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    Thursday, July 9, 2020

    Dark Souls 2 Faraam knight sprite

    Dark Souls 2 Faraam knight sprite

    Faraam knight sprite

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 07:44 AM PDT

    I finally beat DSII. <3

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 11:28 PM PDT

    After years of prejudice towards this game, I finally gave it a shot. At first, I hated it. But I began to love it. So much, in fact, that it has become one of my favorite games of all time. This game is just lovely! After 72 hours and 47 minutes, I've finally done it. I'm so happy, dudes. This game has seriously opened my eyes and I love it so much, and DS2's community. It's wonderful.

    submitted by /u/notarin_
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    A good chuckle for your Thursday bearers of the curse.

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 10:59 AM PDT

    Sent a friend request to Twiggy Shei. Still waiting.

    submitted by /u/Toxic_Politician
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    WTF was that runup to Smelter Demon

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 05:06 PM PDT

    [Melee character, SOTFS] I have just killed like 1000 fucking armored ninjas till they stopped spawning. Can't run past because they're too damn fast, one of them aggros on me from the whole map away. Even then when I kill all the regular Alonnes and run past the captain I just hope to fuck that I won't be shit on from behind when entering the white mist.

    Smelter demon fight is okay, even if the passive flame damage is quite annoying. Died 6 times, fairly. Died to the fucking ninjas like 30 times, and I'm extremely pissed about that.

    Fuck this whole area.

    submitted by /u/Ozymandias_IV
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    Thank you to a random invader by the name of Furlorn

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 11:46 PM PDT

    I was exploring the huntsman's copse when I got invaded by him. He gave me a wave and dropped me an effigy and a firefly. Thanks to whoever did that because it made my day also I got invaded by the real forlorn like 2 minutes after this

    submitted by /u/Periachi
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    Fume knight Xbox 360

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 03:02 PM PDT

    Can someone please help me with the fume knight

    submitted by /u/kingboyce7
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    I really need help with smelter demon on Xbox one

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 02:49 PM PDT

    I can't get past him and the run up to him is very difficult, someone help...

    submitted by /u/IneedSleepPlzHelp
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    Why I personally hate DS2

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 03:10 PM PDT

    The game itself is moderately fun once you get used to it, I've been playing a lot recently. But that's likely going to end. Why, you're probably wondering, well I have arachnophobia and the cave with the spiders is a living nightmare that I endured. And then I found the door below. I quit. I'm done

    submitted by /u/Spectere27
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    Exploring Drangleic - Part 8: Brightstone Cove Tseldora and the Lord's Private Chamber

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 07:13 PM PDT

    Brightstone Cove Tseldora

    Hey, the Falconers from NG+ in the original game are here! That's neat. Apparently the regular military force in Volgen sucks super hard, so instead they use this mercenary group for important stuff. In particular, they're normally hired by elites for security purposes.

    This little encampment has a few things of note in it. The first is the piles of burning corpses much like the ones we saw in Huntsman's Copse. It seems like they've had some undead hunts here in Tseldora as well, and it was likely these Falconers who carried it out. The second is that there are a number of undead miners around, and based on the apparent excavation site near by, it's safe to assume this is some kind of mining town.

    There's a mimic in a ruined house containing the Staff of Wisdom. It describes the old kingdom of Olaphis as being a land of sorcery, but the staff is incapable of using hexes. If sorcery is popular, then why was Straid, a sorcerer who used a staff just like this, imprisoned in the Bastille? Perhaps the art of using souls to create weapons was frowned upon back then. Or perhaps the fact that Straid sells hexes was seen as some kind of blaspheme back then.

    Brightstone Cove gets its name from the shiny rock formations you can see in the excavation site. Whatever properties they have beyond just being shiny are unclear to me. Maybe they have magical properties of some kind. This path is certainly the "Seath Section" out of the four, so maybe they have something to do with his soul being here.

    Keep going along and we encounter a building with spider designs on the double doors. You all know what's coming. I strongly dislike this area for personal reasons. Fortunately, the giant man-eating spiders only turn into giant enemy spiders in the dark. If you have a torch or some other kind of light source, they leave you alone.

