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    Thursday, November 5, 2020




    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 03:01 PM PST

    To hell with you and your two ANNOYING AF dogs

    submitted by /u/elarestanza
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    It's confinement in France and I must get back home, so my little sister had to give me her drawing of Artorias (for my birthday) before she had time to finish his left leg... but I think it still looks pretty damn cool !

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 04:31 AM PST

    Asylum Demon

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 07:07 AM PST

    I made a fan art of Asylum Demon, the first boss to ever torment me


    submitted by /u/ShawnMarvin
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    I recently beat Dark Souls Remastered, SL1, No Upgrades, All Bosses, No Hit

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 06:06 PM PST

    Hey, I'm a No Hit runner and I've been working on this run for a couple months. The rules are pretty simple:

    1. Must remain level 1 (Pyromancer class) for the whole run.
    2. Cannot use any upgraded weapons (this includes infusions).
    3. Must kill every boss in the game.
    4. Staggers and damage taken by any trap or enemy, a status effect proc, and deaths are all considered a hit.

    The run is on YouTube if you want to check it out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0CQlEIWaM0. Hope you all enjoy!

    submitted by /u/THATC00LBLACKDUDE
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    To the chosen undead that fought alongside me tonight against the gaping dragon and the plague infested Blight Town...

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 09:51 PM PST

    It was an honour. Til the very end. Shame about that toxic. I haven't played this game in a very long time and finally decided to try it online. Who knew the Depths could actually be fun? Co-operation is indeed jolly.

    submitted by /u/arecbardrin95
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    Gwyn, lord of getting parried. Why is this final boss so easy?

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 04:30 AM PST

    I just finished dark souls remastered on Ng+. I didn't do the dlc in the first play through and didn't know it would continue automatically after defeating Gwyn. So here I am on Ng+ doing the dlc. Artorias, awesome fight to do without a shield (also the easiest way to fight imo). Then Manus. With a good shield and some concentration made the fight in about 10 tries. Almost died by getting greedy for the last hit. Then kalameet... Wow, took me about 15 tries to get his tail. Found out getting his tail is the best way to learn his moves. Shortly after getting the tail I killed him. Finally dlc is finished and it was awesome. Proceed to Gwyn to get the second ending..... 1 minute and 7 parries later he is finished. I did not get hit once.I knew it would be easy and I'm still disappointed. Why would they make the final boss so easy? Even pinwheel could have been the new lord of cinder or dark lord this way. Sad plin plon noises.

    submitted by /u/Haarmageddon
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    Blighttown really isn’t that bad

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 02:56 PM PST

    I'm playing the original unpatched day of launch version of the game and I genuinely can't understand why people say Blighttown is awful. The pink things are just plain easy, there's only two fire dogs (which are annoying as hell but there's only two), there are only a few blow dart men, the bloatflies are really easy and I still don't even know what their attack is they die so fast, the mosquitos are extremely annoying but it's rewlly easy to run past them. In fact it's really easy to run past everything in the swamp. There are random boulders that appear but I haven't once been hit by them. I'm kinda confused what all the annoyance with this area is about.

    submitted by /u/RoughTrident
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    You guys ever sit back and listen to the nameless song

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 02:55 AM PST

    Can anyone tell me how to get here?

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 12:03 AM PST

    I'm dumb as heck, can't find out how to get this item over here. https://i.imgur.com/6yY6Kp5.png

    Sen's Fortress, right at the beginning. right next to where the cage elevator would be.

    edit; nevermind, this is just the covetous gold serpent ring, seen from a different angle.

    submitted by /u/BigGrundleBundler
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    Do you want kalameet's tail?

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 04:54 AM PST

    If anyone needs help with getting his tail. I recorded it to share it.


    Tips: bait out this attacks. It gives you great time to hit his tail.

    Walk to his side, don't roll. Then get under his tail directly. This gives the biggest chance to bait out his tail whack attack.

    Use a shield with great stability combined with the wolf ring for great poise.

    Use a side sweeping weapon to get the biggest range. First I tried with my black Knight halbert. But I missed some shots with it because you need to position better with it. With the sword I just needed to be near the tail.

    Hope this helps.

    submitted by /u/Haarmageddon
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    Made a deal with girlfriend. She is finally trying Dark Souls after 3 years of (playful) nagging! How to proceed?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 10:46 PM PST

    Hi all, we made a deal that I play more animal crossing and she tries Dark Souls for the first time. She first got into gaming about 3 years ago when she met me (aside from some casual Zelda stuff before that), and she's a lot better with mechanics than she was when I met her, but she's still not great.

    I told her dark souls would help a lot with that but she's just been too intimidated. She can be high-anxiety with combat and prone to frustration overload, but part of what made me recommend it to her (aside from just being a huge dark souls fan) is that I think it will actually help her with that stuff. I also think it'll help her with ranking up in League of Legends a bit, since Dark Souls helped with my reaction time. My biggest concern for her is camera management.

