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    Wednesday, October 30, 2019

    Dark Souls /r/DarkSouls - Help a hollow.

    Dark Souls /r/DarkSouls - Help a hollow.

    /r/DarkSouls - Help a hollow.

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 11:07 PM PDT

    Welcome to our Wednesday thru Thursday sticky thread "Help A Hollow."

    Do you need the game mechanics explained a bit? Don't understand scaling, infusion, or magic? Just can't take on O&S solo?

    If you have a question or need a hand then skip /new for the day and get the help you need. Leave a comment below and someone will help you shortly. Or sort comments by new and be a helpful hollow. Remember to check out /r/DarkSouls/wiki and contribute!

    Helpful Information for New Users

    Be sure to check the /r/DarkSouls/wiki page, where you can find community-created tips and research threads.

    Please help build the wiki! You only need 10 karma within /r/DarkSouls2 to contribute.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Its interesting that a Japanese studio makes one of the best European based fantasy games out there. Better than most other games. The Japanese elements in the game are very subtle. Fromsoftware made their own version of medieval elements and built a game around that.

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 10:00 AM PDT

    When it comes to atmosphere Dark souls is my favourite in the soulsborne series. Simply because you truly feel the world is over and everything is pointless. Yet your character never gives up. Compare that to Bloodborne were the world is very close to end from the atmospheric point of view in my opinion.

    submitted by /u/Nibelungen342
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    I made a Sunbro Pumpkin.

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 01:57 PM PDT


    This afternoon me and my girlfriend made pumpkins for Halloween party, and I didn't have to think twice about what to carve!

    Praise the sun!

    submitted by /u/Treax
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    My 8 year old son beat the Asylum Demon!

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 06:43 PM PDT

    My son saw me playing Dark Souls and expressed interest. I warned him it would be challenging, but he wanted to try anyway. He was terrified when the demon drops down on you the first time, but after several tries, he beat the Asylum Demon and made it to Firelink Shrine. I've been coaching him, but he does all the gameplay himself.

    Now to make sure he doesn't level Dex.

    submitted by /u/Dr_Cornbread
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    I love this series

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 01:27 AM PDT

    "..But in the end, you lack the stomach. For the agony you'll bring upon yourself.. "

    My first fromsoftware game was ds3 and i absolutely adored the feel and the challenge that it gave me. Then i played bloodborne. And got really into that for a long while.

    I needed more and bought ds2 and after that sekiro and have completed them both multiple times.

    I just bought ds1 remastered last night and so far i really enjoy it.

    Its fun to see how much ds3 gave similarities and nostalgia to the old fans of ds1. For me its the other way around and im getting ds3 nostalgia since i never played ds1 before.

    So im doing my first ever blind playtrough right now.

    Just beat the gargoyles with my +4 longsword.

    Any tips without spoilers would be great.

    Im glad to be a part of this community and share these awesome experiences with you guys.

    Have a nice day everyone. Dont you dare go hollow.

    submitted by /u/_dead_wood_
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    Forgive me, good knight...

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 10:28 PM PDT

    When first we met, I was but a hollowed wretch. Haggard and bloody from my first true fight, I found you gazing upon the sun from the ramparts of the burg. I recoiled upon first spying you and prepared for a fight, for surely in this accursed land any who can stand and draw breath must mean to kill me! But I gave pause, for you seemed pensive. And thank gods I did!

    Upon approaching, you introduced yourself as Solaire, A man in search of his very own sun. I surely thought you must be mad! There is only one sun and no man ought claim it as his own! Yet I hung on your every word, for how can anyone have such confidence in this hellscape? So gentle and kind was your voice when you spoke that I felt the burden of solitude fall from my shoulders. Then you placed that wonderful stone in my hand and sent me on my way.

    I rejoiced at each of our meetings since then! I was so glad to have the company that, in jest, you suggested I fancied you! Perhaps I did... And how could I not? You were there to aid in the most arduous moments of my journey. But I was not there for you...

    When last we spoke, you were inconsolable. You lamented that your search had been fruitless. Gods know I tried to light the gloom as you had done for me so many times. But to no avail. No joke nor tale could calm the tempest in your mind. I left you in those ruins with a backward glance and a wave of my hand. How I wish I had told you what joy you brought me. Perhaps if I had stayed longer... No. That was not why such cruel fate befell you.

    I made grave error, my dear friend. For in my haste, I failed to slay that most abhorrent and infernal creature this cruel plane has ever spawned. It is my fault through and through.

    "Solaire!" I called giddily, jogging toward you. "I could've used your help just now. That demon nearly tossed me from the bridge!" So I drew nearer. "Ha! A crown? What joke are you playing?" But there was no laughter to be had here.