    Past an illusory door, there's a corpse with the Priestess Set on it. According to its description, the clergy was kept at arms length from the royalty and existed more as a formality, unlike in most other kingdoms where they played an essential role. It was likely either Vendrick or the Queen who decided to keep the clergy in such a low status, but why they would do such a thing is not clear. Another thing of note is that this suggests Tseldora was not some old fallen kingdom like Venn, but was instead a township of some kind within the kingdom of Drangleic.

    The boss, if you can call it that, is the Prowling Magus and Congregation. It's a warlock, two clerics, and a bunch of crawling undead. These scrubs don't even give you a soul upon defeating them. An absolute bunch of losers.

    We actually exit out through the front of the church, which leads me to believe the Congregation ran over here in hopes of escaping something from the town. As a result, the Magus used this opportunity to set up shop and make a cult or whatever the hell he was doing in here.

    Cromwell the Pardoner is hanging out in a room outside up a ladder. He doesn't have much important to say, but if I had to guess I'd say he was the original head of the church here and either got forced away by the Magus or the giant spiders.

    There are a bunch of white mages around here and I am unsure why. Seath is essentially "the magic guy", so maybe they came here because they know of his association with the area.

    In the middle of the sand on the ground level, there's a big sinkhole that you'll die if you fall into. Considering this is a mining town, it was possible that extensive mining led to some kind of collapse or deterioration of the local geography and created sinkholes like this one.

    Ornifex , the bird lady we freed earlier, lives in a house here on the ground level. She is a weapon smith like Straid, but unlike Straid, who is a beta loser, Ornifex is able to work with Wondrous Souls, aka the big huge souls we've gotten from the Old Ones and souls from important badass bosses. As a result, she's able to to give us some previously unavailable lore on a few of the bosses we've beaten.

    No one knows who made the Lost Sinner's sword, not even the Lost Sinner herself. This suggests that it was probably made for someone else, but the fact that it consumes the life of the user also implies that it was still meant for some kind of punishment. Perhaps there were others like the Lost Sinner who committed either similar or just as grievous sins as her in the past and received a similar punishment.

    Upon his death, the Old Iron King's body became a vessel that bred Ichorous Earth. This likely means his body became a vessel for Gwyn's soul and possessing it transformed his body into the giant lava monster. Cool.

    Not really anything about the Rotten except how extra his giant cleaver is.

    The Old Dragonslayer's spear is said to have been used to shatter the stone scales of dragons, just in case you weren't sure that this is a super big homage to Ornstein.

    Ornifex herself has some interesting dialogue. She comments on how Vendrick came close to truly unlocking the soul and likes to imagine what an amazing soul he must have had. Well we if ever find it I'll be sure to pay her a visit. After that, she claims the technique she uses was created by some pale beast. Hey guys, did you know this is the Seath area? Is there any more information you'd like to make that clearer?

    Deep within a building past the town, behind a bunch of spider webs, a colossal double-sided spider drops down from a petrified ancient dragon. The Duke's Dear Freja should be horrifying to me but for some reason isn't. It's probably due to the unrealistic mouth and the eyes not being black.

    Something very interesting happens upon killing Freja. Unlike when we defeated the other Old Ones, we get the normal "victory achieved" message instead of the more notable "great soul embraced." Even when we look in our inventory, its soul is an average boss soul instead of the giant orange ones like we expected. What's going on here? Well, underneath the mouth of the dragon is a glowing area, that upon being interacted with, gives of the message "great soul embraced." Freja was not the Old One; instead, she was guarding its soul.

    Apparently this place is the keep of the "Writhing Ruin", and this Writhing Ruin is an ancient thing that still casts its shadow over the land. It possessed a solitary insect (even though spiders are arachnids) and grew its power. So, I'm gonna presume the Writhing Ruin is Seath here, and it "possessed" Freja. But Freja's soul isn't wondrous, and we find the Great Soul underneath the dragon. So does it not mean possessed in the way we normally think it does? Very confusing stuff.

    Lord's Private Chamber

    I have no idea why this place is a separate named area. It's two rooms with barely anything in them. They could have just kept this as a part of Brightstone Cove instead of making it its own area. There are two other places like this in the game and I have no idea why the developers decided to do this.

