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    Monday, May 25, 2020

    Dark Souls 2 /r/DarkSouls2 - Modding Monday.

    Dark Souls 2 /r/DarkSouls2 - Modding Monday.

    /r/DarkSouls2 - Modding Monday.

    Posted: 24 May 2020 11:14 PM PDT

    Welcome to the weekly Dark Souls mod announcement and discussion thread!

    Beware! Use of mods whilst connected to the internet can cause you to get banned from online play!

    For more information, or to continue the discussion visit /r/ModSouls

    Using mods (PC only!) to enhance or add new content to the Souls games is great fun! It is important, however, to understand that mods are against From's EULA/ToS, so there is a great risk of being banned when using them due to From's anti-cheat--which is deployed in most versions of the Souls games.

    Versions of the games where modding is safe due to no anti-cheat:

    Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition

    Versions of the games where modding carries a very high risk of being banned:

    Dark Souls: Remastered

    Dark Souls II

    Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin

    Dark Souls III

    Our recommendations for safe modding

    *This advice is intended for first-time or relatively inexperienced modders who want to get into modding without risking a ban on their main Steam account.

    Basic Steps:

    Make a separate Steam account

    Use Steam's Family Sharing feature to provide your new account with access to your main Steam account's game library.

    Install games to be used with the new account in a separate directory.

    Once you've found your mods be sure to read (and follow) the mod author's instructions carefully prior to installation.

    Set Steam to "off line" mode.

    Install the mods and perform any necessary setup.

    Enjoy the fun and interesting experiences offered by mods!

    Be sure to remove all file components of the mod before going back online!

    Helpful Information for New Users

    Be sure to check the /r/DarkSouls2/wiki page, where you can find community-created tips and research threads.

    Please help build the wiki! You only need 10 karma within /r/DarkSouls2 to contribute.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    ReUpload: How Iron Keep and Earthen Peak Connect (With no-clip and map viewer)

    Posted: 25 May 2020 07:16 AM PDT

    So five years ago I asked the sub if they'd like a closer look into this particular transition, and was met with a warm response. My channel was small (>1k subs) but the video amassed almost 50k views and I was ecstatic! I made a few similar videos upon request and shared them here. Well due to some copyright issues with a channel linked to the same email address I ended up losing all of the content on my channel, well that is, until now. I've booted up my old PC and found archives of some of the videos on japanese video sites (?) and plan to restore what I can of my channel.

    Hopefully there is still some interest in this content. Without further ado,

    How Iron Keep and Earthen Peak Connect (With no-clip and map viewer)


    Just found & uploaded some more:

    Aldias Keep to Dragon Aerie Transition

    How Heides and No-Man's Wharf Connect!

    How tall is Drangleic Castle?

    Exploring locations in the sky-box and more!


    The original post: https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkSouls2/comments/3770y5/as_promised_how_iron_keep_and_earthen_peak/

    submitted by /u/ThickDougie25
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    It's evolving, just backwards

    Posted: 25 May 2020 11:18 AM PDT


    That out of the way, why don't we take a look at all the good things DS2 did that DS3 blatantly ignored? Let's jump into it!

    The special features of NG+ and beyond. Like, bosses dropping new souls, new enemy and item placement, new rings (heh, they actually did this one, but the execution was poor) and everything DS2 did to make us want to go into NG+.

    Spellcasting speed being alligned with Attunement. DS3 completely fucked over casters and therefore, it reduced build viability, which in turn reduced replay value. Also, the mana bar was not a good idea. It was better to have a certain number of casts which you could replenish by consuming Amber Herbs. Oh, and Attunement ALSO increased the number of spell casts. I'm missing a lot here.

    The balanced and fair invasion system. The community is pretty divided on this aspect, but I'm JUST GIVING MY PERSONAL OPINION. Since both the host AND their phantoms can heal, it makes the chance of an invader winning VERY minimal. "But, invaders can heal too, so it's fair!" NO. Because the host can have up to three phantoms (if they use a Dried Finger) and invaders rarely get a buddy. The invader starts with half Estus, just like the phantoms. But the difference in numbers makes it impossible for invaders to win and sometimes fights can drag on for over 10 minutes or more.

