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    Tuesday, May 19, 2020

    Dark Souls /r/DarkSouls - The Trading Post.

    Dark Souls /r/DarkSouls - The Trading Post.

    /r/DarkSouls - The Trading Post.

    Posted: 18 May 2020 11:07 PM PDT

    Is there a weapon that eludes you? Want to host a fun give-away?

    Use today to schedule some trades!

    Helpful Information for New Users

    Be sure to check the /r/DarkSouls/wiki page, where you can find community-created tips and research threads.

    Please help build the wiki! You only need 10 karma within /r/DarkSouls to contribute.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Anyone else feel less like a "Chosen Undead" and more like a "Chosen Elevator Technician"?

    Posted: 18 May 2020 09:47 PM PDT

    Dressing Up As Solaire in Animal Crossing

    Posted: 18 May 2020 09:50 AM PDT

    My two favorite game franchises are Dark Souls and Animal Crossing, so I tried designing my own Solaire outfit for my character in AC: New Horizons:


    I just need to find a grey knight helmet now. Praise the sun!

    Edit: Since someone asked, the code is W9QD-RFB9-DXKW if you want to wear it too.

    Edit edit: I got a knight helmet to go with it: https://imgur.com/a/r1HKQQl

    submitted by /u/SarahLia
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    I just beat O&S on my first try and it made me a little emotional.

    Posted: 18 May 2020 11:05 PM PDT

    I've been playing dark souls on and off since it released. About 5 years ago I was going through some pretty bad times. I was unhealthy emotionally and physically. I had more than one addiction (specifically drinking myself into a daze) . I couldn't finish anything I started. I pretty much lost everything and was sure I was approaching the end of my line. Despite loving dark souls, I couldn't finish it during this point in my life. I didn't really finish anything at this point in my life.

    For the past few years I've put everything I've had into into running away from my old self, forging a new path and I don't think I've ever felt so clear minded. I feel cleansed. I'm healthy and kind of gliding through life right now.

    I decided to pick up dark souls again and its a weirdly spiritual experience. Froms idea of dealing with failure, fear and the after life are really cathartic to me and are beautifully potrayed

    It probably sounds lame but I feel like I've been working years to become the person that would actually finish this game and be someone who sees things through to their end and doesn't quit. Crushing O&S and walking into gwyneveres throne room gave me a sensation that's hard to describe.

    These games are great.

    submitted by /u/RoughBalls93
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    My Dark Souls Art

    Posted: 18 May 2020 09:46 AM PDT

    The impact of Dark Souls in gaming

    Posted: 18 May 2020 01:20 PM PDT

    You've probably seen this on videos, forums, or even on other reddit posts, but since I love the game so much I'm gonna do it as well:

    Dark Souls brought back the concept of boss battles from extinction. While many other games were focusing on character-driven deep storylines with no bosses at all and sometimes even no enemies, Dark Souls brought back old-school tough boss fights from the brink of death. And hell, it completely popularized it, now games are trying to imitate DS's boss mechanics and weird-ass, unpronounceable names.

    Dark Souls was one of the first games in many years that didn't want to hold your hand. This, in terms of gameplay mechanics and lore. If you truly want to become a master at the game, speedrun it, or even complete it without getting dying, you have to do through self-encouragement and sheer fucking will, because the game never explicitly tells you how to play it. If you want to become a big brain, a full-time nerd that knows everything about the game, guess what, the game ain't gon' tell you shit either.

    Dark Souls defined what a "hard" game is like. While many of us despise the way Dark Souls is being aligned with difficulty (myself included), you can't deny that all the games that try to imitate Dark Souls always fall under the same category of "difficult" and "unforgiving".

    Despite the fact that I just explained the many ways Dark Souls tortures us, in the end, it's something we love and cherish, and it's one of the reasons we enjoy playing these games in the first place.

