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    Thursday, July 16, 2020

    Dark Souls Banned due to backstabs

    Dark Souls Banned due to backstabs

    Banned due to backstabs

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 10:09 PM PDT

    So was pvping in darkroot yesterday, and I'm probably considered above average. I get a noob using the zweihander and I poise backstab him, this proceeds to happen about 20+ times (he kept invading me). He blows up my messenger about how I'm cheating, that he reported me and that I was going to get perma-banned. All the while I try to explain how backstabs work in dsr and I get there same expected responses, that I'm just a cheater. This went on for about an hour of back and forth arguing (I even sent vid clips explaining it). Well today I guess he was right, I'm banned from Xbox live across all games which really sucks cuz I stream every night. I don't know why I'm posting this, I just think it's pathetic that everybody on dark souls resorts to the report button just because they can't win. And to the dude who got me banned, if you are reading this you know exactly who you are, and I hope that every player that invades you, backstabs you and makes your life hell. Git Gud scrub.

    submitted by /u/BK_Spades
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    57 year old father playing darksouls Day 2

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 06:42 AM PDT

    First of all thank you all for the incredible feedback I received yesterday, and I am really happy to continue sharing my journey. The only negative aspect is that I can't anwser all the comments!

    Day 2 After logging back in I found myself on the Taurus demons Bridge. I went back and got the bonfire at undead burg. I quickly found myself back att Taurus and went forward untill I arrived at a bridge. I talked to a friendly guy there (that I first stabbed but he did nt care) then I went on to die 6 times on the bridge trying to run to the bonfire under the dragon. Died 3 times under the bridge before a found the shortcut. Realized I did nt kick the ladder and just jumped down made me really tired but I kept going.

    Died 2 times to the poison rats, then struggled for about 4 hours on the iron pig, balder knights and the spear guys untill a finally found an elevator back to firelink shrine. I was about to quit but that really made my day, such an awesome loop back that I did nt notice. Felt like a great achievement.

    For another 2 hours I explored the entire area finding my favorite weapon so far (halberd) and another bonfire. I managed to upgrade my weapon +1 at the blacksmith and then died 2 times to a black stone creature in the basement. After playing for so long I had to call it the day and unfortunately no boss today but hopefully tomorrow!

    Total playtime 16 hours and 43 minutes

    submitted by /u/ThomasTuckerman
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    I wish we could play poker with souls at bonfires. Just a random shower thought I had today.

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 08:38 AM PDT

    When all the other reasons for having souls run dry, why not gamble them?

    submitted by /u/Stankmonger
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    Bed of Chaos just threw me on its branch!

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 03:49 PM PDT

    On my first try I broke both orbs but started getting frustrated after dying twice to fall damage (being slapped around)

    Well, third time sure is the charm! This time its slap sent me straight unto its branch and I just had to kill a measely bug (and survive a fiery explosion)!

    submitted by /u/LeoC_II
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    Just beat Pinwheel

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 09:52 PM PDT

    What a battle. No wonder so many people love this game, its bosses like this whose difficulty pushes gamers to the very edge in reach of glory. Truly amazing work.

    submitted by /u/liquidsodium211
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    Dont kill Nito!

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 04:07 AM PDT

    I am the only one who felt bad for killing the Gravelord Nito? Sure he has "No more use" to quote Frampt but think about it: he/she did nothing wrong He is just chilling in the catacombs, dont hurting anyone, and the Chosen Undead just butchers his guardians and friends (maybe?) and then kills him! Of course the gravelord is attacking you but only because you want his soul.

    submitted by /u/Reinn_515
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    DID IT!

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 05:19 PM PDT

    Finally i beat Ornstein and Smough no hit... the breath i left out after i saw Big Smough going down was my reward!
    Any other challenges i could do for DS1 that you tried and really liked?

    Happy hollow selfie

    submitted by /u/Maimouu
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    Just beat O&S

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 01:02 AM PDT

    Hey gang, forgive me for this but don't know anyone in person who would appreciate this news haha.

    First time playing through Dark Souls (had it years back and couldn't get past Taurus demon and gave up) and was up to Anor Londo. Was extremely intimidated about facing Ornstein and Smough as I have heard a lot about how difficult they are and I typically find it difficult not to get overwhelmed by multiple enemies.

    Went in solo, expecting to get murdered brutally but wanted to get an idea of what the fight was like before I wasted a tonne of humanity in summoning Solaire over and over.