    Infused, special or boss weapons being buffable. Just why. This spiced up the game for all elemental builds, just the fact that you get your Dark Longsword and then buffing it up with Dark Weapon made them WAY more viable, since split-damage is not pointless now.

    Power Stance. If you don't live in a cave, I'm pretty sure you know what Power Stance is. The idea of dual-wielding similar weapons and discovering a unique moveset is very cool and creative, and NO, the Skills from DS3 do NOT compare.

    Pyromancies having no stat requirements. I really like how in DS2 (and DS1) you could use any Pyromancy without leveling any stat at all (even though in DS2 you can invest points in INT and FTH to increase pyromancy potency). This made Pyromancy much more accessible to melee players who also wanted to dabble in the art of spellcasting.

    The Hexes school of magic. I much preferred Hexes being their own thing and not just being some offshoot of a pre-existing school of magic. I also liked how the Dark damage bonus was different, it wasn't just INT and FTH, but the lower of the two, meaning you had to have both at the same level at all times.

    PvE Covenants. Even DS1 had a Covenant dedicated to those who didn't want to partake in the multiplayer aspect. Why. Just why. DS1's PvP was broken yet still, Covenant goals were much better and more creative and had better rewards than DS3's.

    Now, if you've read all of this, first: thank you for having the patience to read the whole thing, second: I'm not trying to change anyone's opinion on DS3. I love the game, I love to fight the bosses, and it's my favourite in the series to do challenge runs. But it pisses me off how they basically ignored everything new and good DS2 added to the table. "But Miyazaki wasn't in charge of DS2, how could he have even known about these things?" Except Miyazaki DID know what was going on in DS2 (Laddersmith Gilligan and Earthen Peak) and decided to blatantly ignore everything it did good and somethings even BETTER than DS1.

    submitted by /u/BibblesBaggins
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    Another ng down. This time it was ng+2 on the melee build. Beat it using the smelter hammer only. Now..onto the ng+s of the sorcerer and cleric. i really love this game :)

    Posted: 25 May 2020 11:27 AM PDT

    Some new information regarding Dark Chasm of Old / Pilgrims of Dark PvP: Soul Memory ranges and phantom timer limit for Abyss Spirits.

    Posted: 24 May 2020 09:33 PM PDT

    You can file this under useless info that's too little too late for the community, but I've been wanting to tie up some loose ends.

    If you've ever looked up how Soul Memory works or used one of the calculators before, you might've noticed that a few things were still missing. There's no mention of how it works for Abyss spirits, so that was something I decided to take a look at earlier today.

    The Red Sign Soapstone retains its normal tier range, but the Cracked Red Eye Orb swaps out its usual -0/+4 range for a -0/+8 tier range. This means someone using Cracked Red Eye Orbs in the Dark Chasm of Old from tier 20 is able to invade tiers 20 - 28.

    Fextralife also previously said this:

    Abyss spirits (Dark Chasm invaders) DO NOT have a timer, and can stay in a host's world until either they have died, the host has died, or the invader has landed a killing blow on another player (either the host or a different invader).

    There is actually a 30 minute timer for Abyss Spirits. Easy to see how that could be mistaken for an infinite timer, since that's way more than enough for those small arenas... but yeah, not quite infinite.

    Tested on PC SotFS, though there's no reason to suspect this works differently elsewhere.

    edit: I'm still looking to test more things and can use more testing partners. If anyone is softbanned or is willing to get a profile softbanned on purpose please let me know.

    submitted by /u/illusorywall
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    My Love Letter to Dark Souls 2

    Posted: 25 May 2020 07:24 AM PDT

    TL, DR: I originally hated DS2 but now I love it.

    I'm a long time Soulsbourne fan, I only play the PVE and will play offline because I don't really like online games, so my opions don't take the PVP into account. I originally played DS1 about a year after its release and I struggled through the game all the way to the end. I loved it so much that after my first playthrough I played through it again, there was something about it that no other game I'd ever played could compare to. I continued to do runs of the game up until the release of DS2, my hype was immeasurable, all I'd wanted for years was something new to sate my Dark Souls itch and surely this was going to be the game to do it.

