• Breaking News

    Friday, March 20, 2020

    Dark Souls /r/DarkSouls - Fashion Friday.

    Dark Souls /r/DarkSouls - Fashion Friday.

    /r/DarkSouls - Fashion Friday.

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 11:10 PM PDT

    What does your current PvP character look like? If your character has a back story to go with their personal fashion statement we'd like to hear that, too!

    Don't forget to check out /r/fashionsouls for all of your fashion needs.

    Helpful Information for New Users

    Be sure to check the /r/DarkSouls/wiki page, where you can find community-created tips and research threads.

    Please help build the wiki! You only need 10 karma within /r/DarkSouls2 to contribute.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Sekiro flair is now LIVE!

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 02:26 PM PDT

    Greetings Chosen Undeads!

    Just a quick community update regarding trophy flairs that we've been working on over recent months as part of our community updates and preparation for /r/eldenringdiscussion !

    Over the last few months we've updated the flairs so that they're now visible on the Reddit Redesign. Those of you browsing on the Re-design will notice we also updated the themes so that you're no longer viewing the default subreddit themes provided by Reddit, as well as transferring over some of the useful links and tools listed in the sidebar.

    Now that we're satisfied flair bot is sucessfully transferring flair between our communities and they're visible on both Old Reddit and the Re-Design, we've implemented the next stage: Sekiro Flair!

    (We've also implemented flair for Elden Ring, ready for when it releases!)

    Submitting a flair request for Sekiro will require the same information we ask for with the other Soulsborne titles: A screenshot of your character select screen and a screenshot of your list of trophies/achievements screen with the Sekiro trophy/achievement visible alongside the timestamps of completion.

    Wolf, never forget the Iron Code...

    We're anticipating a spike in flair requests as a wave of users who already have flair apply shortly after this announcement. For this reason, we'd like to warn you that your flair request might be delayed whilst we work through the initial surge of new requests coming in.

    If we don't respond to your request as quickly as we have done in the past, please be patient whilst our team handles this influx of extra work. We're excited to roll this out to you all and know some of you will be excited for some snazzy new flair, but we're a small team with a pretty large (and awesome) userbase, so we might fall behind a little on flair requests for a while.

    As always, if you have any suggestions or questions, we can be reached via modmail, where the team will review and discuss potential improvements to the subreddits, their themes or other ways to make these communities enjoyable for all.

    Flair FAQ:

    • Platinum flair is a thing?! How do I apply for this awesomeness?

    Easy. If you have achieved the "platinum trophy" for one of the games (The achievement for earning all achievements - eg: "The Dark Soul" in Dark Souls, or "Bloodborne" in Bloodborne etc.) then you can message the mod team with a screenshot of your character select screen and a screenshot of the list of achievements with the "platinum" trophy/achievement visible as well as the timestamps of completion and we'll then assess, verify and award trophy flair!

    • How do I upload a screenshot to modmail?

    You cannot simply attach a screenshot to modmail, but if you upload the screenshots to in image hosting site, such as imgur, then you can send the links to those images through modmail along with your request and we'll be able to verify and action them from there.

    • Do I need to inform every subreddit of my platinum?

    Nope! Simply apply for your flair in one of our subreddits and our flair bot will automatically cross over your flair to the rest of the subs.

    • I want to apply for 2+ flairs, do I need to submit each request separately and/or to their respective subreddits?

    Again, nope! You can submit a single request via modmail to a single subreddit and we'll verify all of your requests in one go, then flair bot will automatically cross them over to our other subreddits.

    • What happens if I edit my user flair?

    If you edit your user flair then your Platinum flair will be deleted. For some reason that's how reddit works - but not to worry, simply contact us again via modmail and we'll locate your original flair request and re-add your flair!

    submitted by /u/coffeeismyestus
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    The official Dark Souls twitter with an uplifting message during these dark times.

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 01:28 PM PDT

    Gwyn didn’t had in mind linking the fire, was Frampt who manipulated him (this seems so obvious to me but e researched a lot and found nothing about it even after 9 years of this game)

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 07:41 AM PDT

    English is not my native language so I didn't knew the meaning of the word "sin", once I translated it everything become clear!

    If I'm saying anything wrong correct me because I haven't played or look a lot into DS2 lore.

