Dark Souls 2 /r/DarkSouls2 - Fashion Friday. |
- /r/DarkSouls2 - Fashion Friday.
- I drew Elana, the Squalid Queen
- I love how unconnected this game is
- That one invader in ivory king DLC!
- Fuck the gutter
- I just lighted the Gulch Primal Bonfire
- Should I play DS1 and DS2 in order?
- Anyone else here who can only parry successfully in this game out of the 3 ��
- Dark Souls 2 SOFTS PvP Players (PC)
- Does anyone else's run through just, kind of...fizzle out?
- I've missed this game
- "Demon Prince" PVP from the maker of lightning prince and full ar oneshots
- Primal Bonfires
- What is this symbol?
- I hate the Pursuer
- I recently completed my first play through of ds2!
- Hacker Nostalgia
- I've been having trouble with the lost Bastille and the Undead Sentinels. Any tips?
- DS2 inspired Armor
- Complete Lore Guide for the Dark Souls Trilogy
- PVP and Online PS4
- Whoever said to ascetic Dragonrider for extra souls is the worst and they probably don't even realise it.
- Sunbroing before gate in Drangleic
- What are some essential items that you can miss?
- Can anyone tell me if my build is good for pvp or should i change something
/r/DarkSouls2 - Fashion Friday. Posted: 30 Apr 2020 11:15 PM PDT What does your current PvP character look like? If your character has a back story to go with their personal fashion statement we'd like to hear that, too! Don't forget to check out /r/fashionsouls for all of your fashion needs. Helpful Information for New Users Be sure to check the /r/DarkSouls2/wiki page, where you can find community-created tips and research threads. Please help build the wiki! You only need 10 karma within /r/DarkSouls2 to contribute. [link] [comments] |
I drew Elana, the Squalid Queen Posted: 01 May 2020 12:49 PM PDT |
I love how unconnected this game is Posted: 01 May 2020 07:42 AM PDT Everyone seems to love souls 1s interconnected gameplay and while impressive,i do love how this world is so weird unconnected and almost fantasy like you don't know where you'll end up,everything is decaying and it's amazing,Plus easy teleportation is a life saver. This game is so different to ds1 and that's where I guess it lost fans most...but I love this weird twisted game,I'm so happy it was my first game I played in the series. [link] [comments] |
That one invader in ivory king DLC! Posted: 01 May 2020 04:10 AM PDT You know the one, "Mister Barrel" for the sake of avoiding Spoilers. He caught me off guard so bad even though i read the messages, i just didn't think he would actually do that. I panicked when he suddenly moved towards me at mach speed and he got the best of me. Laughs were had, overall, it was a really good time haha. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 01 May 2020 09:22 AM PDT That's all I just wanted to let people know that the gutter is a pain in the ass Everytime I play [link] [comments] |
I just lighted the Gulch Primal Bonfire Posted: 01 May 2020 03:49 AM PDT Honestly, Black Gulch was by far the most infuriating part of the entire souls franchise for me and I played ds1 and ds3 already! 3 phantoms, poison idols and annoying hand enemies ffssss It was pleasing to find that the Rotten was a great soul though... [link] [comments] |
Should I play DS1 and DS2 in order? Posted: 01 May 2020 08:18 AM PDT I've already beaten DS3 so doing the whole series in order is out of the question. I already have 2 but I'm waiting until 1 goes on sale to pick it up, so should I wait to play 2? [link] [comments] |
Anyone else here who can only parry successfully in this game out of the 3 �� Posted: 01 May 2020 04:08 PM PDT |
Dark Souls 2 SOFTS PvP Players (PC) Posted: 01 May 2020 01:15 PM PDT Me and some friends (met on this very subreddit) are looking for people interested in pvp to play and train with. We will be practicing in duel scenarios, and periodically holding fight clubs too. Is there anyone here who pvps regularly and would like to join us for frequent duels or anyone who would be interested in doing something like that for some consistent pvp play? Preferably from Europe for connectivity reasons, but not at all required! [link] [comments] |
Does anyone else's run through just, kind of...fizzle out? Posted: 01 May 2020 11:40 AM PDT The last three times I've gone through the game I've got to the point where I'm so levelled up that I best most enemies easy but still struggle with the final bosses. This leaves me repeating my movements and, unfortunately, getting bored. Is it just me? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 01 May 2020 04:30 PM PDT Played it multiple times but I've been playing 3 alot. Decided to start a new character on 2 instead this morning. Ds2 is so much better then 3. Idk why it gets so much hate. Such a amazing game. [link] [comments] |
"Demon Prince" PVP from the maker of lightning prince and full ar oneshots Posted: 01 May 2020 10:05 AM PDT i present you my favorite build setup(talking weapons/spells/rings, fashion or rp can be whatever) as its very strong, versatile, and consistent facing different builds and situations [link] [comments] |
