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    Tuesday, January 14, 2020

    Dark Souls 2 /r/DarkSouls2 - The Trading Post.

    Dark Souls 2 /r/DarkSouls2 - The Trading Post.

    /r/DarkSouls2 - The Trading Post.

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 10:08 PM PST

    Is there a weapon that eludes you? Want to host a fun give-away?

    Use today to schedule some trades!

    Helpful Information for New Users

    Be sure to check the /r/DarkSouls2/wiki page, where you can find community-created tips and research threads.

    Please help build the wiki! You only need 10 karma within /r/DarkSouls2 to contribute.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Just died to the covetous demon

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 09:26 AM PST

    I cant believe this. I feel so ashamed. I have always beat him so efficiently that he has never had time to do his rolling over attack, so I didnt even know he could do that. Wow.

    submitted by /u/lowcarson98
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    I'm giving Dark Souls 2 another try

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 06:47 AM PST

    I got through Dark Souls and Dark Souls 3 multiple times but I couldn't ever really progress on Dark Souls 2 with how it spams hordes of enemies, slow Estus healing and seemingly over powered "turtle" enemies at the beginning of the game. However, I want to give the game another try, especially with the armor customization giving me a good opportunity to be creative with my character. Does anyone have any tips for the beginning of the game?

    submitted by /u/starigma_ultimate
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    After 500+ hours of DS2 i just noticed you can see Vengarl's head from the place where you fight his body!

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 09:34 AM PST

    Here is screenshot

    I always wondered how his Head got there when his body was so far away. But now i finally understand. His head just fell from the cliff!!

    You can even jump down there without dying. Im astonished.

    submitted by /u/CrystalMaterelius
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    The real reason Sir Allone fights us is cuz we stained his freshly perfectly clean floor

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 03:00 PM PST

    You know I'm right

    submitted by /u/Noobie_xD
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    What would be the best Dex weapon?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 05:05 AM PST

    Whats the best Dex weapon in speed?

    submitted by /u/Jevilson
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    Which are the best tips for playing Dark Souls 2: SOTFS?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 06:49 AM PST

    This is the only Soulsborne: Die Twice game I have not beaten. I have already played for 2 hours, an I just killed the giant. I started with a knight an a petrified something thingy. What are the best tips to play this game? What build should is best? Are spears betters than swords? etc. etc.

    submitted by /u/jcgonzmo
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    I did it!

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 09:58 AM PST

    I got the Illusory Ring of the Exalted! I fucked up and rested at the end of the game but got it on NG+4. Next up is no death run and I think I got the route down

    submitted by /u/DemonicMind12
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    If I start ng+, can I use the giant souls(ones that were obtained at ng) or they can still be used against vendrick or do I have to get them again?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 11:33 AM PST

    I already despise No Man's Wharf

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 02:40 PM PST

    It's dark and I can't see shit, which lead to me falling off twice already (Lost a good 9000 souls too) and I was invaded for the first time ever on this game. I believe it was a twink since his gear took half my health away with a single slash, so after dealing with all of the ganks of hollows that was really fun. This area is worse than Blighttown so far because at least in Blighttown I was still able to see 20 feet in front of me. Who knows though, maybe this area isn't as bad and it's just my dramatic first impression. Before I got to NMW, I took care of both the Pursuer (with assistance) and Dragonrider (ez pz) so that's nice I guess. I'm hoping the next boss will be a good challenge, unlike Mr. Dragonrider, who was very slow. I'm also hoping the next area will be kind enough to at least be more lit up than this terrible place.

    submitted by /u/starigma_ultimate
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    How dark souls changed my gaming experience FOREVER