    So, the first sin is a curse that started when Gwyn linked the fire. But why is it called first sin?

    In Catholicism is believed that Adam and Eve ate a forbidden apple, and god tell them not to do that. They ate the apple because a "serpent" manipulated them to do that. That is known as the "original sin" or, at least here in Portugal it's directly translated to "the first sin". In my research it also said that god cursed the serpents to manipulate humans because they always tell the truth, and in Dark Souls both the Serpents tel you the same story, apparently without lying.

    Adam and Eve have a simular "function" as Gwyn, since they both were the origin of huge civilisations. So, I believe that Frampt, the "serpent" manipulated Gwyn to link the fire making "the first sin".

    Both actions that originated the "first sin" were against a superior being/force: in the case of the apple it was against god, in case of linking the fire it was against the nature rules starting that cycle we all known.

    What do you think? This maybe was already covered but I didn't found it anywhere.

    submitted by /u/Antichupius
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    Accidentally defeated my best save years ago and it still haunts me

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 01:22 PM PDT

    The year was 2015. I brought my Xbox 360 to college, this Xbox having my best dsouls saves and historic halo reach forge maps. In college I started playing drunk souls and dank souls a lot (punishment for YOU DIED is a shot of E&J Brandy or bong rip depending on Drunk or dank souls) Well anyway after a huge drunk souls sesh one night I wake up. We played on my SL 266 ng+++++ main account at the time. We somehow drunkenly beat all the lord souls bosses and last thing I remember before blacking out is everyone kept dying to Gwyn. Well when I wake up the next morning my roommate B showed me a video from the drunk souls night and it's me half asleep super wasted soloing gwyn. In the video you can see me going in and out of consciousness rolling around a stalagmite just working the shit out of the lord of cinder. The video ends with me beating Gwynny boi and the most disgusting circus-seal-like grunts of achievement coming from a circlejerk of drunk souls males. Back to that morning- After watching the video and configuring my victory I lazily reach out for the controller and start clicking buttons to load the save and next thing I know it says deleting save file don't turn off. Well me and my roommate panicked and turned off the Xbox and yup RIP a 4 year godly faith str build save file

    submitted by /u/Jaxbemis
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    If I suck at gaming, is this worth my time?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 12:35 AM PDT

    I do not advocate to be a great gamer. Most games I relegate myself to Normal mode, or Easy mode if the Normal still is too difficult for me. Please don't poke at me, I have MS and it gives my hands a sort of palsy. I have great reflexes but learning curves are steep for me. I only got to Nightmare/Hardcore modes successfully on games I can count on one hand.

    So with all that being said, if I get frustrated at dying in games on the same thing over and over and just can't seem to get it right, is Dark Souls just not the game for me? I really have been itching to try it after swearing it off for so many years. I'm not wanting to prove anything to myself, I'm just not a good gamer. I love stories and I love strategy though.

    Here's the kicker though. I play games to relax. Sometimes I feel like I want a challenge but most of the time I just want to sit back and enjoy a good game and story. Is this a game that's going to make me want to bash my face into a wall several times or rip my controller in half? I get frustrated when dying on the same thing after about the 5th try. So be honest, should I stay away from the DS franchise or should I try it out?

    Also, how is DSR on the Switch? Any good?

    Thank you in advance for helping a sickly dying gamer (and I'm serious I am sick and dying from a terminal disease). I just want to cross this one off my bucket list before I go.

    submitted by /u/Redphyre
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    Got my wife into DS1 and she's hooked

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 04:50 PM PDT

    Recently I've been suggesting to my wife that instead of watching movies at home - we game together. The first thing I did was set up an old school LAN party in our lounge room. We played FO76 because it's slow and easy. Pretty soon we were getting really bored looking for quests etc, so I suggested my favourite game of all time - Dark Souls.

    At first, she found the mechanics of the game really confusing - 'why cant we just always multiplayer? why do we have to be in certain spots?' etc Obviously, she also found it to be really challenging and frustrating (as did we all).

    Now in the past week she's started to really get into it, running around exploring so she doesn't get lost. She killed Havel - I loved it. It took her 2 days of rage quitting, talking shit about him over dinner, then going back to try again.

