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    Tuesday, July 6, 2021

    Dark Souls Hot take: Tomb of Giants is worse than Blighttown

    Dark Souls Hot take: Tomb of Giants is worse than Blighttown

    Hot take: Tomb of Giants is worse than Blighttown

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 04:38 PM PDT

    No amount of ladders and blow darts will come close to the horrific shit-abyss that is Tomb of Giants

    submitted by /u/blutundehre14
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    Just killed Gwyn for the first time! Time for DLC...

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 06:36 PM PDT

    ... aaaand instant NG+. Kinda irritating. Guess I'll play the second and third one and come back and do the DLC on NG+, but first it's time to sleep.

    submitted by /u/SjokoladeIsHare
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    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 05:44 AM PDT

    When I originally picked up DS about 10 years this boss was too much for me. I tried jumping down on him, using magic, everything. I just couldn't do it. But I recently steeled my resolve to finally beat my arch nemisis. It took me about 11 tries but finally after creating a new character and taking firebombs I was able to beat him. Now I can play the dark souls finally.

    submitted by /u/Select-Guest5073
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    I Fucking Love New Londo Ruins

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 12:04 PM PDT

    I Fucking Love New Londo Ruins , That's It. That's the post.

    submitted by /u/3NES
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    In preparation for elden ring...

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 07:37 AM PDT

    So in prep for the newest game in the fromsoft series, ive decided to buy Dark souls 1 and 2...

    Ive played 3 for many years, it was the first souls game i ever picked up and have since beat it and Sekiro many MANY times. So I decided it's time to go back to the roots.

    I know zero about these games, im aware of Dark souls lore and all that (extensively) but never have i touched on the games of 1 and 2 themselves.

    Here we go... let's try not to go hollow...

    Update -

    Currently stuck on blightown... ugh this is gonna be hell for a little while...

    submitted by /u/Cooper-da-trooper
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    Stoic's advice for the journey - Protect the Flame

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 02:56 AM PDT

    "Protect your own good in all that you do, and as concerns everything else take what is given as far as you can make reasoned use of it. If you don't, you'll be unlucky, prone to failure, hindered and stymied."

    -Epictetus, Discourses, 4.3.11

    From The Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday and Stephen Hanselman, titled "Protect the Flame".

    submitted by /u/Poecilia_reticulata
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    My controller stops working every so often and I'm not sure what to do about it.

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 11:09 PM PDT

    So I'm playing DSR and my controller keeps turning off. I've had this problem for a while, but now it's starting to make the game unplayable. I've seen other people have this issue but there is no real fix that I know of besides restarting your computer which is a temporary fix if it even works.

    submitted by /u/Muted-Departure4684
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    Speedrunning Dark Souls is one of the best parts about the game.

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 01:03 PM PDT

    Speedrunning games isn't really my cup of tea, but Dark Souls somehow makes it satisfying.

    I started speedrunning Dark Souls a few days ago and my PB sits at around 45 Minutes for now. I know it's not really that fast compared to the top Speedrunners, but it somehow makes me feel accomplished beating it in that short amount of time.

    Playing the game and blasting through parts, where you previously wasted hours of time in your first playtrough, makes you feel like you've not only beaten the game. You've mastered it.

    And it's funny to think about how a random Undead just starts it's journey and finishes gwyn in under an hour haha

    PS: I have found new hatred for the Painting guardians and the Archers in Anor Londo

    submitted by /u/TraffytheD
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    Looking for a homie.

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 09:13 PM PDT

    I'm trying to get platinum on dark souls remastered and it's not awfully difficult for me I've played the game for too long I'd just like someone to accompany and ill even help you out too if you'd like to get the plat as well. My PSN- PiousRancor. Just add me and shoot a message I'll get back to you relatively soon.

    submitted by /u/xyklanev
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    I did the straight sword hilt only run!