    It wasn't, I hated my time with the game, back then I played Dark Souls in a very reserved way, I always held up my shield and would strafe round enemies attempting to back stab them. This tactic was far less affective in DS2 and my refusal to change up playstyles probably played a big part in the lack of enjoyment for the game. I don't remember much more about my first playthrough other than that I hated I, but I do know it was Shrine of Amana was the furthest I got in the game before giving up and returning to DS1.

    Bloodborne came and went the next year and that was another game that I couldn't get into. Once again, I think my reluctance to change up playstyles played a big part of it, I could no longer hide behind a shield. I eventually stopped playing Dark Souls, a few years passed, I skipped Dark Souls 3's release and I had lost most of my interest in the franchise. That was until last year, the release of Sekiro caught my eye and reminded me of my time with Dark Souls and a few months later I saw the complete version of DS3 on sale and I jumped at the opportunity. I love Dark Souls 3, enough time had passed that the shield turtling tactics that had once been drilled into my brain were no more and I evolved into the 2-handed, hyper-agressive Soulsborne player I am now, the combat was fast & fluid, the bosses were of the highest quality and it all culminating in the Soul of Cinder fight was quite frankly incredible. I was once again addicted to Dark Souls.

    After this I went on a romp round Yharnam, loving nearly every moment of it, I even got Dark Souls Remastered on Switch, so that I could relive the game that started it all for me. I played through the three of these games on repeat up until about March this year, I had done all there was to do in them and I needed more to fuel my addiction. So I did what I never thought I'd do again, I powered up my 360 and loaded up Dark Souls 2.

    My first full playthrough of Dark Souls 2 was enjoyable for the most part, I disliked the 'clunkier' combat, I didn't realise that whilst locked on, pointing your character in a different direction causes them to not attack the locked on target. I used a rapier for most of the playthrough and got pissed off everytime I missed a crystal lizard. I got pissed off by the gankiness of certain areas and how badly some of the ganks were implemented, namely the areas with infinite poise assholes who also hit like a truck. The game also dragged towards the end, finding the memories and using all the Kings Ring doors felt like busy work, it didn't help that the final boss encounters are some of the most dissapointing in all of Soulsbourne. Neither Watcher/Defender or Nashandra put up much of a fight and I took both down on my first attempt. Which leads me onto my biggest complaint I had about the game, the boss selection.

    The base game of Dark Souls 2 has a terrible selection of bosses, most of them fall into one of 2 categories, most fall into the category of being too easy, whilst the rest fall into the category of being artificially difficult, sometimes to the point of them being unfair. The easy bosses are often trivialised by how slow their windups are or if they're a humanoid in armour can be beaten by strafing to their side. The artifically difficult bosses tend to be the ones who are just multiple copies of the same enemy attacking you at once, the bullshit that is Royal Rat Authority or the Old Iron King's lava pools. The two boss who I feel are the exception are DarkLurker and Smelter Demon. DarkLurker is a fantastic fight, a good amount of challenge, a diverse move set and well implemented multi-enemy mechanics. Smelter Demon is also a great challenge, he can still be beat by mostly strafing, much like a lot of the games bosses, but the increasing passive damage to the player causes you to change up the way you fight him.

    Despite all these negatives, there was still so much I loved about the game. The sprawling map is fantastic and made me realise just how linear DS3 is. The levels are also often layrinthine in nature, something I hated at first, but now I abolutely love the fact I can get lost in the levels and discover parts of it I skipped the first time through. The combat has also grown on me, it's my least favourite in the series, but still damn good. I was also pleased that I had finally conquered Dark Souls 2 after all these years and despite enjoying my time with the game, I didn't see myself returning to the game in the forseeable future.