    We were running around the Depths together when we got invaded by somebody, and I thought 'ah shit, a twink is going to ruin us'. Instead, we had a really cool first invasion. This guy came in, saw the two of us and just backed up a bit. I told my wife to go in there and see if she can fight him. They had a really cool fight! it was almost like they were around the same level. The guy ended up running away a few times, so we both killed him together - sorry dude, but thanks so much for that experience.

    I am so happy to hear that bell ringing so often - the indication of a healthy server, full of players! I am so really really happy that we have DS1 -> DS3 to play together.

    submitted by /u/seshna
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    This is my first play through, I’ve beaten 6 bosses. I’m learning silver lining through this game

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 02:12 PM PDT

    (Possible spoilers ahead) This is my first time playing a souls game, I beat all 6 bosses before Blighttown by myself and I am currently trying to get to the bonfire in Blighttown. I've done some research into builds and stuff so I know a bit about the game and got myself up to 10 humanity without using hard humanity. I just lost it all trying to get to Blighttown. But now, the silver lining is that I no longer fear death.

    I was always worried I would get fed up with this game because it's hard, but you're all right when you say you honestly learn from deaths and the game is hard but fair. It's now one of my favorite games ever and I'm only 6 bosses in!

    Edit: Thank you to everyone for various advice! This community is great and I'm thankful to this whole sub as someone who is currently learning the game!

    submitted by /u/TheToucanKing
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    Do I need to get to SL120 before I get to see any decent action as a Forest Bro or is it truly dead ?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 02:41 AM PDT

    I miss the old days :(

    submitted by /u/marshwizard
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    Anyone else hate The Depths more than Blighttown?

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 02:17 PM PDT

    Just started my NG+ a couple days back after finishing my first run, and now that I go back in The Depths I think I hate this area more than Blighttown. I'm kinda looking forward to Blighttown and want to get this place done as quickly as possible.

    I don't know what exactly is it. The overall claustrophobic vibe, the fucking big mouth things that will insta-toxic you when they swarm around you, the random holes in the floor that make you fall around, or the fact that I don't still know where the hell to go - but I do think I hate this place more than Blighttown.

    still 2nd to tomb of the giants and catacombs

    submitted by /u/SiRaymando
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    Finally picked the game up on sale for £12.99, excited to blast through my first souls game again. How's the boss summons and PvP these days, will I get much action?

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 01:01 PM PDT

    I'm on PS4

    submitted by /u/Tim_of_Kent
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    Just beat my first Dark Souls for the first time

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 07:32 PM PDT

    I know I'm VERY late to the Dark Souls party but I just I beat Dark Souls Remastered on PS4. My time was around 61 hours, this is one of my proudest gaming achievements. I love everything about this amazing ass game. Thank you for everyone for helping me out, I can't wait to play DS2 (please no spoilers for 2 or 3) thank you to everyone on this sub who helped me in the past to get through this journey. An automatic top 3 favorite game of all time. Thank you and goodbye

    submitted by /u/pswizzle9283
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    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 12:03 AM PDT

    worst part of being lv 105 in dark souls 1 on 360 is that nobody is 95 and if the are they beat the game oof BUT i am making a new guy based around dex sooo if anybody got any tips or want to leave a summon sign on some later bosses i would appreciate. if yo have DS1 on 360

    submitted by /u/bobbyhill1963
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    Back to Lordran

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 11:45 PM PDT

    After a long break from DS, playing DS1 & DS3, I switched over to the Witcher 3, which I've been playing since July. Due to relocation I've finally resumed that game for the first time since December.

    After seeing so many amazing things in this sub, I decided to download DSR. Within 10 minutes of getting to Undead Burg I've already encountered fight clubs and grave servants.

    It's so great to see the community so vibrant, it just sucks it's due to such crappy circumstances.

    I am so glad to be back!

    Good luck on the path, skeleton.

    submitted by /u/Grimm6589
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    Currently in quarantine

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 10:52 PM PDT

    I'm currently almost done with dark souls remaster (last one to complete in the series) but I'm bored in quarantine and started to wonder if there are any dark souls jigsaw puzzles out there?

    submitted by /u/Droppin_pillows
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    Just got The Dark Soul achievement - tips from a terrible player

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 07:46 AM PDT

    After 93 hours playtime (some of that spent idle reading the wiki), just popped my final achievement on DSR PS4. Overall, I'd rate my skills as mediocre to bad. Here's some advice to similarly unskilled-but-determined trophy hunters. Spoilers ahead.

