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    Friday, January 31, 2020

    Dark Souls /r/DarkSouls - Fashion Friday.

    Dark Souls /r/DarkSouls - Fashion Friday.

    /r/DarkSouls - Fashion Friday.

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 10:09 PM PST

    What does your current PvP character look like? If your character has a back story to go with their personal fashion statement we'd like to hear that, too!

    Don't forget to check out /r/fashionsouls for all of your fashion needs.

    Helpful Information for New Users

    Be sure to check the /r/DarkSouls/wiki page, where you can find community-created tips and research threads.

    Please help build the wiki! You only need 10 karma within /r/DarkSouls2 to contribute.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    I'm sorry, good friend. I'm truly, deeply sorry...

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 09:22 PM PST

    ...I tried.

    I tried to do it. I planned it, I watched a video, THREE times just to be sure!

    Everything was going almost according to the plan until that moment.

    I died a couple of times, but no worries, souls come and go, and humanities can be farmed. I won't go hollow anytime soon.

    But you... I failed you. On my very first playthrough... I failed you. If only had I quit the game before engaging that last chaos mouth thing.

    But no, I went on. I got confident that we could do it, together. I didn't realize you were in such pain. It all happend too fast... and all of a sudden, you were below 50% hp and I didn't know it. I swear, I didn't know it.

    I had no idea. I had no way of knowing that you were so badly injured! I'm sorry, friend.

    I'm sorry, Siegmeyer of Catarina. I couldn't save you, this last time.

    See you on NG+, my friend.

    The feels, people. The feels...

    submitted by /u/BuryTomorrow12
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    In my opinion Dark Souls 1 is actually the greatest game ever made and I want to ramble about it for a moment

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 02:20 PM PST

    The title isn't quite accurate because Dark Souls isn't even just my favourite video game - it's my favorite piece of art. There can never be a greatest piece of art but I consider this whole game art and it's definitely my favorite art piece ever. I love the work of Hokusai or Van Goghs wonderful paintings but I just connect to Dark Souls so much more. Even if DS had no gameplay, no combat, no bosses and you'd just fly around Lordran, talk to the characters and try to piece together the story from items and enemy placements it would be absolutely amazing. So even if you want to argue that games aren't art, this would be a more than great art piece as a diorama. Now add the amazing and deep and satisfying gameplay on top of it, the exploration, the interconnectivity of the world and the unparalleled satisfaction you get from overcoming this game's harsh challenges and you get something that I find so great that I can't even find the words for it in my vocabulary. Is this game without flaw ? No! But somehow it is still essentially perfect if you ask me. I know I'm preaching to the choir here but god damn I've been thinking about this game all day once again. I decided I'll start a new playthrough with 1 rule : no fast travelling. I love this world. I want to spend time in it, I want to run around Lordran's traps and enemies and pitfalls. I could probably go on for literal hours about how much I love this game but let's not do that. This post is needlessly long enough already.

    TL.DR.: Dark Souls is the greatest thing mankind ever made. Fuck wheels, fuck houses, fuck fire and fuck agriculture - Dark Souls 1 is man's greatest invention. The shitass dinosaurs deserved to die because they were around for about 165 million years and hadn't made Dark Souls yet.

    submitted by /u/Elite_Dalek
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    TIL: The Undead Parish Channeler can buff the Bell Gargoyles

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 06:05 AM PST

    Found this out by accident while rushing to the boss. After crossing the fog gate, the Gargoyle had the Channeler buff on him.

    submitted by /u/ZeroVoid_98
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    Dark Souls Remastered | Super bizarre wrong warp glitch | Help!

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 03:07 AM PST

    Hey y'all. Just had A really weird glitch happen to me right at the beginning of a New Game+ run.

    I was just about to go fight the Bell Gargoyles when I got kinda careless and went yolo on the channeller. I rolled off to avoid the undead up there with 'em, to my ire the landing also aggros the Balder Knights below, as the undead drop down to meet me. In a panic, I quit out to reset them all. I load back up and I'm in, Undead Burg? What? Wast I just at the Parish?! It gets weirder from there.

    Gates are closed that I've already opened. I didn't have to fight Quelaag to open Sen's. Every bonfire is unlit, and the option to kindle is completely gone. Some items have reset position(I was given a second firekeeper soul at the Parish), while chests that should have items are empty.

    Strangest of all? I can't go Undead anymore. Even if I die, I stay Human. No matter what. I died 3 times after activating the glitch and I never got pruney. Any experts care to weight in on what happened?

    Is this a common glitch? I googled a bit but couldn't turn up anything? Has this happened to any of y'all? If so, Can I fix it or is my save screwed? Because I've soft quit to menu and that didn't fix it. Soft quit to desktop and nothing. I even alt+F4'ed and it persisted after quitting to desktop at least twice. I'm pretty stumped to be honest.

    submitted by /u/AmbiguousXup
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    My Siegmeyer of Catarina tattoo

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 06:45 AM PST

    I am ashamed and can't git gud

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 09:43 PM PST

    I thought that I was an experienced souls player... Little did I know. I've already beaten DS3 and BB, beaten the nameless, Friede, Ebrietas, you name it. Now I want to defeat DS but... When I got to the bell gargoyle fight... I can't defeat them, I am desperate.