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 02:33 PM PST

    I finished dark souls 2 about 5 minutes ago and I just wanted to share my story. Idk if this is proper subreddit but anyway
    Phase 1: Time for a "hard" game
    I bought DS2SOTFS on a recent steam sale cuz I always wanted to be more into the memes and I wanted to check if this game is hard at all. It was...(for me). I didnt know what to do/where to go and I took a class that didnt fit my playstyle so after 3hours of dying (reached 2nd Forest of Fallen Giants bonfire) I started from the beginning. This time it went MUCH better.
    Phase 2: Hey, its not that bad
    I started getting what was it all about. I was killing enemies/leveling up/progressing/having fun. Ive beaten 1st boss, then had a problem with Pursuer, watched some tips&tricks, beaten Pursuer went to other locations and then...
    Phase 3: F\ck this, I have no idea what to do, imma uninstall this sh*t*
    This may sound like I easily give up and Im a filthy casual. It could be...BUT getting to the point. I reached a point where I was a bit tilted because 1. I was dying A LOT (mostly because of enemy hordes that i didnt handle very well) 2. I was out of effigys(had like 1 or 2 saved for bosses) 3. I was stuck in a moment where I had to beat a boss to get further (or i thought so) and each of them was too hard for me (Rat Authority, Three Sentinels and This Big Spider) I was literally on the edge of uninstalling, I felt burned out, but I didnt give up because...
    Phase 4: Wait, how could I know it existed?
    I looked here and there on the Wiki and I found something interesting. A new level, that I had no idea of. Tower of Flame it is called. I did some progression, had no problem with its bosses and grinded my battleaxe a little bit. Then the best phase happened.
    Phase 5: Everything "solves itself"
    I beat the Rat, I beat Spider and I beat Sentinels. One after another. Ive never felt so good in my entire gaming career. This was when it got to me. Dark Souls was all bout it. Overcoming the weaknesses, having a strong will, actually TRYING to beat the game, not uninstalling cuz "meh, I cant beat it, developers are too tryhard". But it all went all arround.
    Phase 3v2: F\ck this, I have no idea what to do, imma uninstall this sh*t*
    It wasnt as bad as a first Phase 3, but it was bad. I was on this Old Iron Boss location and I died and died, and died, i was so frustrated, that I almost threw my gamepad on the floor(ended up just squishing it with my hands as strong as I can[good thing Im not that strong :D]), I blocked on area before black gulch, maybe because I was tired. I ended the session and went to sleep. Damn this game is tiring. But the phase ended on the second day. Now the almost final phase
    Phase 6: God, how much till the end?
    Dont get me wrong. I loved the experience. Its just my thing that when I know Im reaching the end I always think "oh 15 minutes and its over, im free" but I thought this to myslef after beating Royal Aegis...Happily everything went butter-smooth, I gathered all souls of giant, killed Vendrick, killed final bosses, sat on the throne (dont judge) and proceeded to the credits.
    Phase 7: It was awesome, but never again.
    I felt, and I am feeling so satisfied. This game really changed me. After 50h of playing (with some brakes with game on, so its more like 40h) I look at games very different. But I dont think Ill buy any of the DS games...not anytime soon thats for sure. This game drained so much energy from me, that i feel some kind of relief now to be honest. So..yeah. Thats about it. My experience with Dark Souls.

    submitted by /u/N84N
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    For a no death/no bonfire run, which bosses are the optionan and which mandatory?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 02:11 PM PST

    I'm seriously thinking of attempting this challenge once I'm done with the dlcs and move on to ng+

    submitted by /u/Noobie_xD
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    I've never finished the game with a cosplay build

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 02:09 PM PST

    As a fashion souls player I care a lot about the aesthetics of my characters and less about the gameplay, and because of that I always come up with new cosplay ideas and give up on the run I've been on. By now I've tried Asuna (SAO) with a Ice Rapier build, a look-alike Pewdiepie char with a bone fist build, a Joker with a Mytha's Bent Blade / Poison build and now I'm trying a Olaf (League of Legends) with a Bandit Axe power stance build. Also, as soon as I complete the build or reach Shrine of Amana I lost the urge to play, the same happens to you?

    submitted by /u/luvinha_
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    I am going to fucking cry

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 01:57 PM PST

    Hey there, played lots of DS and DS3 and decided to play the infamous Ds2.
    Now where do i begin..
    I currently have beaten the Last Giant, the Pursuer (he came back at the place his crow nest lead me but whatever) and the Dragon Rider.

    Right now i am frustrated.
    I have no fucking clue where to go, there is this red dragon i guess i can beat but honestly the way up is so frustratingly spammed with kinda hard mobs and once i get the the dragon just endlessly spams fire and knocks me down if i try to rush him.
    The place after the pursuer fight is even weirder because i walk through the area, discover the smith guy and now i dont know where to go again.

    I am fucking clueless to be honest and its a rather frustratign experience to be stopped by stone statues in every area without having discovered a way to heal(?) or break them.

