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    Saturday, February 8, 2020

    Dark Souls /r/DarkSouls - Gather 'round the bonfire.

    Dark Souls /r/DarkSouls - Gather 'round the bonfire.

    /r/DarkSouls - Gather 'round the bonfire.

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 10:07 PM PST

    Welcome to the bonfire, our weekly off topic thread.

    This is a place where anyone can talk about anything unrelated to Dark Souls and get to know your fellow undead a bit better.

    Please be respectful and follow reddiquette.

    What's keeping you from going hollow these days?

    Helpful Information for New Users

    Be sure to check the /r/DarkSouls/wiki page, where you can find community-created tips and research threads.

    Please help build the wiki! You only need 10 karma within /r/DarkSouls to contribute.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    My Siegmeyer Sketch

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 07:54 PM PST

    I drew Gwynevere

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 09:33 AM PST


    Edit: To those on mobile, the full image is through the link. The thumbnail just got cropped while posting.

    submitted by /u/TinyFluffyPancakes
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    I've been playing this game for a few hours and only just learned about the Resistance stat being useless, should I restart?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 12:47 AM PST

    I'm at the Undead Burg (possible misspelling ? im going off memory and i wanna go in blind as much as possible for this game) if that's anything, I actually grinded a bit for more levels and like 3 of them were put on resistance...

    submitted by /u/beabato
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    New Tattoo of Gravelord Nito himself!

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 07:12 PM PST

    Bonfires are l i t

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 10:03 PM PST

    Just found out that if you stand around a bonfire long enough then the fire will give you a estus flask over time. Nothing crazy but I found it interesting

    submitted by /u/Craticall
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    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 03:42 AM PST

    No news on Elden Ring and im done with ds3 so i bought the remastered, played the original a bit back then..this will be fun with new sound system Klipsch and Tv LG Oled 65"..and of course a bunch of beers..Praise the Sun.


    submitted by /u/OldBastard75
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    Something I noticed about playing as a human vs hollow

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 07:19 PM PST

    When you play as a human you may be trying harder to be careful not to die so you don't lose the humanity, where as when you play as a hollow you may not be as careful, almost as if your character literally went hollow

    submitted by /u/Bazinga_Bourgeoisie
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    What exactly don't you like about Sen's funhouse?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 06:32 AM PST

    I read a fair amount of complaints about Sen's torture, and honestly I don't get the challenge if you are just trying to reach the bonfire.

    There is maybe 3 snakes with swords you need to fight in an enclosed space.

    submitted by /u/gorchitza
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    I joined the “first time beating dark souls” club! (Switch remaster)

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 09:10 PM PST

    Wow what a ride... 90 hours! I farmed a lot towards the end to make boss weapons with their souls and upgrade materials with the black knights at the end before heading to NG+

    I haven't felt like this playing a video game since Diablo II - the dark atmosphere, the "skill tree", different classes, all of it!

    Went the quality build route and now starting to pump points into faith to use more miracles. Found out about the zweihander so it kind of made the game easier the more upgrades I got...

    Went from trying my best to not die to feeling meh about dying (except bed of chaos... floor collapsing under me was quite annoying)

    I played the game mostly blind (went to look at the wiki after finishing the level so next play through I know where things are) so went slowly through each new area...

    Blight town wasn't really bad honestly ... I didn't have the rusted ring so walking through the swamp was really slow. Other than that... the only area I dreaded was New Londo - those ghosts ganging up on you gave me PTSD until I had no other choice but to go there for the kings

    The only boss I really had to look up how to defeat were the bell tower gargoyles. Spent so many tries as a newbie trying to avoid one and trying to isolate the other. For all the other bosses, at some point they clicked when I learned their patterns. Most fun fight was Artorias - can't imagine how hard he would have been if his arm wasn't broken!

    I wished they did more in Anor Londo... the area felt so short compared to firelink shrine and how connected that part of the world felt.

    At the end... when I started to kill the NPCs one by one - i started feeling "hollow" and emptier with each one being gone, especially given the fact that almost everyone does not have a "good ending"

    The best feelings when playing the game was: -finally beat this boss! -hey... this leads me back to the beginning! and -oh... this area isn't as big as I psychologically made myself think it was

    Wish they ported the other games onto the switch...

    submitted by /u/teenhamodic
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    Big Sad (spoiler)

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 02:04 AM PST

    I drew artorias

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 03:37 PM PST


    btw, I started drawing 5 days ago, and I don't know how to paint, it's all I could do

    submitted by /u/_kingmota
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    Thanks kind stranger!

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 08:44 PM PST

    A lot of people invade you to ruin your day which is all good and fun but I wanted to say thank you to the female character with the spear who helped me slay the gargoyles in the beginning of the game.