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 01:22 PM PDT

    I started the run earlier today. I tried the asylum demon without heal and because of that this was also the hardest boss (20 minute fight with only 3 misstakes allowed). After that I went to get some upgrades (Most important ones being the Magic weapon and Power within and weapon upgrades) from then on it was basically the normal Game with a rather Bad weapon but until the iron golem i didnt really struggle. The Iron golem Killed me a few Times due to my damage being too low to push him over the edge (until i finally got it). I really enjoy O&S so i know the Fight pretty Well and only needed 2 tries. The lords were difficult but not unbeatable. Finally the only Problem with Gwyn was rebuffing the weapon without getting comboed to death. So yeah that's it, it took me 4:54 so I'm pretty proud of my sub 5 hour run and that's the Story i wanted to Share since I put this Challenge Off for too long.

    submitted by /u/lxurin_hei
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    Switching games

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 12:31 AM PDT

    So I'm currently playing xbox 360 dark souls on my xbox one and i was wondering if i could get my progress onto dark souls remastered from the 360 version as I'm buying the remaster for the dlcs or am i going to have to make a new character.

    thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/Derppugman
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    If there was ever a Dark Souls Remake, what would you want added/changed?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 03:12 AM PDT

    Well. I know we're possibly never getting a quote unquote bluepoint remake for Dark Souls. Mainly because Fromsoft is interested in pursuing newer ideas (as they should) and it isn't Sony property or anything that they'd wanna give to other parties to remake.

    But a man can dream. Say there WAS a Dark Souls remake, what would you want to see? There's a couple things from me, I was curious what everyone else thinks:

    • Polished mechanics etc. is a given. Better enemy AI, Omnidirecitonal rolling, estus while moving, estus on ladders, etc.
    • This is something I've wanted since forever and they never add it. View "Recent Items". Makes it way easier than navigating every sub-menu to find the item I just found to read its description. Because if someone wants to play completely blind, it is actually NECESSARY to read descriptions to find your way.
    • Redone areas: Crystal Cave, Izalith. I mean we all know these areas would be different if Fromsoft had more time and money to work on the game. And if a remake happens, I think this should be the first thing that should happen. Izalith is something that has a lot of lore significance, so having it be a larger area with a lot of more lore placement in the environment could really elevate the game TBH. And Crystal Cave's invisible floor was a creative idea but bad bonfire placement and too small a size really holds it back.
    • Redone bosses: All Izalith Bosses 100%, Capra Demon, Gwyn could be cool with a non-parryable second stage TBH. It's a great fight that just needs a little tweaking. I mean in terms of bosses, probably all of them could benefit from more polished mechanics and movesets.
    • Photo Mode. Dark Souls 3 made a step ahead with the Minimal HUD setting. It's about time we got a photo mode of some sort. I've been using binoculars and emotes to take screenshots in Bloodborne.
    • Better explanation of the initial mechanics. Stuff like Humanity and kindling, and especially how weapons are supposed to be modified and then reinforced is something I completely missed for a good while in my first run, and there is no need the player shouldn't be taught those things more clearly.
    submitted by /u/SiRaymando
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    I LOVED my first trip down to Blighttown.

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 07:12 AM PDT

    It was such an amazing moment in the game. I didn't run, just walked down slowly. They really nailed the atmosphere of the area. I love most of the new enemy types (see below). Granted getting toxic darted was annoying the first time but I was careful to pay attention to the sounds in the area which helped me avoid those arseholes. The poison lake wasn't so bad either. It actually felt like a relief making it down there. Just equipped my poison resistance items and the ring which helps you move faster in water. It'll probably get annoying in subsequent playthroughs but overall I loved it the first time around. Except those fire dogs, F THOSE GUYS. Also, I want to talk to the fire-keeper, but I can't? Apparent it needs an item? SAD

    Lost Izalith on the other hand..UGH. They went ham with CTRL+C and CRTL+V there.

    submitted by /u/ifas1990
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    Blades, blunt, or thrust for PVP?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 02:37 AM PDT

    I've always wondered, but what weapons do y'all use the most/least in duels? For me, it'd be thrust weapons for least and blunt the most. I feel like blunt weapons are underappreciated online.

    submitted by /u/DoomKnight_6642
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    Export, model and Print characters

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 02:26 AM PDT

    For a beginner, do you think it is possible to export, model and print the characters from DS1 - 2 - 3 to make a team of miniatures from "Warhammer BloodBowl"?

