologue does kind of resemble the stone dragon you see in Ash lake.

    I think this idea that the Kiln does exist in reality is also partially bolstered by the end of Demon's Souls, when you drop from the Nexus far far in the sky, and take on the final boss at a ground-level location you've never visited before.

    Dark Souls, the gift that keeps on giving.

    submitted by /u/Cagliostro2
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    I just love this game.

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 09:30 PM PDT

    First playthrough, playing remastered. Finally beat the gargoyles - tried again and again and just wasn't putting out enough damage.

    Left them for a bit, returned after tromping through Darkroot Basin and beating the Hydra + Moonlight Butterfly + Havel.

    Come back to the gargoyles and I was finally ready for em. Not easy, but fair.

    Anyway my only point is to say how great this game is. It gives such a feeling of accomplishment when you finally manage to beat that boss that has been driving you nuts.

    submitted by /u/Gulliver123
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    O&S as Magic cards.

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 05:34 AM PDT


    For people who are talking about this kind of thing I will answer the common questions. 1. Their colours match them, Ornstein wouldn't be black or green because he's not big, natural, scary, dark super murderous. Smough wouldn't be red or white because they don't fit him, Executioner Smough is literally not a knight of Gwyn because he's far too brutal and less knightly. 2. You could give them the new mechanic where you fuse the two together or an ability where they sacrifice the other one, that kind of thing. 3. Thank you so much, for everyone liking these. I'm planning on making a mono-Dark Souls deck with these cards eventually probably and I love this feed back.

    submitted by /u/Tamajiki-kun
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    When we are defeated, we become hollow and respawn at a bonfire with our sanity, when we rest at a bonfire or die the hollows and demons in the world respawn, yet if onion bro or solaire die, they are seemingly gone forever, why is this?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 01:21 AM PDT

    Whats the pattern here? I know the worlds and timelines are clashing together due to the flame being weak, hence summoning and invasion etc, but why exactly do enemies respawn when resting at a bonfire? And why do some stay dead regardless?

    submitted by /u/BlooFlea
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    I have found an... Interesting glitch

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 02:31 AM PDT

    I got to the sunlight altar bonfire and killed the Black Knight with the greatsword, I then changed into my highest poise armour, however my character didn't change clothing, he had the poise and extra equip load, but still looked like he was wearing the previous clothing. I then progressed through, only to realise that no enemy was attacking me, they would turn to face me, but wouldn't actually move out of their position, even if I hit them, they would take damage, but not move. I later switched my right hand weapon to be empty, and it had the moveset of fists, there was no image in the right hand box in the corner, but he was still holding a claymore, samething with my left hand weapon. I rested at the bonfire above Andre, and nothing changed. I went to fight the Bell Gargoyles, to see if a boss would fight back, and I went through the fog wall, the screen turned black, and now I am on a ridiculously long loading screen that still hasn't ended, it's been going for about 15 minutes, and I doubt it has an end.

    Has this happened to anyone else? I haven't seen anyone say something like this before, does anyone know the meaning, does this loadscreen have an end?

    Edit: After letting the load screen go for over an hour, I reopened the game and everything is all good

    submitted by /u/Chadsrehab
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    Have you ever seen vendors like these in other games?

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 10:19 AM PDT

    They are so much fun. They laugh at you. They get angry if you dont buy anything. They react if you leave early. Is there any game that something like this exists? Love FromSoftware's style.

    Really enjoying my blind run so far. Cant believe this game is so good.

    submitted by /u/NewtonNext
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    [Spoiler] Solaire in Lost Izalith, doing the right thing.

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 12:49 AM PDT

    To avoid putting spoilers in the title i left it vague.

    Think of this beyond a game, Solaire finds his sun and is happy but attacks you, do you think not attacking him despite him attacking you and fleeing from him will result in a fate he would enjoy or deserves? He has his sun, he doesnt need to be killed, but hes gone mad, but is it a crime to go mad? How many thinfs have we needlessly destroyed in our quest to end this age of fire?

    Would leaving solaire to his sun and madness seem right to you?

    submitted by /u/BlooFlea
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    List of things I've screwed up in my first 12 hours of playing DSR blind.

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 06:11 PM PDT

    It's been 3 years since I played Bloodborne and I decided it's time to get through the DS series, so I bought the Remastered version.

    I thought that this will be just another game and I can't possibly screw up after sinking hundreds of hours into Bloodborne. 12 hours later I was staring at the pitch black of the Tomb of the Giants with my +3 Broadsword.