    I begged you to stop as I rolled through the thunderstorm you cast at me. I screamed, "It's me! Don't you know me?" while pushing your blade away from my throat. But you were gone. The man I knew was no more. I had to do the merciful thing. I could not bear to look at your face, so I circled behind you. It was quick, and I hope beyond hope that it was painless.

    I now make pilgrimage back to that altar, just a stones toss from where we first met. I will lay your blade and this letter at those crumbled feet. You may not have claimed a sun for yourself, but you became one for me. Forgive me, good knight.

    submitted by /u/WhosTheWizard
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    There is something that bothered me abou the ending of DS1

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 03:47 AM PDT

    If you have not finished DS1, do not read this...

    There is something that bothered me about the link the fire ending.

    Do you die because by linking the fire you lift the curse of the undead and become mortal?

    But, lord Gwyn who's soul is weaker than yours linked the fire and was fine, why do you, have to die? Did you die?

    I don't think you did! I never liked "sacrifice yourself" endings, maybe that is why I am fighting this. I mean, you overcome all that hardship JUST to kill yourself? I don't think so. What do you think?

    submitted by /u/crazyquark_
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    Bonfire Pumpkin

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 05:24 PM PDT

    https://imgur.com/gallery/iQMllbQ I posses the artistic skill of a skeleton but I'm proud if it anyway.

    submitted by /u/talltad
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    Dark Souls Halloween Pumpkin

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 07:33 PM PDT


    It was a challenge making the pumpkin as I had no references other than pictures of other people's Solaire based jack o lanterns rather than a stencil. I feel that it turned out alright and I'm happy with the results.

    submitted by /u/ChillyLobster
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    Is the monster that hunt cheaters an internet legend?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 03:23 AM PDT

    Wassup guys long time ago in 2011 when dark souls 1 was released I heard in a podcast that ds1 has a system that if you cheat someway the strongest enemy in the game or a boss, I dunno would chase the player all the time and (not sure about that) would kill NPCs as well to ruin your progress. I heard it would affect people that invade games using cheats or that cheat in single player to make the game less harder. Then I never heard about I again. Maybe this is was included in a old patch? Someone heard about this?

    submitted by /u/legendarysnake
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    [Speedrun] Any% Force Quit in 20:31 IGT (World Record) by CapitaineToinon

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 08:04 PM PDT


    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 12:39 AM PDT

    Hey guys, just thinking about buying Dark Souls: Rematered. My question is how often are there spiders-like creatures, because i have arachnophobia. And how scary are they? Ty for responses

    submitted by /u/sebastijen
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    Where's Solair

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 04:19 AM PDT

    I know I got the "bad" ending because I didn't kill the sun thing but Solair won't show up, I've also checked the room next to the sunlight altar and has not there, does anyone know where he might be?

    submitted by /u/pinksweater204
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    Am I meant to be this weak?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 01:35 PM PDT

    Literally yesterday I bought dark souls remastered, I've poured hundreds of hours into both ds2 and ds3, so I thought I should play dark souls remastered and decided to buy it. Basically the context is I have somewhat of an idea as to what I'm doing.

    So after undead parish, I find Andre and next to the room Andre is in I find this demon(?) he literally hit for half my health while I did 12 damage with my longsword. I used all my gold resin and eventually killed him, he dropped demon titanite. It took me about 5 mins of just clicking r1 and it felt like I'm not supposed to fight the demon. So I go ahead, and I'm in the darkroot basin, and after killing the black knight I find the bonfire, and then go ahead to these ice golems. There was like 4 of them and I did 6 damage or something ridiculous like that to them. I had to use the hydra's water cannon shots to kill them, but once I did all that the door was locked :/. So its clear I went the wrong way or something, so could someone kindly tell me where I went wrong?


    Im a weak boi facing big golem bois and am lost

    submitted by /u/Trash_pL4Yer
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    Advice for a Knight of Carim build

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 12:20 AM PDT

    So I got inspired to do a Knight of Carim character when I happened upon the Parrying Dagger in New Londo, and read that Carim knights are famous for fighting without a shield.

    Fast forward a few days later and I've now got the character running, currently grinding around the bonfire in the Undead Parish, but I need some advice to help balance roleplay and practicality.

    Right now I'm wielding a +5 Estoc and +5 Parrying Dagger. I chose the Estoc because I never used it before, and it's fun to deflect blows with the dagger only to skewer my foes on this giant sword. I just grabbed the Elite Knight Armor Set, though I'm kind of unsatisfied with the look as it's more suited for a gallant Astora knight. I plan on picking up the Hornet Ring and Red Tearstone Ring as well.

    I've got the Master Key as a gift, Knight class, Dubious Carim face, and I'm working on leveling up my Vitality, Endurance, Dexterity and Strength(on the backburner) so I can take a bit more damage, dish a bit more out, and cease the fatrolling.