    I've been Papa Sully, downvote if you hate me.

    submitted by /u/sullythepope
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    My Snuggly the Crow invader didn't work out the way I'd hoped

    Posted: 18 May 2020 08:04 AM PDT

    I made a lvl 10 undead burg invader called Snuggly the Crow, and it uses two artorias greatshields (wings) as well as other items to fit the cosplay.

    I'd hoped people would drop a useless item for me, and I'd drop them a boss soul or a titanite slab etc.

    But, even though I don't attack players and just stand there, people only care to murder me and so far, I've just been killed in every single invasion I've done.


    Edit: Images, as requested

    submitted by /u/zxcv444
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    Dark Souls series has now sold over 27 million units.

    Posted: 19 May 2020 12:54 AM PDT

    I have a question for anyone who has experience with the game.

    Posted: 18 May 2020 06:31 PM PDT

    Forge your weapons?

    submitted by /u/Mcgelie
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    "We are developing a new title so that everyone can enjoy it again, so I hope you can expect it." - FROM

    Posted: 18 May 2020 11:10 PM PDT

    The cumulative sales volume of the DARK SOULS series has exceeded 27 million. It's a great honor for many people to play. We are developing a new title so that everyone can enjoy it again, so I hope you can expect it.


    submitted by /u/Windows_99
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    This game is really refreshing as a first playthrough so far...

    Posted: 19 May 2020 02:14 AM PDT

    First time playing it, I've come from bloodborne where I cleared NG+7 and then DS3 where I cleared the game over 20-30 times across 7 characters. Coming to this game yes it feels really slow but it just means I have to play smarter, at first I went down to the skeletons and they were hard and tanked a lot. So I used a mace since that was effective against skeletons in DS3. It worked really well. Then I realized after some exploring that I could go up and this place was so easy I'm one shotting everything, just encountered the first black knight and I died, but he's a lot slower than in DS3, and I got a pretty easy backstab. The game feels clean and I like leveling at every bonfire. But I am confused about humanity. Is that like embers? And does kindling the bonfire increase the amount of flasks or improve it? Not sure how I should be using it. But this game is generous I have like 10 flasks from the start haha

    Edit: I can just dodge and backstab cheese the black knight haha

    2nd edit: PvP in DS3 taught me spacing and it's proving really effective so far

    submitted by /u/W3rodst
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    1 Weapons Away From 100%

    Posted: 18 May 2020 11:02 PM PDT

    Hello! I've been on the mighty quest to 100% Dark Souls Remastered and I am so close to that sweet, sweet achievement.

    Unfortunately, I used my 1 Iron Golem Core on my NG+ run and I didn't realize that the Iron Golem Core has 2 weapons. I obtained my Iron Golem Core in NG++ and I made the Golem Axe.

    I didn't want it to come down to begging, but I don't want to beat the game a 3rd time. So I'm asking if there's potentially anyone who would spare either a Golem Core or the Dragon Bone Fist? On Xbox One, Dark Souls Remastered.

    My GT is Thund3RDoctoR

    submitted by /u/Thund3RDoctoR
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    The stories of Miracles: Wrath of the Gods

    Posted: 19 May 2020 03:04 AM PDT

    There he was. A man. A soldier. A servant of the goddess. This would be the final battle, he was sure of it. The end of a long war. This would be the day that would decide over his people's fate. Would his land, his home, succumb to the enemy? Would everything he lived for crumble? „No.", he whispered to himself. He would not fail the goddess, for his faith was unvawering and his spirit unbroken. He did not fear death. He knew the goddess was with him.

    „Soldiers!", his voice roared through the valley like thunder when he spoke. „The carnage that this strifeful battle has brought upon the realm of the goddess, is assuredly awful. This bloodshed has to end today! We will fight them, and we will bring justice to them! Those pitiful heretics will wish they never crossed our border! Those rotten bastards have raped our women, enslaved our children, and killed our men! Not a single one of them deserves mercy! Today, our home will be cleansed from these blasphemic mongrels! Do not fear them, for the goddess is with us!"