Posted: 01 May 2020 12:03 PM PDT I noticed this for the first time while playing through DS2 again today. All the swords in the primal bonfires are broken, compared to the normal bonfire sword sticking straight up. Does anybody know the reason for that? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 01 May 2020 05:44 AM PDT I found a strange symbol on the ground after killing the spider queen and getting a "special soul" I found on the ground. I am new to the DS saga so I am exploring the game for the first time. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 01 May 2020 08:38 AM PDT The first souls game I played was Dark Souls 2 SOTFS on Xbox One and just like John Snow I knew nothing. My best friend had raved about the souls games for years and convinced me to get it. The first time I played I made it to the pursuer and he kicked my butt over and over. I didn't know you could parry him and in fact I didn't know you could parry at all in the game. I knew the ballistae could be used against him but I just didn't know how. Ended up rage quitting and coming back a few months later. Started a new character and somehow managed to make it through the Pursuer on that one. I ended up getting bored with that playthrough (mainly because again I didn't know anything so I didn't know to upgrade weapons or how to properly allocate stats). Finally, I decided I wanted to play through all 3 Dark Souls games. I picked up DS remastered and absolutely loved it. I did my research this time and used a walkthrough to help me get through it ( I know git gud figure it out la la la I don't care). I went with a standard sword and board strength build and honestly didn't have too much trouble beating it. So for DS2 round 3 I decided I wanted to do something different and play as a caster. I know a lot of people say this is dark souls on easy mode but I disagree. For one I think 2 (at least the SOTFS edition) is way harder than DS1. Just my opinion, but I've struggled way more in this one. Two, you can't just snipe your way through the whole game. Casters are squishy and you have to figure out the best way to avoid damage and give yourself a moment to cast. You can't just throw up a shield to block damage. ( I mean I suppose you can equip a high damage resist shield, but you have to invest in stats that you normally wouldn't for a caster so it's a give and take.) Regardless, I've made it way farther than before and I'm legitimately enjoying the game. I finally figured out parries and cheesed my way through the Pursuer in the forest of the fallen giants. Apparently you can run into him four times in the Bastille but I think I only found 3 of those. Two of them I beat him and one I skipped after he killed me a couple of times. I want to go back and beat him at some point for the loot, but we'll see. Anyway, I made it to the Iron Keep, farmed a lot of the enemies leading up to the Smelter Demon, summoned Lucatile, and beat old Smelty first try. ( I can see the easy mode complaint here; Lucatile tanked and I just shot dark orbs at him until he died.) I rested at the bonfire above the boss arena, went back downstairs, and lo and behold it's "my sword is compensating for something" himself, The Pursuer! At this point in the game I'm all "psht come at me bro!" And he has. Again and again and again. I mean this guy has my number every time. He calls me up in the middle of the night just to remind me that he can take it out on my tush whenever he wants. I went into this Souls playthrough telling myself I'm not going to rage. I'm going to take my time and enjoy the experience. I'm going to savor every victory and learn from every defeat. But this guy makes me want to break things. In my most recent loss, I parried and attacked him until he had hardly any health left. I thought I had finally figured it out. But no. He got one good hit in, threw off my rhythm, and killed me. And sure, I could just skip him and come back or just not fight him at all. But at this point I have to kill him just to prove to myself that I'm not going to let the game win. I know I can do it. But it gets to the point where it's not fun anymore. I play video games to have fun. Dying over and over to the same guy without feeling like I'm making any sort of progress just sucks. Anyway, I'll post an update when I finally put him in the ground where he belongs. TLDR: The Pursuer can go pound sand and I hate him. [link] [comments] |
I recently completed my first play through of ds2! Posted: 01 May 2020 04:45 AM PDT So back in I think 2014 or 2015 bloodborne was released and I remember PewDiePie made a couple videos on it which drove me to buy it. With that being my first souls game I naturally moved to ds3 and when ds1 remastered came out I played that too so I looked into ds2. Everything I read talked about how awful this game was. Most reviews called it the WORST GAME IN THE SERIES so naturally I avoided it like a plague lol. With this quarantine came a lot of boredom so even with all the horror stories of how bullshit the game was I thought I'd give it a try I mean what not. And I can honestly say I was pleasantly surprised! It's hard for me to explain but ds2 has this feel that the others don't have I can't put my finger on it. There's this since of adventure and curiosity that even in my first play-through of the other games I don't remember feeling so strongly besides bloodborne. Now that's not to say it doesn't have flaws bc to me most of the bosses where underwhelming. For example I had heard about bosses like smelter demon and how hard he was but I beat him my first go. Even Vendrick I was able to do the same. But again I kept coming back bc that same feeling I couldn't wash away whether it was the games atmosphere or lvl design I couldn't say but I couldn't stop enjoying myself. Mind you I played the SOTFS edition so maybe some bets can tell me if it's really that different from the original game. Some enemy placements did seem really bullshit it took me awhile to realize how useful a bow and poison arrows are in this game! I did get the sense that sometimes instead of putting difficulty on the player through superior design they'd just throw a bunch of hard