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    Sunday, May 2, 2021

    Dark Souls FUCK Smough and FUCK Ornstein

    Dark Souls FUCK Smough and FUCK Ornstein

    FUCK Smough and FUCK Ornstein

    Posted: 01 May 2021 08:53 AM PDT

    Dumb motherfuckers. I will now proceed to wear Ornstein's armor DISRESPECTFULLY. I love this game

    submitted by /u/ttyrannicall
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    This is literally the best game series on the planet. Like i was shown this game and just fell in love.

    Posted: 01 May 2021 07:04 PM PDT

    Idk just felt like spittin truth on cake day

    submitted by /u/DooteDoote
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    A couple of dark souls paintings ive made

    Posted: 01 May 2021 12:06 PM PDT


    Letme know what you think :)

    You can find more dark souls stuff i made here https://www.instagram.com/artbya.e.b/

    submitted by /u/ArtbyAEB
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    i love the dlc

    Posted: 02 May 2021 02:35 AM PDT

    i just killed artorias kalameet and manus on my first try on ng+2 and it was my first real manus encounter i really love dark souls

    submitted by /u/MelickBlishtar
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    Goddess of Feet, save me from the heart attack I almost got.

    Posted: 01 May 2021 01:13 PM PDT

    This was a very not pleasant experience. I came all the way from the Blighttown bonfire. I would have hollowed immediately.

    submitted by /u/Csabi_
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    I finally beat O&S solo

    Posted: 01 May 2021 04:55 PM PDT

    On my 6 previous playthroughs, I always ended up summoning random people after dying many times, and I was quite disappointed because most of the time my partner was basically carrying the fight, oobliterating papa Ornstein and mama Smough with magic. So for my 7th playthrough, I decided to win this fight solo. I kindled the bonfire to the max level. I finally did it, SL54, only on the 3rd or 4th try, and Ornstein last because I wanted to get his armor set. At the end of the fight, I had no flask left and so little health that any shot would have killed me. My heartbeating was so fast and intense that my heart hurt. Now I wear his armor and I kill guilty doods with the Dragonslayer Spear. Here is the victory screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/Z0OMklL

    submitted by /u/cp_27points
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    TIL that I can kill the blacksmith in Undead Parish borrowing the power of that lightning-shooting creature

    Posted: 02 May 2021 12:57 AM PDT

    I thought I fucked up and would have to restart the game after tilting the blacksmith but I guess that scorpion demihuman was kinda helpful

    Edit: sorry didn't know its name. Apparently it's a titanite demon

    submitted by /u/Savassassin
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    Question from a brand new soulsborne player

    Posted: 01 May 2021 09:55 PM PDT

    I just recently got hooked on the Soulsborne series games and am looking to play all of them, I am currently playing the Demons Souls remake on PS5 and was wondering if the world progression in dark souls which would be my next game is in terms of similarity to demons souls, are there archstones like demons souls to travel to different worlds or is it just straight up like go in one path and no choosing your own path?

    submitted by /u/B5_T13
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    Does the game actually get relatively much easier after Anor Londo or is it that I just finally got good?

    Posted: 02 May 2021 03:38 AM PDT

    Yeah. Basically I was raped before Anor londo, not so much by the bosses, but by the creeps and gravity and basically me getting greedy. But after Anor Londo, every place I went, I completed it within 2 ~ 3 hours. So does it mean that the learning curve has flattened? Or is it just that I might have gotten lucky too? Have you guys experienced something like this.

    submitted by /u/Abishek1997R
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    I am stuck And need help

    Posted: 02 May 2021 01:00 AM PDT

    I am on DS PTDE on NG+, SL109 i am stuck on four kings. I have zwei +15, 38 Strength, but my damage to them Is minimal. Anyone here who still playing PTDE and want to help me with them? Or any advices what should i do? I can't place lordvessel And go to another boss, because i want all achievments And Guess what? I skip one covenant on NG, thats the dumb bullshit i Done :(

    submitted by /u/Horvacie
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    Any Fans of Metal Gear Solid 3 in here?

    Posted: 01 May 2021 05:24 PM PDT

    I found this and thought it was pretty nice.