    Almost as to join the man's voice, a thunder cried out in the distance. With a strong heart and purpose in his eyes, his hand reached for the sword by his side. He knew, as soon as he drew the blade blessed in a holy ceremony, his soldiers would ride into battle. And so he did.

    The tremors the battle fabricated were felt even miles away. On the horizon, the man layed eyes on the enemy. In this moment, a single emotion occupied the man's mind: Disgust. Not one of the enemie's lifes were worth sparing. They were a people from the far west. A bundle of evildoers and charlatans who would not shy away from any means in order to win a fight. In the front lines their sturdy knights with their great shields and heavy spears. In the back, their archers with their arrows engulfed in the venom of the great mountain lizards.

    Just moments before the armies collided, the man noticed something off. The enemy armie wasn't charging at full speed like they usually did. Instead, they held their shields high ready for the strike. „What are those damn hellhounds up to again?", he figured. But it was too late. The foes lowered their shields to reveal their secret weapon. Only then the man noticed the men and women that very not anymore hidden by the Knight's greatshields. Pyromancers. Wretched beings of chaos, deformed and crippled by their attempts to harness the flame. To the man, they were not even equal to animals. People who give in to their twisted instincts like that, so he thought, were a shame to mankind.


    That was the last word that left the soldiers throat before his army was empraced by a wall of fire in front of his very eyes. He sunk to his knees as his people cried out for help before their throats were incinerated. This is what he deserved for charging head first into battle. Eventually, the cries stopped. And none of the proud paladins were to be seen. The only thing remaining were piles of ash. He was the only one left. Not a single one of the enemy's troups were even touched by a blade. Not a single Warrior carried a wound on their body as a sign of shame. This was not how the war was supposed to end. None of the believers that had died deserved their cruel fate.

    Soon, he would join them, he thought. They would have no reason to spare him. For a single moment, the only warrior of the goddess left had accepted his defeat. He could see the pyromancers preparing their flames. He could see the archers aming for him to make sure his death would be the most cruel possible. Then, the feeling of disappointment in his head was replaced by another feeling: Rage. The man had come so far. He wasn't gonna go down without a fight. Even though he knew it would be a short one. In this moment in his life, he felt his faith shining brighter than ever before. When the Pyromancer threw their flames at him, he felt a strange feel inside of him. A trembling feeling grew inside of him. Then, the moment the archers released their arrows, the trembling stopped, and a blast was released from the warriors heart. A wave of energy not only crushing the enemy knights right before him, but also reflecting their own projectiles right back at them. He watched as the army fell one by one, either burnt by their own flames, poisoned by their own arrows or destroyed by the impenetrable wall of faith the man had released.

    Within seconds, it was over. On that day, neither of the lands had won. Both armies fell im battle. But one survived. For he had channeled the wrath of the gods.

    Thank you for reading my first entry in my new series where I try coming up with the stories behind miracles. Just so you know, most of the stuff I'm going to write is headcanon and completely made up. If there are some inconsistencies with the lore that might disprove my stories, feel free to correct me.

    submitted by /u/Magius1954
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    Dex weapon recommendations

    Posted: 19 May 2020 03:28 AM PDT

    Okay I've been playing on my ng+ 34 strength build for awhile now and started to get very bored. At this point I was just mowing down through all the enemies, and staggering and killing bosses left and right. So I started a new playthrough recently, but when I was staring at that create a character menu I questioned myself thinking what build am I going to do this time. I've done multiple strength builds, countless quality builds, and a sorcery build from time to time, but then it hit me....I have never in my life done a dexterity build so I started one...and I have to say I enjoy it 10x more than a strength build. I find myself actually having to roll more often than I do normally and it just feels amazing. Only thing I'm questioning is what dex weapons should I use? Because rightnow I'm at O & S and I've used nothing but the uchigatana. I want to use different dex weapons but I'm not sure whats good at this point in the game. Anyone have any recommendations?

    submitted by /u/Drivzy
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    Please tell me personal theories about something that you came up while playing

    Posted: 19 May 2020 02:49 AM PDT

    They can be about anything. Npcs, bosses, locations, some random ruins in the level you found interesting...

    submitted by /u/PrimeSerpentKaathe
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    We are Havel

    Posted: 19 May 2020 04:07 AM PDT

    So I've been going over it in my head and I may write a blog as to why we play as Havel in DS1. anyone interested?

    submitted by /u/bamgibson30
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    Did anyone else find it harder to kill Sif than O&S?