    Enter Scholar of the First Sin. SOTFS was £8 on the PSN store about a month ago and at that price I couldn't ignore it. I delved straight back into the world of DS2 and yesterday I finally finished my full playhtrough of the main game and DLCs. It took me a total of 37 hours, I reached Lvl 188, with a 4 million soul memory and died 203 times. Straight off the bat, I decided to change things up and go with a STR/FTH build, I sped through much of the game with a a Greatsword buffed with miracles. The one-hand r1 wide swing and the two-hand r2 downwards smash meant I had little need for any other melee weapon. I had learnt from my first playthrough and had become accustomed to the combat, I could now play with the agression I was used to and few things managed to stand in my way. The enemy positioning in SOTFS also added to my enjoyment, most areas now felt more fair in how they throw enemies at you, I was no longer being constantly overwhelmed. Obviously some areas still suffer, such as Turtle Bay, the undead 'Fuck You' bridge and I personally feel they made the Dragon Aerie worse.

    SOTFS also added some nice little extras such as the No-Man's Wharf shortcut, some new NPC invasions and the Fragrant Branch statues were a nice mixup on the base game. But the big thing that it added was the DLC. I played through it after defeating the Giant Lord and it broke up the busy work that is the last few hours of the game. Like the main game, the DLC is not perfect, the base enemy in each DLC is very uninspired, each of them has once bad/terrible area designed for 'Co-Op' but is an unpleasant experience for solo players and at the end of each areas was generally a bad boss, the Gank Squad is tied with Bed of Chaos as my least favourite boss in the franchise, Blue Smelter Demon is the Smelter Demon but blue and the Kings Pets are just 2 of the same boss you fight earlier in the DLC.

    But apart from that I loved the DLC, Sanctum City was this amazing vertical area with pillars that rose and fell, Dragon's Sanctum felt like you were in the heart of a pyramid and I wish it was larger and had more paths to get lost down, Dragon's rest was kind of dissapointing follwing it as you just keep dropping down to get to the boss gate, with very few detours or enemies in between. Brume Tower was one of the greatest spectacles in the series, crossing that first chain was better than busting a nut, the tower itself was fantastic with its verticality and the lifts unlocking new paths once you collect a special item. Eleum Loyce is similar to Brume Tower, but this time you're looping round a castle and melting the ice unlocks new paths. The good areas of the DLC are some of the best examples of FROM level design and they remind me of smaller, self contained versions of the DS1 map.

    But the biggest improvement the DLC have over the base game is in the bosses. I already talked about the not so good bosses in the DLC (except for Elana who's not really worth writing about) but the good bosses in the DLC are fantastic. Sinh, Alonne, Brume, Ivory King and Aava are so much better than anything the base game has to offer. Sinh is levels above either of the dragon's in the base game, you have to learn his attacks and figure out when to punish him. Alonne's hyper agression makes him the most challenging but rewarding boss in the game. Brume's agression and varied moveset made him a thoroughly satisfying kill. Ivory King has an incredible arena and despite being gimmicky was still a brilliant challenge. And finally Aava, who alongside Elana was the only DLC boss who didn't manage to kill me, but the fight had me clenching my bumhole for it's entirety. Most of these bosses would probably break into my top 20 Soulsbourne bosses, with Alonne breaking into my personal top 10 which is a testament of he massive improvement in quality of bosses over the base game.

    I adore this game, I hated it for a long time, but once I finally gave it a second and third go, my appreciation for it continually grew. Personally it's still my least favourite game in the series but that's down to how highly I regard the the other games, DS1, BB and DS3 make up my top 3 games of all time and DS2 makes it into my top 5. This game is fantastic and for those of you who didn't like it all those years ago, I highly recommend that you give it another chance. Its flaws are more glaring than the rest of the games in the series, but there's still so much here that is utterly fantastic and even does somethings better than the other games in the series.