    Tseldora himself is in this room, in all his Hollowed glory. The key he drops says that the lord was fascinated with spiders. He built this town and made a fortune off of mining the brightstone here, but was content to stand by and watch as it was overrun with spiders. What a weird guy.

    This room is a library or study of sorts, and there's a little cage hanging that looks to have been broken out of from the inside. Presumably, this is where Freja was kept before turning into a gigantic abomination.

    Anyway, the last primal bonfire is in the next big open room. We go to light it and...

    It explodes.

    Well, this is a surprise. And unquestionably the best post-launch addition to the game not counting the DLCs.

    A giant head made of plants or whatever and fire rises from the bonfire. For the sake of pretending this is a blind playthrough, let's call him Treebeard.

    Treebeard remarks on how no one has come this far in a very long time, and that if we want to escape the curse, then we'll have to accept the trials ahead of us. Well, this is the first time we've heard about escaping the curse since... the intro I think?

    He goes on to state that there are two paths before us: to inherit the order of this world, or destroy it. However, only a monarch can decide such a thing. He tells us our journey is far from over, and asks us if we have what it takes. For our next step, he tells us to seek Vendrick (how convenient), the one who "almost became a true monarch" and he will guide our way. Then he sinks back into the bonfire.

    Vendrick, the one we have always heard of as the King, is apparently not a "true monarch." It seems there is more to being the monarch the Emerald Herald told us about than simply wearing a crown and ruling a kingdom.

    Light the primal bonfire and head back home. The Herald tells us to head on over to the castle. And we will, but first...


    Surprise section! Yes, Shalquoir has had a lot of things to say since the start of the game, and now that we're at this point she has quite a few more.

    Upon speaking to her, she tells us that we smell better than last time and that we should head along to the castle to see the King. Speaking of the King, apparently he used to smell like us, but is probably all rancid now. Sounds an awful lot like foreshadowing to me. I guess this also means that 1. Shalquoir met Vendrick at one point and 2. he apparently did the same thing we're doing now. Well, if Vendrick managed to become king after doing all this crap, I'm sure we can too!

    Now for some story time.

    A long time ago, people used to imprison the undead in hopes that that would keep the curse away. They built the Bastille for this purpose and the Lost Sinner is kept there. Shalquoir then thinks aloud, commenting on how the Sinner was a fool for trying to light the First Flame. Well, that's a huge revelation. I guess the reason she has Izalith's soul is because they both basically tried to do the same thing that you should never try to do.

    A lesson on the human ego: countless iron castles have been erected in the name of it. The ones who build them don't see the error of their own ways. Just like a vainglorious liar who cast himself into the flames, and is now Ichorous Earth. Soooooooo is she talking about the Iron King or Gwyn? Iron King built the ego castle but was he a liar? And I don't think he cast himself into the flames. However, Gwyn did do that. Either way, they're both pretty much the same Ichorous Earth at this point.

    Down the hole, there are vermin who scurry around. As a cat, I'm sure she's not very happy about all those giant rats being out of reach. However, the one that we seek is far below. He's been there for a super long time and is probably Rotten now (badum tiss). Jokes aside, it almost sounds like she may have known the guy before he went down there.

    Men have a tendency to be fascinated with weird stuff. What can I say, it's just what we do. But some times, that fascination takes control. There was a traitor long ago that coveted what he did not have and it drove him mad. The Writhing Ruin searches still for that thing it desired. Once again, in case you weren't sure the Writhing Ruin is Seath, it's Seath.

    Next time we'll be taking our long awaited trek to the King's castle. Leave any of your thoughts or personal theories in the comments. Until next time.

    submitted by /u/Tubethulhu_
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    Does this game get many stream snipers?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 02:22 PM PDT

    Just curious if it's worthwhile streaming a NG+ run with Delicate String ring and max sin for funsies

    submitted by /u/HellEuphoria
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    Beat Dark Souls 2 main game.