    Does this game tell me where i need to go and im just missing it?
    Can i go anywhere but is everythign locked behidn statues.
    Where do i go, what the fuck do i do.
    Online guides are even MORE confusign than this game.
    I had fun disovering the stuff with the breakable walls shortcuts but every now and then i always find myself having a place explored ot its limits only to not know where to go.

    submitted by /u/Lunnurd
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    Best active SM range on pc SOTFS version?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 01:47 PM PST

    Can someone who plays on pc tell me which range is the best? I have 2.5m SM, should i raise it?

    submitted by /u/PalkyP
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    Is Mytha a Shard of Manus?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 02:46 AM PST

    Do people think Mytha is also a shard of manus like Nashandra and the other DLC queens? I'm not sure Earthen Peak is a kingdom in its own rights because I remember reading something about it being a place where either vendrick or the iron king simply drained resources from but considering she is Mytha the baneful Queen it should stand that Earthen Peak could be a separate kingdom that could very likely have it's own shard of manus eating away at it. This could explain why there is no king of Mytha like how the other queens drove out their kings (or missed them entirely ahem nadalia)

    submitted by /u/Magma3961
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    Ds2 builds

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 08:55 AM PST

    Today l i ordered dark souls 2 (sofs) for xbox one from online shop for 13$ (super excited). i had ds3 and i got addicted for like months now. anyway what is the most viable build i can go for in dark souls 2 ?

    submitted by /u/yolo_king_1
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    Any tips for a new player?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 12:40 PM PST

    I recently got DarkSouls 2 Scholar of the first sin edition, I played a bit of Ds1 and finished Ds3 and am going into Ds2 completely blind. If anyone has any tips or recommended armor/weapons I should use feel free to suggest. I'm going to need all the help I can get.

    submitted by /u/StrobeLightEagle
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    Going for All Items

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 12:24 PM PST

    I've been doing runs for the Illusory rings in NG, but after thinking about it more I might want to wait until NG+. I'm not too concerned with the covenants since I can farm most of them (other than blood which I'm extremely concerned by), but I'm afraid of wasting time on these NG runs for the rings if it'd be easier to wait.

    Does anyone have any tips on the order I should do things? Or any horror stories or tips of nasty item drops I should know?

    submitted by /u/Samechie
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    A simple question

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 04:08 AM PST

    Is santier's spear good in its spear "form" or is it only better in its broken, twinblade version?

    submitted by /u/Noobie_xD
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    In search of 100% guide of SOTFS

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 04:04 AM PST

    Hello, I'm looking for a 100% video guide for SOTFS edition. Normally I watch gheyforgames but they don't have it for that version and I know there are some difference in item placements and enemy's and whatnot.

    And I know people are gonna say that I'm "ruining the game for myself", but everyone likes to play on their own way, this is how I like to play it, without missing anything :p.

    Thnx in advance for the help! ,^

    submitted by /u/akaia98
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    Does "The Place Unbeknownst" bonfire affect Memory of Jeigh only or all three giant memories?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 11:30 AM PST

    Basically asking 'cause I'm thinking of dropping an Ascetic at Cardinal Tower to dash and grab the three chunks in the NG+ lockstone room trapped chest early on.

    submitted by /u/DezoPenguin
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    Sir Alonne meets his long-lost brother

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 09:08 PM PST

    I’m terrible...looking for some guidance

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 10:49 AM PST

    Edit: The suggestions of the Mace and the fact that leveling a weapon gives good returns on my investment have very much helped

    I'm currently dying over and over (and over...) in the Forest of Fallen Giants. I have just exploded a wall to make a shortcut from the second bonfire. A few questions for some spoiler-free help.

    A) About how many levels should I have gone up by this point? I've only probably done 3, as I've done a lot of dying and losing souls.

    B) What's a good weapon to use at this point for a strength build? Can I buy something or just hope for a drop?

    C) Should I be restoring my max health or just leaving it halfway and pretending that's my maximum?

    D) What would be more useful to me, grinding souls for levels or leveling up a weapon if I could? Or am I at an ok level and just need to get better?

    Thanks in advance, I'm just not really sure about mechanics with this game.

    submitted by /u/SanDimas1988
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    I am playing the base game...is there any point in lighting all of the torches in the gutter?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 12:16 AM PST

    Just wanting to double check before I try hunting down unlit torches. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Cyrano_de_Boozerack
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