    I can't count the times I've tried this boss fight and I want to know if any of you guys have any tips on how I can change my play style in order to git gud in this game.


    submitted by /u/Hamg3r
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    Stupid question but, why does everything want to kill you?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 11:02 PM PST

    Hear me out. We are the chosen undead right? Chosen to prolong the Lords age of fire by sacrificing yourself to the flame.

    So if the lords realize that, why don't they themselves sacrifice their own body to the flame? Why does it take us killing them for them to realize we are doing this to prolong their own age?

    submitted by /u/Armani201
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    First Vagrant

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 08:55 PM PST

    I fought my first vagrant by Darkroot hydra and obtained a hard humanity.

    submitted by /u/shoshoreardon
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    4 Years and 51 Hours Later

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 10:05 AM PST

    I have finally beaten Dark Souls! I was stuck on Gwyn for like 3 weekends, about 6 hours. Leveled up 5 times at the Kiln of the Last Flame, and ended up using the Dragon Great sword and power within to beat him. The heavy attack that shoots a wave did about 1300 dmg, and than my weapon broke. Had to switch to a black knight sword to finish him off and THAN...

    Died as I landed the last hit. Almost had a heart attack while loading worried that I'd have to fight him again, but I spawned in the room, lit that bonfire, and started it all over again.

    One of the best games I've ever played!

    submitted by /u/DJSLIMEBALL
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    Why are a lot of Soulsborne players dismissive of difficulty complaints?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 12:07 AM PST

    I've beaten each game extensively enough (with the exception of Demon's Souls, which I've only beaten once many years ago) to the point to where I can see where the games are too demanding. I think what happens is we beat a game so much it's easy for us and just decide that they were always fair and always balanced because now we know the trick. Tricks learned from either guides, or just endless hours of trial and error.

    I've beaten the first Dark Souls so many times that it's now my go to 'play while listening to an audiobook/music/podcast" game. It hardly even requires my full attention.

    I recently thought about the games' design when playing with a friend for the first time. He had no Souls history. While playing, I noticed a lot of his questions and frustrations were things I had no rebuttal for. A lot of his questions I knew the answers, but when he asked how should HE be expected to figure these things out, I realize that the game doesn't do this organically for the player. You figure it out by edging a ragequit. The games are surmountable by tapping into your stubbornness.

    But there are times where you need to progress by doing this or that, secret areas that are virtually impossible to discover on your own, weapon-upgrade paths that are vague. Cheeky strategies that make shitty sections playable that no guy could figure out on his own without extensive time dump. Boss weaknesses that are rarely communicated, an inability to input-cancel, a player character who does most things slowly, enemies set to ambush, infuriating platforming sections that make the player wonder if they're even supposed to do this or that, unforseeable traps, pathways that are so punishing the player might think they aren't supposed to go there (Firedrake in Burg, giant cats in Darkroot). A health upgrade system that's so horribly cumbersome and vague.

    These games are unplayable until the player realizes that dying is okay. Going into an area and running around like a headless chicken so you can see where all the enemies are, going on a suicide run to grab gear, bum-rushing to the next bonfire, are all viable strategies that will make a new player scratch their head. Gaming has taught us since it's inception that death is a bad thing. It's something to be avoided. Dark Souls apparently tries to dismiss this, but punishes the player heavily for dying. There are plenty of games that I can learn on my toes how to respond to certain things and make it possible for me to get through the game with only a few deaths and even no deaths at all on a blind run. Dark Souls is not this game. You have to die to play it. You'll die silly, embarrassing deaths. The game will punish you for mistakes you didn't make. Doing things will have unforeseeable consequences. Side-quests are incredibly vague. Some sections will randomly spike in difficulty and player-expectation only to drop.

    When a new player bitches about the difficulty, they aren't wrong. Just because it's not impossible and can be done does not mean that it's fair. Doesn't mean it's bad. Doesn't mean it's obvious. Doesn't mean they suck.

    submitted by /u/RPMacReady
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    Weapon for a Miracle Build

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 11:21 PM PST

    I'm finally gonna get dsr soon on Switch, and I'm gonna do a Sunbro run first. I'm going to use Sunlight Blade for sure, but i was wondering what weapon to use.

    Are there any sort of pitfalls to avoid with this or will any weapon do and its just up to personal preferance?