    Lo and behold, managed to take down Ornstein, started to feel a glimmer of hope. Kept backing up and keeping the pillars in the way and much to my disbelief I managed to beat the gruesome twosome solo on my first go.

    Not trying to brag cos I think I got very lucky (Smough only did his butt bomb once) but I am just so stoked. It was tough and intense but I can see why everyone loves this fight.

    submitted by /u/JimJameson92
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    Help finding a youtuber

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 01:59 AM PDT

    I recently finished the remaster and was reminiscing about when I played the original. At the time I followed a youtuber who was American living in Japan and was translating the Japanese version of the game and explaining the lore etc as he played through. Can anyone remember who I'm talking about? Searching YouTube for oldest results is a nightmare but he was about very early in the game cycle and also played demon's souls from what I can recall.

    submitted by /u/snuggl3ninja
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    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 12:42 AM PDT

    its my first time playing ds1 and i use shields a lot. Like, it can block titanite demons,capra demon,black knights etc. and it seems too op to me. Is it considered cheesing? It seems like rolling is not a necessity in this game. Should i always go two handed? Would it help my game experience

    submitted by /u/Rodaen77
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    Getting another pyro flame or locked out of pyro?

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 02:46 AM PDT

    hello, Iwas wondering how bad I screwed up, and if I just locked myself completely out of using pyro forever :

    i started the game as a bandit, so I didn't have a pyro flame initially.

    I got one from the guy at firelink shrine, but I put it in the crow nest to get an item.

    And on top of it, I killed the guy in quelaag's domain because I thought he was an enemy

    Am I locked out of pyro for this playthrough, or do I have another way of getting a pyro flame?


    EDIT: I'm playing PS4 remastered in case that matters

    submitted by /u/thetok42
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    How do you “git gud” in PvP?

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 09:12 PM PDT

    I wanna kill myself every time I play pvp because of how humiliated I get. And yet, I keep coming back. I gotta get better, but how? Currently I'm in the dark wraith covenant and have the full red eye orb. I gotta use that baby

    submitted by /u/WaywardMarcher
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    Any tips for a 2h slow melee build against manus?

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 10:13 PM PDT

    I'm really struggling against his magic. Whenever I stay back he exclusively uses his circle, and whenever I'm closer I get shutgunned.

    Using a Zweihander, 1 missed swing means a longer animation and often death. I want to be able to figure out how the fuck to dodge the magic, but the only attack ive figured out is the storm.

    Im never close enough to avoid the circle, and I'm always too close to avoid getting 1 shot by the shotgun attack since he almost exclusively uses it when I'm in a roll so I get back up right into it.


    Edit: I can get through the first half taking little to no damage, none of his melee combos are an issue.

    submitted by /u/GoldWhale
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    Idk why but I found Dark souls 2 (Sotfs) harder than dark souls 1.

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 12:54 AM PDT

    I've heard a lot about dark souls 2 and how it's the easiest souls game, but when I played it the first time I realized that it was harder than dark souls 1, does anyone agree with me?

    submitted by /u/Nordic_FireStorm
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    Imagine seeing artorias or gwyn at thier prime. It would be so cool

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 04:33 AM PDT

    Like imagine a cutscene starts and you just see artorias as some sort of spectre or himself, because time is deluded this makes sense. And imagine seeing all the bosses that are weak in their most powerful, they would be way way more difficult but it would be so cool. Maybe artorias can help you like if you have an amount of humanity you can summon him. And seeing how you just "finish off" gwyn how about you could save gwyn (somehow) and he links the fire. Sorry I just had this in my mind for so long I just had to say it

    submitted by /u/Destroyer-Of-Realms
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    Anyone here who made their first play through blind, how did things worked?

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 04:22 AM PDT

    I basically spoiled my first playthrough. at the time I didnt had much patience to get lost. And after playing the game a bunch of time through the years I end up just knowing how to do everything out of memory.

    But i've been wondering: how people who played at the time or play blind get at some things? a lot of things in this
    game make no sense. I normally don't question them because I just know about everything, but how it works if you don't?

    For exemple, finding out you have to use artorias ring to fight the four kings, or going back to the hydra cave after killing the golem to find dusk of oolacile, or finding out that at the same place you can enter the DLC, or that its even possible to go back to undead asylum to get the peculiar doll and enter ariamis.

    submitted by /u/jourihara
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    What ever happened to the crystal cave?

