Dark Souls 2 /r/DarkSouls2 - The Trading Post. |
- /r/DarkSouls2 - The Trading Post.
- Some poor guy is gonna come back from AFK real confused.
- Optionality and "Buying In" to Video Games
- Played and enjoyed 3 thoroughly and am working backwards so ds2 is new to me. What can I expect and not expect and what tips can you give me for a noob that will help me git gud
- I'm intrigued
- I can’t beat this game.
- Do folks gank in ds2 anymore?
- Completely unrelated to ds2 but also kinda
- My BIGGEST Grip with DS2
- Ultra Greatswords
- So tired (of Sunlight Medals)
- Tactics for starting off
- On the topic of Loyce souls
- I finished the game(and here's my opinion) , is there anything i should do before NG+?
- Local madman does a challenge run.
- Why don't these gates open?
- Thanks Beanpole
- I need help with Fume Knight on NG+
- Is MLGS still the meta for an INT build?
- Soul Memory!?
- Did they patch the Dragonrider cheese?
- Santier spear build
/r/DarkSouls2 - The Trading Post. Posted: 07 Oct 2019 11:08 PM PDT Is there a weapon that eludes you? Want to host a fun give-away? Use today to schedule some trades! Helpful Information for New Users Be sure to check the /r/DarkSouls2/wiki page, where you can find community-created tips and research threads. Please help build the wiki! You only need 10 karma within /r/DarkSouls2 to contribute. [link] [comments] |
Some poor guy is gonna come back from AFK real confused. Posted: 07 Oct 2019 09:00 PM PDT Wonderin' why he's at 5% health with his bonfire littered with Prism Stones and Dung Pies. If he got back sooner, he would have been able to think "Was that chest always there?" [link] [comments] |
Optionality and "Buying In" to Video Games Posted: 08 Oct 2019 12:41 PM PDT People often post about what Dark Souls taught them; here's what DS2 taught me about how to engage with and have fun playing video games. TL;DR: I should relax and have fun with "optional" content in games, because the entire act of playing a video game is optional! Video games are artificially set up to be beaten; they aren't a true challenge, just an illusion of a challenge within tightly controlled parameters. This is of course not a dig against games; it's a truth readily acknowledged by game designers. Now, Souls games go above any beyond in delivering that challenge, but it is still artificial and subject to the human-designed constraints of the artificial play space. Because games are artificial, we have to "buy in" to the artificial rules/constraints of the game word. We accept them—we say "yes, I agree to play by these rules in this space". Enfranchised gamers do this subconsciously when (or perhaps even before) we start a new game. Have you ever had a game that you just could not get into for some reason? I'd argue that not being able to buy in to the play space was likely a part of that. (Side note: this can also turn off non-gamers when they try games; they aren't used to that sort of "buy in" where they have to concede to the limitations of the play space.) So, what DS2 taught me: It helped me realize that when I engage with a game—when I "buy in" to its artificial constraints—my buy in is subconsciously limited to the goal of finishing the game. I don't say "sure I'll agree to the rules of this artificial world to have fun", I say "I'll agree to them in order to progress and finish the game". What that means is that I have a great time playing the game and making that progress, but when I get to the end my mindset shifts. I "get off the ride" so to speak, because I reached the end of my investment with it. Thus in DS2, I found it frustrating to engage with the DLC. I wasn't as willing to engage with the artificial system of the game, even though I wanted to see that content, and as a result I wasn't having fun. My subconscious question was "what's the point?", echoing the question of "is this boss optional?" when determining whether I should spend time beating a boss to progress the game. The lightbulb moment for me was realizing that the entire enterprise of playing DS2 (or any game) is optional! Thus, the distinction between optional and required exists only in my mind. Realizing that allowed me to engage with the DLC in spite of my previous mindset of engaging with a game with the goal of completing the game (which, again, is an arbitrary goal that my mind imposed on the artificial play space of the game). This has helped me find the find fun in more of the games that I play. It helps free me from being so focused on finishing a game that I can't have fun doing side quests or optional bosses because they aren't contributing toward that progress. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 08 Oct 2019 11:29 AM PDT |