    This was originally just meant to be my opinions on SOTFS but then kind of turned into my whole experience with the game. I waffled on way too much and I was also negative about quite a lot, but it's only because I really do adore this game and I wouldn't have written anywhere near as much if I didn't love it.

    submitted by /u/HamesWalker
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    Executioner's chariot

    Posted: 25 May 2020 02:36 PM PDT

    I've found a lot of the bosses in this game to be sort of lackluster (so far; i still have a lot of game left). Not this one!! Huge change of pace as far as DS bosses go. Had so much fun figuring this one out. Loosely reminded me of Goht from LOZ: Majora's Mask

    submitted by /u/CSpineMcGee
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    Sir Alonne / Memory of Old Iron King

    Posted: 25 May 2020 01:58 PM PDT

    So I came back to DS2 3 years after playing the first time to get the platinum on PS4 (originally played on xbox) and turns out I'm enjoying it way more this time round. However, this area I didn't play the first time round and I don't think I can think of a worse designed section in any game in the series. I've managed to be summoned in to a couple of fights ans helped people beat him but I can't seem to get it done in my own world :( . Anyone got any tips or want to help me get it done? The run through the gauntlet before the boss room is so frustrating


    Need help with Sir Alonne

    NG SL 155 SM 2,864,230 (I do a lot of sunbroing)


    EDIT: I beat him after I made this post lol. Happy to help anyone else though, add me on psn: J_Goast

    submitted by /u/J_Goast
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    I defeated Lud and Zallen and completed Frigid Outskirts on my first try

    Posted: 25 May 2020 12:24 AM PDT

    I must admit, I did read up on the area a bit beforehand and found out I could summon three NPCs. I summoned Abbess Feeva and Manhunter O'Harrah (Head of Vengarl is unavailable to me cause I didn't complete his quest) and off we go! Throughout the journey, we must have faced five or six Frozen Reindeers in total, and we took the time to stop and rest whenever the blizzard struck us so that probably saved us from more Reindeer encounters. On the thin icy bridge, I thought an invader would strike us but none appeared. That was a relief! Into the fog gate we go!

    The battle turned out to be similar to the Aava fight so it was quite easy to dodge Lud and Zellan's attacks and the NPCs are actually helpful in this fight. I managed to kill one of them, and then... my Mace broke. My DEX is ridiculously low and I couldn't wield many weapons. What does a guy do in this situation?! He turned to his Crystal Lizard-killing weapon of choice of course: the Great Club. One of the NPCs was killed by the last-standing beast, my Estus was empty, and I only had Radiant Lifegems to heal myself. No matter. I've gotten too close to die here now! The last NPC acted as bait while I pummeled the final pet with my two-handed Great Club. Sometimes I missed and wasted a strike but I persevered. And then the killing blow came and relief swept over me. I actually completed the most dreaded area in the Soul series on my first try!

    And now it's time to head to the Throne of Want to complete the game! 😎

    submitted by /u/Yorada
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    What is the equivalent of Power Within in DS2?

    Posted: 25 May 2020 07:11 AM PDT

    I love Power Within in DS1, it is an awesome spell but it isn't in DS2. What spell is closest to it?

    submitted by /u/SwiftyMcVay
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    Coop, PvP, i dont get it

    Posted: 25 May 2020 03:05 PM PDT

    Please do not tell me to check SM mechanic or go to summon reddit, I am asking kindly

    Xbox 360, original Dark Souls 2 plus downloaded 3 DLCs afterwards (does that make it SOTFS?)

    I get thE SM stuff, and if I'm right I think the zones where you should be able to summon/be summoned/invade other players easily are marked in the warp menu by orange boxes

    In the last week I saw one summon sign in Forest of the fallen giants, and I was in NG+

    That's ok, maybe there is some other thing I havent read about or read but too dumb to understand

    But at 280,000 SM I just finished Earthen Peak and I tried invading from all the bonfires « highlighted » and lot of others too, and upon using the orb it immediately says no words were find to invade

    I'm human, connected to Xbox live and see lots of other players near bonfires

    submitted by /u/sabrosafb
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    Posted: 25 May 2020 02:52 PM PDT

    does using an ethernet cable directly to my laptop make a difference in lagstabs and latency problem...does it fix it completely??or how does this work with your experiences

    submitted by /u/wisemanhere
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    Craftsmen of dark souls 2