    I really like this build and don't want to abandon it. It's a challenging fighting style, but one that's grown on me.

    submitted by /u/LukeSkywalkerIsDead
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    Is multiplayer active on Remastered?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 06:20 PM PDT

    I own the original and don't really have a reason to buy remastered edition outside of multiplayer. But if it's active then I think I'll get it while it's on sale. Just curious how often you guys see summon signs.

    submitted by /u/Adenidc
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    How the hell do you get Kalameet's tail?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 05:50 PM PDT

    I've been trying for hours now to cut this godforsaken dragon's tail off and I get nothing. I've tried baiting the dive, but instead of doing the tail slam he just turns around, or more likely spins like a goddamn beyblade and topples me over (Assuming the bastard even dived in the first place). I try going under him and he stomps me even if I roll well away from his legs. I've tried medium armor, light armor, no armor at all, halberds, greatswords, and regular swords all in combination with one another but to no avail. It doesn't help that he's so huge that even in the rare event I can get him to put his tail down that by the time I've made it behind him, he's probably in the process of leaping to the other side of the arena and stun-locking me with his fire. Is there any strategy to get this thing that doesn't involve stupid amounts of luck?

    submitted by /u/ArbiterNoro2428
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    Where's kalameet

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 05:38 PM PDT

    I wanna cut his stupid tail off

    submitted by /u/pinksweater204
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    Just finished for the first time: thoughts

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 03:25 PM PDT

    Edit: I apologize for the long post! I had a lot to say about the game and honestly I could say much much more!

    This past May I played through DS3 and milked the hell out of it. I think I put in about 200 hours on steam within two months (might not be a lot for some, it's a lot for me who jumps from game to game like nothing), and I decided I had to play DS1 before I could call myself a souls fan. I was extremely intimidated by the various differences between 1 and 3, but honestly now that I'm finished I'm quite blown away. The two games are night and day and honestly I don't think there's much room to properly compare the two after playing both, besides comparing my own experiences between the two. DS1 brought an exciting level of exploration and discovery with every new area, as well as a looming dread of what's to come. I have little issue with linearity in games, and it's a welcome progression in DS3. But I equally respect and appreciate the interconnected world DS1 brings. There's a handful of moments where at one point I'd be like "oh, where could that lead" just to find a door routing two more elevators together to fast forward me back to fire link, which left me standing there thinking "hey, that's pretty good!" Something I found particularly neat was the various throwbacks found in ds3 now connecting itself to my current experiences playing through DS1. Its like going back in time and honestly it feels pretty cool.

    I'll probably give DS1 a few more runs before I put it down, I'm very interested in both pyromancer and sorcery builds. For this first play through I settled on a strength build. My first main weapon being a claymore, then BKGS, and finishing off with BKGA. As for armor sets I usually stuck with Ornsteins set, and occasionally switched to Havels for when I needed to tank where my skill was lacking.

    Mechanically, I feel like I gained a significant chunk of "git gud." DS3 allowed me to focus on my rolls and ignore other defensive mechanics. DS1 seems to really reward players who take the time to learn how to parry and backstab properly, and so one of my goals with experiencing the game was to roll little, and to shield and riposte as much as I could.

    Anyways, good game. Would play again/10. Probably gonna tackle DS2 in a few months.

    And if anyone has any recommendations on how to execute a decent pyro or sorcery build please let me know :)

    submitted by /u/HonchosRevenge
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    The politics of Dark Souls: Nito, what are his goals?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 03:14 PM PDT

    So far I see that Gwyn wanted to prolong the age of fire to keep the status quo, to do this he burned himself in the Kiln of the first flame. Seath wanted to reach immortality and to do this he conducted experiments on not really consenting subjects. The With of Izalith wanted to create a new flame and ended up turning her domain into demonland.

    But Nito? What are his goals?

    submitted by /u/StraightOuttaOlaphis
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    I think I did a forbidden thing

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 09:15 AM PDT

    I am currently in my first play through of dark souls 1 after beating dark souls 3 to a dried pulp so I came in with a bit of knowledge and how to handle the game. I went for a high dps build and upgraded the Zweihänder to +15. It kinda one shots everything but I thought it would stop being so good the further I went. Except once I got up to Ornstein and Smough I killed them in 5mins on my first try. What have I done. I miss the game being able to kick my ass.

    submitted by /u/Intervention789
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    Knights honor trophy.

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 09:01 PM PDT

    Can my friend just give me some of the weapons? Or do I have to actually make them all.

    submitted by /u/Foongiis
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    Boy howdy, dueling sure is fun

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 08:43 PM PDT

    I just love getting summoned by a guy who TWoP before my character even stands up. Three times in a row. And people wonder why we invade for PvP.

    submitted by /u/ryumaruborike
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