    They also showed me the hidden character behind bars that the mystery key unlocks. Where do I find this character again?

    submitted by /u/waschmybusch
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    Kill Petrus after moonlight butterfly

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 09:03 PM PST

    what will happen if i kill petrus

    I just kill moonlight butterfly and go back to firelink shrine to kill petrus so what will happen if i kill him early

    submitted by /u/Fredoinq
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    Help with artorias?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 11:49 PM PST

    Im playing DS remastered on switch and artorias is giving me a hard time on my dex build. Can anyone help me out? Im SL57

    submitted by /u/NA31747
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    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 04:31 PM PST

    So I set my controller down to take a call, and the table hit the trigger. In Quelaana's room. After giving her 28 humanities. I tried to angle my Zweihander away. But... well suffice to say I yelled FUCK while my mother was on the phone. Is there any way to reverse this?

    submitted by /u/Sunbroner
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    Whats the Oroboro Build, and why people hate it?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 09:55 AM PST

    I also want to know whats the build exactly, like stats and etc, that would help alot

    submitted by /u/isaquelucasbr2
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    Just finished Sen’s Fortress in my first playthrough

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 06:17 PM PST

    From reading about it beforehand I gather it's abnormal that I only ever died to the first two enemies and the boss, correct? It's weird how so many people struggle in vastly different areas in this game.

    Seriously though screw those two guys that 2v1 you at the front door. Those two alone killed me almost as many times as blighttown's aversion to railings did.

    submitted by /u/JTizzle495
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    Lautrec ring stuck in cell.

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 09:38 PM PST

    Died to lautrec first time I encountered him at his cell due to an invader. I then went back and decided to kill him through his cell door. Now the ring is stick inside and despite having the key I cant open the door and get the ring. Is it perma stuck there? On the switch Btw.

    submitted by /u/The0ceanMan
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    Please help, might have locked myself out of pyromancy!

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 11:48 PM PST

    I'm doing a blind playthrough of Dark Souls Remastered, just killed Ornstein and Smaugh and returned to firelink to upgrade my flame. Unfortunately the pyromancy guy I saved from the Depths earlier is gone, so I broke and looked up where he is. Turns out he's hollow now, and I accidentally killed the parasite guy that could have helped. Is there any way that I can upgrade my flame now, or am I totally locked out of pyromancy? Apparently I can't get anyone else to spawn unless my flame hits ten, I hope I'm missing something though.

    submitted by /u/Jclarkent
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    NG7 O&S Solo

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 06:11 PM PST

    Am I imagining things or are the Player Character's feet all crooked?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 06:20 AM PST

    I've recently started a fresh playthrough of Remastered to enjoy more active COOP and Blighttown in 60 FPS. But something odd has come to my attention. When I run, my character's feet look all weird. It looks like he's taking steps on the side of his feet, all spaghetti-like. It's even worse when I roll. It's not that noticable when you're quick rolling. But the mid-roll and heavy roll? Dear lord, it's like my legs are breaking every time I roll.

    How did this happen? Does it have something to do with animations being designed for 30 FPS and then being transfered to 60 FPS? But then again, DSFIX helped you run the game at 60 FPS and I never saw such issues with the PTD edition. Just... what the hell, man. It seems like a pet peeve but I have already began to consider moving back to the PTD edition although it has only 300 something people online. There's something profoundly annoying about busting your ass to acquire a set of armor and upgrading it only to witness your character's spaghetti feet.

    Edit: I just booted up DS:R again and the problem seems less pronounced. I can still see the leg flailing if I roll while intently staring at my character's feet but they're no longer flip-floping around as much during run animations. Perhaps the animation issues become more glaring with longer play sessions? I will report after playing the game in another 4-5 hour sitting.

    submitted by /u/NoHonesty
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    [PS3] One shot run complete

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 07:13 PM PST

    Just completed my one shot build a few seconds ago. Over 8k damage on gwyn! It was a long road and kalameet was by far the hardest and most frustrating. I failed on two bosses unfortunately but I plan on beating them in the remaster. One was ceaseless discharge and the other was Manus. To my knowledge, manus has never been OHKO without the use of glitches so I wanted to save that for the remaster. When I do eventually become the first to do it I'll make sure to get it on video and post it here

    submitted by /u/Chakasicle
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    Oscar Set

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 02:41 AM PST

    How to get oscar set

    submitted by /u/Fredoinq
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    Is Dark Souls Remastered really that bad?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 10:07 AM PST

    I should clarify that this isnt a "Should I purchase" post, I already have the game and loved it.

    I recently watched some guy on youtube very angrily yell at this game saying its trash. But compared to the vanilla game, I don't think the remaster is that bad. The lava is so much easier on the eye compared to the blinding lava in the original. It still feels like the original but with updated graphics.

    I understand his arguments about the bugs for the most part, some of them are game breaking and really easy to accidentally come across. But a lot of the bugs he mentioned, your typical player won't come across them at all unless he actively seeks them. So I feel he was nitpicking a bit too much about the game.

    I don't want to be the "You are nitpicking and biased, I win bye bye" guy, but I feel like the "Dark Souls Remastered is trash" video isn't the best representation of the game.

    What's everyone else's opinion on the topic?

    submitted by /u/TheHarryman01
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