    Posted: 19 May 2020 04:00 AM PDT

    I went through Anor Londo right after Blighttown and beat Ornstein and Smough on my second attempt. I did summon Solaire for the fight, since I only got one hit off in my first try, but Ornstein didn't even hit me (I killed him first), then Smough smashed Solaire and got a 1v1.

    Sif, though, took me like 7 or 8 tries. I kept getting caught in his spinning attack as I tried to dodge through it, and he was quick and hard to get out of the way of. I changed my equipment a bunch of times before I got it. Best boss fight so far, imo.

    Edit: I want to note that Quelaag was by far the hardest boss I faced so far. I died like 20 times and summoned Mildred 3 of those times. I don't like spiders

    submitted by /u/thekingdtom
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    Questions about lore...

    Posted: 18 May 2020 06:44 PM PDT

    Am I "allowed" to make up my own lore? Like if I want to believe that Solaire becomes the Carthus Sandworm based on very little evidence will people accept that?

    submitted by /u/The-True-Apex-Gamer
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    Are the big hairy left armed bosses (Manus, Cleric Beast, Demon of Hatred) based on certain mythological creature/deity?

    Posted: 19 May 2020 12:09 AM PDT

    Today I finally made it to Manus in DS Remastered (I basically played all Fromsoftware games in reverse order starting with Sekiro) and I was surprised to see that Manus was the original design for Bloodborne's Cleric Beast and Sekiro's Demon of Hatred.

    Is this based on a specific japenese/hindu/whatever mythological creature/deity? I find it odd that it's been 3 different games with the same monster design.

    Amazing DLC by the way, hard to believe this is a 2011 game. Can't wait for Elder Ring !!!

    PS. Is it just me or is Kalameet way harder than Manus? 20+ deaths later and the black dragon got the better of me while I killed Manus on my first try :(

    submitted by /u/muchomanga
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    What is your favourite underrated weapon?

    Posted: 19 May 2020 01:42 AM PDT

    I feel like the lucerne is definitely underrated, it does pretty good damage on a quality build, especially on counters if you have the leo ring.

    submitted by /u/CasualKhajiit
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    I need someone to explain a mechanic to me

    Posted: 18 May 2020 10:54 PM PDT

    Its my 1st time playing DS1 (m on ps4) but ive played Bloodbourne, and in that one i could do the thing where you ram your fist up an enemy's ass for a lot of damage very consistently, but it seems very hit or miss here. Is it random? Do i just need to git gud?

    submitted by /u/TOMAHAWAK1999
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    [Spoilers] Beat O+S!

    Posted: 18 May 2020 07:34 PM PDT

    Typing on mobile so will keep brief.

    I quit the game about a year ago due to getting stuck at the bridge fire in Blighttown. Picked it back up a few weeks ago.

    Used a walkthrough to help get past upper blighttown and read more on weapon damage and scaling.

    Finally made it to O+S and I won on my 3rd attempt! I think it helps that I'm a sorcerer; Dragonslayer seemed weak to my magic attacks. Smough was a grind but doable. Did get cocky at the end almost died by his upward swing.

    Thank you to the community for help keeping me going. Sens fortress and Londo archers had me almost give up, but I've made it too... Something lol.

    Also, please don't spoil too much of what happens later in game. Trying to not know too much ahead.

    submitted by /u/sean_999
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    DS1 is harder than 3. Change my mind.