    Obviously without becoming an expert modeler first.

    submitted by /u/KoolMeBert
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    What’s so good and special about dark souls?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 02:24 AM PDT

    I just got dark souls but I haven't started it yet. I'm going to finish Medal of Honor first. While I'm playing Medal of Honor, I'm regretting that I bought dark souls. (I have no idea why). Can someone please help me lose the feeling of regret and tell me somethings that are great about dark souls?

    submitted by /u/GreasyGoose13
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    Accidentally killed Andre DSR

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 06:02 PM PDT

    I attacked him, farmed souls to get absolution and an npc killed him. I just have a balder sword+10 but I am a mage. How fucked am I for PvP?

    submitted by /u/Gzus5261
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    Dragonslayer Ornstein Cosplay: Day 1

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 07:36 PM PDT

    Using some leftover EVA foam, I started working on my cosplay for Dragonslayer Ornstein, one of the most iconic bosses in Dark Souls. I've only been able to work on the chestplate, but tomorrow, I'll start on detailing and the arm guards.

    Dragonslayer Ornstein Cosplay: Day 1

    submitted by /u/Neuro_Fox
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    Traversing the Abyss without the Covenant of Artorias ring?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 01:16 AM PDT

    Is it possible to traverse the abyss and kill the 4 kings without the Covenant of Artorias ring? I heard people say that Sif is an optional boss, and you can traverse the abyss if you have joined the Gravelord Servant Covenant. Is this true? It would save me a lot of fighting and regret if it is

    submitted by /u/Regenerating_Degen
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    How does one get good at backstabbing players?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 07:14 PM PDT

    Every time I go into PvP, I get backstabbed by someone standing in front of me. Is this a lag issue or just the game bein buggy? If it's the game bein buggy, how the hell do you do it?

    submitted by /u/Badger456872
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    in NG+ could I turn my pure strength into a quality build?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 09:00 PM PDT

    I completed dark souls a while ago and I started messing about on the NG+ save but I think I may run through it again as I'm enjoying it. I'm just trying to decide what to spend my souls on now as my strength is already 40. I know vitality is good because the enemies do more damage. I could get my Dex up to 40 and have more weapons to choose from. I picked pyro as well so I could always upgrade that. Many choices. What about faith?

    submitted by /u/Interesting-Light-13
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    Thoughts from a late newcomer on DS1

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 10:51 AM PDT

    hello fellow redditors,

    recently i just beat the first dark souls, and while i have beaten sekiro, as well as DS3 in the last year or so, i feel most compelled to speak on this one.

    now, since all my friends don't give a shit about what i gotta say (stfu OP no pity for you) i figured i would burden you all, who seem slightly more interested.

    first, the combat - god damn was this frustrating at first but that is my own fault. after playing DS3 first with near objectively cleaner mechanics (looking at you roll) it was quite rough to get used to the strict directional rolling of this game, as it is relatively dated. towards the middle of the game though, just like every other game, it really feels rewarding once you start to get a feel for AI patterns and overall movement. i definitely felt way better overcoming shit in this game than the others. Although DS2 will be starting shortly and i've heard many… things

    level design - honestly beautiful. although i like the art direction in DS3 more personally, i adore, like many others, the open world interconnectedness. never have shortcuts provided more importance in my gaming life. +1 for that. i really didn't dislike any areas in this game, apart from tomb of giants. even then i never felt spiteful, although nito violated me without consent more times than i'd like to admit :) :(.

    there's much more i'd like to talk about but there are so many moments from the game that i remember fondly, i'd feel i'd be playing a broken record at this point in the games life.

    is it my favorite game in the souls series? i'm not sure yet, but there are so many aspects that hold up extremely well from this title that makes me appreciate it a lot. if we're talking all FS games, i think i'd still have to give it to sekiro, but for obvious personal bias reasons as that was my first entry into lovely mind of Miyazaki.

    anyways, thanks for listening. if you'd like to share your favorite moments, that would make me a happy lil boy.

    praise the sun

    submitted by /u/PaulaHulse
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