Posted: 08 Oct 2019 01:49 PM PDT So Happy Souls, the animation by Jameserton I think, has gotten me thinking. I know you can summon Phantoms to help you with bosses and such, but can you technically co-op the game too? What I mean is can I get a friend, gotta have one who has DS2 first lol, and summon them constantly to be my player 2? Or is there a limit to how many times you can summon a specific phantom? Cuz I really like the idea of two people being the baddest Hollows around Drangleic. I'm curious but my work schedule is a little all over the place, hours aren't too terribly consistent, so I'd probably just be summoning randos to play with areas. Mind you I can solo, at least for the time being, all the areas and bosses I've been to [link] [comments] |
Posted: 08 Oct 2019 12:09 PM PDT I beat ds3 and ds, and even managed to beat ds3 sl1 but I just can't play this game. I also have no clue where to go, I got through heides tower, and forest of fallen giants but now I have no idea where to go. I'm at the bonfire where you can blow a wall open with a barrel, which I did on accident. And, fuck no mans wharf. I've died too many times there. I started as the class with the broadsword (forgot the name) and the game has been a challenge the whole way through so far. Should I be using the broadsword? Where do I go? Thanks [link] [comments] |
Posted: 08 Oct 2019 02:27 PM PDT Or are invaders simply too rare for that these days? Often I get so many invasions so quickly that I wonder if I'm the only red around. After a few hundred invasions over the past few days, I'd say I've gotten about 95% solo hosts and about 5% co-op groups playing through the level/going after the boss, but nothing comparable to the organized ganks of ds3 Pontiff or ds1/dsr forest. I mean teams who aren't even trying to play through the level but gank invaders just for the fun of it. Are there any designated gank locations in ds2 like Pontiff? Gank hunting is probably the most satisfying thing I can think of in these games so it'd be fun to experience in ds2 as well. Sadly, so far I haven't found any. Co-op teams are a close second but often they take turns to fight me 1v1 which is honorable but just not as exhilarating. [link] [comments] |
Completely unrelated to ds2 but also kinda Posted: 07 Oct 2019 09:28 PM PDT So you know happy souls? The infinite paradox video that you always go back to watching because it's good? Well, that video was uploaded 3-4 years ago. It was the last video uploaded by the guy. He's back. Just felt like sharing. Didn't know what sub to post this to. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 08 Oct 2019 02:14 PM PDT I'll start off by saying I'm not the biggest DS2 fan, BUT, I have recently completed the platinum trophy on my ps4, and I'm quite far into a SL1 playthrough, which I have thoroughly enjoyed (up until this point) and it's made the game a bit better in my eyes. However, the worst decision they have made with this game, is no animation canceling. or if they are there, they're very strict in timing. I'm mostly talking about when using items, like your estus or a health gem. In my SL1 run, I've gotten up to Watcher and Defender, (haven't tackled anything in the Keep or beyond yet) and I fucking hate these guys right now. On a normal run I have no problem with them, but have a double boss, both with quick attacks, random aggro when you have summons, and summons that have negative IQ (Vengarl will stand at the door after entering for a good 5 seconds before joining the fight, and won't use his shield, and his damn attack animations are too slow to land a hit on a moving target) make the fight pretty hard. Right now all I'm using is Cale's helmet, Peasant's clothes, 2nd dragon ring, Blade ring, Steel Ring +1, and Life Ring +1, so I can realistically take 2 hits before dying. With the low ADP, and choosing not to use a shield, it's pretty easy to get hit. I feel like I would enjoy it better though, if my heals didn't take so long to heal me. I'll get hit twice, retreat a bit, but notice that Watcher is tailing me. So I make some distance, and pop a life gem, but I hate that I can't cut the animation short, or outright cancel it before it begins to heal me, because I'll see Watcher running towards me, do her leap attack, and right as the animation finishes, before I've had a chance to properly heal, she'll kill me. I'm not going to complain about the 300 souls she just cost me, especially when souls are so easily spent on items in a SL1 playthrough, but I hate that I found a safe spot to heal, but because I didn't take into consideration the hour long animation I still die. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 08 Oct 2019 01:56 PM PDT I'm kinda new to Dark Souls, about two weeks in. I'm trying to center my build around high strength/vigor and UGSs. I've already got the named Greatsword +3 and the Pursuer's Greatsword +1, but are there any others I should look out for? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 08 Oct 2019 09:43 AM PDT After noob-ing my way through SOTFS in 2018, taking a break, coming back this last fortnight with renewed vigor, learning about SM too late, fucking up Lucatiel's quest, more lost server connections than I can count, I'm at the point where the only thing between me and my plat (ps4) is those godforsaken medals. SM is too high for summons it would seem, and farming is unbearably slow. Can anyone offer anything constructive? Reassuring? Some hatred for FromSoft's poor choices? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 08 Oct 2019 09:36 AM PDT I've only had the game a few weeks and I'm trying to find a good way to play I'm stuck on the dragon rider an would like some tips [link] [comments] |