    I was thinking either a Straight Sword/Curved Sword, or maybe a Greatsword like the Claymore.

    submitted by /u/WizzrotheWizard
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    Tips for a noob

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 01:29 AM PST

    Any good tips on the fight against the two cunts called ornstein and smough. This is the first boss i have had any trouble with and been stuck for a while and they are getting annoying...

    submitted by /u/Eikkazboi
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    No Key to the Capra Demon room

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 02:27 AM PST

    Is there a way I can get it I've already defeated the Gargoyles

    submitted by /u/caatoligy
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    Cursed long after death

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 02:19 AM PST

    So I was going to Seath's first encounter on NG+, I know that you have to die and I know that there's a chance to get cursed but this was bs. I had the cursebite ring on and the gargoyle tail axe (I think it resisted curse but I wasn't too sure). I was killed by his curse crystals and the "YOU DIED" popped up like normal, and then the "YOU DIED" faded away while the screen turned grey like normal. However, the loading screen did not show up and the curse bar was still building up. It was a solid 10-15 seconds after the screen turned grey and the curse bar was still very slowly gradually building up. Then after the 10-15 seconds, I got cursed and only exactly after that, the loading screen popped up immediately. This was complete bullshit.

    submitted by /u/lethatsinkin
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    Before i play

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 01:35 AM PST

    I want to make sure that i have a reasonable framerate. What do you guys think?

    Specs Porcessor: AMD A10-7400p R6, 10 Compufe Cores 4C+6G 2.50 GHz

    Installed Ram: 4GB

    Sytem type: 64bit Operating System

    submitted by /u/EmberPaw12
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    Stray Demon cheese

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 01:20 PM PST

    Hey, just wanted to share this cheese method with you guys. Found it like a year ago, and haven't seen anybody doing it so far. Basically you can get him stuck in the corners of the room by making him backstep. He won't be able to get out because the remains of the pillars that are hanging from the ceiling block him.

    Not a very useful cheese at all, it's easier to just fight him normally, but I still wanted to share it cause it's kinda cool.


    submitted by /u/astorascrub
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    Why do some hollows respawn and others don’t?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 05:22 PM PST

    So obviously the rank and file hollows in Dark Souls respawn when you go to the bonfire. These add seemingly the most "hollow" of hollows, they are faceless and have lost almost all of their identity; they seem the closest to suffering permanent death, if such a thing is possible in the Dark Souls lore for undead. However, plot critical hollows, such as the Crestfallen warrior, Siegmeyer and Gwyn, do not respawn, even though they, retaining at least some of their distinctive identity and appearance, are seemingly less hollow. Is there a lore explanation for this? It's just always seen as an inconsistency in the Dark Souls universe.

    submitted by /u/dmeagher101
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    Artorias's pain while in the Royal Wood?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 07:31 PM PST

    As the title said I was in the Royal Woods, minding my own business, chopping some wood with my Great Scythe, when I thought I heard some sort of groaning coming from nearby.

    At first I thought it might have been someone outside, but then I realized that the sound was coming from my headphones. With the hair on the back of my neck rising, I made the horrifying assumption that it must have been Artorias's screams and groans of pain from the Abyss overcoming him.

    Can someone more knowledgeable than me confirm this? If it's true then man, that sends shivers down my spine

    submitted by /u/groovin-tanline10
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    Best weapon for a pure stamina build?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 01:19 AM PST

    I wanted to do a pure stamina pvp build, and I wanted to know what would the best weapon for it be. I was thinking of using chaos uchigatana +5 and queelag's furysword +5 along with pyromancies, but what are your recommendations?

    submitted by /u/ThatwarriorDrake
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    “Best” Str weapon?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 12:48 AM PST

    What would you say is the best strength weapon? In am the way that the Great Scythe is considered the best Dex weapon.

    submitted by /u/MadMichael72
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    Invasions at Oolacile 125 - how do you play them?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 03:49 AM PST

    Had a session at Oolacile recently (first time in ages) and didn't really figure things out in terms of what players are looking for - I'm a blue but was largely hosting invaders with dried finger. Is the expectation that it's an invasion, so anything goes even if it's the filthiest, cheesiest strat because that is the red game?

    Or is there more expectation of duelling and grown up play at Oolacile? Didn't seem like it as I mostly saw very one-dimensional, glass canon builds (me included) - I see your one shot hornet ring backstab, and raise you tranquil walk of peace with dark bead, with a significant advantage to the host (me) in getting set up.

    submitted by /u/7NTXX
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    Those who have completed SL1 runs, how long did you prepare for it?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 03:00 PM PST

    Played through multiple times with diminishing level caps?

    Played through the higher difficulties to get used to being one-shotted/improving your dodging/parrying?

    Extensively researched your intended playthrough (equipment, boss order, etc)?

    Just went for it with no special prep?

    Did you enjoy it or never again?

    submitted by /u/jasonryu
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    How do you make a Manus fight easier? With music.

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 12:41 PM PST

    An upcoming SFX mod that replaces all sounds in game with mouth sounds, save for one very important fan-created song... Sure makes Manus seem a lot less imposing, doesn't it? :)

    submitted by /u/Soycrates
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    I saw We are the souls - Reborn, by ThePruld today. Why in the name of the sun did it take me this long to discover that this was posted?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 02:22 AM PST

    It has to be one of the best DS related videos ever made [T]/

    submitted by /u/Pootoori
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