Dark Souls /r/DarkSouls - The Trading Post. |
- /r/DarkSouls - The Trading Post.
- I painted Solaire
- I drew the Capra Demon (with the dogs)
- Had an interesting encounter with Bell Gargoyles today. What funny glitches have you seen?
- I can't explain it, but this game has finally clicked for me
- Just lost 98 humanities and 134k souls on Gwyn's fog door.
- Item discovery.
- Name your most memorable moment from each of the games!
- How does one beat a 2v1 as an invader?
- Dark souls One Shot Adventure
- Ash Lake Blew My Mind
- Respawning enemies on the staircase up to undead burg
- What are some interesting stories that FromSoft could've told in Dark Souls?
- Sl1 run
- First time defeating Ornstein & Smough
- Mage or Archer?
- How to skip the Moonlight Butterfly?
- Just killed The Gargoyles at the Undead Chruch
- I beat it
- Free humanity farmer at oolacile
- The Rarest Sight in Dark Souls
- Help me beat artorias? [NS]
- [Speedrun] Very cool new route All Bosses WR in 1:05:01 IGT by catalyst
/r/DarkSouls - The Trading Post. Posted: 27 Jan 2020 10:07 PM PST Is there a weapon that eludes you? Want to host a fun give-away? Use today to schedule some trades! Helpful Information for New Users Be sure to check the /r/DarkSouls/wiki page, where you can find community-created tips and research threads. Please help build the wiki! You only need 10 karma within /r/DarkSouls to contribute. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 27 Jan 2020 08:24 PM PST https://i.imgur.com/QtJB0Uj.jpg I do art streams at: twitch.tv/crazy_boris [link] [comments] |
I drew the Capra Demon (with the dogs) Posted: 27 Jan 2020 07:56 AM PST http://imgur.com/gallery/8CvfHEa My ig is @terontat_21 if you're interested [link] [comments] |
Had an interesting encounter with Bell Gargoyles today. What funny glitches have you seen? Posted: 27 Jan 2020 07:19 PM PST So I started a new playthrough tonight, made my way up to the Bell Gargoyles and saw a sunbro sign so I summoned him for some jolly co-op. We took down the first gargoyle quickly and then I looked around for the second... but he was nowhere to be seen. My sunbro did the shrug gesture and then pointed. That's when I saw gargoyle #2, still up on the tower that they perch on, up by the bell. The gargoyle was sprinting in place, like he was TRYING to come down but was somehow glitched in the floor or wall or something of that nature. I tried to cast my soul arrows up but they wouldn't reach him. I was ready to chalk it up as a loss when my sunbro pulled out a bow and arrow and whittled him down from afar for the victory. We both cheered and went our separate ways. I've done quite a few playthroughs of this game, but never seen this one before. Anyone else had this happen to them? What other funny/interesting boss glitches have you seen, skeletons? [link] [comments] |
I can't explain it, but this game has finally clicked for me Posted: 27 Jan 2020 06:01 AM PST I've tried playing both Dark Souls and Dark Souls 2 at least five times apiece in the past, and the game never felt fun to me. I could never understand why people enjoyed dying over and over again and losing progress, and eventually I'd get bored/frustrated and abandon it. I don't even know why I wanted to play it again, but something compelled me to reinstall the first game and go at it again. And something just sort of fell into place somehow. I was still dying plenty but each time I did I got a little bit better, explored a little bit further, and now I've spent the last several days going through it like mad. I've never made it past Undead Burg in the past, hell I've never even managed to walk through the place without getting killed more often than not. But suddenly I'm doing stuff I never thought possible, after lots of deaths and attempts. But it finally feels rewarding. Almost every time I die I return and do a little better. In the past couple days I've gone from thinking the Black Knight in Undead Burg was an unbeatable monster, to fighting and beating the two gargoyles at the same time, a feat I would have thought impossible beyond measure in the past! I never thought I'd be saying this, but I kind of get it now. I see what people mean when they say Dark Souls is a fun game! [link] [comments] |
I DID IT!!! I GOT THE PLATINUM TROPHY!!! Posted: 27 Jan 2020 07:22 AM PST GODDAMN THAT WAS HARD!!! totally worth it. total time between my 2 characters (one of which is on NG++): 250 hours Wanted to end on high note so I left the Dark Lord ending trophy till the end. I have a video of it but cant post here. also you can hear my entire family in the background. [link] [comments] |
Just lost 98 humanities and 134k souls on Gwyn's fog door. Posted: 27 Jan 2020 07:08 AM PST |