Posted: 08 Oct 2019 09:29 AM PDT Do I have to get 50 for th kings set? Or can I just kill the abyss THOT and the armor merchant sell it [link] [comments] |
I finished the game(and here's my opinion) , is there anything i should do before NG+? Posted: 08 Oct 2019 09:16 AM PDT Hello everyone. I finished the game with beating the Ancient Dragon at last. I played as a hybrid Sorcerer but mostly used hexes and melee weapons lol I'd heard a lot of shit about DS2 and I'm glad they weren't all true. Majula's theme inspired me to write a track myself. I found the story beautiful but i was very very disappointed with boss fights. The ancient dragon was the most difficult and we all know why and although i haven't fully played the other Dark Souls, i am familiar with them and their designes. Even as a sole game itself, i was almost disgusted by a place like Eathen Peak. Black Gulch scares me tbh with those walking hands. The Rotten? Was more of a walking crap with a butcher blade. My favorite parts of the game were the pilgrimage of the dark and Castle Drangleic. Almost pitted Vendrick being so hollow walking around with his sword. And the theme was beautiful. Again, disappointed in the final boss, cuz i killed her in the second attempt. So yeah it was an amazing experience and it could have been way way better. I just wanna start a NG+ and kill some people with my boss weapons lol. [link] [comments] |
Local madman does a challenge run. Posted: 07 Oct 2019 04:03 PM PDT Sl.1, fists only, champions covenant, naked, all bosses. Will let myself have the champions seal tho. Tried fisting an ogre. Took 5 or so tries and 10 minutes. My pain has only begun. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 08 Oct 2019 03:57 AM PDT Ok, i'm IN Drangleic castle but I got stuck in a room with six gates, killed everyone who came alive and opened 5 gates except the last ones on the left, what should I do to open them? https://m.imgur.com/a/yD2btUT [link] [comments] |
Posted: 08 Oct 2019 01:56 AM PDT It's MantaManta and kiebitzen. You 2v1ed us like nothing, what the heck, I'm farming here! I'm trying to get the Black Dragon Axe to drop from that one guy here at the Dragon Shrine. If anyone is on tonight watch out for us, or any night 9pm+ PST. I don't know how to PVP. [link] [comments] |
I need help with Fume Knight on NG+ Posted: 07 Oct 2019 09:20 PM PDT As the title says I need some help beating this guy. I've beat him on NG. but I've lost about 20 humanity now, I have no souls to repair my soul protection ring, and I'm about ready to throw my controller out the window. Can anyone help me kill this guy before I waste ALL my humanity trying to do this. Sure it's not necessary to 100% the game but I just want to cross the dlcs off the list so the king's crown will keep me from hollowing. I play the SOTFS edition on steam. [link] [comments] |
Is MLGS still the meta for an INT build? Posted: 07 Oct 2019 05:27 PM PDT I have little interest in PvP and I'm currently in NG @ SL 100 with 49 int I'm using fire longsword +7, sorcerer staff +3 with intent to use archdrake staff for dark & sorcerer casting My usual character is strength with Zweihander and I'm new to casting What is the meta for NG INT build and is MLGS still a better option than CSS? I'm trying to get a grasp on where I should be going with my build and I'm interested in a Dark sorcerer god but don't want to paint myself into a corner without some melee options [link] [comments] |
Posted: 07 Oct 2019 06:41 PM PDT Wjats the busy soul memory range? U know the Soul memory range i should sit at for sl 150 and 200? Im sl 120 on first playthrough, really want to set up for pvp, soul memory seems really bad from what ive read up so far. Im on xbox by the way but anybodys input is good [link] [comments] |
Did they patch the Dragonrider cheese? Posted: 07 Oct 2019 04:09 PM PDT I've cheesed Dragonrider like 30 times and now I cant get it... did they patch it, I wonder? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 07 Oct 2019 02:10 PM PDT Im using santier spear because I like its moveset. I used a raw infusion on it. is it pointless that I invest any further on str/agi since Santier spear has no scaling? Should I now just invest all my points on defense with this build? And just have enough str/agi to be able to equip it effectively.? [link] [comments] |
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