    I'm thinking of showing her that 30 beginners tips image macro and hanging around to make sure she doesn't get lost for too long. I'm also not sure if I should recommend the standard knight class or if I should recommend she pick between pyromancer/knight/mage, since magic is pretty cool and I still want her to play whatever she finds fun. I don't think she'd enjoy going in completely blind like I did, but I also want her to enjoy the exploration and I don't want to ruin it for her, or be naggy about things.

    Has anybody been in my shoes? Do you regret anything? Should I even ask her to play it at all? Any other spoiler free guides/tips you've got to share? Should I share with her the zweihander/firekeeper soul suicide runs that helped me out to lessen the early game learning curve a bit, or do I keep my mouth shut?

    Thanks guys!

    Edit: One more thing: I think I'm banned from online because of a mod I installed. I think I was going to have her play in offline mode anyways. Big deal?

    submitted by /u/XWindX
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    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 04:24 AM PST

    Hi, can you show me your configuration for a lower pc? I was trying to get the best configuration but the fps die all the time.

    submitted by /u/Raikomuringa
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    Monster regeneration

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 04:21 AM PST

    If the titanite demon stops shooting lightning because I'm hiding around a corner has it gone into "return to my starting location and regenerate" mode? I shot a ton of fire arrows at it waiting each time for it to stop shooting lightning and I couldn't see any noticeable damage.

    submitted by /u/AtuinTurtle
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    Best str weapon?

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 03:19 AM PST

    I'm playing ds1 and running str build what is the best weapon for str?

    submitted by /u/liranbeli
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    The nicest invader ever.

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 07:33 PM PST

    I dont remember his name (because we fought in a 2v1 afterward and me and my partner lost embarrassingly) but there was an invader who invaded me in Anor Londo. I got invaded and in a panic I summoned a Warrior of Sunlight to fight him with. A massive game of cat and mouse issued, and what happened when we found him was incredible. The invader started by dropping a twin humanity, something extremely nice. In response I dropped a 2 large titanite shards. Through a series of donations, all three of us exchanged gifts. Eventually, the invader dropped my a titanite slab. A whole fucking titanite slab. If you don't know this, there are only 3 garenteed slabs in all the game and the drop chance is about 3 percent for farming. What this man did was incredible. In response I tried to drop a fully upgraded BKH, but nothing will compare to the titanite slab that I received. Eventually he led us down right next to the bonfire, and emotes that he wanted to fight. It was a 2v1, so we let him heal, and he still destroyed us. He demolished both me and the Warrior of Sunlight. Afterwards, I summoned the WoS for ornsteign and smough (I know how hard it is to get a sunlight medal, and I probably crushed his dreams by summoning him than dying after even though I donated all 6 of my metals) and we went on our jolly way. That invader didn't have to drop a titanite slab, he didn't even have to give me a twin humanity. I truly love this community. And if u are reading this, holy shit you are an amazing pvp player.

    submitted by /u/lowzycat
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    Why does Dark Souls Remastered have a seemingly negative reputation?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 01:14 PM PST

    Preface: I played original Demon Souls and DS 1 on ps3/360 briefly back in the day but did not get into SoulsBorne series hardcore until this year.

    I've loved Dark Souls Remastered. So much so, that I've bought it several times over and 100% a couple times. But Ive seen a usually common grip that DSR sucks or is a lazy remaster.

    Forgive my ignorance, but what are the issues? From those who played the original a ton back in the day. Genuinely curious.

    submitted by /u/YourDevastator
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    What is Queelag's favourite food?

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 02:35 AM PST

    the voice actors in soulsborn are amazing i don't know why they don't do any other Performances

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 10:45 PM PST

    DS1 Remastered Enemy Randomizer bug

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 02:00 AM PST

    Hi people I'm trying to complete DS1 with the both randomizer mod but I've encounter some bugs like in the abyss where is impossible to use the bonfire, I needed to use cheat engine for solve it. Now I'm stuck with "Nito", instead of the gravelord there's Seath and is stucked upside the area, how can I solve it?

    submitted by /u/sanmarco97
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    Advice for my Deathless Run

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 07:40 PM PST

    So I just beat O&S on my deathless run. This is the furthest I've gotten. I'm not sure where I should head first.

    I'm trying to keep my routes optimized to reduce risk. I'm not doing all bosses, I just want to get to Gwyn without using skips or glitches. I'm thinking beat Sif then head to Four Kings first. I am dreading Bed of Chaos.

    submitted by /u/ruler-of-inches
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    i dont think this is possible anymore

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 07:35 PM PST

    it was really hard and i got to the gargoyles and tried them for 2 hours now and i learned about soltair summon sign and every time i used my humanity someone invaded me and i cant even defend myslef i dont have anything and im not restarting it took hours to get here im done its not possible

    submitted by /u/Classic_Technician68
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    my first invader kill in dark souls. also wash your hands

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 06:57 PM PST

    After 17 attempts, I finally did it.

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 12:49 PM PST

    I defeated Lord Gwyn only with parries. I know people have done it before, I'm just proud for mastering parrying. I am not the best, but I've started playing a lot more PvP where I fully utilize parrying. And also, side question: is Artorias' Cursed Greatsword worth it?

    EDIT: I am stuck on Pinwheel.

    submitted by /u/MananaBark
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