Posted: 27 Jan 2020 11:24 PM PST So if I'm understanding this correctly, item discovery is a multiplier mechanic where you start at a base of 100 (100%), which is the normal drop percentages of the game. Having "soft" humanities give you more item discovery points but cap out at 10 humanities and boosts you to 210 (210%). Using either the golden serpent ring OR the Symbol of Avarice also gives you 200 points. At most you can have 410 points (410%). Now then assuming your item discovery is at 410, that would mean drop rates would increase by just over 4x correct? Examples: An undead solider has a 1.6% chance to drop a titanite shard with all the boosts that would raise the drop rate to 6.2%. [link] [comments] |
Name your most memorable moment from each of the games! Posted: 28 Jan 2020 01:26 AM PST This can be boss/combat or finding a new area, whatever sticks out to you. DS1: Discovering Ash Lake was probably the most mind shattering moment I've had in any game before. Just the surreal journey of descending into what feels like hell and then going beyond it through the center of an arch tree. When I stepped through that fog gate and otherworldly music came on and I saw the cloudy sky, the endless, bottomless sea and the ascending trees I got this weird sensation of feeling like I stumbled upon a place I wasn't meant to be in. Never been able to replicate it. (Memorable shout-out to the fall into the abyss in New London. Just seeing the stairs end and being forced to fall into pitch blackness was horrifying to me. It rocked.) DS2: Finding King Vendrick. Probably a boring pick but I loved the setup of finding Vendrick as a mindless hollow wandering the dark tombs. The truth makes the previous encounter with the unnerving Queen all the more creepy. DS3: All of the ringed city. It's just so good my God. Real answer though, it's a toss up between the descent through the Dreg heap to get to the ringed city or it was finding the Untended Graves and fighting champion gundyr. [link] [comments] |
How does one beat a 2v1 as an invader? Posted: 27 Jan 2020 06:39 PM PST I've been invading around Anor Londo with a sl 55 ornstein cosplay but I keep meeting groups of two or three who absolutely woop my ass. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 28 Jan 2020 01:43 AM PST I know that i`m a little bit late but here is my dark souls one shot adventure! You can find some other one shot videos in my channel like bloodborne and dark souls 3! Enjoy https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6cVznt0EErb47fQ4lMEGL5p-n7z-tTRp [link] [comments] |
Posted: 27 Jan 2020 08:27 AM PST I'm doing my second playthrough of Dark Souls, though my 1st playthrough was back in 2012, so it has been a long time. I'm doing my best to get all of the trophies in the PS3 version, and the requires you take some time to find Ash Lake. Firstly, I'd just like to say that the connectedness of the Dark Souls world is incredible. It is amazing to me the level of connections that Blighttown has to other areas of the game, the Depths, Firelink Shrine, the Great Hollow, Valley of the Drakes, New Londo Ruins, etc. It's just an incredibly designed world. Second, I love that there are sections of this game that provide no purpose to the main "plot" and are just there if you want to go find them. Great Hollow and Ash Lake are just there to add more to the world and give you a sense of reward for exploring and being inquisitive, it's incredible. Lastly, I was having some difficulty with the Black Hydra - the fight was just taking too long and I was getting annoyed only landing one or two hits every time it slammed its head down. I decided to just run past it and make my way down the shoreline, since the Hydra couldn't hit me if I just passed a certain point. Well guess what ladies and gentlemen, the Black Hydra FREAKING FLEW into the sky and landed on the other side of the Lake just to attack me and I lost my mind. This game is incredible. [link] [comments] |
Respawning enemies on the staircase up to undead burg Posted: 28 Jan 2020 12:46 AM PST Last night I was playing dark souls Remastered on switch and ran from firelink shrine to the male undead merchant to get the heater shield. I killed all the enemies in my path and didn't rest at any bonfire, but when I ran back to firelink the enemies on the path up to undead burg had respawned, including the rat. Has this always been the case? I've played through the game hundreds of times across switch, pc and 360 but I don't think I've ever noticed the enemies respawn before. [link] [comments] |