    Posted: 25 May 2020 12:47 PM PDT

    (satire ahead, using my characters name in game cause its awesome)

    To whom it may concern,

    Greetings and salutations, I am the Magnificent Twizler Snits, renowned explorer, and collector of the souls of the fallen at your most humble of services. I am writing to inform you of a development and to request assistance. You see, I have noticed that this land has a great, and grand variety of equipment for my use. In fact, some of which has been left laying on the ground, yet retains its original unblemished condition! Such an incredible work of art, craftsmanship, and dedication. It shows that you can fall of a cliff to your most unfortunate demise, and yet, your brand new morning star will remain, sharp, shiny, and rust free long after your body has withered into a dry husk near a beleaguered village full of mentally challenged village folk, and a talking cat, fresh and new to be picked up by a passing explorer! I swear on my mothers recently disturbed grave, and shambling undead life, the cat talks! I have not lost all of my most shiny and smoothest of marbles just yet, I assure you.

    Forgive me, I got distracted, the cat causes me to ponder the great mysteries. Now, the development that has arisen. Now I know, its not always a good idea to take gifts from disembodied voices of children asking for shiny objects, but the little girl insisted! So I gave her a rock and LO! a Channelers Trident! Amazing work of deadly art. I cannot express my wonder and awe at its deadly prowiss! It really delivers the point of any brawl really. Three of them in fact! Yet...for all the works I have seen, it has the ability to survive a stark few hits before it begins to crack! I know, its a shock to you as well, however, since this very weapon had been praised and improved upon by my favorite green skinned blacksmith, I wondered why this weapon cannot handle being the thrusting jab in every conversation it gets into! I dare say my handkerchief, given to me by my grandpapi Snits the Elder, has more long lasting survivability than this grand marshmellow poker! In fact I dare say my old wood chopper hand axe can handle life far better and its a blunt instrument, barely able to chop wood, let alone a skull, and it can handle repeated impacts with a castle wall far better than this golden pole dancers challenge. For such amazing creations, you are building them with sub par material. SUB PAR I SAY! I have traveled the width and breath of the land! Seen wonders on wonders! WONDERS I SAY! Seen much! yes! Dont ask me to remember it all, its a little vague, foggy even, but I know what I saw when I know it because I know it well like my own grandpapi Snits!

    I demand to understand why you have created such beautiful yet fragil of weaponry for this land. I say its no wonder it fell into ruin so swifty. How can any land handle the undead in any number if the tools at their disposal have all the longevity of a rotted piece of driftwood! I was just telling my pet bird, *Gestures at the statue on his shoulder* that if we could get a decent weapon in these lands, why, I could explore it all, and remove the undead problem swiftly! In fact, I could probably persuade of a few of the cyclopes roaming the forest to assist me. In fact, since they have such a narrow view of the world I am sure they would remained focused on such a vision. Provided I, Twizler Snits, kept them from falling down on the job.

    Thank you and vociferously yours,

    Twizler Snits

    PS: Why the heck does the durability suck so badly in this game. My weapons break just by looking at them! Is there anyway to like, not have every weapon as fragil as the washing pole was in DS1?

    submitted by /u/Nopefeelins
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    Str weapon

    Posted: 25 May 2020 11:48 AM PDT

    Hi im looking for some nice str weapon.

    submitted by /u/egzekutor198
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    Finally got the Dark Souls 2 Platinum

    Posted: 25 May 2020 03:52 AM PDT

    Late at night last night, I was doing my final run to Drangelic Castle. Casted my soul spears against the big elephant dudes, eliminated the Royal Soldiers and with 1m souls with me, I bought the last 3 pyromancies/miracles I needed, and got The Dark Soul.

    Jesus, it took a while but over 250 hours later, and at least a hundred dead bosses (did more than just those last 3 runs because the game is fun af) I got the achievement. And I must say, farming Falconers is honestly up there with the most ANNOYING things about this game, because my SM was too high to get summoned, and DLCs took 10+ minutes.