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 04:09 AM PDT

    In Dark Souls 3 you revisit Anor Londo and discover how the many cycles have impacted the former land of the gods but that made me wonder. What happened to the crystal cave and the archives and everything? We know what happened to Gwyndolin and Anor Londo itself but what about the crystal cave and the archives? Like it's the place that crystal magic originated from, which is as far as I know the most powerful type of magic besides soul magic so maybe people would care about the place? Or what about just the cave itself, like it's all crystals, somebody would love to get their hands on that I'd say? I have read through a lot of Lore and it was never mentioned, Miyazaki can't have just forgotten all about it (I hope). Any Ideas?

    submitted by /u/Victim55
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    I have 99 dex which is the best dex weapon that is +15 besides great scythe and uchi?

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 04:01 AM PDT

    I beat O and S Sl1!!!

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 08:00 AM PDT

    Oh boy half way through SL1

    submitted by /u/Superluckyfuncat
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    How was "You died" sound effect recorded?

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 09:56 AM PDT

    Hey guys, just a quick thought, does anyone know how it was recorded, cause i have no clues about that...

    submitted by /u/L1nth
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    Playing Dark Souls offline

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 02:08 AM PDT

    I know this might have been said really often, but I'm quite new to ds1 and from what I've heard or seen, the pvp seems to be pretty bad. So should I just play offline?

    submitted by /u/konoararakida
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    I tried the multiplayer for the first time (and met a dark mage in the burg)

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 05:13 PM PDT

    After beating the game twice ignoring the multiplayer I decided to start a new character and do an always-human-run and summon as many randoms for as many areas/bosses as possible and help a bit as well after beating them.

    Got two summons in undead burg and got invaded by some dude with dark sorceries and the bunny ear crown. Invader one-shotted my summons with some dark orbs similar to ds3's farron hail (dark bead?) and started to spam hello carvings/prism stones. He droped me some souls, humanity, a ring of sacrifice and indictments, praising the sun after I picked them up. I was sure that he had the intention to kill me after that so I decided to take my chance and backstabbed him while he was gesturing, hoping to get him low enough to have a chance to finish him off before he could do anything. I did almost no damage while he killed me with one casting. He dropped a sorry carving and did a gesture that I can only describe as disappointed head shaking (never found that one so no idea what it's called).

    I actually feel bad for backstabbing him while he was gesturing... Met him later as a white phantom while helping out some randoms before moving on to the gargoyles and he was really fun to co-op with.

    But still if I didn't miss something dark sorceries are only available after beating Artorias so while I can definitely respect the skill and dedication needed to get that stuff it's still bs to use in the burg imo. (or maybe I'm missing something and it's not op at all and I just need to git gut?)

    submitted by /u/Saavai
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    I never got trolled so hard by a game before

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 06:48 AM PDT

    I just started playing the game, i have played a lot of ds3 before and thought i should get this game aswell.

    I just got through the undead burg and a bit of the darkroot garden, and then decided to run through the skeleton area behind the shrine just for fun, and didn't even kill any of them since it took way too long with my longsword. I found the entrance to the catacombs, and eventually the first bonfire. I killed the pyromancer there and instinctively lit the bonfire.

    Then i realized, there is no fast travel in this game (at this point i think). I didn't actually want to be in the catacombs, so it was a big mistake to lit that bonfire. I went back and saw that i dropped down a few feet when entering the catacombs, so there was no way back. I didn't want to use any guides or videos since i'm afraid of spoilers, and i started exploring the catacombs to find a way back out. I died what felt like a thousand times, either to the pyromancers or to getting trapped by skeletons. I eventually found the next bonfire behind the illusory wall, and a titanite demon. I was about to give up, the thought of having to beat the bosses of that area to get back to firelink made more and more sense, then i found a secret up the ladder and the big spiral staircase. At the top room, there was a hole you could drop down. I swear that hole wasn't there before. It took me back to the canyon, and from there i walked back to the first bonfire, and when i took a second look into the starting area, THERE WAS A GODDAMN LADDER ALL ALONG. i could've just walked back instead of spending hours in there. I'm now back at firelink, and i got some cool stuff out of the catacombs so it's ok. But i will come back. I'm going to get some weapons and absolutely humiliate these skeletons the next time.

    submitted by /u/gxtitan
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