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 02:18 PM PDT

    Wow what a journey. This game is incredible. Im not sure which I liked more, the ascent to the doors of Drangleic Castle, or the plunge in to the darkness hiding beneath. Do some bosses seems pointless? Of course. But to say the final boss ruined the game due to difficulty is a dumb argument. Gwyn is one of the easiest in Ds1 for me. This game embodies git gud mindset and makes you try and try until you're good. I still can't fight ogres. And I have yet to dive into the dlc. But when I do, I won't dare go hollow.

    submitted by /u/DarianSchemmel
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    Fastest way to get sunlight spear?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 01:35 PM PDT

    I don't really know how to increase my rank in the heirs of the sun fast or at least at a good pace.

    submitted by /u/wgabm
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    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 01:20 PM PDT

    I got this game a few days ago, and ive killed the last giant, Dragon keeper and the pursuer, and decided to let my cousin mess around in majula, and he killed the level up lady and now i can level, HELP!

    submitted by /u/Strife_YT
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    Belfry gargoyles...

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 01:06 PM PDT

    Why????? They don't stagger, the fight starts with 2 of them at once, they love to gangbang you, uggghhhh. Not to mention the stupid dog walk with the little midgets that kill your ass for just trying to get back into the fight. What can I do to make this less brutal for myself?

    submitted by /u/OoooohYes
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    As a sorcerer build, should I put levels into strength and dex?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 05:25 AM PDT

    You start very low STR/DEX when you choose sorcerer. I want my main weapon to be the staff and magical abilities, but is it worth leveling up my strength / dexterity in order to wield a good one handed in my left hand? Or should I just dump everything into INT?

    submitted by /u/ImCam17
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    Should I get the game on steam for £7 before I finish the first one?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 07:24 AM PDT

    On the first game I'm in undead parish. I enjoy the game and I'm getting OK at it now, steam has a sale on to get the second game for £7, should I get and start playing or wait to finish the first?

    submitted by /u/failedrelic
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    Any playing xbox 360 crown of ivory king dlc

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 10:52 AM PDT

    help this dlc is a bitch new game level 219 12million sm

    submitted by /u/Toxic_Politician
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    Tip to grind ez souls

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 10:06 AM PDT

    Go to the crestfallen retreat with a bow stay in the entrance and have enough arrows to kill the orge sit there shoot arrows to kill to get 1000 souls and if lucky 2000 from the soul of a proud knight then go to a bonfire go back and repeat your welcome

    submitted by /u/dark_rogu
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    Sir Alonne's Questionable Grab

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 01:15 AM PDT

    Not sure if lingering hitbox or deceptively wide hitbox.

    submitted by /u/Starchy_the_Potato
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    Does anyone know what enemy this is?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 09:47 AM PDT

    It was in Forrest of The Fallen Giants down the stairs after the Cardinal Tower bonfire. It looked kind of like a ds1 hollow and it faded into the wall. Any ideas on what it could be? (I didn't manage to get a picture but I can draw it when I get a chance)

    submitted by /u/musical_murderer
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    For the love of God can someone put down a summon for guardian dragon.

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 09:36 AM PDT

    I have the worst rng and he just flames me until I die. Spellsword does nothing. These ogres are bullshit. Please. Xbox one softs

    submitted by /u/DarianSchemmel
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    I can't get the soul vessel from Saulden.

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 09:09 AM PDT

    I have 4 NPCs in Majula, the stone trader, the pyromancy girl, Gilligan and the merchant in the forest of fallen giants, when I talk to Saulden he doesn't do anything, he just says normal dialogue. I tried joining the covenant but I just got a ring of steel protection.

    submitted by /u/RopeNutter
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    Fire Longsword or Heide Knight Sword?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 08:59 AM PDT

    So I'm probably on my 30th attempt to make it to the hellkite drake and this time the Heide Knight dropped me his sword. I've been using the Fire Longsword +3 up to this point. Is the Heide knight Sword better? I know in DS1 the black knight weapons were some of the best in the game, is this still the case in DS2?

    submitted by /u/SealTeamSEV
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    When is it best to play the dlc?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 08:58 AM PDT

    Just reached the undead crypt, and was wondering when should i start having a go at the dlc's? First playthrough, so no spoilers pls.

    submitted by /u/Ankology_DS
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