What are some interesting stories that FromSoft could've told in Dark Souls? Posted: 28 Jan 2020 12:11 AM PST The idea behind this is to ask what are some concepts for questlines or lore that would've been right at home in the Dark Souls lore but simply weren't. I got this idea when I reversed my hollowing and commented how I was "beautiful" again, and got me thinking of an idea for a questline. Imagine this: we would meet a vain young woman that would go on about their beauty, only to begin to hollow later. Later in game we could see that they had become a Darkwraith that would invade us in an attempt to take our humanity and restore their looks in an act of desperation, but upon failing would hollow elsewhere, where we'd have one final match and end their suffering. What cool ideas for suitable Dark Souls questlines can you guys come up with? I wanna hear them all! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 27 Jan 2020 11:56 PM PST I'm sl1 and stuck on Capra using a reinforced club. I don't know how to get any further [link] [comments] |
First time defeating Ornstein & Smough Posted: 28 Jan 2020 02:08 AM PST Wow. Just wow. However many attempts later and I have vanquished them. I have never had such an overwhelming gaming experience, I utterly loved it. Knowing that I've been able to get past the "brick wall" of the game fills me with joy. I've been playing this on the switch too, absolutely incredible. I won't be going hollow today. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 28 Jan 2020 05:46 AM PST I've never done either of these classes for a character, what would be some good stats/items needed? [link] [comments] |
How to skip the Moonlight Butterfly? Posted: 28 Jan 2020 05:30 AM PST Hey fellow git gudders, I just recently discovered this subreddit, and as of first I just wanna say that I've recently jumped into the remaster on the Nintendo Switch for actually the first time! I must say that the game is just amazing! Now, without further ado, I'd have a question that I'd like to ask: How can you skip the Moonlight Butterfly? I know that it's an optional boss, but I don't know how I can skip the optional boss because it's just too powerful at the moment. I'm Level 25 and I'd rather skip the boss for now, to kill it later. I've already searched the google pages for any answers, but they haven't been clear. [link] [comments] |
Just killed The Gargoyles at the Undead Chruch Posted: 27 Jan 2020 01:41 PM PST Alright, my first From Software game was Sekiro and after playing it I got interested in the other FS games. Started playing Dark Souls and I can say I was enjoying the game but because of one boss, I am fucking loving it. The Gargoyles are the boss I'm talking about. At first, 1 Gargoyle was pretty easy, but then I had to manage two of them. I died lots of times but when I finally slaughtered them, omg how it felt good. No words can describe what I was feeling. I just had to stop playing for a while and put myself together, my hands were actually shaking a little. This amazing game has surprised me, never thought it could be this good. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 27 Jan 2020 09:56 PM PST I finally beat it. I didn't start too long ago, and in this short time, the game has risen to be my favorite game. Dark Souls made me want to cry sometimes, but there was no better feeling than finally overcoming whatever I was stuck on. And now that I'm finished and beat some pretty tough enemies, it feels so weird that I used to die over and over again on the Taurus Demon. Now onto DS2. [link] [comments] |
Free humanity farmer at oolacile Posted: 28 Jan 2020 12:05 AM PST |
The Rarest Sight in Dark Souls Posted: 28 Jan 2020 03:41 AM PST I am just beginning a Cleric and I encountered a Vagrant in the Undead Burg. This was a Good Vagrant which appeared as a red Black Phantom. I recorded and uploaded it, just look up the Rarest Sight in Dark Souls Remastered [link] [comments] |
Posted: 27 Jan 2020 09:34 PM PST Been trying to do the elevator glitch to get the dark bead. Can't pull it off. Can someone help me beat artorias? Sl 23. And i accidentally picked up the dragon tooth cuz i guess that matters. SW-6301-5144-1154 [link] [comments] |
[Speedrun] Very cool new route All Bosses WR in 1:05:01 IGT by catalyst Posted: 27 Jan 2020 02:11 PM PST VOD: YouTube / Twitch (w/ chat) Hey guys! I don't normally post small PBs like this here, but we have a new route in 2020 using the Air Roll glitch, which was known to be working in the Remastered version, but only recently got found in PTDE and thought you lads would perhaps enjoy this new route. We start as Pyromancer like it was 2013! But it has a twist... More info about Air Rolls: SpeedSouls page IGT stands for In-Game Time Dark Souls livestreams: twitch.tv/catalystz Follow me on Twitter: @catalystz_ Leaderboards: speedrun.com/darksouls More about SoulsBorne speedruns: speedsouls.com Join the SpeedSouls Discord: discord.gg/speedsouls [link] [comments] |
Posted: 27 Jan 2020 07:39 PM PST PRAISE THE SUN IN LOVING MEMORY OF TARKUS AND SOLAIRE OUR FALLEN BROTHERS, FOR GWYN, LORD OF CINDER HAS BEEN SLAIN! In all seriousness I beat the game finally and am now starting my ng+ playthrough. I also completed both dlcs and defeated every optional boss in the game ( I am 11) [link] [comments] |
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