    Posted: 19 May 2020 01:28 AM PDT

    Alright so I was having a conversation with a friend of mine about which Dark Souls game was most difficult. I have beaten DS1 a handful of times and DS3 probably close to 50 times. We did not like DS2 and I've never beaten it. Therefore our conversation more surrounded the question, "What's more difficult, 1 or 3?"

    When he told me he thought 3 was more difficult I couldn't believe it. But after reading more online it appears that his opinion aligns with the broad consensus. So i decided to make the case for 3 being easier than 1. And my hope is that I find more people in agreement, but I welcome arguments to the contrary as well.

    My argument is based mainly on three different factors. First, and possibly the greatest factor for me, is the increased number of bonfires and the fact that bonfires are in such close proximity to one another. In DS1 there were areas (such as Blighttown, Tomb of the Giants) where you had to methodically grind out areas, drawing enemies out one by one, and often running out of estus well before you reach the next fire. In 3, every area has 3 or 4 (or more) bonfires. Not to mention shortcuts back to bonfires essentially making one bonfire serve as 2 or 3 (or more) bonfires (Cathedral, Irithyll Dungeon). If you can kill 10-20 enemies without blowing through 5-10 pots you're all good.

    Reason number two is rolling. In DS3 you can pretty much endlessly roll around without a second in between. Utilizing you invincibility frames in DS3 is a thousand times easier than it is in DS1. Furthermore you can continue to move while using your estus. While in DS1 your character would come to a complete stop every time you potted. The "cleanliness" of DS3's mechanics make it so much easier to evade attacks and other environmental hazards.

    My third and final argument involves the different favors that DS3 does you that DS1 did not. DS1 always felt like the game was doing everything it could to kill you and nothing to help you. In DS3 you get four rings as opposed to two, which I find almost broken. You get to warp from the moment you reach Firelink, and homeward bones allow you to choose whether you go back to the last fire rested at or to go back to the hub. This doesn't sound like it matters from a DS3 perspective because you could just warp back to the last rested at and then straight to firelink, but imagine being able to do that in DS1. Game changer. DS3 allows you to literally pop in and out of any of the countless bonfires as often as you want whenever. In DS1 you had a select few bonfires to use, and then had to travel from there to your destination the old fashioned way. This makes revisiting areas exponentially more bothersome than in DS3.

    I can understand the case that DS1's bosses are easier overall. But I think its only at the very top level. If you take away the DLC, I think the bosses are about the same. DS1 has tough bosses. It just doesn't have Gael, Friede, or Midir (although I have just as much trouble with Artorias as I do with Friede or Gael). Overall I'd agree that DS3 has tougher bosses, but it's likely that I think its closer than you do. Perhaps I'm somehow just not as good at DS1 as I am at DS3. Maybe I'm just more intimidated by DS1 for some psychological reasons unique to me, but I do personally find it more difficult to beat DS1 than DS3. Thanks for letting me waste your time and I'd love to hear your thoughts.

    submitted by /u/Whitedawg93
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    Not trying to start any kind of debate

    Posted: 18 May 2020 04:38 PM PDT


    I have a question that hunts me every night before sleeping. About dark souls lore and it's protagonist, I just came up with the idea that may be The Chosen Undead might have some sort of power or ability that the other protagonists (The Bearer of the Curse and The Ashen one) and this is transform or channel the souls he/she gather into power (level/stat increase) by itself.

    In terms of lore and mechanics none says anything about this specific case but for the rest, is well known that The Ashen one and The Bearer of the course uses Firekeeper or Emerald Herald to increase their power.

    So, does it means that only the Chosen undead is capable of transforming those souls into strength by himself/herself ? (Level up and stuff)

    submitted by /u/Charly_Senpai
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    Forgive me, father, for I have sinned; I started playing Dark Souls II: SotFS...

    Posted: 18 May 2020 11:19 PM PDT

    ... and it seemed really nice, even though the controls felt a little bit out of their scope, let's say. Can't wait to finish work today so I can resume my barely started journey.

    submitted by /u/miTzuliK
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