    (Note: I've played PTD edition on ps3, so this wasn't my first rodeo)

    • Look for the NPC summon for Loonmight Flutterby. Might come in handy later. Maybe not. I felt very lonely whilst hanging around the royal quartet.
    • Gwyn in NG+ is tough. Might pay to have someone incandescent with you.
    • Ascend all weapons you'll need during NG+, don't get to NG++ then realise you have to chase embers to make boss weapons.
    • Try to go unhollowed through new areas, friendly red coloured people might want to play before you kill the area boss.
    • Parry erryday. Worth some pain early on to git gud OK
    • Don't forget that warping to a bonfire doesn't count as resting. You can warp to a bonfire, muck around, then Homeward Bone back to where you started. Would've saved some time if I'd remembered that.
    • Get summonned to help with O&S from bonfire near silver knight. Lots of parry practise nearby, lots of easy souls, and O&S becomes a cakewalk.
    • Achievement spreadsheets were good for keeping me on task and efficient.
    • Always be laying down summon signs. Never not be laying down summon signs. Us scrubs can help each other.
    submitted by /u/nmklpkjlftmsh
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    Just got laid off at my job due to Corona. Now’s as good time as any to finally make my pyromancer character in DS1

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 08:04 PM PDT

    I was in the process of charging my switch thinking I was going to get into DSR again, then I took a nap while waiting and woke up to a pleasant phone call from my boss telling me I'm laid off until this blows over and to file unemployment. Great. After the initial feeling of losing my job I was like "well....guess I have time to play this game then..."

    I've only ever done pure strength builds and pure sorcery builds. I don't know why but the thought of using more than one element in these games confuses me and I feel like it's a waste of levels when I could just have one main stat per playthrough. My boyfriend says pyro builds are the best so I guess I'll try it out. I definitely have time to go to a different character if I'm not feeling it lol!

    Sorry to everyone else who's job is affected by this shit. I didn't think it would get as far as laying people off but I guess it was wishful thinking. Hope it blows over soon!

    submitted by /u/kittyzoomer
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    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 07:29 PM PDT

    I've now completed all 3 games! Started with DS3, then DS1 and I've NOW finished DS2! What a crazy ride! This is by far my favorite video game series. Praise the Sun!!

    submitted by /u/SenorPooter
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    Which is your favourite Boss Fight?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 01:18 AM PDT

    Mine is Ornstein and Smough.

    submitted by /u/Dochlaan
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    The woman statue with the baby holding a sword in the undead parish

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 05:21 PM PDT

    Every now and again I wonder about Gwyn's wife (at least whomever bore most/some of his children). Obviously, the prime suspect being that statue. A quick search leads to a post on this forum from 8-9 years ago about the statue having a snake on one ankle (someone even posted some concept art and yes, there's seems to be something that one could generously think of as a snake). I wanted to look at this snake in-game but I don't have the remastered version (doubt I'll get it too). So, I gotta ask you guys with the remastered version. Can you see that snake with the updated textures or whatever?

    submitted by /u/Gokajern
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    Started Dark souls 3 couple days ago. I thought I had coronavirus but I realized that my troath hurted because of all the screaming due to the rage of dying.

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 11:27 PM PDT

    Can someone explain this? Wtf?

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 01:37 PM PDT

    Will Kaathe Appear in New Londo if Frampt Teleported Me to the Firelink Altar But I Didn't Place Lordvessel

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 02:24 PM PDT

    Greetings bros,

    So I am replaying Dark Souls Remastered after many years of hiatus. I want to talk to Kaathe and side with him but I think I missed up by talking to Frampt. Will he still appear if I jumped and died without placing the lordvessel?

    submitted by /u/MoonOrg
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    Ds1 on 360?

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 11:03 PM PDT

    anybody got dark souls original *not remastered* on xbox 360?

    submitted by /u/bobbyhill1963
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    4 kings need help

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 11:01 PM PDT

    I've played thrue the game the first time and they didn't give me much trouble,but now they have to much hp and deal to much damage for me to keep up with it.is there a way to make it easier to fight them or can I cheese them somehow? (NG+)(Nintendo switch)

    submitted by /u/Tox2004
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