    So let's see what went wrong so far (leaving out obvious stuff like: falling for traps, ambushes, losing to gravity, etc.):

    • I thought the master key will be an useful starting item. I opened the door right below the Taurus Demon and went down the spiral stairs. Needless to say I was running back screaming, but that didn't save me from getting one-shotted by the knight with the huge club.
    • Fast-forward a few hours, I was standing victorious on top of the Gargoyles' remains. At this point I only knew that I have to ring the bell. The first one was easy, so now I have to descend below and find the 2nd bell. I thought that I must go through the cemetery and then venture underground. This was the part when I first thought that this game might be hard, but still it's no match for me, I can do this! Then the agonizing 7 hour exploration of the catacombs began.
    • The first surprise were the respawning skeletons in the dark. It took quite a while until I figured out that there must be a game mechanic that ressurects them and eventually I killed the first Undead Mage. I don't remember when I got the Skull Lantern to drop, but when I equipped it, it wasn't giving off any light at all so I went back to my trusty Broadsword. Later I learned that it's a light source and I should've equipped in the shield slot. I kept the lantern in my inventory the whole time and explored in the dark until I got to the end of the zone.
    • I accidentally got in a coffin that teleported me to another zone. I was doing a deathrun searching for the next undead mage and hid in a coffin so my pursuers would lose aggro. I was freaking out when a cinematic started playing. I didn't have the guts to explore the place as it was full of bloodstains so I got back into the coffin, hoping it will teleport me back. Luckily it worked, but when I got out of the coffin and went a bit further up a stone demon bashed my face in.
    • Eventually I reached a pit with a bunch of wheel skeletons. It was a painful experience, but I kept pushing further on and I found a blacksmith down there. I thought that I must be close to the 2nd bell, but the only thing I found at the end of the road was Pinwheel. It took a few tries, but I killed my 2nd real boss and I was happy. I went up the ladder and died a few times in the pitch black searching for the way and I eventually gave up. Now that I think about it, I'm actually lucky that I didn't realize how to use the lantern properly, or else I would still be at the Tomb of the Giants.
    • I slowly climbed back to Firelink Shrine and searched for another way. I farmed a bunch of souls to upgrade my gear and I accidentally hit Andre in excitement. I hoped that if he killed me I could come back and we'll be best pals again. Well, that didn't happen so I looked up if I could do anything to reverse the situation. In the end I had to spend all my souls to atone for my sins.
    • I went back to the previous zones, and explored everywhere until I got to the Capra Demon. He was a tough enemy to kill but I was able to kill him eventually and proceeded with the exploration. I got to the first part of the Depths, and fell down a hole where I got cursed. After looking up what I can do I remembered that I might've hit an undead that scared the shit out of me in the sewers. It turned out that was the undead merchant who could sell me the cure for the curse. With 0 souls in my pocket, I decided to stop playing for the night and collect the souls tomorrow to atone for my sins once again.

    I still haven't found the 2nd bell and I have no clue if I'm going in the right direction, but the map design and the whole game is just amazing. I'm glad I finally started playing and I won't stop until I beat this game.

    So what was your biggest screw-up as a DS noob? (keep it spoiler free if possible, or use spoiler tags and I'll come back and read them once I beat the game)

    submitted by /u/blue_oni_theory
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    Twinks be like

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 08:33 PM PDT

    Some dude just invaded my lvl 20 character outside the bell gargoyles and one shotted me with the giants hammer then pointed down, I'm so fucking salty

    submitted by /u/Merhtefer
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    HOW DO I DROP????

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 04:32 AM PDT

    I forgot how to drop on xbox, please help me Its been 20 minutes and i dont know. Please tell me step by step every movement and button to press. Thanks :(

    submitted by /u/Exile4444
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    I'm 13 and beat Gwyn!

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 07:46 PM PDT

    It was such a good fight! Fighting his knights in the ashy deadzone before finally confronting him... and getting absolutely destroyed but every time I went back I got closer and closer until I finally go him. And the theme is one of the best I've ever heard.

    submitted by /u/WingoCheerio
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    Benny the Phantom

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 04:36 PM PDT

    (PS4) Ornstein and Smough NG+ Me and Benny the Phantom spend 45 minutes trying to beat these two, with the help of either Sun Bro or another phantom (Junfuro). We have the first half down but getting 1 shot by the lightning shit attack. Then, I get a call. I have to go. "1 more, I say to myself". 1 humanity later, Benny, Junfuro and I head into the arena. We know the drill by now. He distracts Smough while I take Ornstein. Ornstein is going down when suddenly, "Phantom Benny is vanquished" I manage to (after the demise of Junfuro) defeat him and receive the lordvessel. If you're here, Benny, I couldn't have done it without you

    submitted by /u/balbobiggin
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    What boss didn't hit you?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 01:35 AM PDT

    I just beat Seath for the umpteenth time but this was the first time on DSR and first time I did it solo other than my very first play through on the original DS. I am by no means the best DS player although I have played all DS games and beat them all.