    Some locations were also horrendous to run through, such as the Shrine of Amana (granted, last time I did it, I was able to get through with 0 deaths by just bowing enemies to death) and the Iron Passage. I'm not even going to mention how bad the Frigid Outskirts were, I am just glad I was able to kill Lud and Zallen in two attempts.

    Though, that being said, it has some of my favourite things from all of Soulsborne that I have played (so far, which is DS1, DS2 and BB). The fight against Sir Alonne was great, and the lead-up to the Ivory King was simply incredible. Main game boss fights such as the Looking Glass Knight were also incredibly fun.

    Overall, DS2 was a great run through and I absolutely loved most of it. I'm probably going to be taking a break from playing any Soulsborne games, but afterwards, I plan on going back to Yharnam to finish what I started, and bring an end to the long night.

    Remember, praise the sun and don't go hollow! Take care y'all.

    submitted by /u/Spiderweb121
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    Small leather shield Vs. Buckler, what's your favorite for partying?

    Posted: 25 May 2020 03:07 PM PDT

    [PS4][SM 226,000] need help with lost sinner

    Posted: 25 May 2020 11:14 AM PDT

    i am in sinners rise bonfire

    submitted by /u/golandsh
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    What equipment load percentage should I aim for?

    Posted: 25 May 2020 11:00 AM PDT

    In DS1 if you're equip load was less than 25% you had more iFrames and rolled further, is this the same in DS2?

    Should I am for less than 25% equip load?

    submitted by /u/SwiftyMcVay
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    Lenigrast's giant club

    Posted: 25 May 2020 02:39 PM PDT

    Lol when you attack him he pulls out this massive club and starts wacking you with it never noticed this before 300+ hours into the game

    submitted by /u/bigpelmeni6
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    Sorry about that...

    Posted: 25 May 2020 10:50 AM PDT

    I don't know if they'll ever see this, but if you play PS3 and your username is DarkSouls TH and you invaded Xx_AyyItsAj_xX about 2 days ago, I'm sorry that I used a Seed of a Tree of Giants so that I didnt have to deal with you. I was in ng++ and I was just about to kill the Giant Lord to get the Giants Kinship. I didnt have any healing wares because I just beat the 2 phantoms in front of the gate and you invaded right as I was about to rest at the bonfire, and I didnt feel like fighting. I swear I heard the enemies chasing you to the kings door and gang up on you. If you want to rematch soon, I'll be fine with that.

    submitted by /u/Santiago_Drago
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    Help at Saltfort

    Posted: 25 May 2020 03:30 AM PDT

    If anyone's game for some jolly co-operation could really do with some help at the Saltfort (on PS4)

    submitted by /u/Ghostofbillhicks
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    Just got Dark Soul 2: SOTFS

    Posted: 25 May 2020 01:43 PM PDT

    Have been getting into the souls games recently, and have finished dark souls, and dark souls 3 a handfull of times. Now im going to take on dark souls 2, any changes, general information in the game that would be handy to know?

    submitted by /u/Ankology_DS
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    What's this str/int build I've been hearing so much about

    Posted: 24 May 2020 09:26 PM PDT

    Hey guys, I've been interested in using a strong/int build for my new character, the problem is I have a slight idea of what to do but I think it would be better if you could give me a basic template to follow.

    submitted by /u/pewdiebhai64
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    Question regardin SotfS on PS3

    Posted: 25 May 2020 11:49 AM PDT

    So, I recently got Ds2 SotfS on the PS3, the 1.10 version. Thing is, while playing, I looked on the internet to find Estus Shard locations, however, the locations which matched my game were the ones about the vanilla game, not the SotfS ones. Does that mean that my game isn't updated(I'm playing offline btw)? My only real concern about it is whether I'll be able or not to play all the additional content of SotfS or not, I don't think the placements themselves will make a substantial difference, for good or for bad

    submitted by /u/Scarthnite
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    Could I make a faith build out of a knight?

    Posted: 24 May 2020 10:32 PM PDT

    Wanna know if this is possible before I sink to many levels into it. Found hiede spear and want to use it through the game. Open to making new character.

    submitted by /u/Dip-shet
    [link] [comments]

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