hitting enemies together. And some bosses where the same way like the royal rat authority (FUCK THAT BOSS). But I can't lie tho the bosses felt underwhelming for sure but part of me enjoyed slaying them with ease like some war god that couldn't be stopped 😂 Now my last issue with the game is the dlc's bc fuck do they feel like a whole different game! I feel the base game does nothing to prepare you for what's to come 💀 The best bosses of the game are hidden here with some still completely infuriating bosses (looking at you grave robbing gank squad). But bosses like alone, fumey, and ivory kind where exhilarating to say the least. I did feel again some runs to certain bosses just put a bunch of enemies in your way and called it difficulty ESPECIALLY BLUE SMELTER, ALONNE, AND GRAVE ROBBING GANK SQUAD. I found myself more often then not just running past everything bc it didn't seem worth fighting everything and having no Estus for the boss. Overall I don't see the hate tho besides I few annoying areas and boss runs I completely enjoyed myself start to finish. I imagine no one here would have not played it but if anyone hasn't bc the reviews scared them off I'd suggest giving it a try! Some of the coolest things in the series for me are here like new back stab and parry animations for each weapon and some breathtaking area designs. Ds2 while not my favorite is definitely not my least favorite I genuinely enjoyed myself more playing through this game then I did ds3 bc this game felt like there was at least some ambition to be a little different. Overall it was an amazing experience and I'm more the glad I gave it a go! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 01 May 2020 12:49 PM PDT I played DS2 without the DLC when it first came out, and I just got back into it to play the DLCs, which have been really fun so far. As I had expected, the online aspects of the game were minimal - I played within the covenant of champions for the first portion of the game hoping to have some interesting invasions but only got invaded a handful of times over hours of play. I started trying to get summoned for boss fights and again had some fun encounters helping people out, but with a lot of waiting in between. By the time I'd made it to Eleum Loyce I'd basically forgotten that it was an online game. That is until REDACTED (because apparently writing the character name of an invading phantom will cause witchhunting somehow??? Don't know why the mods have let so many people dox poor Armorer Dennis.) shows up, causes some horrendous eardrum-piercing noise, and crashes my game. When I get back on, I find that all my equipment was busted and somehow I'd been cursed multiple times. All in all, it was a very nostalgic encounter, it's nice to see that some aspects of the game haven't changed that much after all. [link] [comments] |
I've been having trouble with the lost Bastille and the Undead Sentinels. Any tips? Posted: 01 May 2020 07:17 AM PDT I think that I'm not ready to beat the Ruined Sentinels, and I think that there is more to the Lost Bastille. I saw a bridge with a mist wall on the end, where do I need to go to go there, or somewhere like that. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 01 May 2020 03:49 PM PDT |
Complete Lore Guide for the Dark Souls Trilogy Posted: 30 Apr 2020 09:31 PM PDT I just found this video a couple of days ago, and I wanted to share since I love the lore of these games. Project: Dark Souls - The Complete Story of the Dark Souls Trilogy This is not my work, in case that needs to be said. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 01 May 2020 03:38 PM PDT Hello, I'm new to Reddit and have joined the community to ask if online is still available? I played the game for years, came back to it today and no online for me? I have checked all possible things from internet connection to PSN etc, did they shutdown servers? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 01 May 2020 04:15 AM PDT Wanna know why? You didn't tell me to fight Oldest Ornstein first! Jesus fucking Christ, NG+ Heide's with a shitty ol' Craftman's Hammer +1 is utterly horrifying. A thousand Old Knights everywhere, not to mention the buffed Heide Knights roflstomping you. Masterless Glencour just gets clobbered if you actually make it to the main platform by the three Old Knights that just lock onto you. I should've just saved this thing for a Cloranthy Ring +2. [link] [comments] |
Sunbroing before gate in Drangleic Posted: 01 May 2020 11:14 AM PDT I'm currently sunbroing on PC SotFS, SM 2,9kk. I need these pesky medals. If you have trouble, just feel free to invite me [link] [comments] |
What are some essential items that you can miss? Posted: 01 May 2020 12:57 PM PDT I've just been blasting through the game as quickly as possible, getting exactly the weapons that I want, in order to get to NG+. I'm afraid I might have permanently missed an important item for a melee character. Is there anything that you can't go back to and find after you beat the game? Gilligan is already gone for me, but he's not that important. [link] [comments] |
Can anyone tell me if my build is good for pvp or should i change something Posted: 01 May 2020 08:33 AM PDT Here is my build : https://mugenmonkey.com/darksouls2/82994 The scaling damage is really low on bandit axe. Should i continue pumping points into strength? Looks like a waste to me. Should I infuse my weapon and go for a different build so I can get better AR. Any kind of advice would be helpful. I also have craftsman hammer i use as a back up. [link] [comments] |
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