    However, I cannot recall a single boss I have ever fought on any of the games that didn't at least hit me once BUT I just beat Seath, getting the moonlight sword, without getting hit once and without any of his attacks landing close to me bar a tail smash. I was hugging his right tentacle just a short distance from his body and none of his attacks hit me. Is this a weak spot/glitch/bug. I was lucky to get the sword without being hit but for the remainder of the fight I never even had to try and block.

    Even moonlight butterfly and pinwheel hit me at least once.

    Which boss did you beat first try on a new game without getting hit at all?

    submitted by /u/CheekyDx
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    Torch hollows are casuls

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 01:29 AM PDT

    Seriously, screw those guys. No amount of poise can save you from that torch frenzy attack. I was wearing full Havel's and I still got staggered to death in the painted world. I swear I thought I was gonna die to those crow thingies but I was wrong.

    submitted by /u/Zer0-Deaths
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    A somewhat new fanart rendition i made of the Snorlax and Pikachu Duo xD (also looking for DS3 tips)

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 10:39 AM PDT

    Link to the abomination i made XDDD
    Been a DS and DS2 player since forever. Ive always been looking forward to playing 3. however my old laptop couldnt run it. But since imma be upgrading my hardware tomorrow, Im finally gonna be able to play 3!

    just wanted to share an artwork of mine to commemorate. also accepting DS3 tips! XD

    submitted by /u/zaphiere
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    Thank you Nikolaus and LOL!

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 07:11 PM PDT

    You Two really helped me out, you have no idea how many times ng+ O&S kicked my ass. You guys made day and if you see this remember i owe you one.

    submitted by /u/Rex_Al_Ghul
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    Is Ds community in Switch active? Or does it has it's own summoning sign Subreddit?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 01:05 AM PDT

    I've been locking in hours for ds1 on Switch and it seems that player base has been low. I'm planning to create a subreddit for the ones who need help and will be willing to help on the same platform as the original r/summonsign only caters to PC/PS4/XBOX consoles only.

    submitted by /u/cherry_juno
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    Ornstain a d Smough- weak!?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 04:26 AM PDT

    Ok this might be unpopular thing to say but after fight with them i think that their battle is too weak .Let's start with these what makes battle hard for me it was how complicated animations of attack are and how hard it is to dodge this attacks.After few tries i realized that ornstain has too good animations and that made them super easy too read and dodge the same applies to smough his attacks are just big but they are slow and easy too dodge.The only problem with this fight is that you jave to fight 2 vs 1 but thanks to collumns it's really easy to seperate them for enough time to deal dmg.There is also problem that ornstain after his attacks gives too much free time to be hit.I think he ougjt to be much more aggresive and smough attacks should be a little bit faster to really call this fight hard.

    submitted by /u/Seditario
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    [PS4] Can anyone help me defeat the Four Kings on NG+? IM SL 108. My PSN is SUPERFREAK13. Thanks!

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 04:25 AM PDT

    Some thoughts I had about the endings.

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 04:23 AM PDT

    This is probably wrong, as my interpretation only works in retrospect (and I don't think the devs intended this meaning at the time of the release), but I recently thought about the possible endings of the game, and to me they kinda seemed to run parallel with the wants and needs of the fanbase.

    I read somewhere that Miyazaki didn't really want to extend the series, and wanted to start working on other projects instead. Dark Souls became so successful however, that sequels were inevitable just due to the sheer pressure from the player base.

    It feels to me that rekindling the fire at the end runs parallel to wanting to keep the series going. Yes, you'll get pretty much more Dark Souls, but it will never be quite the same - the fire will light up, but the flames will be weaker and more short-lived than the ones before.

    Accepting that the fire won't burn forever and letting it burn out will usher in an age of darkness, which is not necessarily worse, it's just... different - to me this ending feels like accepting that Dark Souls won't go on forever, and moving on to a different game. It's hard to let go, but it can lead to a whole new world and experiences.

    Chances are, I'm either completely wrong, or this has been posted before already, but I wanted to share this since it kept me thinking for a while now.

    submitted by /u/_Prink_
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    Do you think it’s possible to make a cinematographic adaptation of the game ?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 03:51 AM PDT

    Hi everyone ! First time post in this sub. English is not my native language so please forgive me if I made a mistake. The more often I'm thinking about this, the more I am at the same time worried and excited. Is it possible for you if a studio decide to adapt this universe and if so, how could it be ? With what director and atmosphere ? An original story or a new one ?

    submitted by /u/Bandolinho
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