    I couldn't figure out how to crosspost it to the other Darksouls-reddits though.

    submitted by /u/Tarnil
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    slow walking glitch in DSR

    Posted: 02 May 2021 03:51 AM PDT

    My game has a problem where when i run or walk my character Just sudently stops running or walking for a splitt second. And It's not drift becouse on ds3 my running is fine. Is this a glitch or intended game design? If It's a glitch how do you fix it?

    submitted by /u/Leahcim696
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    Finally beaten DSR on Switch

    Posted: 01 May 2021 03:07 PM PDT

    This was my first playthrough, loved the game and dlc!

    submitted by /u/BjornTheHuman
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    Posted: 01 May 2021 02:38 PM PDT

    i've died more times in sens fortress than any boss fight so far. if regular enemies get this hard i'm worried for how hard the next bosses will be. this place is a labyrinth.

    submitted by /u/BrosephStalin1234
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    Our new name

    Posted: 01 May 2021 08:39 PM PDT

    I was trying to get my brother to play dark souls, and during the conversation he came up with the perfect name for souls players:


    submitted by /u/The-Great-Old-One
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    Crystal weapons for bosses

    Posted: 02 May 2021 02:03 AM PDT

    Anyone else kept such weapons stored for hard bosses? I was struggling with Astora Straight Sword against the Four Kings until I remembered of the Crystal Halberd in my inventory. I fully upgraded it and applied Sunlight Blade on it to absolutely decimate them. I even had entire seconds until the next one spawned. After that, I kept it stored for bosses only. Felt so OP

    submitted by /u/Turin_Turambar_1571
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    Dark Souls virgin

    Posted: 02 May 2021 01:59 AM PDT

    Imagine it's the first time you playing Dark Souls (the original one on ps3) Are you reading guide book or you will go through it without any help whatsoever? And why? Be honest 🤘🏻 I mean not even a tip about starting gift or class

    submitted by /u/sianamak
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    Need help

    Posted: 01 May 2021 09:54 PM PDT

    Hello, I am currently struggling on OnS and was wondering if I could get some help.

    submitted by /u/Cystic111
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    Posted: 02 May 2021 01:27 AM PDT

    Is there a specific level gap where co-op and invasions are unlikely to happen? I'm in NG+ and have only seen a summon sign/been summoned at Ornstien and Smough. And I've only invaded two people after joining the Dark Moon covenant. The world just feel so empty.

    submitted by /u/ghostboy2015
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    Forced into new game?

    Posted: 01 May 2021 07:19 PM PDT

    (I'm on pc if it matters) so uhh while trying to do some invading as a mad dark spirit in gank city I uhhh somehow got forced into a new game?

    Like one second I'm invading in irrithyl next I'm rising from ash in the cemetery. I didn't even get a prompt for it it's like hey here ya go screw you.

    But then I killed gundyrs in 4 hits so I'm not even sure it's new game plus. I think the game genuinely just sent me back to the start but didn't scale at all. Is this like....a thing?

    submitted by /u/Yeetimus-Pr1m3
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    Note to self : traverse the abyss doesn't mean you can jump into the abyss

    Posted: 01 May 2021 07:22 AM PDT

    Covenant of artorias, What does the ring do? I just want a subtle hint.. A nudge in the right direction

    Thanks everyone! I just completed the game and this abyss fight was easily one of the best! It was so unsettling... Most of the horror games can't even produce that kind of dread in me... Reminded me of scp 3001

    submitted by /u/hentai_Saint_Isshin
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    Why do I do such little damage?

    Posted: 01 May 2021 04:57 PM PDT

    EDIT: upgraded my weapon to +7 and starting to do much more reasonable damage. I guess resistance and armor is a bit different here than what im used to in ds3. In ds3, a +3 can carry u through most of the game LOL

    Sorry if this sounds dumb but I feel like I am doing something wrong. I'm currently level 32 using a Longsword+2 and I have Strength 15 and Dex 15. The weapon says it's 96+23 physical (no red X so I def have the stats)

    For some reason, I do like 13-24 damage per swing. I'm up against Queelag rn, and it's taking me like 15 minutes just to get her to half health. Sometimes, my swings only do 13 damage. I tried switching weapons to a short sword and am doing even LESS damage. And yes, I 100% checked and all of my weapons are repaired. My longsword currently has 180 durability, so it's not broken.

    I played ds2 and ds3 and something just feels really off about this. I can't even down trash in blighttown without swinging 15+ times.

    Is this normal? Or am I doing something wrong? Or am I just going insane cuz of blighttown LOL

    submitted by /u/Swftness503
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    Posted: 01 May 2021 04:54 PM PDT

    I'm currently doing another DSR play-through and usually after I finish the game I don't do another play-through for about a year or so, maybe two. Now that I'm revisiting it it's all I ever think about. It's amazing how these games just stick to you. Anybody else? Lol

    submitted by /u/Final_Fate_7347
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